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growne a very land-fish languagelesse, a monster.
Shakespeare. Troyl. & Cress. Act iii. sc. 3.
Howe'er, my friend, indulge one labour more,
And seek Atrides on the Spartan shore.
He wandering long, a wider circle made
And many languag'd nations has survey'd.

Pope. Homer. Odyssey, b. iii.
The ends of language in our discourse with others being
chiefly these three; First, to make known one man's
thoughts or ideas to another. Secondly, to do it with as
much ease and quickness, as is possible; and thirdly, thereby
to convey the knowledge of things. Language is either
abused or deficient, when it fails in any of these three.

Locke. Hum. Underst. b. iii. c. 10.

Others for language all their cares express,
And value books, as women men, for dress;
Their praise is still, the style is excellent.

Pope. Essay on Criticism.
The first aim of language was to communicate our
thoughts: the second. to do it with dispatch.

Tooke Diversions of Purley, vol. i. c. 1.

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If this harmonical temperature of the whole body be dis-
tributed and put out of tune, weakness and languishing will
immediately seize upon it.-Cudworth. Morality, c. 2. s. 7.
There repetitions one another meet,
Expressly strong, or languishingly sweet.
Parnell. On the different Styles of Poetry.
Whilst sinking eyes with languishment profess
Follies his tongue refuses to confess.
King. Art of Love, pt. iv.

Methinks the highest expressions that language, assisted
with all its helps of metaphor and resemblance, can afford,
are very languid and faint in comparison of what they strain
to represent, when the goodness of God toward them, who
love him, comes to be expressed.-Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 36.

The menstruum also working as languidly upon the coral,
as it did before they were put into the receiver.
Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 114.
This languidness of operation may perhaps proceed in
great part from the smallness of the pieces of ice that were
imployed.-Id. Ib. vol. ii. p. 564.

Fr. Languir; It. Lan-
guire; Sp. Languir; Lat. ning at the nose; only a languidness and faintness.

Languere; perhaps (Vossius) from Gr. Aayy - ew quod est pigrari, otiari, tricari, ut languentes solent; to be slow, to idle or trifle; as the languid or faint usually do.

To be faint or weak, ill at ease or diseased; to faint, to fade, to droop, to pine; to be or become delicate or tender; to en

Tale Uttred his kosyn, a stiffe knyght in stoure,

He gaf hys kyngdom, & died in langoure.-R. Brunne, p. 6. Alle that hadden sike men with dyverse langouris ledden bem to bim, and he sette his hondis on ech by hemsilf and leide hem-Wiclif. Luke, c. 4.

But lagischith aboute questiouns and stryuyng of wordis-Id. 1 Tym. c. 6.

He dorste not his sorwe telle.

But languisheth, as doth a furie in helle.

Many sick, and keep up; colds without coughing or run-
Life of A. Wood, an. 1678.
Yes, good father,
Mingle the potion so, that it may kill me
Just at the instant this poor languisher
Heaves his last sigh.

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The Lady-chapel (now Trinity church) at Ely, and the lantern-tower in the same cathedral, are noble works of the same time.-Walpole. Anec. of Painting, vol. i. p. 195. Note. Besides the lanterne that crowns the dome, or rather terminates the cella, is by much too large for the edifice, and seems to crush it by its weight.

LAP, v.
LAP, n.


Eustace. Italy, vol. ii. c. 3. p. 82 It is usual to consider lap. to fold, and lap, to lick, as two words; and for the first to refer LA'PPER. to the A. S. Læppe, which SomLA'PFUL. ner interprets, a small piece of LAPPING, n. any thing, the coast, or hem of a LA'PLING. garment; Dut. and Ger. Lappen, consuere, sarcire: and for the second to the A. S. Lappian; Dut. and Ger. Lappen; Fr. Lapper, lambere, to lick. But the word in all its appliFawkes. Bion. On the Death of Adonis. cations, seems to be one and the same, with one Now happy he whose toil

Mason. Caraclacus.

And every flower in drooping grief appears
Depress'd and languishingly drown'd in tears.

Has o'er his languid powerless limbs diffus'd
A pleasing lassitude: he not in vain
Invokes the deity of dreams.

Armstrong. The Art of Preserving Health, b. iii.
A sullen languour still the skies opprest,
And held th' unwilling ship in strong arrest.
Falconer. Shipwreck, c. 1.
LA'NIFICE. It. Lanificio; Lat. Lanificium,—
any thing made of wool, (lana.)

LANK, n.
LANK, adj.

The moath breedeth upon cloth, and other lanifices, espe-
cially if they be laid up dampish or wet.
Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 696.
Skinner proposes the Ger.
Gelenck, agilis, from lencken, flec-
tere, to bend or turn (nimbly.)
It is probably no other than the A. S. Lenc, i. e.
Id. The Persones Tale. long; and, therefore, lean or spare. See FLANK.
Long, or lengthened, (sc.) to excess; and thus,
slender, spare, meagre.

Chaucer. The Frankeleines Tale, v. 11,262.

Sometime it cometh of languishing of the body.

Now wol I speke of woful Damian,

That langureth for loue, as ye shul here.

Id. The Marchantes Tale, v. 9741.

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Pat well was seene in her colour,

That she had lived in languour.

Id. Rom. of the Rose.

O medicine sanatife of sore langorous.

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Id. The Craft of Louers.
There come the teares, and thence the bitter torment,
The ghes, the wordes, and eke the languishment.
Wyatt. Complaint upon Loue.

They that were of Pithagoras' discipline, among all the Fts of Pithagoras, they kept these rules, and most sted the. That languishnes should be avoided and from the body.

Vices. Instruction of a Christian Woman, c. 5. that the kindly joy of the health and life of the body be much depraved, or made faint and languid, by ridled humours and impetuous luxury and intempeace of the earthly-minded Adam.

H. More. The Moral Cabbala, c. 3. s. 16.

This and audibles] do languish and lessen by degrees, ang to the distance of the objects from the sensories. Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 255.

My thighes are thin, my body lanck and leane.
Gascoigne. Dan Bartholomew of Bathe.
That flow'd from her lanck syde
Downe to her foot with carelesse modestee.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 9.
And all this
(It wounds thyne honor that I speake it now)
Was borne so like a souldiour, that thy cheeke
So much as lanked not.

Shakespeare. Antony & Cleopatra, Act i. sc. 4.
Who would not choose rather to be deformed or impotent
in his body, than to have a misshapen mind: to have rather
a lank purse than an empty brain.-Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 16.
Here the lank-sided miser, worst of felons,
Who meanly stole. (discreditable shift)
From back and belly too, their proper cheer.
Blair. The Grave.

