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The sting of this Satire is particularly aimed at Nero; but the Poet has been cautious, and therefore has written it under the notion of Socrates admonishing his pupil, young Alcibiades: under this fiction he attacks Nero's unfitness to manage the reins of government, his lust, his cruelty, his drunkenness, his luxury and effeminacy. He also reprehends the flattery of

REM populi tractas? (barbatum hæc crede magistrum
Dicere, sorbitio tollit quem dira cicuta.)
Quo fretus? dic hoc, magni pupille Pericli.
Scilicet ingenium, et rerum prudentia velox,
Ante pilos venit; dicenda, tacendaque, calles!
Ergo, ubi commotâ fervet plebecula bile,
Fert animus calidæ fecisse silentia turbæ,

[blocks in formation]

-Think.] i. e. Let us suppose, imagine.

-The bearded master.] Socrates, who, like other philosophers, wore a beard, as a mark of wisdom and gravity; let us suppose him thus to discourse to his pupil Alcibiades.

2. Dire potion, &c.] Socrates was put to death at Athens, on the accusation of Anitus and Melitus. He was condemned to drink the juice of hemlock. See Juv. sat. xiii. 1. 185, 6, note.

3. Upon what relying?] What are your qualifications for this, that you rely upon as sufficient for so arduous an undertaking? or guy, says Socrates

to Alcibiades.


-O pupil, &c.] The father of young Alcibiades left him under the care and guardianship of Pericles, who was a wise and great statesman, and who administered the affairs of Athens for forty years. Alcibiades was prone to luxury and other vices, but giving himself to be instructed by Socrates, he was somewhat reclaimed. See AINSW. Alcibiades.

4. To be sure.] Scilicet is here ironical, and is put to introduce the following lines, which are all, to 1. 13, ironical, and lash Nero under the person of young Alcibiades.

-Genius.] Ingenium-capacity, judg


4. Quick foresight, &c.] Prudentia-a natural quickness and foresight of things, and an habitual acting accordingly.



Nero's courtiers, who endeavoured to make his vices pass for virtues. It may be supposed, that our Poet might mean to represent Seneca, Nero's tutor, under the character of Socrates, the tutor of young Alcibiades; and Nero, Seneca's pupil, under the character of Alcibiades. Persius has, in this Satire, almost transcribed Plato's first Alcibiades. See Spectator, No. 207.


you manage the bus'ness of the people? (think the bearded


To say these things, whom the dire potion of hemlock took off.)
Upon what relying? tell this, O pupil of great Pericles.
To be sure, genius, and quick foresight of things,

Come before hairs: you know well what is to be spoken, and

what kept in silence.


Therefore when the lower sort of people grow warm with stirr'd bile,

Your mind carries you to have made silence to the warm crowd,

5. Before hairs.] i. e. The hairs of the beard. According to Suet. Nero began to reign before his seventeenth year.

-You know well, &c.] This is a most important qualification in the chief governor of a state, to know when to speak, and when to be silent-what to impart to the people, and what conceal from them-what to take public notice of, and what to pass over in silence: therefore when

6. The lower sort of people.] Plebecula (dim. from plebs), the mob, as we say; who, in all states, are, at times, apt

to be troublesome if displeased.

-With stirr'd bile.] Wax warm with anger, their choler stirred, put into commotion

7. Your mind carries you.] Your mind is so persuaded of your dignity and authority, that it carries you into a notion, that you have but to wave your hand, and the people, though in ever so great a ferment, would be instantly appeased.

-To have made silence, &c.] The thought has but to come into your mind, and the thing seems to have been already done. See Æn. i. 152-7.

Majestate manûs. Quid deinde loquere?- Quirites,
'Hoc, puto, non justum est; illud male: rectius istud.'
Scis etenim justum geminâ suspendere lance
Ancipitis libræ rectum discernis, ubi inter
Curva subit; vel cum fallit pede regula varo :
Et potis es nigrum vitio præfigere theta.

Quin tu, igitur, summâ nequicquam pelle decorus,
Ante diem blando caudam jactare popello

8. What then, &c.] q. d. Now let us suppose you to have succeeded, and to have made silence, fecisse silentiawhat would be your speech to them, in order to their dispersion?

"Romans."]. Quirites. The poet supposes him to address the mob by the ancient and honourable title of Quirites, in order to gain their attention, and by this, too, he marks out who is meant by Alcibiades; for the Romans, not the Athenians, were called Quirites, from Quirinus, i. e. Romulus, their first founder.

