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Rem pateris modicam, et mediocri bile ferendam,
Si flectas oculos majora ad crimina: Confer
Conductum latronem, incendia sulphure cœpta,
Atque dolo, primos cum janua colligit ignes:
Confer et hos, veteris qui tollunt grandia templi
Pocula adorandæ rubiginis, et populorum
Dona, vel antiquo positas a rege coronas.
Hæc ibi si non sunt, minor extat sacrilegus, qui
Radat inaurati femur Herculis, et faciem ipsam
Neptuni, qui bracteolam de Castore ducat.
An dubitet, solitus totum conflare Tonantem?
Confer et artifices, mercatoremque veneni,
Et deducendum corio bovis in mare, cum quo
Clauditur adversis innoxia simia fatis.




Hæc quota pars scelerum, quæ custos Gallicus urbis

Usque a Lucifero, donec lux occidat, audit?

Humani generis mores tibi nôsse volenti

Sufficit una domus; paucos consume dies, et


Dicere te miserum, postquam illinc veneris, aude.

Quis tumidum guttur miratur in Alpibus ? aut quis

143. With moderate choler, &c.] i. e. Moderate wrath, anger, resentment, when you consider how much greater in juries others suffer from greater crimes. 144. Compare.] Consider in a comparative view.

145. Hired thief.] Or cut-throat, who is hired for the horrid purpose of assassination.

--Burnings begun with sulphur.] Which is here put, by synec. for all sort of combustible matter, with which incendiaries fire houses.

146. By deceit.] In a secret manner, by artfully laying the destructive materials, so as not to be discovered till too late to prevent the mischief.

-Collects the first fires.] So as to prevent those who are in the house from getting out, and those who are without from getting in, to afford any assistance. It is not improbable that the poet here glances at the monstrous act of Nero, who saw Rome on fire.

147. Large cups, &c.] Who are guilty of sacrilege, in stealing the sacred vessels which have been for ages in some antique temple, and which are venerable from the rust which they have contracted by time.

148, 9. The gifts of the people.] Rich and magnificent offerings, given to some shrine by a whole people together, in honour of the god that presided there.

149. Crowns placed, &c.] As by Romulus and other kings, whose crowns, in honour of their memory, were hung up in the temples of the gods.

150. If these are not there.] If it so happen that there be no such valuable relics as these now mentioned, yet some petty sacrilegious thief will deface and rob the statues of the gods.

151. Scrape the thigh, &c.] To get a little gold from it.

151, 2. Face of Neptune.] Some image of Neptune, the beard whereof was of gold.

152. Draw off the leaf-gold, &c.] Peel it off, in order to steal it, from the image of Castor : there were great treasures in his temple. See sat. xiv. 1. 260.

153. Will he hesitate.] At such comparatively small matters as these, who could steal a whole statue of Jupiter, and then melt it down; and who can make a practice of such a thing? A man who accustoms himself to greater crimes, can't be supposed to hesitate about committing less.

You suffer a moderate matter, and to be borne with moderate



If you bend your eyes to greater crimes: compare
The hired thief, burnings begun with sulphur,
And by deceit, when the gate collects the first fires:
Compare also these, who take away the large cups
Of an old temple, of venerable rust, and the gifts
Of the people, or crowns placed by an ancient king.
If these are not there, there stands forth one less sacrilegious, who
May scrape the thigh of a gilt Hercules, and the very face of
Neptune, who may draw off the leaf-gold from Castor.
Will he hesitate, who is used to melt a whole Thunderer ?
Compare also the contrivers, and the merchant of poison,
And him to be launched into the sea in the hide of an ox, 155
With whom an harmless ape, by adverse fates, is shut up.
How small a part this of the crimes, which Gallicus, the keeper
of the city,

Hears from the morning, until the light goes down?
Το you who are willing to know the manners of the human race
One house suffices; spend a few days, and dare

To call yourself miserable, after you come from thence.
Who wonders at a swoln throat in the Alps? or who

154. Contrivers, and the merchant of poison.] Those who make and those who sell poisonous compositions, for the purposes of sorcery and witchcraft, or for killing persons in a secret and clandestine manner. See HOR. sat. ix. lib. i. 31; and epod. ix. 1. 61.

155. Launched into the sca, &c.] Parricides were put into a sack made of an ox's hide, together with an ape, a cock, a serpent, and a dog, and thrown into the sea. See sat. viii. 214. The fate of these poor innocent animals is very cruel, they having done no wrong. De. ducendum. Met. See VIRG. G. i. 255.

157. Keeper of the city. ] Rutilius Gallicus was appointed, under Domitian, præfectus urbis, who had cognizance of capital offences, and sat every day on criminal causes.

158. From the morning.] Lucifero. The planet Venus, when seen at daybreak, is called Lucifer-i. c. the bringer of light. See sat. viii. 12.