One desparate greefe cures with anothers languish.
LANTERN. Fr. Lanterne; It. and Sp. Lan-
Shakespeare. Romeo & Juliet, Act i. sc. 2.
terna; Lat. Laterna, from latere, quia in eâ latet
ymph, surcease this death-alluring languish,
borare a beautie was not borne for anguish.
ignis, (Vossius.) Junius adds,-a vento tutus.
That in which a light is placed, (sc.) to hold
Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. i. s. 1. and preserve it: applied generally and met. to-
A light; any thing that lights or illuminates.
The louvre or lantern (see the quotations from
Holland and Walpole) "is (says Steevens) in an-
cient records called lanternium, and is a spacious
round or octagonal turret full of windows, by means
of which cathedrals, and sometimes halls, are illu-
minated." Note on Romeo and Juliet, Act v. sc. 3.
He loked lyk a lantne, al hus lyf after.

That is there ells, but cease these fruitless paines,

And leave me to my former languishing!
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c.

To now was falne into new languishment
Of his old hurt, which was not throughly cured.

lady! how shall I declare thy case


Id. lb. b. iv. c. 12.

Wam late I left in languorous constraynt.

Piers Plouhman, p. 137.

Id. Ib. b. ii. c. 1. bushel.-Wiciif. Matthew, c. 5.

Ne me teendith not a lanterne and puttith it undir a

an overture of health acceptable to sick and languish

Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 43.

Person: behold the great Physician.

* and Cymodocé were nigh,

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blue languish of soft Alia's eye.

Pope. Homer. Ilia',

L. xviii.

And tho she hath do set vp light

In a lanterne on high alofte

Upon a toure, where she goth ofte.-Gower. Con. A. b. iv.

Cambden! the nourice of antiquitie,
And lanterne unto late succeeding age.
Spenser. The Ruines of Time.

and the same meaning, affording a sufficient cause for the various applications, viz. to fold or turn over; as a dog in licking with his tongue; as an edge, or border, or hem of cloth or other material : the clothes over the knees, thighs, or breast. To lap, then, may be explained,

To fold or turn over, to enfold, to involve, to enwrap.

To fold or turn (the tongue) over, and cons quentially, to lick up.

Benes and baken apples, thei brouht in here lappes.
Piers Ploukman, p. 144.
Joseph lappide it in a clene sendel.-Wiclif. Matt. c. 27.
His wallet lay beforn him in his lappe.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 688.
These woordes saied she, and with the lappe of her garne-
mente iplited in a frounce she dried myn iyen, that weren
full of the wawes of my wepynges.-Chaucer. Boecius, b. i.
And bad this sergeant that he prively
Shulde this child ful softe wind and wrappe,
With alle circumstances tendrely,

And carry it in coffre, or in a lappe.

Id. The Clerkes Tale, v. 8461.

That mantil lapped hir aboute.-Gower. Con. A. b. v.
For many a vice, as saith the clerke

There hongen vpon slouthe's lappe.-Id. Ib. b. iv.
And saye moreouer vnto him, thus sayeth the Lord: in
the place where dogges lapped the bloude of Naboth, shal
dogges lappe eue thy bloud also.
Bible, 1551. 3 Kings, c. 21.
But therewith all there springs a kinde of tares,
Which are vile weedes and must be rooted out
They choake vp grace, and lap it fast in snares.
Gascoigne. Vpon the Fruite of Fetters.
This is the light and perfectness, whiche Moses put in the
breast lappe of judgemente.
Bible, 1551. Deuteronomy, c. 33. Note.
The Dauid arose & cut of a lap of Saul's cote priueli.
Id. 1 Kings, c. 24.
And gathered thereof coloquintidaes his lappefull.

Id. 4 Kings, c. 4.
Their limber branches were so lepp'd together,
As one enamour'd had of other been.

Drayton. The Man in the Moon.

And ever against eating cares,
Lap me in soft Lydian airs
Married to immortal verse.-Milton. L'Allegro.
Or palmie hillock, or the flourie lap
Of some irriguous valley spred her store.

Id. Paradise Lost, b. iv.

Indulgent Fortune does her care employ,
And, smiling, broods upon the naked boy:
Her garment spreads, and laps him in the fold,
And covers with her wings, from nightly cold.
Dryden. Juvenal, Sat. 6.
Are we pleased? then showers of blessings must descend
on our heads, then flouds of wealth must run into the laps
of our favourites; otherwise we are not satisfied.

Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 23.
They may be lappers of linnen, and bailiffs of the manor.

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You must not stream out your youth in wine, and live a lapling to the silk and dainties.-Hewytt. Ser. (1658,) p. 7.

They read th' example of a pious wife,
Redeeming, with her own, her husband's life;
Yet, if the laws did that exchange afford,
Would save their lapdog sooner than their lord.
Dryden. Juvenal, Sat. 10.

As those casual lappings and flowing streamers were imitated from nothing, they seldom have any folds or chiaro scuro.-Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 1.

Half a dozen squeezed plaits of linnen, to which dangled behind two unmeaning pendants, called lappets, not half covering their strait-drawn hair.-Id. Ib.

And sails with lappet-head and mincing airs
Duly at chink of bell to morning pray'rs.







Cowper. Truth.

Fr. Lapider, lapidaire, lapidifier; It. Lapidare, lapidario, lapideo, lapidazione; Sp. Lapizar, lapidares, lapideo; Lat. Lapidarius, lapis; Gr. Aaas, a stone.

One who works in, deals in, stone; one who works or deals in precious stones.

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Induration, or lapidification, of substances more soft, is likewise another degree of condensation; and is a great alteration in nature.-Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 82.

There might fall down into the lapideous matter before it was concrete into a stone some small toad (or some toadspawn) which being not able to extricate itself and get out again, might remain there imprisoned till the matter about it were condensed and compacted into a stone.

Ray. On the Creation, pt. ii. Beneath the surface of the Earth there may be sulphureous, and other steams, that may be plentifully mixed with water, and there, in likelihood, with lapidescent liquors. Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p. 557.

They [chymists, &c.] do with much confidence entirely ascribe the induration and especially the lapidescence of bodies to a certain secret internal principle, lurking for the most part in some liquid vehicle.-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 434.

Hereof in subterraneous cavities, and under the earth there are many to be found in several parts of Germany; which are but the lapidescencies and petrifactive mutations of hard bodies.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 23.

Arguing, that the atoms of the lapidifick, as well as of the saline principle, being regular, do therefore concur in producing regular stones.-Grew. Cosmo. Sacra, b. i. c. 3. p. 14.

Boetius is of the same opinion, not ascribing its [coral] concretion unto the air but the coagulating spirits of salt, and lapidifical juyce of the sea, which entring the parts of that plant, overcomes its vegetability, and converts it into a lapideous substance.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. ii. c. 5. Some stones exceed all other bodies [in hardness,] among them the adamant all other stones, being exalted to that degree thereof, that art in vain endeavours to counterfeit it, the factious stones of chymists in imitation being easily detected by an ordinary lapidist.-Ray. On the Creation, pt.i.

They hired another house of Richard Lions, a famous
lapidary, one of the sheriffs, who was beheaded by the
Kentish rebels in the reign of Richard II.
Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. i. c. 4.
LAPSE, v. Lat. Labi, lapsus, to fall.
LAPSE, n. To fall, to descend, to glide,
slide or slip, or pass away; to cause to fall, to let
fall; to fail.

