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What the Pilgrim Fathers Left


Behind Them

IR ARTHUR SHIPLEY tells us on another page that " we are pretty well informed as to what the Pilgrim Fathers found on their arrival" on this side of the Atlantic. What would you tell a young person that the Pilgrims found on their arrival here ?

Sir Arthur also tells us that "much that they left behind them was bad," and mentions what, in his opinion, some of those bad things were. Can you prove that the things he mentions were bad? What specific illustrations can you give in your proof?

What are the main facts about the rise of the Puritans in England? There is difference of opinion as to the origin of the name Puritan. What is its origin?

What distinctions should be kept in mind in referring to Independents, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Puritans in English history in the time of Queen Elizabeth?

A noted American historian tells us that "the Pilgrims were not subjected to active persecution in England from Church or State." This view is contrary to popular belief. Is the historian right?

What is the difference between Puritans and Separatists? Between these two terms and the term Pilgrims? Is it worth while to make these distinctions?

How did the Anglican Church differ in belief from the Catholic Church in the time of Elizabeth? In the time of James I?

Sir Arthur tells us on page 464 that "all these activities would have left the Pilgrim Fathers unmoved, for they were beyond the sphere of their vision." What are "these activities to which he refers? Does this comment of his characterize the Pilgrim Fathers unjustly?

Was the Pilgrim colony in America. an economic success? Did poverty and hardship continue at Plymouth as long as is frequently implied?

What was the attitude of other Protestant

sects in New England toward the Pilgrim


Define the following terms: Litany, the Stadtholder, antinomies, the Moluccas, inveterate, theocracy, litterateurs, anatomists.

It would be difficult to make a thorough and valuable study of the Pilgrims without reading "The Pilgrims and Their Story," by R. G. Usher (Macmillan); "The Pilgrim Republic," by J. G. Goodwin (Houghton Mifflin); "The Argonauts of Faith," by Basil Matthews (Doran).

Is Flying Dangerous? What reasons do you know of why flying is considered dangerous?

Has Mr. Driggs succeeded in convincing you that flying is not dangerous? What are your reasons?

Mr. Driggs quotes Lieutenant Plumb as saying: "On one occasion the plane was

These questions and comments are designed not ouly for the use of current events classes and clubs, debating societies, teachers of history and English. and the like, but also for discussion in the home and for suggestion to any reader who desires to study current affairs as well as to read about them. -THE EDITORS.

thrown into a position literally a bank beyond the vertical" (page 461). Can you explain in words and illustrate by diagram the meaning of this sentence?

How many kinds of aircraft are there? Can you explain how they differ?

Why does an airplane fly? Make this clear to those who may know nothing about the answer to the question.

What are your reasons for believing that the United States Government should or should not spend money in the development of aircraft?

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What do you expect of our next Senate? Of what educational value has this political campaign been to you?

Note two references in the editorial entitled "The Election of Mr. Harding."

The first is to one-man power. Was this power shown in the sending of unofficial agents abroad? Or in the President's course regarding Americans in Mexico? Or in his absorption of war powers? Or in his recent refusal to carry out the terms of a bill he had signed?

As to the extravagant war expenditures, do you or do you not defend waste after war has come? In particular, how far is the Administration responsible for avoidable waste and how far does blame attach to the people who did not make it plain that there must be preparedness?

Is the idealism mentioned in the editorial always to be measured by such facts as the Selective Service Law, the transpor tation of troops without the loss of life, the efficient waging of war abroad? Or by such facts as our present taxation system, the Government's action in the sugar situation, the decline in Government bonds?




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author of "Is Flying Dangerous?"

needs no introduction to Outlook readers. He will be remembered, among other things, for the remarkable stories of Arnold Adair which The Outlook published during the war. By the way, there are other Arnold Adair stories in prospect, in which Mr. Driggs introduces his hero as an aviator in time of peace. Those who have met Arnold Adair in his previous career will doubtless guess that his new adventures are not wholly without those thrills which we have all come to associate with his vigorous personality.


ICHARD WELLING, who served as an officer in the Navy during the war and who now, holds a commission as lieutenant in the Fleet Naval Reserve, recounts a daring experiment (or so it would seem to those accustomed to the old type of military discipline) which he attempted in an effort to build up the esprit de corps of his men and to achieve a state of something more than passive obedience in the camp which he commanded. His story is one which ought to interest ex-service men, but its appeal is not limited to those of naval and military experience.


DWARD L. DAVISON, an undergraduate of St. John's College, Cambridge, whose poem "The Sunken City" appears in this issue, is one of the more outstanding of the younger English poets who have become prominent by his post-war writings. Mr. Davison is editor of the "Cambridge Review," the oldest university journal in England. He has also taken a prominent part in the Union, the great debating society of the University. Poems of his have appeared in the London " Mercury," "Country Life," and other wellknown English journals. Mr. Davison is the editor of an anthology of poetry written by Cambridge students who served in the army or navy during the war. This anthology is in the press. Two more poems by Mr. Davison will appear in later issues.


whose interpretation of the Pilgrim Fathers from a European point of view, appears in this issue, is Deputy ViceChancellor of the University of Cambridge and is Master of the venerable Christ's College of that great University. Our readers will remember that on a previous visit to this country as one of the British Commissioners of Education in war time, Sir Arthur contributed to these pages four or five articles on the relation of American students in the war to English universities. It may not be out of place to add that Sir Arthur is primarily a scientist, a Fellow of the Royal Society. His vocation is that of a zoologist; his avocation, as his contributions to our pages alone would indicate, is that of a litterateur.

