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at the log with all brakes set, and maintaining a balance with difficulty on top of the log, he pointed as best he could, seeming to realize his loss of dignity in the absurd position he was compelled to assume. The gunners came up, and in response to a noise of a branch purposely broken by one of the hunters, the quail got up. Somewhat rattled, the invited guest shot his right barrel as he was bringing his gun to his shoulder and the second barrel at a bird that had already started to fall as a result of the master's first shot.

The guest plainly showed his irritation over his obviously premature first shot, and remarked with emphasis that he was glad he had scored with his "left." His companion looked amused and dryly remarked, "Suppose we leave it to Mac as to who shot the bird," and the faithful dog proudly and promptly retrieved it to his master in no uncertain manner.

The guest was man enough to accept the dog's apparent rebuke, apologized handsomely, and later told his friends: "Mac made me feel like the tin-horn sport that I was, and taught me what a game-hog I have been."


Mac's stanchness on point was early indicated, but soon became developed to a remarkable degree. The spring following his third hunting season he discovered after breakfast one morning an English snipe in the open meadow behind the barn. Wild as the English snipe usually are, this particular bird evidently was wing-weary from a long flight the night before, and to the delight of Mac did not flush. Carefully working up to the bird, he came to point, nostrils dilated and eyes blazing in his excitement. The head gardener reported the fact that Mac was pointing


one of them snipes, sir, on the north meadow, sir." The master, absorbed in the writing of an important article, dismissed the gardener with a word of thanks and promptly forgot Mac and the snipe. At twelve o'clock, upon coming down to his early luncheon, the master's housekeeper, with ill-concealed rebuke in her voice, said: "The gardener, sir, says as how Mac's still a-pointing, sir, in the north meadow-he's been that way since nine this mornin', he says.' Conscience-smitten, the master grabbed his gun and a shell or two, and was soon striding up behind the faithful setter. At his spoken "Good dog" Mac's tail "broke point" for a moment in a joyous wag of welcome, and the dog once more became a statue of stone.

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The bird, flushed by the disturbance, started upon its erratic, zigzag course, to fall forty yards away at the first shot, and was duly retrieved with dignity; but the reaction from the long strain under which Mac had suffered all morning was too much for him, and with grown-up manners cast to the four

winds, he barked and capered about his master in all the abandonment of his joy and relief. I believe it was from that moment that his master realized that Mac was destined to become a truly great dog.


That summer his education was enlarged by a most interesting and at times dismaying trip to a farm on Long Island owned by his master's father. The arrival of the puffing engine at the station, the dog's abrupt introduction into the baggage car, and the jerk of the train as it started, struck terror to his stalwart heart. Had it not been for the presence of a blasé bulldog, who eyed him with amused scorn from the further end of the car, poor Mac would have howled. Appeasing his own outraged feelings with a low whine of self-pity, he managed meanwhile to glare insultingly back at the bulldog and grudgingly settled himself with the philosophy of a stoic for whatever fate the trip had in store. Recovering his poise by the time the ferry was reached, and fortified by a wonderful ham sandwich, he succeeded without effort in walking, stiff-legged and with back hair bristling ferociously, in front of a panic-stricken sky-terrier that a woman had hastily taken up in her arms at his approach.

The journey ended, Mac, whose fame had preceded him, was welcomed as the guest of honor, and condescendingly accepted the homage given him. To his master alone did he show plainly that he was only putting on airs and enjoying the situation to its uttermost.


And then strange days befell Mac and all was not well with him. There arrived at the farm a beautiful lady, soft of voice, kind of eye, who reminded Mac in some vague way of sweet clover in blossom. And what was more worthy of observation, his master appeared pleased with her, and as the friendship ripened, spent hours at a time in her company on long walks lasting into the afterglow of the day. At such times the dog, of the day. At such times the dog, seeking to please his master and secure his favor, searched most diligently for quail, without in any way securing the attention he so deeply craved, and his heart ached. Yet the bigness of the dog showed in his attitude to the girl his master honored. In spite of the jealousy arising from his master's strange neglect of him through devotion to the lady, he loyally extended his friendship to one who found favor in his master's eye. It was well that it was so, for dire days, full of sorrow, soon befell Mac. His master was obliged to remain in town throughout each week, leaving him on the farm to await with ill-concealed impatience his arrival each week-end. Through the lonely days to be endured during his

master's absence he was wont to go forlornly up to his master's room and there lie down upon some discarded coat his master had worn, indifferent to the possible delights each day had to offer, yearning only for the one he loved. It was there, lying on his mas ter's coat, that the lady found him, and in time, as they grew to understand the bond between them, the dog was per suaded to leave his sanctuary and seek comfort in the presence of his master's lady. The two soon became inseparable, and waited, each with a love that few men are worthy to inspire, the return of the absent one, vying each with the other in the welcome extended to him upon his arrival.