Ham. Do you not come your tardy sonne to chide,
That, laps't in time and passion, lets go by
Th' important acting of your dread command.
Shakespeare. Hamlet, Act iii. sc. 4.

Once more I will renew
His lapsed powers, though forfeit and enthrall'd
By sin to foul exorbitant desires.

Millon. Paradise Lost, b. iii.

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Who can imagine a God of wisdom and sincerity, not to say goodness, should so deal with the generallity of lapsed men, as no good, wise, honest, or true-hearted man could have the face to deal with one like himself?

Whitby. Five Points, Disc. 1. c. 3. s. 1.

Either our Saviour's performances do respect all men, or some men (the far greater part of men) do stand upon no other terms, than those of the first creation or rather of the

subsequent lapse and condemnation.-Burrow, vol.iii.Ser.39.

The solidity and simplicity of this monument [the mausoleum of Cecilia Metella] are worthy of the republican era in which it was erected, and have enabled it to resist the incidents and survive the lapse of two thousand years. Eustace. Italy, vol. ii. c. 6.

LA'PWING. A. S. Lepewine, hleapwince; formed (Skinner) of hleap-an, to leap, and wince, a wing, because it so quickly moves, expands, and claps its wings together. By Minshew, because it laps or claps the wings so often. In Fr. Van


The false lapwing, full of trecherie.

For anone after he was chaunged,
And from his owne kinde straunged,
A lapwynke made he was.

Gower. Con. A. b. v.

Terribly gay

In his buff doublet, larded o'er with fat

Of slaughter'd brutes, the well-oil'd champion shone.
Somervile. Hobb.nol.

The lard is of great use in medicine, being an ingredient in various sorts of plasters, either pure, or in the form of unguent.-Pennant. British Zoology. The Hog.


Fr. Large, largesse; It. Largo,
larghezza; Sp. Largo, largueza;
Lat. Largus; of unsettled ety-
mology. Scaliger and Scheidius
think from the Gr. Aaupos, copious, abundant.
It is applied to any thing that exceeds the usual
or common number or magnitude; to any thing
amplified or magnified, increased or augmented,
extended, expanded, or spread. As-

Big or bulky, great, ample, wide, extensive, or
comprehensive; (met.) abundant, copious, plentiful.
Largess; Fr. Largesse,-a gift or donation;
proceeding from the largeness of the donor's
Chaucer. The Assembly of Fowles. bounty; from Lat. Largiri, to give largely. See
the quotation from the Rom. of the Rose.
And tho he was so large & hende of hys giftes al so.
R. Gloucester, p. 109.
To chyrche & to pouere men he gef vorst, as he ssolde,
To abbeyes & to prioryes largylyche of hys golde.
Id. p. 383.
Large er tho londes, that his eldros wonnen.
R. Brunne, p. 144.
The kyng tille him therfore did grete curteysie,
Wynnyng for his lore he gaf him largelie.-Id. p. 268.
Hys los sprong so wyde sone of ys largesse.
R. Gloucester, p. 181.
Loo Laurence for hus largenesse. as holy lore telleth.
Piers Plouhman, p. 289.
But Crist beinge a bisschop of goodis to comynge entride
bi a largere and parfitere tabernacle.-Wiclif. Ebrewis, c. 9.
In the same wise is he to blame, that spendeth over
largely.-Chaucer. The Tale of Melibeus.

The lapwing hath a piteous, mournful cry,
And sings a sorrowful and heavy song.
But yet she's full of craft and subtilty,
And weepest most being farthest from her young.
Phoenix & Turtle.
Changed to a lapwing by the avenging God,
He made the barren waste his lone abode,
And oft on soaring pinions hover'd o'er
The lofty palace then his own no more.

Beattie. Virgil, Past. 6.
LA'RBOARD. Vox nautica, (says Skinner;)
so the left side of a ship is called, perhaps, q. d.
lever board, from the Lat. Lavus, and board. Lar
may be a contraction of laveer, and that side of
the ship so called because it laveers or lies obliquely
to the starboard.

The Portuguese beginning their voyage not far from the
same streights, leave Africk on the larboard, and bend their
course to the east.-Ralegh. Hist. of the World, b. ii. c. 1. s. 2.
When on the larboard quarter they descry
A liquid column tow'ring shoot on high,
Falconer. The Shipwreck, c. 2.

LARCENY. Fr. Larcin, larrecin; Lat. Latro-
cinium. See the quotation from Blackstone.
1. Larciny, or theft, by contraction for latrociny, latro-
cinium, is distinguished by the law into two sorts.
Blackstone. Commentaries, b. iv. c. 17.

LARD, v. Fr. Lard; It. and Sp. Lardo;
LARD, n.
Lat. Lardum, which Macrobius
LA'RDER. conceives to be contracted from
LA'RDERER. large aridum; Vossius prefers the
LA'RDERY. Gr. Λαρον, sweet; whence λαρινον,
bene curatum, pingue, well cured, fat. Lard is
applied to

Hog's flesh, bacon; to the fat of it.

And after on the daunce he went
Largesse, that set all her entent
For to ben honourable and free,
Of Alexander's kinne was shee:
Her moste joie was ywis,

When that she yafe, and saied, haue this.-Id. R. of the R.
So that into the large strete

This horse with great solemnitee

Was brought within the citee.-Gower. Con. A. b. i.
I bid not that thou do wast,

But holde largesses in his measure.-Id. Ib. b. v.

On Newe Yeres day, the king. [Henry VII.] being in a riche gowne dynede in his chamber, and gave to his officers of armes vi. 1. of his largesse, wher he was cryed in his style accustumed.-Leland. Collectanea, vol. iv. p. 234. (From a MS. in the Harleian Library.)

A passage down the Earth, a passage wide,
Wider by farr than that of after-times
Over mount Sion, and, though that were large,
Over the promis'd land to God so dear.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ili.

Nor ever thence
Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will
And high permission of all-ruling Heaven
Left him at large to his own dark designs.-Id. Ib. b. i.
For want of instruction, whiche hath beene largelie pro-
iniurious deniall of helpe voluntarilie offered.

To lard, to fatten, to cover with fat, to grease; to mix or stuff, or lay bacon or the fat of bacon into other meats; generally, to intermix, to inter-mised, and slacklie perfourmed, and other sudden and lay. See INTERLARD.

Larder, a store-room for lard; generally, for
any provided meats.

The larderer, (larderarius,) or superintendent
of provisions, is recorded by Spelman, (Gloss.)
& ther to fyue hundreth kie ilk gere to his lardere.
R. Brunne, p. 28.
Rauine of other mens folde
Maketh his larder, and payeth nought.

Gower. Con. A. b. v.

The lagging ox is now unbound,
And larding the new turn'd-up ground,
Whilst Hobbinol, alike o'er-laid,
Takes his coarse dinner to the shade.

Cotton. Noon Quatrains.
Whereupon she got a piece of lard with the skin on and
rubbed the warts all over with the fat side.
Bacon. Nat. Hist. § 997.
The citizens of Winchester had ouersight of the kitchen
and larderie.-Holinshed. Hen. III. an. 1235.

