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COR. 8. If, however, we have the two equations

Ap=f. (0) or R2=0,

and Ap=ƒ3. (0) or R=0,

then the spiral will admit a tangent.

For, in that case, we shall have

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Now, if R, be positive, and (1) sufficiently diminished, both these series will be positive; and, therefore, SR and SR will be greater than SQ and SQ respectively; and, therefore, RPR' will be a tangent.

COR. 9. In a similar way it. may be shown, that, if the number of the coefficients

R2, R3, R, &c.,

which vanish at any point, be odd, the curve does not admit a tangent, and that, if the number be even, it does.

COR. 10. Hence, if two spirals, referred to the same pole, have at any point a common tangent, the first differential coefficients of their radii vectores must, at that point, be equal. For at that point, since their radii vectores, and their tangents coincide, (p)


and and, consequently, de


in both.

d Ꮎ

must be the same

COR. 11. Hence, if two spirals, referred to the

same pole, touch each other internally,


is the same

d Ꮎ

in both. For in this case the spirals have a common tangent.

DEF. A spiral is said to be concave at any point when the parts of it, immediately adjacent to that point, lie between the pole, and the tangent to that point.

DEF. A spiral is said to be convex at any point, when the tangent to that point lies between the pole and the arcs, immediately adjacent to that point.

DEF. If, while the spiral angle increases, the spiral from being convex becomes concave, or from being concave becomes convex, the point, where the change takes place, is called a point of contrary flexure.

If, at any point, the radius vector of a spiral becomes its tangent, it is manifest, that, at this point, a change from convexity to concavity takes place; but, since the spiral angle does not increase during the change, this point is not a point of contrary flexure.


To find when a spiral is convex, and when


Using the same figure, construction, and notation as before, it appears, that

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Now if the curve be concave, Q lies between R and S, and SR is greater than SQ; and, therefore, the series (D) is positive; hence, R, the coefficient of the first term, must be positive; (unless it=0).

But R2=A2p-ƒ2. † (0) ;


and therefore, ƒ2¢(0) or is less than Ap,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

In the same manner it may be shown, that, when the

[blocks in formation]


COR. 1. Conversely.

cave, or convex according as is less or greater

[blocks in formation]

Ex. 1. To find when the logarithmic spiral is concave, and when convex.

Here the equation is pao;

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Now, a must always be less than (24+ 1 ) ao ;

[blocks in formation]

and, therefore, the curve will always be concave, and admit no point of contrary flexure.

Ex. 2. To find when the parabola is concave

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2 dp

dp2 pdo

do 2

[blocks in formation]

pdo2 + p = 2 a. t° (1+t3) +a. (1+t2)

= a (1 + 3 t2 + 2t4).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

and, therefore, the curve is always concave.

Ex. 3. To find when the Lituus, (a spiral whose

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4 1


and ... is less than

; hence, 02 is greater

than; and, therefore, (8) is greater than


[blocks in formation]

conversely, if (6) be greater than the spiral is

concave; in the same manner it may be shown, that


if (0) be less than , the spiral is convex. Hence it


appears, that there is a point of contrary flexure,

[blocks in formation]
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