International Journal of Turkish Studies, Zväzok 13University of Wisconsin, 2007 |
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Výsledky 1 - 3 z 8.
Strana 206
3- Fevzi Çakmak's Paternal Uncle Hasan Vasfi ( 1858-1927 ) In 1886 , Hasan Vasfi came to İstanbul from Salonika to get married and caused a major change in Fevzi's life by urging his nephew to get the education necessary to become a ...
3- Fevzi Çakmak's Paternal Uncle Hasan Vasfi ( 1858-1927 ) In 1886 , Hasan Vasfi came to İstanbul from Salonika to get married and caused a major change in Fevzi's life by urging his nephew to get the education necessary to become a ...
Strana 207
... Fevzi Çakmak with revolutionary ideas and involvements . It is still more interesting to learn about an almost indifferent father figure , with no interests in worldly matters , and about an uncle who was Sultan ... Fevzi Çakmak 207.
... Fevzi Çakmak with revolutionary ideas and involvements . It is still more interesting to learn about an almost indifferent father figure , with no interests in worldly matters , and about an uncle who was Sultan ... Fevzi Çakmak 207.
Strana 208
... Fevzi Çakmak's education and formation . Third , the new opposition movement in the military schools must have provided fertile soil for the young Fevzi Çakmak's revolutionary ideas and activities . Attending the military rüştiye in ...
... Fevzi Çakmak's education and formation . Third , the new opposition movement in the military schools must have provided fertile soil for the young Fevzi Çakmak's revolutionary ideas and activities . Attending the military rüştiye in ...
Introduction 1 | 1 |
Bapheus and Pelekanon | 17 |
The Role of the Bursa Palace in Preparing Bread for the | 43 |
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Abdülhamid African Akhi al-Din Amin Majid Anatolia Ankara Arabic Armenian Arnakis Arslan Atatürk Balkans Baş Defterdar Basmachi Beirut Bekir Efendi Bektashi Bursa Byzantine Çakmak Çelebi Chionai Christian Circassian confiscation cultural Damascus early Edirne Egypt eighteenth century Enver Pasha eunuchs European Evliya Çelebi father Fevzi Çakmak Fevzi Çakmak's Ghassanids governor Grand Vezir Greek household Ibid İbrahim identity imperial inscriptions Institution Islamic İstanbul Janissaries Kadın Gazetesi Khalil Kisā Kurdish Kurds Lybyer Mamluk massacres Mehmed Aga Mehmed III Mehmet military modern Mongol Muhammad Mullah Muslim Mustafa Kemal Najla nationalist Naum nomads Norman Itzkowitz Orhan Osman Ottoman Empire Ottoman history Pachymeres palace Palamas Paşa period Persian political Porte prince Princeton religious Rıdvan role ruler scholars Selim Seljuk seventeenth century sixteenth century social sources Soviet Sufi Sufism Sultan Sünbül Taronites tradition Turkey Turkish Turkish Studies Turks ulema University Press Volkan women word