The blood of oxen, goats, and ruddy wine,
And larded thighs on loaded altars laid.
Dryden. Homer. Iliad, b. i.

Holinshed. Desc. of Britaine, c. 11. While the porter stood wondring at the largeness of the beast, Philomenes ran him through with his boar-spear.

Ralegh. History of the World, b. v. c. 3. s. 14.
The great donatives and largesses, upon the disbanding of
the armies, were things able to enflame all men's courages.
Bacon. Ess. Of Kingdoms & Estates.
Though straiter bounds your fortune did confine,
In your large heart was found a wealthy mine:
Like the blest-oil, the widow's lasting feast,
Your treasure, as you pour'd it out, increas'd.
Waller. Of her Royal Highness, Mother to the P. of Orange.
For that our Maker has too largely given,
Should be return'd in gratitude to Heaven.

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Such as made Sheba's curious queen resort
To the large-hearted Hebrew's famous court.

Waller. To the Countess of Carlisle.
And find, of sheep, and goats, a mingled flock,
Under the shelter of a cavern'd rock,
The largest and the best the pirate band
Seir'd, and prepar'd a banquet on the strand.

Wilkie. The Epigoniad, b. iv. LARK, n. A. S. Lafere; Dut. Lerke, lowerke; Ger. Lerch; Sw. Lærkia. Wachter thinks the word compounded of the Celtic Laf, the voice, and orka, to be strong, and thus to signify cantu pollens, powerful in song. Vossius (de Vit. b. i. e. 2. and Etymol. in v. Galerita) forms it from the Ancient Gallic Alauda; in Modern French, Alouette; Dut. Leurik, from Alaurik. The word Alauda was unknown to the Romans until Cæsar gave that name to a legion "enrolled from the countries beyond the Alpes," (Suet. in Vita, e. 24.) The Lark was called Cassita, or Galerita, (sc. avis,) from the crest or tuft on its head. See also Menage in v. Alouette.


And to the meadows telling wanton tales,
Her crystal limbs laciviously in pride
(As ravished with the enamour'd gales)
With often turnings casts from side to side.
Drayton. The Barons' Wars, b. vi.
The misery of Florimell, the virtuousnes of Belphebe, the
laciviousnes of Hellenora; and many the like.

Spenser. Explanations of his Faerie Queene.
cording as the various toyings and titillations of the lascivient
Adam was wholly set upon doing things at randome, ac-
life of the vehicle suggested to him.
H. More. The Philosophick Cabbala, c. 3. s. 6.
He [the goat] is much more lascivious; and that shortens
his life.-Bacon. The History of Life and Death.

But now his [Edgar's] mixture of vice marred all; espe-
lasciviousness.-Baker. Chronicle. Of the Saxons.
cially being a vice opposite to all those virtues, which was

lasciviency of the bodily life, quite lose the relish and
Men, by letting themselves loose to all manner of wretch-
grateful sense of true goodness and nobility.
edness and debauchery, through the potent and enormous
Hallywell. Malampr, (1686.) p. 9.
And in their [the Canaanites] other practice, most beastly
lasciviousnesses, most bloudy violences, oppressions and ra-
Piers Plouhman, p. 239. pines [were] generally abounding.-Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 37.

To lowe lyvynge men the larke is resembled.

Yet sang the larke, and Palamon right tho

With holy herte, and with an high corage
He rose.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2214.

Then like the larke that past the night
In heauy sleepe with cares opprest:
Yet when shee spies the pleasaunt light,
She sends sweete notes from out hir brest.

Gascoigne. A straunge Passion in a Louer.

Thas wore out night, and now the herald lark
Left his ground-nest, high tow'ring to discry
The morn's approach, and greet her with his song.

Milton. Paradise Regained, b. ii.

Pride, like an eagle, builds among the stars,
But Pleasure, lark-like, nests upon the ground.

Young. The Complaint, Night 5.

And shrill lark carols clear from her aerial tour.

Beattie. The Minstrel, b. i.
arme, to arms, al arme, larme, larum.
From the It. All'

A noisy sound; as if summoning to arms; also
applied to a machine or instrument, framed to
make a noise at certain hours.

The wailefull warre in time doth yeelde to peace,
The larums lowde and trumpete sounde doth cease.

Turbervile. After Misadventures come good Haps.

His laram bell might lowd and wyde be herd,
When cause requyr'd, but never out of time.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 9.

Of this nature likewise was the larum mentioned by Walthis, which though it were but two or three inches big, yet wald both wake a man, and of itself light a candle for him at any set hour of the night.-Wilkins. Dedalus, c. 3. LARYNX. Fr. Larynx, laregau; Gr. Aupuy§, gula, guttur.

A cartilage forming the protuberance in the anterior part of the neck, vulgarly named the Pam Adami, Adam's apple.

The exquisite mechanism of the larynx, its variety of muscles, its cartilages, all so exquisitely made for the purpose of respiration, and forming the voice, are very admir-Derham. Physico-Theology, b. iv. c. 7.

For these seven couple of simple consonants, viz. B P— GK-DT-ZS-Th. Th-V F-J. SH-differ each from its partner, by no variation whatever of articulation; but singly a certain unnoticed and almost imperceptible motion or pression of or near the larynx; which causes what Wins calls "some kind of murmure."

Tooke. Diversions of Purley, vol. i. c. 6.





Fr. Lascif; It. and Sp. Lascivo; Lat. Lascivus. Vossius (Etymol. in v.) suggests various etymoloference. Isaac Vossius, an additional one, the Lat. gies without giving a preLacere, to draw, to attract, to allure, or entice. And hence the word might be interpreted,Drawing, attracting, alluring, or enticing, (to luxury, wantonness, or lust;) luxurious, wanton,


Or perhaps from the same source as the Fr. Lasche, loose, (See LASH;) and hence— Lewd, lustful, wanton.

I finde that some of them haue not only bin offensiue for trie wanton speeches, and lacivious phrases, but further Weare that the same haue beene doubtfully construed, and therefore) scandalous.-Gascoigne. To the Reuerend Deuines.


So in the season when lascivious heat Burns in their veins, two branching-headed stags, Of all the herd competitors for sway, Long with entangled horns persist in strife, Nor yield, nor vanquish. Glover. The Athenaid, b. ii. LASH, v. Fr. Lascher; It. Lasciare; LASH, n. Ger. Lassen; A. S. Les-an, to LA'SHING, n. loose. lasche) of a whip, i. e. that part of it which is let Tooke says, "Lash (Fr. loose, let go, cast out, thrown out: the past part. of French lascher." To lash,

with a lash, or any thing thrown out; with any To let loose, to throw out, to cast out; to strike thing long and flexible; also to tie, bend, or fasten together with a lash; met. to strike, (sc. with censure or satire,) to aim a stroke or blow at. To lash the Greks to ground was her hertes joy. The Nine Ladies Worthy. Imputed to Chaucer. Many a stripe and many a greuous lashe She gauen to them that wolden louers be.