Now it came about that the wonderful lady was greatly embarrassed upon one occasion by the dog's keen nose. Returning from town one mid-week day, she was greeted by the family as sembled, who soon were seeking with out success to conceal their amusement over the discovery of a profound secret that Mac so ingenuously made apparent to all. The lady had that day, as ladies will forever and a day, met, without undue publicity, the man of her heart and choosing. And what is more, horror of great horrors, had lunched with him unbeknown to his family, and, shocking as it may seem, had even walked in Central Park with him after the luncheon.

The fullness of the skirts in the courting days of yesterday made the contact of skirts and trousers well-nigh unavoidable for those who walked and talked of things most intimate each to the other. The dog had discovered, in the presence of the master's family, the scent of his master on the hem of the wonderful lady's skirts. With a low whine of heart-hungry longing, Mac capered about her, sniffing her skirts in ecstasy, until the mother, with a teasing smile, said, "Daughter of mine to be, Mac confirms your guilty though becoming blushes. How is that son of mine?"

The years rolled on until we come to the latter days of Mac's life, in which he performed an act of love and heroism that inspires even to-day the master's children, now grown, with a memory of great reverence for the dog who taught all with whom he came in contact a mighty lesson in loyalty, devotion, and service.



A baby girl arrived to bless his mas ter and mistress, and, although regarded at first by old Mac with suspicion, was soon accepted by him as a responsibility that he must assume. Plague him as she might, he patiently suffered her baby attentions with no sign of protest or annoyance. It was well-nigh a daily sight, and the fitting end of a strenuous afternoon of baby play, to find the little lady fast asleep with her head on Mac's


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tomach and the dog not daring to move est he disturb his charge, diplomatically eigning sleep until a member of the amily appeared to relieve the faithful urse. And then came a tragic day. the little lady had disappeared, no one new where; night was approaching, nd the chill of the fall evenings made xposure at night for a youngster of bree fatal beyond doubt. Mac had folowed the carriage to the station to welcome his master from the city, and herefore offered no comforting thought f the possibility of his having wandered ff with the child to protect it from

harm. House, barn, carriage-house, and
grounds had been frantically searched.
Mother, gardeners, and housekeeper
were wild with terror and awaited
heart-broken the return and help of the
father. Grasping the situation upon
his arrival, he instinctively called Mac
to him, who seemed to sense the terror
that was upon them all. Reminded, at
thought of him, of Mac's wonderful
nose that had never failed him in the
hunting-field, the master caught up a
little jacket belonging to his daughter.
Holding it out for the dog to see and
smell, he said, "Go find her, Mac !"
With an eager whine the dog was off to
search the familiar parts of the estate
where dog and girl had been accus-
tomed to play. Some distance from the
house, he suddenly raised his head, stood
motionless for a moment sniffing the
air, and then with nose near the ground
he unhesitatingly followed a trail that
led off back of the barn and along an
old pasture road. Stopping uncertainly
at a stone wall, the dog again picked up
the trail, which led into the dark of the
woods near by. Stumbling on as best
he could, the stricken father heard at
last the wild barking of Mac, a mile
away, deep in the tangle of the thick
woods. And there the little lady was
found, Mac licking her tear-stained
face and barking with all his might in
his joy at finding the maiden bold, who
his joy at finding the maiden bold, who
had wandered off to catch the sunset
that the forest hid from view each night.


Photograph from F. Freeman Lloyd

Another winter passed, with Mac's advancing years foretelling the end. Rejoicing in the arrival of early summer's warmth and sunshine, he sought the comfort of his favorite spot beneath the hydrangea bushes, and there asleep he peacefully crossed the great divide into the happy hunting-grounds beyond. There too he was buried with a headstone marking the grave, and inscribed upon it were the words: "Mac, a dog with heart and soul, a mighty hunter, beloved by those whose lives he shared and held in honored memory by his master whom he served so faithfully."



I must unlearn my early modes of praise;
Forego the noisy trumpet and the drum
With which a boy made music. I have come
To learn a gentler art. I cannot raise

A fanfarade along the city's ways

As once I did. My fingers and my thumb
Tremble along the lute-strings; and the dumb
Wires wake and whisper in the evening haze.

I have discovered beauty in my pain,
And with naught else can I be satisfied.
Never, oh, never shall I know again
An easy rapture. But with muted breath
I softly cry, until my broken pride
Be mended by the tenderness of death.

