The Dublin Magazine, Zväzok 1,Časť 1

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J. P. Doyle, 1842

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Strana 4 - He was bred to the law, which is, in my opinion, one of the first and noblest of human sciences ; a science which does more to quicken and invigorate the understanding than all the other kinds of learning put together ; but it is not apt, except in persons very happily born, to open and to liberalize the mind exactly in the same proportion.
Strana 174 - ... till they could all play very near or altogether as well as myself. This done, say the enemy were forty thousand strong, we twenty would come into the field the tenth of March, or thereabouts ; and we would challenge twenty of the enemy ; they could not in their honour refuse us.
Strana 47 - The landlord of an Irish estate inhabited by Roman Catholics is a sort of despot, who yields obedience, in whatever concerns the poor, to no law but that of his will.
Strana 258 - ... so much to cover them ; their food commonly consists of dry potatoes, and with these they are at times so scantily supplied, as to be obliged to stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes get a herring or a little milk, but they never get meat except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide.™...
Strana 153 - By honor bound in woe or weal, Whate'er she bids he dares to do ; Try him with bribes — they won't prevail; Prove him in fire — you'll find him true. He seeks not safety, let his post Be where it ought in danger's van; And if the field of fame be lost, It won't be by an Irishman.
Strana 88 - Squire Jones. Ye foxhunters eke, That follow the call of the horn and the hound, Who your ladies forsake Before they're awake, To beat up the brake Where the vermin is found : Leave Piper and Blueman, Shrill Duchess and Trueman — No music is found in such dissonant tones : Would you ravish your ears With the songs of the spheres, Hark away to the claret — a bumper, Squire Jones ! BARNEY BRALLAGHAN'S COURTSHIP.
Strana 88 - Low the dauntless earl is laid, Gored with many a gaping wound : Fate demands a nobler head ; Soon a king shall bite the ground.
Strana 88 - Ye soldiers so stout, With plenty of oaths, though no plenty of coin, Who make such a rout Of all your commanders Who served us in Flanders, And eke at the Boyne : Come leave off your rattling Of...
Strana 153 - If you're his guest, while e'er you stay His cottage holds a jubilee. His inmost soul he will unlock, And if he may your secrets scan, Your confidence he scorns to mock, For faithful is an Irishman. By...
Strana 88 - Who myst'ries profound can demonstrate most clear, How worthy to rise ! You preach once a week, But your tithes never seek Above once in a year : Come here without failing, And leave off your railing 'Gainst bishops providing for dull stupid drones ; Says the text so divine, " What is life without wine ?" Then away with the claret — a bumper, Squire Jones.

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