Chaucer. The Court of Loue. For he lasheth out scripture in bedelem as fast as they bothe in Almayn.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 287.

And gan her fresh assayle,
Heaping huge strokes as thicke as showre of hayle,
And lashing dreadfully at every part.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 6, Which to haue concealed had tended more to the opinion of virtue, than to lash out whatsoeuer his vnstaied mind affoorded.-Holinshed. Rich. II. an. 1397.

How smart a lash that speech doth giue my conscience?
them the most enormous that can be imagined.
Shakespeare. Hamlet, Act iii. sc. 1.
Juvenal was wholly employ'd in lashing vices, some of
Dryden. Juvenal, Ded.

The charioteer then whirl'd the lash around,
And swift ascended at one active bound.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. xix.

The lash resounds, the coursers spring,
The chariot marks the rolling ring,
And gath'ring clouds, with eager eyes
And shouts, pursue him as he flies.

Whitehead. The Youth and the Philosopher.
Torn from their planks the cracking ring-bolts drew,
And gripes and lashings all asunder flew.

Falconer. The Shipwreck, c. 2.



Fr. Lassitude, lasseté; Sp. Lassitud; Lat. Lassitudo, from lassus, contraction lassæ dicuntur cum diu nimis laciuntur," (Vossius.) of lacitus, from lacere, to draw: "Itaque vaccæ

Exhaustion of strength or spirits; weariness or fatigue proceeding from exhaustion; generally-weariness or fatigue.

The one is called cruditie, ye other lassitude, whiche although they be wordes made of Latyne, hauynge none apte Englyshe worde therefore, yet by the defynytions and more ample declaration of them, they shall be vnderstande suffycyentely, and from henseforthe vsed for Englyshe. Sir T. Elyot. Castel of Helth, b. iv. c. 1. Lassitude is remedied by bathing, or anointing with oile and warm water. The cause is, for that all lassitude is a kind of contusion, and compression of the parts; and bathing, and anointing give a relaxation, or emollition. Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 730. The corporeal instruments of action being strained to a high pitch, or detained in a tone, will soon feel a lassitude, somewhat offensive to nature.-Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 18. Cold tremours come, with mighty love of rest, Convulsive yawnings, lassitude and pains That sting the burden'd brows, fatigue the loins, And rack the joints, and every torpid limb.

Armstrong. The Art of Preserving Health, b. i.
LAST. A. S. Læste.
Ger. Laist, from the obsolete leissen, imitari, to
Formula lignea sutoria.
imitate, (Wachter.) From the Goth. Laistyan,
It is applied to-
sequi, to follow, (insistere vestigiis, Serenius.)

shape on which shoes are made.
The pattern or form of a foot; the mould or

Let firm, well-hammer'd soles protect thy feet,
Thro' freezing snows, and rains, and soaking sleet:
Should the big last extend the shoe too wide,
Each stone will wrench the unwary step aside.

[blocks in formation]

Bifore alle thingis haue ye charitie ech to othire in yoursynnes.-Wiclif. 1 Petir, c. 4. silff algatis lastinge, for charitie keuerith the multitude of

Trewly I was greatly reioysed in myne herte, of her faire behestes, and profered me to be slawe in all that she me wold ordein whyl my life lasted.

Chaucer. The Testament of Loue, b. ii.
Als for any man maie knowe
There lasteth nothing but a throwe.-Gower. C. A. Prol.
Injustice never yet took lasting root,
Nor held that long, impiety did win.
Daniel. Civil Wars, b. i.
This circle and ring of things returning always to their
principles will never cease as long as the world lasts.

Hakewill. Apologie, c. 3. s. 6.
Nothing procureth the lasting of trees, bushes, and herbs,
so much as often cutting.-Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 586.
And covenants betwixt them surely seal'd,
Each to the other lastingly to bind.

Drayton. The Barons' Wars, b. iii.
The ancients depicted friendship in the bearings and

LASS. From ladde is derived, and formerly strength of a young man, bare-headed. rudely clothed, to Hickes, (in Lye.) was in use, laddesse, now contracted into lass.

The mony for theyr masses
Spent among wanton lasses.-Skelton. Boke of Colin Clout.
And with your piteous layes have learn'd to breed
Compassion in a countrey-lasses hart.

Spenser. Astrophel.

Thy broomegroues
Whose shadow the dismissed batchelor loues,
Being lasse-lorne.-Shakespeare. Tempest, Act iv. sc. 1.
Thus far the sportful Muse with myrtle bound,
Has sung where lovely lasses may be found.
Dryden. Ovid. Art of Love.

The rural lass
Whom once her virgin modesty and grace,
Her artless manners, and her neat attire,
So dignified, that she was hardly less
Than the fair shepherdess of old romance,,
Is seen no more.
Cowper. Task, b. iv.

signifie its activity, and lastingness, readiness of action, and aptnesses to do service.-Bp. Taylor. On Friendship. Quoth Cibber to Pope, "Tho' in verse you foreclose, I'll have the last word; for, by G-, I'll write prose." Poor Colly, thy reasoning is none of the strongest, For know, the last word is the word that lasts longest. Pope. Dunciad, b. i. Note. The particular circumstances, for which the automata of this kind are most eminent, may be reduced to these four 1. The lastingness of their motion, without needing of a nev supply.-Wilkins. Dædalus, c. 3.

Your sufferings are of a short duration, your joy will last for ever.-Hart. Medit. on Christ's Death & Passion, N. 2. LAST. Last is with us (says Skinner) a LA'STAGE. kind of weight, from the A. S. Hlastan, be-hlæstan, onerare; to load, or impose a burthen; Ger. Last, a load or weight; whence (he adds) our lastage, a toll or tribute upon ships of burthen. Lastage is also applied to the ballast,


(qv.) and to the load itself. By 21 Rich. II. c. 18, "All maner of ships accustomed to come to the said port (s. of Caleis) out of the countrey of England shall bring with them all their lastage of good stones convenient for stuffing the said beakens," (Rastal, p. 47.) By 31 Edw. I. a weight is declared to be fourteen stone, two weights of wool to make a sacke, and twelve sacks a last. A last of herrings to contain ten thousand, &c. (Id. p. 524.) And see Spelman, in v. Last.

So that they shall be free from all toll, and from all custome; that is to say from all lastage, tallage, passage, cariage, &c.-Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 117.

A last of white herrings is twelve barrels, of red herrings 20 cades or thousand; and of pilchards 10,000; of corn 10 quarters, and in some parts of England 21 quarters; of wool 12 sacks; of leather 20 dickers, or ten score; of hides or skins 12 dozen; of pitch, tar, or ashes 14 barrels; of gunpowder 24 firkins, weighing a hundred pound each. Tomline. Law Dictionary. A. S. Lacc-an. See LACE. To lay hold of, to seize, to catch. The noun is applied toThat which catches, and holds fast, (sc.) a door. And if ge latche Lycre, let hym nat askapie.



Piers Plouhman, p. 35.
Ne that mede may latche, maketh litel tale.-Id. 58.
Thauh lyers and latche-drawers. and lolleres knocke
Let hem abyde tyl the bord be drawe.
Mald thorgh the Lundries fro London is katched,
With hors & harneis Bristow has scho latched.

