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Mothers! if in this short interview, I have
said anything that will meet the approbation
of Christ, I believe it will do you good; if
anything contrary to his will, I pray that it
may be pardoned. If what I have said shall
quicken one of you in duty, lead you to one
degree more of faithfulness, I shall feel that I
have not addressed you in vain.

In the volume, and perhaps volumes, which
follow, I have endeavored to aid you in the
great work of training up your child for God
by aiding you to teach him the great truths
af revealed religion. A more difficult work
could not well be undertaken; but I hope it is
so written that you will approve of it; and
when H, who is the believer's life, shall ap
pear to make up his jewels, I hope that we
and our dear children shall rejoice together.





"Even a child is known by his doings."-PROV. xx.11.


Can a child reason? - Bolted door-New BookThe Text-Family Visit - Dead Brother How to know about him-Pond-Bridge-Mill — Boat — Yard -Garden-Room-Sister's Treasures - Father's care

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— Application of the Story-How we know about God -Two hard words used-Explained-Boy's hammerGirl's doll-Greenlander reasoning-His Kajak—The Shipwreck-Marks on the sand-Reasoning-Barn on fire-The universe-What is chance?-Its folly described-Story of man cast away - His Island- Sees something-Description of it-Reasoning about it-A dialogue about it-Conclusion of the story-Beautiful House-Steps-Windows-Walls-Paintings - Not done by chance-Homer-His Poems-Arab's storiesCity in the Desert-Curicus story of Columbus-Heap of watches-Heathen can know about God-Four re

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