The Spectator, Zväzok 1Dent, 1958 |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Výsledky 1 - 3 z 39.
Strana 184
... Learning . They were a List of Words that rhyme to one another , drawn up by another Hand , and given to a Poet , who was to make a Poem to the Rhymes in the same Order that they were placed upon the List : The more uncom- mon the ...
... Learning . They were a List of Words that rhyme to one another , drawn up by another Hand , and given to a Poet , who was to make a Poem to the Rhymes in the same Order that they were placed upon the List : The more uncom- mon the ...
Strana 297
... Learning , I was used like a Servant , and was forc'd to get what Scraps of Learning I could by my own Industry , for the Schoolmaster took very little Notice of me . My young Master was a Lad of very sprightly Parts ; and my being ...
... Learning , I was used like a Servant , and was forc'd to get what Scraps of Learning I could by my own Industry , for the Schoolmaster took very little Notice of me . My young Master was a Lad of very sprightly Parts ; and my being ...
Strana 323
... Learning , like Travelling , and all other Methods of Improvement , as it finishes good Sense , so it makes a silly Man ten thousand times more insufferable , by supplying variety of Matter to his Impertinence , and giving him an ...
... Learning , like Travelling , and all other Methods of Improvement , as it finishes good Sense , so it makes a silly Man ten thousand times more insufferable , by supplying variety of Matter to his Impertinence , and giving him an ...
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