Id. p. 143.

[blocks in formation]

The pumie stones I hastly hent

Bible, 1551. Mark, c. 1.

And threw; but nought avayled :
He was so wimble and so wight,
From bough to bough he lepped light
And oft the pumies latched.

Spenser. Shepheard's Calender. March.
She bid him fearless throw

Himself to ground; and therewithal did show
A flight of little angels, that did wait

Upon their glittering wings to latch him straight
And longed on their backs to feel his glorious weight.
G. Fletcher. Christ's Triumph on Earth.
If euer henceforth, thou

These rurall latches, to his entrance open,
Or hope [hoop] his body more, with thy embraces,

I will deuise a death, as cruell for thee

As thou art tender to't.-Shakes. Wint. Tale, Act iv. sc. 3.

-But I haue words

That would be howl'd out in the desert ayre,
Where hearing should not latch them.

Id. Macbeth, Act iv. sc. 3.
I find the latch thy fingers touch'd before,
Thy smelling myrrh comes dropping off the door.
Parnel. The Gift of Poetry
LATCH, latch'd, or letch'd, lick'd over, lecher,
to lick, Fr. (Hanmer.)

But hast thou yet latcht the Athenian's eyes,
With the loue-iuyce, as I did bid thee doe?
Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream, Act iii. sc. 2.
LATE, adj.
LATE, ad.



Late, the adj.

Goth. Lata, tardus, slow; A. S. Late, late; Dut. Laet; Sw. Lat; Goth. Latyan; A.S. Lat-ian, læt-an;-tardare, morari, to be or cause to be slow; to retard, to delay, to let. [The Goth. Lagy-an, to lay,-lagyed, lay-ed, layd, layt, late? and hence also the Lat. Lat, are?]

Let or letted,-hindered, kept back or behind, retarded, delayed: it is referred to time back or past, not long before, as the late reign, not that preceding it; the late king, not any preceding him; and is thus extended to any person or thing, lately in being.

Last, latest, latst, last.

That this gode folk of Troie ouer come were at the last.
R. Gloucester, p. 19.
He regnes after him, & late had the coroune.
R. Brunne, p. 149.
Next the lattere fest that is of our Lady.-Id. p. 308.

Martha seith to him, I woot that he schal rise agen in the
agein rising of the laste day.-Wiclif. Jon, c. 11.
Martha said vnto him: I know yt he shal rise againe in
the resurrection at the last day.—Bible, 1551. Ib.
Then cometh the sinne that men clepen Tarditas, as when
a man is latered or taryed or he wol tourne to God.
Chaucer. The Persones Tale.
His disciples said unto hi: Master, ye Jewes lately sought
meanes to stone thee, and wylt thou go thyther agayne.
Bible, 1551. Jon, c. 11.

Is it mete that the carnal be first, & that thing to be later-
more, which is spiritual & gostly.-Udal. Marke, c. 1.
I should be loath

To meet the rudeness, and swill'd insolence,
Of such late wassailers.
Millon. Comus.
O woods, O fountains, hillocks, dales and bow'rs,
With other echo late I taught your shades
To answer, and resound farr other song.

Id. Paradise Lost, b. x.
This latter rill also is the last that I doo reade of on the
South side, and likewise on the West and North, till we
haue sailed to S. Jes baie.

Holinshed. The Description of Britaine, c. 12.
They deserue much more to be reprehended than I will
Vouchsafe to attempt in this my lateward treatise.
Id. The Description of Scotland, c. 13.
I for his sake will leave
Thy bosome, and the glorie next to thee
Freely put off, and for him lastly die.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. iii.
Now spurres the lated traueller apace,
To gayne the timely inne.-Shakes. Macbeth, Act iii. sc. 3.
Friends, come hither,

I am so lated in the world, that I
Haue lost my way for euer.

Id. Antony & Cleopatra, Act iii. sc. 9.
Such was that image, so it smil'd
With seeming kindness, which beguil'd
Your Thyrsis lately, when he thought
He had his fleeting Coelia caught.

Waller. To the Mutable Fair.
Perhaps some doctor, of tremendous paunch,
Awful and deep, a black abyss of drink,
Out-lives them all; and from his bury'd flock
Retiring, full of rumination sad,
Laments the weakness of these latter times.

Thomson. Autumn.

To crown Achilles' valiant friend with praise
At length he dooms; and, that his last of days
Shall set in glory, bids him drive the foe;
Nor unattended see the shades below.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. xvi.
Your lateness in life (as you so soon call it) might be im-
proper to begin the world with, but almost the eldest men
may hope to see changes in a court.

Swift, to Gay, Nov. 23, 1727.
Even he, who long the House of Com-ns led,
That hydra dire, with many a gaping head,
Found by experience, to his latest breath,
Envy could only be subdu'd by death.

Jenyns. Horace, Ep. 1. b. i.
What, indeed, will be the particular effects in the first
instance, of that general diffusion of knowledge, which the
art of printing must sooner or later produce, and of that
spirit of reformation with which it cannot fail to be accom-
panied, it is beyond the reach of human sagacity to conjec-
ture.-Stewart. Of the Human Mind, Introd. pt. ii. s. 1.

LATEEN sails, in French, Voiles latines,
triangular sails, frequently used by small vessels
in the Mediterranean, and also in the eastern
seas. Can they be-quasi Latina?

LA/TENT. Fr. Latent; It. Latente; Lat.
Latens, pres. part. of latere, Gr.
Anew, to lie hidden or concealed. See LATE.
Lying hidden or concealed; secret, remote
from view.

My latent sense thy happier thought explores,
And injur'd Maro to himself restores.

Roscommon. Mr. Needler, to the Earl.
Every breach of veracity indicates some latent vice, or
some criminal intention, which an individual is ashamed to
avow. And hence the peculiar beauty of openness or sin-

cerity.-Stewart. Outlines of Moral Philosophy.

[blocks in formation]

See COLLATERAL, and LATE. Of or pertaining to the side; belonging to, proceeding from, the side.

Thwart of these as fierce

Forth rush the Levant and the Ponent windes
Eurus and Zephir with their lateral noise.

Millon. Paradise Lost, b. x.
For some couple laterally or side-wise, as worms.
Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. e. 17.
These lateralities in man are not onely failible, if relatively
determined into each other, but made in reference unto the
heavens and quarters of the globe.-Id. Ib. b. iv

In a field of ripe corn blown upon by the wind, there will appear as it were waves of a colour (at least gradually) differing from that of the rest of the field; the wind, by depressing some of the ears, and not at the same time others, making the one reflect more from the lateral and strawy parts than do the rest.-Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 678. LATH. LA'THING, n. LA'THY.


A. S. Latta; Ger. Latte; Fr. Latte; Low Lat. Lata. Francis (says Wachter) lid-on est secare, separare, to cut, to separate. It may be from the A. S. Lithe, in a consequential application; thin, slender.