Nascere præque diem veniens age Lucifer almum. VIRG. ecl. viii. 1. 17. Lucifer ortus erat


It is not to be supposed that the præfectus urbis literally sat from morning to night every day, but that he was continually, as the phrase among us imports, hearing causes, in which the most atrocious crimes were discovered and punished.

160. One house suffices.] q. d. If you desire to be let into a true history of human wickedness, an attendance at the house of Gallicus alone will be sufficient for your purpose.

-Spend a few days, &c.] Attend there for a few days, and when you come away, dare, if you can, to call yourself unhappy, after hearing what you have heard at the house of Gallicus. Domus is a very general word, and need not be restricted here to signify the private house of the judge, but may be understood of the court or place where he sat to hear causes.

162. Swoln throat, &c.] The inhabitants about the Alps have generally great swellings about their throats, occasioned, as some suppose, by drinking snow-water. The French call these protuberances on the outside of the throat,

Ov. Met. iv. 664. goitres.

In Meroë crasso majorem infante mamillam?
Cærula quis stupuit Germani lumina, flavam
Cæsariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirro?
Nempe quod hæc illis natura est omnibus una.
Ad subitas Thracum volucres, nubemque sonoram
Pygmæus parvis currit bellator in armis :
Mox impar hosti, raptusque per aëra curvis
Unguibus a sævâ fertur grue: si videas hoc
Gentibus in nostris, risu quaterere: sed illic,
Quanquam eadem assidue spectentur prælia, ridet
Nemo, ubi tota cohors pede non est altior uno.
Nullane perjuri capitis, fraudisque nefandæ
Pœna erit? abreptum crede hunc graviore catenâ
Protinus, et nostro (quid plus velit ira?) necari
Arbitrio manet illa tamen jactura, nec unquam
Depositum tibi sospes erit: sed corpore trunco
Invidiosa dabit minimus solatia sanguis :




163. Meroe.] An island surrounded by the Nile. See sat. vi. 527. The women of this island are said to have breasts of an enormous size. Our poet is hardly to be understood literally. 164. Blue eyes, &c.] Tacit. de Mor. Germ, says, that the Germans have truces et cæruleos oculos, et comas rutilas fierce and blue eyes, and red hair.

165. Twisting his curls.] Cornu-lit. an horn; but is used in many senses to express things that bear a resemblance to an horn---as here, the Germans twisted their hair in such a manner, as that the curls stood up and looked like horns.

-A wet lock.] Cirrus signifies a curled lock of hair. The Germans used to wet their locks with ointment of some kind, perhaps that they might the more easily take, and remain in, the shape in which the fashion was to put them; something like our use of pomatum; or the ointment which they used might be some perfume. Comp. Hon. lib. ii. ode vii, 1. 7, 8.

166. Because, &c.] Nobody would be surprised at seeing a German as above inentioned, and for this reason, because all the Germans do the same, it is the one universal fashion among them. Natura sometimes signifies, a way or method.

167. Sudden birds, &c.] A flight of cranes coming unexpectedly from Stry

mon, a river of Thrace.
Strymonia grues.

See VIRG. G. i. 120; Æn. x. 265.

-Sonorous cloud.] The cranes are birds of passage, and fly in great numbers when they change their climate, which they were supposed to do when the winter set in in Thrace; they made a great noise when they flew. See En. x. 265, 6.

168. Pygmæan warrior, &c.] The Pygmies (from Tuyun, the fist, or a measure of space from the elbow to the hand, a cubit) were a race of people in Thrace, which were said to be only three inches high. AINSW. Juvenal says, a foot, 1. 173. They were said always to be at war with the cranes.

-Little arms.] His diminutive weapons.

169. The enemy.] The cranes,

171. In our nations, &c.] In our part of the world, if an instance of this sort were to happen, it would appear highly ridiculous; to see a little man fighting a crane, and then flown away with in the talons of the bird, would make you shake your sides with laughter, from the singu larity of such a sight.

172. The same battles, &c.] In that part of the world, there being no singularity or novelty in the matter, though the same thing happens constantly, nobody

In Meroë at a breast bigger than a fat infant?

Who has been amazed at the blue eyes of a German, his yel


Hair, and twisting his curls with a wet lock?
Because indeed this one nature is to them all.


At the sudden birds of the Thracians, and the sonorous cloud, The Pygmæan warrior runs in his little arms,

Soon unequal to the enemy, and seized, thro' the air, with crooked

Talons, he is carried by a cruel crane: if you could see this 170
In our nations, you would be shook with laughter: but there,
Tho' the same battles may be seen constantly, nobody
Laughs, when the whole cohort is not higher than one foot.
"Shall there be no punishment of a perjured head,

"And of wicked fraud?" "Suppose this man dragged away with "A weightier chain immediately, and to be killed (what would 66 anger have more?)

