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Short prayer.

they die, and make them, through Christ the Redeemer, to walk with the angels in light, in thine own bright presence for ever! Amen.




"He doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth.". DANIEL iv. 35.

Things great-Things bright-ancient-NiagaraWise men-Death-Mind governs-Men govern cattle-why?-God's right to do as he pleases-A painter

-West's picture-Why his property-A new islandWhose property-No creature may complain-The insect-The farmer-The rock and the sun-Why a child should obey—Our dependence on God-Pharaoh -King of Babylon-God bought us-All are sinners -How we were bought-God uses the right to do as he pleases-Proved by his creating-by his keeping the world sending his Son-by every child-Story of the little girl-The inference from the story-God's making and altering his laws, shows that he does as he pleases The law of the sun-of the Sabbath of baptism-Extent of God's laws-Law of fire-of the lion-Destruction of Jerusalem-God punishes for

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Things great. Bright things

Ancient things.

breaking his laws just as he pleases-gives and takes away as he pleases - One thing to be remembered – The rose-bush-The fair flower-Walking the streets -Why not envy-Story of the sick stranger-The discontented boys-Why God pleases to do as he does - What a Being is God — Conclusion.

You have seen things great,-such as the ocean, the earth on which we live, the heavens, the sun, the moon, and the stars;-but He who made them all, must be greater than all.

You have seen things bright,-such as the sun-rise and early dawn,— the summer's evening sky,-the light which fills creation; but we know that He who made all that is beautiful, must be more glorious than all.

You have seen things ancient,-such as the wilderness, the solitary rock, the high mountain, and the old, roaring

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ocean; but we know that He who is from eternity, is more ancient than all these.

You have seen things powerful,such as the cannon,- the lightning which leaps from cloud to cloud, and the thunder which follows,-and you have heard of the great falls of Niagara, where the waters, from several great Lakes, go thundering down more than a hundred feet; but we know that He who calls these his servants, is more powerful than all.

You have seen wise men,-men who could rear the lofty marble building,make and navigate the great ship over the mighty waters, or with their long telescopes, could watch and measure the heavens; but we know that He who

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