In plastering likewise of our fairest houses ouer our heads, we vse to laie first a laine or two of white morter tempered with haire vpon laths.

Holinshed. The Description of England, c. 12.

A small kiln consists of an oaken frame, lathed on every side.-Mortimer. Husbandry.

"A home should be built, or with brick, or with stone." Why 'tis plaster and lath; and I think that's all one. Prior. Down Hall, a Ballad, (1715.) Laths are made of fir for inside plaistering and pantile lathing.-Moxon. Mechanical Exercises.

The which he tossed to and fro amain
And eft his lathy falchion brandished.

West. On the Abuse of Travelling

LATHE, (a Turner's,) perhaps from Lith-ian. See LITHE.

Could turn his word, and oath, and faith, As many ways as in a lath. Hudibras, pt. iii. c. 2. LATHE. In Law Lat. Læstum; A. S. LATHE-REEVE. Lathe, lath, which Spelman derives from the A. S. Lath-ian, ge-lath-ian, congregare; to assemble together, q.d. an assembly or convention.

Lathe is also applied to a barn or granary, (sc.) laid up, or stored. a place where corn or grain is brought together, Skinner thinks from lade, because laden with the produce of harvest.

Why ne had thou put the capel in the lathe?

Chaucer. The Reves Tale, v. 4085. As Alured divided the shires first, so to him is owing the constitution of hundreds, tithings, lathes, and wapentakes.

Drayton. Poly-Olbion. Selden. Illustrations. These shires also he [Alfred] brake into lesser parts, whereof some were called lathes of the word galathian, which is to assemble togither.

Holinshed. The Description of England, b. ii. c. 4. In some counties there is an intermediate division, between the shire and the hundreds, as lathes in Kent, and rapes in Sussex, each of them containing about three or four hundreds a piece. These had formerly their lathe-reeves and rape-reeves, acting in subordination to the shire-reeve. Blackstone. Commentaries, Introd. s. 4.

[blocks in formation]

Junius says, to smear with the foam of soapy water. GeThe undesignedness of the agreements (which undesigned-molliLiTHB) emollire, to soften. Lye thinks it lethred is rendered by Somner, mollitus, made soft, lither or tender, from ge-lith-ian,

(ge-lethred) may be interpreted lathered or in a

ness is gathered from their latency, their minuteness, their
obliquity, the suitableness of the circumstances in which
they consist, to the places in which those circumstances lather.
occur, and the circuitous references by which they are
traced out) demonstrates that they have not been produced
by meditation, or by any fraudulent contrivance.
Paley. Evidences, pt. ii. c. 7.

The words are common in speech, but not in writing; the horse was in a lather, i. e. a foaming sweat; the barber lathered his chin.

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The damsel with the soap-ball lathered him with great expedition, raising flakes of snow.

Smollett. Don Quixote, vol. iii. p. 281.

I shall be satisfied with the lathering of my beard, replied the squire, at least at present.-Id. Ib. p. 282.



As used by Wilson,-to interlard the discourse with Latin words or phrases.

Latinism, an idiom or phrase-
ology peculiar to the Latin

This interpretacion also, do both the moste number and
Bible, 1551. Ps. 4. Note.

the best lerned of the latinistes best alowe.

Such fellowes will so Latine their tongues, that the simple cannot but wonder at their talke, and thinke surely they speak by some revelacion.

Wilson. Arte of Rhetorike, (1553.) b. iii. Bretheren, this matter of Latinity is but a straw, but let me say this willing defence of a plain falshood, is a block,

which your very friends cannot but stumble at.

Bp. Hall. Ans. to the Vind. of Smectymnuus.
You shall hardly find a man amongst them [the French]
which can make a shift to express himself in that [the
Latin language, nor one amongst an hundred that can do
it Latinly-Heylin. Voyage of France, p. 296.

I owe also to Fenton the participle meandered, and to Sir
W. D'Avenant the latinism of funeral ilicet.
Harte. Religious Melancholy, Advert.

Belleau and the French critics affected to despise those authors, [the modern Latin poets] and, for what reason it is difficult to discover, undervalued their Latinity.

Eustace. Italy, vol. i. Prelim. Dis.

The macaronian is a kind of burlesque poetry, consisting of a jumble of words of different languages, with words of the vulgar tongue latinized, and Latin words modernized. Cambridge. The Scribleriad, b. ii. Note 16. LATIRO'STROUS, i. e. broad-beaked, flatbilled, from latus, broad, and rostrum, the beak. It (the pelican] is palmipedous, or fin-footed, like swans

and geese; according to the method of nature in latirostrous or fat-bild birds.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. v. c. 1. LATITANT. Pres. part. of the Lat. LatiLATITANCY. tare, from lat-ere, to lie hidden

or concealed. See LATENT. Lying or lurking hidden or concealed. Snakes, lizards, snails, and divers other insects latitant months in the year, being cold creatures, containing reak heat in a crass or copious humidity, do long subsist

about nutrition.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 21.
It cannot be denied it [the chameleon] is (if not most of
A very abstemious animal, and such as by reason of its
dity, paucity of blood, and latitancy in the winter (about
which time the observations are often made) will long
ist without a visible sustentation.-Id. Ib.

LATITUDINARIAN, adj.titudine; Sp. Latitud;
Fr. Latitude; It. La-
Lat. Latitudo, from la-
tus, broad; Gr. Пλatus,


LA/TRANT. Lat. Latrans, pres. part. of La-
trare, to bark; quod eâ voce indicant, quæ noctu
prefers ab sono.
latent, latratus appellatus, (Varr. lib. vi.) Vossius

Latitudina'rian, n. LATITUDINA RIANISM. (the initial cut off.) Breadth; applied generally to extent, or extensiveness; (met.) without restriction or confinement, or limitation; looseness, laxity. nd lastudes of starres, fixe in the astrolabie. hairde partye shal containe diuers tables of longitudes

This island (which Tacitus mistaketh no doubt for Mona

Chaucer. The Astrolabie.

Barking; clamorous, noisy.

Thy care be first the various gifts to trace,
The minds and genius of the latrant race.

Tickell. On Hunting.

Whose latrant stomachs oft molest
The deep-laid plans their dreams suggest.

ministrare, to serve, to minister.
Green. The Spleen.
LATRE UTICAL. Gr. Aarpev-ew, servire,

That in this sacred supper there is a sacrifice in that sense
wherein the fathers spake, none of us ever doubted: but
that is then, either latreutical, as Bellarmin distinguishes it
not ill, or eucharistical.-Bp. Hall. No Peace with Rome, s.4.
Lattoen; Ger. Letton; of unknown etymology.
Fr. Laiton, leton; It. Ottone,
LA'TOUN. latta; Sp. Alaton, laton; Dut.
Ferrum stanno obductum.
Hickes (Gram. Franco-Theotioca, p. 96) says,
latun, aurichalcum, quasi gladtun, a nitore splen-
Omnia a Cimbrico
And Serenius adds, from Glia, splendere,
to shine. See TIN.