"At our will: yet that loss remains, nor will ever


"The deposit be safe to you :" "but from his maimed body "The least blood will give an enviable consolation.

is seen to laugh, however ridiculous it may be to see an army of people, not one of which is above a foot high.

The poet means to infer from all this, that it is the singularity and novelty of events which make them wondered at: hence his friend Calvinus is so amazed and grieved that he should be defrauded, looking upon it as peculiar to him; whereas, if he would look at what is going forward in the world, particularly in courts of civil and criminal judicature, he would see nothing to be surprised at, with respect to his own case, any more than he would be surprised, if he went among the Germans, to see blue eyes, and red hair, or locks curled and wetted with some ointment, seeing they all appear alike. Or if he were to go among the Pygmies, he would see nobody laugh at their battles with the cranes, which are constantly happening, and at the diminutive size of the Pygmy warriors, which is alike in all.

174,"No punishment," &c.] Well, but, says Calvinus, though you observe that I am not to be surprised at what I have met with, because it is so frequent, is such a matter to be entirely unnoticed, and such an offender not to be punished?

-"A perjured head."] A perjured person. Capitis, per synec. stands here, for the whole man.

So HOR. lib. i. ode xxiv. 1. 2.
Tam chari capitis.

175:"Wicked fraud."] In taking my money to keep for me, and then denying that he ever had it.

-"Suppose," &c.] Juvenal answers, Suppose the man who has injured you hurried instantly away to prison, and loaded with fetters heavier than ordinary-graviore catena.

176. "Be kill'd," &c.] Be put to death by all the tortures we could invent-(and the most bitter anger could desire no more)-what then?

177. That loss."] i. c. Which you complain of.

"Remains."] Is still the same. 178." The deposit," &c.] The money which you deposited in his hands would not be the safer-i. c. at all the more


179. The least blood," &c.] True, replies Calvinus, but I should enjoy my revenge; the least drop of blood from his mangled body would give me such comfort as to be enviable; for revenge affords a pleasure sweeter than life itself.

At vindicta bonum vitâ jucundius ipsâ.
Nempe hoc indocti, quorum præcordia nullis
Interdum, aut levibus videas flagrantia causis :
Quantulacunque adeo est occasio, sufficit iræ.
Chrysippus non dicet idem, nec mite Thaletis
Ingenium, dulcique senex vicinus Hymetto,
Qui partem acceptæ sæva inter vincla cicuta
Accusatori nollet dare. Plurima felix

Paulatim vitia, atque errores exuit omnes,

Prima docens rectum Sapientia: quippe MINUTI


ULTIO. Continuo sic collige, quod vindictâ

Nemo magis gaudet, quam fœmina. Cur tamen hos tu

Evasisse putes, quos diri conscia facti

Mens habet attonitos, et surdo verbere cædit,




Occultum quatiente animo tortore flagellum?
Pœna autem vehemens, ac multo sævior illis,
Quas et Cæditius gravis invenit aut Rhadamanthus,
Nocte dieque suum gestare in pectore testem.
Spartano cuidam respondit Pythia vates,

181. Truly this, &c.] Truly, says Juvenal, ignorant and foolish people think so. q. d. This is the sentiment of one who is void of all knowledge of true philosophy-indocti.

-Whose breasts, &c.] Præcordia signifies, literally, the parts about the heart, which is supposed to be the seat of the passions and affections; here it may stand for the passions themselves, which, says the poet, are set on fire, sometimes for no cause at all, sometimes from the most trivial causes, in silly people.

183. However small, &c.] Any trifling thing is sufficient to put them into a passion-but it is not so with the wise.

184. Chrysippus will not say, &c.] A famous Stoic philosopher, scholar to Zeno, who taught the government of the passions to be a chief good.

185. Thales.] A Milesian, one of the seven wise men of Greece. He held that injuries were to be contemned, and was not himself easily provoked to anger.

-The old man.] Socrates. -Neighbour to sweet Hymettus.] Hy. mettus, a mountain in Attica, famous for


excellent honey, hence called dulcis Hymettus. See HoR. lib. ii. ode vi. 1. 14, 15. This mountain was not far from Athens, where Socrates lived, and where he was put to death.

186. Who would not, &c.] It was a maxim of Socrates, that he who did an injury was more to be pitied than he who suffered it. He was accused of contemning the gods of Athens, and, for this, was condemned to die, by drinking the juice of hemlock; which he did with circumstances of calmness and fortitude, as well as of forgiveness of his accusers, that brought tears from all that were present with him in the prison during the sad scene.

An old scholiast has observed on this passage, as indeed some others have done, that one of his accusers, Melitus, was cast into prison with him; and asking Socrates to give him some of the poison, that he might drink it, Socrates refused it.

187. Received hemlock.] Which he had received from the executioner, and then held in his hand. For an account of his death, see ANT. Univ. Hist. vol. vi. p. 407, note z. translated from Plato.

-Happy wisdom.] The poet here

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