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LAST saw him probably seven or eight years ago. He had passed his eightyfifth birthday and was about returning to his home in Syria. He had been a issionary in that land for more than half century and for thirty-six years Presint of the Syrian Protestant College. The aduates of that College gave him a fareell supper in New York at a downtown rian restaurant. I had the good fortune be one of the comparatively few Amerin invited guests. He sat in an easy chair hich had been provided for his comfort. is body was aged and getting beyond ssible repair. But he had all the intelctual courage, the welcoming sympathy, e broad interest, the unfaltering courage, d the genial humor which had made him a young man a pioneer and a chosen ader among pioneers. When it came time r him to reply to the cordial farewells hich had been spoken, his son helped him his feet, and, leaning upon his crutch, s beautiful face beautifully framed in by s long white hair, he began his speech

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Boys! in this last speech that I shall er make to you I will repeat the first

peech I ever made as a schoolboy:

"You'd scarce expect one of my age

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To speak in public on the stage.' He was born to be a teacher. No one is ted to answer the questions and solve the roblems of youth who has not in his own buth formed the habit of asking questions nd facing problems. When he was eight r nine years old, he cut off his toe with a ythe in the hay-field. This started in his ind the question what would become of hat toe in the resurrection. His father ould give him no better answer than that e resurrection was a great mystery, but od was able to raise the dead. He had atience as well as curiosity, and the queson remained unanswered for twenty years, hen he reached his conclusion: no resurection of the body; God shall give a new ody. In narrating this incident, he adds: Since studying Paul I have never, except 4 memory, seen bones flying in space in earch of the old body."

In the first half of the nineteenth century

The Reminiscences of Daniel Bliss. Edited and upplemented by His Eldest Son. Illustrated. The leming H. Revell Company, New York.

asking questions about religion was generally regarded dangerous. An old minister remonstrated with the youthful inquirer. "Dan," he said, "you are the most dangerous boy in town." "Why, what evil have I done?" "None; that is the trouble. If you were drunk half the time, your influence would not be so bad. You neither lie, swear, drink, nor quarrel, and others point at you and say, 'Dan Bliss is not a Christian, and yet what a good boy he is.""

He carried the same spirit with him to Amherst College. Graduating in 1852, when the anti-slavery agitation was at its height and Congress had passed a resolution that there should be no agitation of the slave question during the session, he took for the subject of his graduating address, "Agitation." The spirit of the address is sufficiently indicated by a single sentence: "Truth can lose nothing by agitation but may gain all; and Error can gain nothing but lose all."

It indicated both the spirit of the American Board and the non-combative spirit of the young collegian that three year's later young Bliss, still engaged in that quest for

Courtesy of Fleming H. Revell Co.


truth which every success converts into a braver quest, obtained an appointment as a missionary to Syria and set sail with his bride in a sailing vessel of three hundred tons burden. Mrs. Bliss has left a graphic description of the perilous voyage.

In 1843 Dr. C. V.A. Van Dyck had established a high school in Syria, which in three years had developed into an academy for the training of teachers and preachers. In 1855 it had twenty-four students and its curriculum included physics and the higher mathematics taught from Arabic textbooks prepared by Dr. Van Dyck himself. Little attention was paid to the English language, but much to the study of the Bible.

The success of this school or academy probably led to the suggestion in 1862 of an institute for the higher learning in Beirut; it was resolved by a gathering of missionaries to attempt it, and Mr. Bliss was chosen as its Principal. Its object was to be, not proselyting, but education; its. aim, to furnish an education equal to that. of the better American colleges; the language of the lectures and the text-books, the Arabic. It was an undertaking which required an audacious faith and an inexhaustible patience.

Such an enterprise was sure to meet. bitter hostility from the Turkish Government, for apostatizing from the Moslem. faith was punishable by death. "A delegation of Druses called on the wife of a. Druse seminary student who was seeking admission to the church and asked her permission to kill him." Even to this day very few of the students either in the Syrian College in Beirût or in Robert College in Constantinople are of Turkish parentage.. It could have at first little welcome from the Syrian Christians, for they were divided into bitterly hostile sects. "Mr. Bliss's. maidservant, who was a member of the Greek Church, was threatened with death by her own family when she encouraged a Protestant suitor." There was no money; for these missionaries had no notion of taking mission funds to support an educational institute which was not the object for which the funds were given. The money must be raised in England and in the United States, and there was opposition to the enterprise in both countries. To train ministers was all very well, but to prepare boys for other callings-business, law, medicine, engineering, literature-was quite. another matter. Sectarian differences at home as well as sectarian differences abroad had to be overcome. The move


ment was interesting to all Christians, and therefore did not specially interest any particular denomination.