9. "I think."] Pluto-i. e. in my opinion. He speaks with the diffidence and fear of a young and inexperienced man, instead of the boldness and authority of an old experienced governor.

-“Is not just," &c.] He represents Alcibiades (i. e. young Nero) as a miserable and puerile orator, and making a speech consisting of very few words, (and those ill calculated to allay the turbulence of an enraged mob,) and therefore not fit for the government of such a place as Rome, where seditions and risings of the people were very frequent, and which required all the gravity and force of popular eloquence to appease them.

—" That is badly," &c.] He represents Alcibiades, as if he were saying over his lesson about the το δίκαιον, το καλον, το dixaloregov, to his master Socrates; in order to ridicule the supposed speech of Nero to the people, which is more like a school-boy's repeating his lesson in moral philosophy, than like a manly authoritative oration, calculated for the arduous occasion of appeasing an incensed and seditious mob.

10. You know how to suspend, &c.] i. e. To weigh and balance between right and wrong; and to resolve all difficult and doubtful questions concerning them. Metaph. taken from weighing in scales, to ascertain the truth of the weight of

any thing.



11. The doubtful balance.] Not knowing which way it will incline, till the experiment be made. So there may be questions which may be very doubtful concerning right, and not to be decided, till very nicely weighed in the mind.

-What is straight, &c.] Metaph. from measuring things by a straight rule, by which is discovered every deviation and inclination from it. This was applied to morals; what was right was called rectum-what was not right, curvum. So sat. iii. 52.

Haud tibi inexpertum curtos deprendere


11, 12. When between crooked things, &c.] Virtue may sometimes be found, so situated between two vices, as to make the decision of what is right very difficult; its extremes may seem to border on vice, either on one side or the other.

For instance, when Junius Brutus put his two sons to death, for siding with Tarquin after his expulsion from Rome, this action of Brutus, however virtuous it might be, certainly bordered on cruelty and want of natural affection on one hand, and want of justice and public spirit on the other. See Juv. sat. viii. 1. 261, note.

12. When a rule deceives, &c.] Metaph. from legs which bend inward; bandy legs, which are misshapen and uneven. You also know, when on account of some necessary exceptions, the rule itself would be uneven and wrong, and would deceive, if observed according to the letter of it.

For instance, it is a rule of justice to return a deposit, when demanded by the owner. A man, in his right mind, leaves his sword in his friend's handsafterwards he runs mad, and, with an apparent intent of doing mischief, comes and demands his sword: the law, in the

With the majesty of your hand: what then will you speak? "Romans,

"This, I think, is not just; that is badly-that more right." For you know how to suspend what is just, in the double scale Of the doubtful balance; you discern what is strait when between Crooked things it comes, or when a rule deceives with a wry foot; And you are able to fix the black theta to vice.

But do you therefore (in vain beautiful in your outward skin) Before the day, to boast your tail to the fawning rabble 15

letter of it, says,
"return it;" but this, in
such a case, would be a distortion of
right, which, if obeyed, would deceive
him that complied with it into a wrong

13. To fix the black theta.] You are perfectly skilled in the proper distribution of punishments. The letter was put to the names of those who were capitally condemned among the Greeks, it being the first letter of the word avaTos, death.

q. d. You perfectly understand criminal as well as civil justice.

In all these four last lines Persius is to be understood directly contrary to what he says, and to speak ironically of Nero's abilities for the distribution of civil and criminal justice. In short, he means that Nero had not any sort of knowledge or experience which could fit him for the government on which he was entered.

14. But, &c.] The poet having, in the four preceding lines, represented Socrates as insinuating, by a severe irony, that his pupil was destitute of all the requisites which form a chief magistrate, (which we are to understand as applied by Persius to young Nero,) now represents him as throwing off the disguise of irony, and, in plain terms, arraigning his affecting the government, young and inexperienced as he was, and, to that end, his exhibiting his handsome person, clad in a triumphal robe, in order to captivate the minds of the silly rabble-See TACIT. Ann. lib. xiii. and ANT. Univ. Hist. vol. xiv. p. 356. when he, instead of governing others, stood in need of that wisdom which could enable him to govern


-Therefore.] As you are destitute of the preceding qualifications of a chief magistrate. (See l. 10-14.)



-In vain beautiful, &c.] Alcibiades a beautiful youth-so, all agree, Nero was-but, alas! how vain and empty was this outward embellishment of a fine person, if his mind were replete with ignorance and vice, so that he was utterly unfit for the high station to which he aspired!

