2. Bosphore-Myrtle Green. 3. Siboris-Nut Brown. 4. Tan Anglais-Golden Tan. 6. No Black. 7. Lucine Ruby. 8. Gris Protestant-Mid Slate In every size. Address-RUMBELL and OWEN, 77 and 78, Oxford-street, London. N.B.-Sample Pairs forwarded for two extra stamps. Catalogue of the Colours inclosed with Sample, gratis. BEST ALPINE KID GLOVES, Is. 6d.!!! Black, White, The Best Paris Kid, 2s. 7 d., or 15s. 6d. half-dozen. A Sample Pair sent by post for two extra stamps. FINEST FRENCH MERINOS, 28. 94d.!!! same as Patterns post-free. year. BAKER and CRISP, 221, Regent-street. EMBROIDERED CLEAR MAPLE CLOTH HANDKERCHIEFS, of the Purest Flax, beautifully worked round the borders, 4s. 6d. each, post-free. Fine Hemmed Stitched Cambric, 7s. 6d. half-dozen, post-free. BAKER and CRISP, 221, Regent-street. ROBES À QUILLE à la MILITAIRE, D with Jaquettes and Corsages complete, from 18s. 6d. each. BAKER and CRISP, 221, Regent-street. AMASK POPLINS, 25s. 6d. equal in appearance to a Five Guinea Dress. BLACK SAPRONS. with Coloured Bayadere Satin Stripes, BAKER and CRISP, 211, Regent-street. MERICAN PANIC. 1700 Dezen of FRENCH CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, seized on board the ship "Stayley," will be sold by BAKER and CRISP at unheard-of prices. Goods that were 15s., 21s., 25s. per dozen will be sold at 48. 6d., 8s. 6d., and 12s. 6d. per dozen. BAKER and CRISP, 221, Regent-street. THE HALF-GUINEA CLOTH JACKET, a very pretty shape, just from Paris. The same shape, in a superfine cloth, THE FRENCH MUSLIN COMPANY, 16, Oxford-street. TRENCH MERINOS in all the New Shades, ls. 11 d. a yard. A very beautiful quality for 28. 64d., worth 38. 9d. THE FRENCH MUSLIN COMPANY, 16, Oxford-street. THE NEW ROBE A LA MILITAIRE. THE NEW REFO Style, Taste, and Durability. MBROIDERED CHRISTIAN NAMES, at 1s. Old.-Uncommon Names now in Stock: Adele. Adela, Albinia, Annetta, Amelia, Augusta, Amy, Ada, Barbara, Blanche, Bertha, Bessie, Clara, Cecilia, Constance, Dinah, Edith, Esther, Emmeline, Flora, Grace, Georgiana, Geraldine, Hester, Hannah, Isabella, Janet, Joanna, Jemima, Josephine. Laura, Letitia, Lavinia, Lydia, Lila, Lucretia, Mary-Jane, Martha, Margery, Matilda, Magdalen, Maude, Mina, Olivia, Phœbe, Priscilla, Phillis, Pauline, Rosa, Rose, Rachel, Ruth, Rhoda, Sophia, Susannah, Selina, Theresa, Vie torine. The FRENCH MUSLIN COMPANY, 16, Oxford-street. NOVELTIES in MOURNING. The new Robe A LA MILITAIRE and A QUILLE, Edward Doudney and Sons' New | Capes, 428.; York Tweed Cloaks, 21s.; W Ladies and Gentlemen. Footman's suits, DOUDNEY and SONS, Tailors to the Roya street; 25, Burlington Arcade; 49, Lombard-4 WINTER OVERCOATS in immense variety. First-class Garments on best terms, waterproof, without obstructing free ventila north side). requiring Cheap and Elegant SILKS WALTER BERDOE, 96, New Bond-street, it greatly to their advantage to apply immediately to |