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Chief Pacific


Gateway to



SEATTLE is America's Chief Port on the Pacific. She does not wish to make invidious comparisons but the figures are matters of official record.

By strategic location Seattle dominates the trade of Alaska, a vast undeveloped treasure land capable of supporting 10,000,000 to 30,000,000 prosperous people; and almost equally so by the irresistible logic of several days less sailing, commands the trade of the vast undeveloped Empire of Siberia, as well as of China, Japan, and the South Seas. Contributing factors are by far the best port facilities on the Pacific Coast, and the lowest port charges. A notable economy in money as well as in time.

Seattle's commerce is not only with the Orient and Alaska, but with every civilized land on the globe. She has what the world most urgently needs. Her hinterland produces $600,000,000 a year in vital necessities.

No one familiar with economic facts and cosmic conditions questions that Seattle is to become one of the world's greatest industrial centers, as she is today one of the leading world ports in commerce.

Seattle is the center of the richest area of the United States in basic resources; the chief supply of mer chantable timber on the continent; practically the only coal in the Pacific States; the most favorable land and climatic conditions for agriculture, horticulture, and dairying. Seattle is by far the chief fish port of the world. She is the leading American port in the importation of crude rubber, vegetable oils, raw silk, tea, hemp, and Siberian hides. Into her lap pour the treasures of Alaska-gold, copper, and fish; and when more enlightened laws permit, will come the almost infinite possibilities of that favored land.

Seattle's territory extends 900 miles toward St. Paul and St. Louis, and 500 miles toward San Francisco; a country of vast undeveloped possibilities and great natural wealth. In lumber, the world is her market. In addition to largely dominating the trade with Alaska, Siberia, Japan, and China, Seattle's annual waterborne commerce of $792,120,736 is with Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Cuba, Barbadoes, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentine, England, Germany, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Scotland, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Straits Settlements, India, Siam, Korea, Siberia, Aden, Persia, Dutch, French, British, and Portuguese East Indies, Philippines, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, British, French, and German Oceania, British East Africa, Egypt, and Portuguese Africa. The Panama Canal has added to Seattle's market the East Coast of North and South America, all of Europe and the Mediterranean countries.

The Seaport

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Seattle is not only the chief Pacific Port but the chief railroad center. She has three transcontinental trunk lines to every one to the southern ports.

One-sixth of the water power of the Nation is in the State of Washington, and one-third of the Nation's water power is in the Northwestern States, which are Seattle's back country. Seattle has almost limitless power possibilities at the minimum of cost, plus a never-failing supply of coal for all purposes right at her doors.


Manufacturers in Seattle have demonstrated that they have a margin of at least 20 per cent over the East in manufacturing costs due to climate alone-the fact that their employees can work indoors or out every day in the year in comfort; that in consequence they are physically and mentally fit and can work with their heads as well as with their hands. It was primarily climatic advantages that enabled Seattle to produce 20.7 per cent of the bridge of ships that so tremendously helped to win the war. Seattle is the healthiest city in the world by Government statistics.


Seattle's harbor, the most perfect in the western hemisphere, affords a large area of industrial sites, and a great inner fresh water harbor, which the largest ships may enter in from five to twenty minutes without tolls, more than doubles the frontage-194 miles in all. In the inner harbor, vessels are automatically cleansed of barnacles and sea growth, wharves maintained free from the ravages of the destructive teredo of salt water, and ships loaded without adjustment to tides.


Seattle's tremendous expansion in shipbuilding more than doubled her supply of skilled and ordinary labor.
The falling off in shipbuilding leaves a surplus of labor of the best class available for new industries.


Seattle has had some unpleasant publicity regarding her labor situation. It was inevitable that with her immense increase in labor supply some came who were not welcome, but the situation was greatly exaggerated for sensational effect. Seattle declared unequivocally several months ago for the open shop-the American plan-a square deal to labor, to capital, and to the public. Over 99% per cent of the 3500 members of the Chamber of Commerce endorsed this action as did every commercial and employers' association in Seattle. You might like to read the story. Send for "The American Plan-Seattle's Answer to Bolshevism." No city has a better labor situation than Seattle.


There's nothing more vital to Seattle's continued development than the traditional Seattle Spirit which has known no obstacle since earliest days it could not overcome. Seattle has also always stood foursquare for law and order.


Outstanding big things for which there are unquestioned opportunities in Seattle are, great
Steel, Copper, and Rubber industries; the manufacture of Vegetable Oils into Soap and
Edible Products; Silk Weaving, Woolen Mills; Furniture Manufacturing from native and
Philippine woods; Fertilizer and Glass Works; Paper and Textile Mills.

In all human probability your opportunity either in manufacturing or foreign trade exists in Seattle, as
it does nowhere else on earth. Please put your industrial problem up to us. It will have the most pains-
taking consideration. If your line is fully occupied or there does not appear to be an opening for it that
promises success, you will be frankly so advised. Send also for "Seattle, the Seaport of Success." Plan
your vacation to Seattle, the center of the nation's playground, and look into the whole question
personally if you can.


PUBLICITY BUREAU 903 Arctic Building, Seattle

of Success

Chief Railroad

Cheap Power



Labor Supply

The Open Shop

Seattle Spirit


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