15. Before the day.] Before the time comes, when a maturer age, and an acquired knowledge in the affairs of government, shall have qualified you properly. Nero, though not fourteen years old, after his adoption by the emperor Claudius in preference to his own son Britannicus, was presented with the manly robe, which qualified him for honours and employments. At the same time, the senate decreed, that, in his twentieth year, he should discharge the consulship, and, in the mean time as consul designed, be invested with proconsular authority out of Rome, and be styled prince of the Roman youth.


Boust your tail.] Metaph. alluding to the peacock's tail, which, when expanded, is very beautiful, and highly admired, by children particularly; (comp. Juv. sat. vii. 32, note.) young Nero, in order to draw the eyes and affections of the common people upon him, appeared at the Circensian games in a triumphal robe, the mark and ornament of the imperial state. ANT. Hist. ubi supra.

Caudam jactare, in this line, is by some interpreted by wagging the tailmetaph. alluding to dogs wagging the tail, when they seem to fawn and flatter, in order to ingratiate themselves with those whom they approach. Comp. sat. i. 87. and note. This undoubtedly gives a very good sense to the passage, as descriptive of Nero's flatteries and blandishments towards the populace at Rome,

2 N

I nunc,

Desinis, Anticyras melior sorbere meracas?
Quæ tibi summa boni est ?— unctâ vixisse patella
Semper, et assiduo curata cuticula sole."
Expecta; haud aliud respondeat hæc anus.
Dinomaches ego sum, suffla, sum candidus.
Dum ne deterius sapiat pannucia Baucis,
Cum bene discincto cantaverit ocima vernæ.
Ut nemo in sese tentat descendere! Nemo :

in order to gain their favour. But I rather think that the interpretation which I have preferred (for both are to be found in commentators) is most agreeable to the preceding line:

Quin tu, igitur, summá nequicquam pelle decorus

which seems to allude to the appearance which Nero made, when to draw the eyes and affections of the people upon him, he exhibited himself in a triumphal robe at the Circensian games. See 1. 14, n. 1.

Casaubon concludes his note on 1. 15, as giving a preference to the allusion which I have adopted" Hoc autem "venuste dictum a Persio-jactare se "populo-Ut apud Juvenalem,

Ipse lacernatæ cum se jactaret amica." Juv. sat. i. 1. 62. "Translatum a pavonibus, quando "—pictâ pundunt spectacula caudâ.” HOR. Sat. ii. lib. ii. 1. 26. "Tunc enim creduntur jactare se foeminis," &c.

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15. The fawning rabble.] Blando-flattering, fawning, easily captivated with outward shew, and as easily prevailed on to make court to it. Popellus, dim. of populus-small, silly, or poor people -the rabble or mob. AINSW.

16. Leave off] Desinis.-q. d. Do you desist from engaging the admiration and flatteries of the people by your fine outward appearance, as though you aspired at governing them

-More fit.] Melior-i. e. aptiori. e. when you are fitter to be drinking hellebore to purge out your madness of vice and folly?

The pure Anticyra.] Anticyra merace -whole isles of pure hellebore. AINSW. Anticyrae were two islands in the Egean sea, famous for producing large quantities of hellebore, much in repute for purging the head, not only in madness, but to clear it, and quicken the appre



hension. Anticyræ stands here for the hellebore which grew there. Meton. See sat. i. l. 51, note; and Hor. lib. ii. sat. iii. 1. 83.

All this is, in substance, what Plato represents Socrates saying to Alcibiades ; but Persius is to be understood as applying it to Nero, who, having taken the reins of government, without being qualified for the management of them, flattered, and paid court to the senate and people, in order to gain their favour; when all he did, that appeared right, did not proceed from inward virtue and real knowledge, but from counterfeiting and dissembling both.-Leave off this, says Persius, till, being properly instructed and informed in the principles of real wisdom and virtue, you may be that really which now you only pretend -in the mean time, as you are at present, you are more fit to be put under a regimen of hellebore than for any thing else. As a proof of this, let me ask you

17. "Your sum of good."] Your summum bonum, or chief good. If you answer truly, you must own it to be

-"To have always lived," &c.] To fare sumptuously, and to live in all the delicacies of gluttony. This is what Persius supposes to be Nero's answer.

18. "Skin taken care of," &c.] They used to anoint their bodies, and then bask in the sun, to make their skin imbibe the oil, that it might be smooth and delicate. See MART. Epigr. lib. x. epigr. xii.

Here Persius attacks the luxury and effeminacy of Nero, who had not yet thrown off the mask; but whatever vices and debaucheries he might practise privately, to the public he still continued to personate a character of some remaining virtues.

"Continual sun."] Hypallage-for

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