Not least of the burdens to be borne was the great variety of tasks already imposed upon those who were now proposing to add the task of building a college in a community which did not even know what a college was. "You ask about Abby's health," writes Mr. Bliss to his wife's mother. "You must know that she is much better than when she was in America, for could she then take care of a large baby, keep a house and attend to a houseful of company, make clothes for her husband, self, and baby, besides fitting dresses for others, and in addition to all this carry on a correspondence extensive enough to weary out a common mind ?" Nor were his labors less diversified. "A missionary in those days had to be a jack-of-all-trades. To the ordinary life of preacher and pastor he was obliged to add the function of a lawyer in case members of his flock were denied their legal rights; he daily acted as school superintendent; he had to understand the arts of land purchase, building, carpentry; he was indeed often helpless if he did not know something of medicine. In dealing with the Government he could. hope for little success if he did not know something of diplomacy."

The College was devised in 1862. In 1871 the corner-stone of the main building was laid by William E. Dodge, one of its principal founders, and on that occasion, in the following characteristic utterance, Dr. Bliss interpreted its spirit:

This College is for all conditions and classes of men without regard to color, nationality, race, or religion. A man, white, black, or yellow, Christian, Jew, Mohammedan, or heathen, may enter and enjoy all the advantages of this institution for three, four, or eight years, and go out believing in one God, in many Gods, or in no God. But it will be impossible for any one to continue with us long without knowing what we believe to be the truth and our reasons for that Lelief.

Upon his retirement in 1902 his son, Howard Bliss, was elected his successor, and continued the work of his father for


Adventures in Mother Goose Land. Br Edward Gowar. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston.

Belligerent Peter. By David De Forest Bur rell, Green Fund Book No. 24a. American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. Boys' Book of Sea Fights. By Chelsea Curtis Fraser. Illustrated. The Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York.

Boy Scouts on the Trail. By John Garth Illustrated. Barse & Hopkins, New York. Cousin Nancy and the Lees of Clifford, A Story for Girls. By Gene Stone. Illustrated The Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. It Happened at Andover. Well, Most of It Did, Anyway. By James Chandler Graham. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston Jane and the Owl. (Sage Brush Stories.) Br Gene Stone. Illustrated. The Thomas Y Crowell Company, New York.

Janet: A Twin. By Dorothy Whitehill. Ils trated. Barse & Hopkins, New York. Johnnie Kelly. By Wilbur S. Boyer. Ill trated. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.



American Democracy (The). By S. E. Fr man. Illustrated. The Century Company New York.

Coal and Iron War. A Study in Indus trialism Past and Future. By Edwin C Eckel. Henry Holt & Co., New York. Dawn of a New Era in Syria (The). Br Margaret McGilvary. Illustrated. The Flem ing H. Revell Company, New York. History of France (A). By Victor Duny Translated by M. Cary. Introduction by Franklin Jameson, Ph.D. New Edition. Re vised by Mabell S. C. Smith, A.B., A.M. T Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. New World Order (The). International Orga

zation, International Law, International Co operation. By Frederick Charles Hich Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City.

Tankard of Ale (A). An Anthology of Drink ing Songs. Compiled and Edited by Theodore Maynard. Robert M. McBride & Co., Ner York.

War Poems, and Other Verses. By R.E Vernède. The George H. Doran Company New York.

American Red Cross in the Great War (The). By Henry P. Davison. The Macmil lan Company, New York.

Tanks in the Great War, 1914-1918 Brevet-Colonel J. F. C. Fuller, D.S.O. Illus trated. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York.

Claude's Second Book. Edited by L. Kel way-Bamber. Introduction by Ellis Thomas Powell, LL.B., D.Sc. Henry Holt & Co. New York.

Giacosa Tristi Amori. Edited by Rudolph Altrocchi, Ph.D., and Benjamin Mather Woodbridge, Ph.D. Introduction by Stanley Astredo Smith, M.A. The University of Chi cago Italian Series. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Voice Education. By Eleanor McLellan Harper & Brothers, New York.

Football Without a Coach. By Walter Camp.
Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co., New York.
Helping Men Own Farms. By Elwood Mead
The Macmillan Company, New York.
Literature of Business (The). Selected and

Edited by Alta Gwinu Saunders and Herbert
Le Sourd Creek. Harper & Brothers, New

Making Advertisements

and Making Them Pay. By Roy D. Durstine. Charls Scribner's Sons, New York. Principles of Aesthetics (The). By De Wi

Parker. Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston. Voice of the Negro (The). By Robert T.

Kerlin. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. Woman and the New Race. By Margaret Sanger. Brentano's, New York.

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