Archdeacon Nares contends that it is brass,
Laiton, métal composé de cuivre rouge et de ca-
not tin; and so the Manuel Lexique renders
Ars Poet. 202,) by latten.
lamine. B. Jonson renders orichalchum (Hor.


If thou laudest and ioyest any wight, for he is stuffed with soche maner richesse, thou art in that beleue begiled. Chaucer. The Test. of Loue, b. i.

His stone is the grene emeraude
To whom is geuen many a laude.-Gower. Con. A. b. vii.
So do well and thou shalt haue laude of the same (that is
to say of the ruler.)-Tyndall. Workes, p. 111.

Who is lyke thee? So gloryous in holynesse, fearfuli,
laudable, & that shewest wondres.-Bible, 1551, Exod. c.15.
War. 'Tis called Jerusalem, my noble lord,
King. Laud be to heauen:
Euen there my life must end.

Shakespeare. 2 Pt. Hen. IV. Act iii. sc. 3
But I remember now

I am in this earthly world: where to do harme
Is often laudable, to do good sometime
Accounted dangerous folly.-Id. Macbeth, Act iv. sc. 2.
to make a hymn to the Muses.
which he had gouerned laudably.-Stow. Rich. II. an. 1382.
Sir Richard Scrope is depriued of the chancellorshippe
I have no purpose to enter into a laudative of learning, or
Bacon. Of the Advancement of Learning, b. i.

as Samuel's, led in with exhortation and carried out with
threatening.-Bp. Hall. Sermon, March 24, 1613.
My discourse yet shall not be altogether laudatory; but,

a laudatory of itself obtruded in the very first word.
Not simply a confutation, but a modest confutation with
Milton. An Apology for Smectymnuus.

positions and deeds to be the gift of God, to be laudable, to
[Saint Austin himself] acknowledges those virtuous dis-
procure some reward, to avail so far, that they, because of
them, shall receive a more tolerable and mild treatment

libano.]-Wiclif. Apocalips, c. 2.
I gen as flawme of fier, and hise feet lyk latoun. [Chalco- from divine justice -Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 40.
His helme as latoun bright.

Chaucer. The Rime of Sire Thopas, v. 13,806.
LATTICE, n. Junius says, Cancelli ferrei;
rumentum; iron bars that let or hinder an en-
q.d. lett-isen; impediens fer-
(among other conjectures,) from the Dut. Latte,
trance into places secured by them. Skinner,
of various colours, or chequers, as they were
a lath; and thus meaning lathes-work, or work of
sometimes called, formed (and still form) a very
laths. Fr. Latis. Gifford observes that lattices
common ale-house sign, (B. Jonson, Every Man
in his Humour, Act iii. sc. 1. Note.)

out at; cross-barred (of wood or iron) through
which one may see and not be seen, (Cotgrave.)
Fr. Clere-voyes,-lattices, or secret holes to spie


Lettice-caps; Fr. Lassis,-in chequer or net


For out of the wyndowe of my house I loked thorow the lettesse.-Bible, 1551. Prouerbes, c. 7.

I know that Alexander was adorned with most excellent
vertues, and hurt with very few known vices. For therein

It seemeth he hath latticed up Cæsar, and many others of
the chiefest in the Greek and Roman history.
Holding a lattis still before his face,
North. Plutarch, p. 621.
Through which he still did peep as forward he did pace.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 11.

oke in checkerwise.-Holinshed. Desc. of Eng. b. ii. c. 12.
Phy. Bring in the lettice cap; you must be shaved, sir.
Beaum. & Fletch. Monsieur Thomas, Act iii. sc. 1.
The cornea of flies, wasps, &c. are so common an enter-

Of old time our countrie houses in steed of glasse did vse
much lattise, and that made either of wicker or fine rifts of

Cesaris, and so doth Ptolomie as appeareth by his latitudes) tainment with the microscope, that every body knows it is

Etat about two miles from the shore of North Wales.

Holinshed. Description of Britaine, c. 10.

ad they did, that the church was to be pulled down; yet Those who did not carry this so far as to think, as some ada latitudinarian party was like to prevail and to engross ferments.-Burnet, Own Time, an. 1689.

He Wilkins] was look'd upon as the head of the latitudias, as they were then stiled: i. e. persons that had no rking for the liturgy or ceremonies, or indeed the ment of this church, but yet had attained to such a ess and freedom of judgment, as that they could conthe without any warmth or affection for these things. Birch. Life of Tillotson.

The nation was less governed by laws than by customs,
Fadmitted a great latitude of interpretation.
History of England, vol. i. App. 1.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cowper. The Moralizer Corrected. Fr. Laver; It. Lavare; Sp. Lavar; Lat. Lavare, to wash; Gr. Ao-ev, seu λo-eεiv, ex quo Xov-ew, contractum; to wet or wash.

To wash or wet, to bathe, to cleanse or purify with water.

And laveth hem in the lavendrie.-Piers Plouhman, p.281.
Basins, lavoures or that men hem bie,
Spones, stooles, and all swich husbondrie.

Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 5869.
oyle.-Bible, 1551. Exodus, c. 30.
The aulter of incense, the brazen lauer, the anoyntinge

lauatorye.-Bible, 1551. 3 Kings, c. 7.
And in the foure corners were vndersetters vnder the

To the end that we shoulde not thynke to bee sufficient,
that all our synnes haue been forgeuen vs through the
lauacre of baptisme.-Udal. Luke, c.4.

His ears hang laving like a new lugg'd swine.
But as I rose out of the laving stream,
Bp. Hall, b. iv. Sat. 1.
Heaven open'd her eternal doors, from whence
The Spirit descended on me like a dove.
Milton. Paradise Regained, b. i.

Let us go find the body where it lies
Sok't in his enemies' blood, and from the stream
With lavers pure and cleansing herbs wash off
The clotted gore.
Id. Samson Agonistes.

The Cardinal's carriage exceeded all bounds of modera-
tion; for when he said mass, he made Dukes and Earls to
serve him of wine, with a say taken, and to hold the bason
at the lavatory.-Baker. Hen. VIII. an. 1518.

Such filthy stuffe was by loose lewd varlets sung before
her [Berecynthia] charet on the solemne day of her lavation.
Hakewill. Apologie, b. iv. c. 1. s. 7.

The left presents a place of graves,
Whose wall the silent water laves.

Parnell. A Night Piece. On Death
Young Aretus from forth his bridal bower
Brought the full laver, o'er their hands to pour.
Pope. Homer. Odyssey, b. iii.
Mr. Tyrwhitt says,
LAVE, v. (lade.) To draw out, (Lye.) And,
drawn, spoken of water taken out of a well."
Laved, past part. Fr.-

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tomay abyss of scepticism; and a friend to free enquiry, the great or good qualities, the merits of any and laued out of the noble welles of his mother Caliope the

Samarianism.-Dr. Parr. Tracts by a Warburtonian.
roving into the dreary and pathless wilds of lati-

person or thing; to praise, to commend.


[Orpheus] songe in wepinge, all that euer he had received goddesse.-Chaucer. Boecius, b. iii.

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