A TI THE OUTLOOK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECTION Advertising Rates: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, etc., sixty cents per agate line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. In calculating space required for an advertisement, count an average of six words to the line unless display type is desired. "Want" advertisements, under the various headings, "Board and Rooms," " Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address, for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertisement is set in capital letters without additional charge, Other words may be set in capitals, if desired, at double rates. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered. Special headings appropriate to the department may be arranged for on application. Orders and copy for Classified Advertisements must be received with remittance ten days before the date of issue when it is intended the advertisement shall first appear. Address: ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, THE OUTLOOK, 381 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Hotels and Resorts NEW YORK CITY HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washing ton Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $3.50 per day, including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines. NORTH CAROLINA Pinehurst NORTH CAROLINA The Bureau of University Travel for ideal sport, but for the constant revival of 15 Boyd Street Newton, Mass. Hotels and Resorts BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort BERMUDA HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers Reached by Steamers of Furness Bermuda Line, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Guests have returned year after year-not alone GOLF-SHOOTING-RACING-MOTORING- For Reservations or Information address: General Office, Pinehurst, North Carolina, or SOUTH CAROLINA EARLY GOLF and HUNTING at The HAMILTON 1 Summerville WASHINGTON, D. C. A Select Family and Transient Hotel Ideal Location. Modern appointments and Home-like. Good table. American plan. Rates reasonable; special rates for a prolonged stay. Booklet. IRVING O. BALL, Proprietor. FLORIDA Spend Your Winter at the Dunedin Lodge-On the Gulf A quaint little hostelry preserving the air of MASSACHUSETTS If You Are Tired or Need a Change THE WELDON HOTEL GREENFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK CITY Hotel Le Marquis 12 East 31st Street New York Combines every convenience and home Rates with Illustrated Booklet gladly sent Pine Forest Inn & Cottages Summerville, S. C., 22 miles from Golf and Hunting Superb 18-hole golf course. Reg- F. W. Wagener & Co. Willard A. Senna Address until Nov. 20, 1920, care of Country Board WANTED-Adult Boarders on old-fashioned Virginia farm. Excellent table, conveniences. Delightful fall and winter season. Shooting, riding, etc. 3,115, Outlook. Health Resorts Sanford Hall, est. 1841 For Mental and Nervous Diseases Private Hospital Comfortable, homelike surroundings; modern methods of treatment; competent nurses. 15 acres of lawn, park, flower and vegetable gardens. Food the best. Write for booklet. Sanford Hall Flushing New York New Jersey A modern health re sort, delightful in autumn. Let us send you our booklet. D. E. DRAKE, M.D. Idylease Inn Newfoundland, LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick The Bethesda White Plains, N. Y. A private sanitarium for invalids and aged who need care. Ideal surroundings. Addre for terms Alice Gates Bugbee, M.D. Tel. 201. Real Estate FLORIDA WINTER HOME Ideal Climate, Hunting, Fishing 8-room cottage, 3-room help cottage, both furnished, small grove. Quick sale will take $8,000 cash next 30 days. Box 32, Cocoa, F For Sale-Ideal Winter Home 7 acres best orange land on Dixie Highway and Caloosahatchee River, Olga, Florida Good fishing and hunting. Practically ner 8-room house, screened, porches acreened bath. Near P. O. and store. Also building lot on Woodford Ave., Fort Myers, Fla. Splen did location. Address Mrs. A. C. WEAVER 325 MacGregor Boulevard, Fort Myers, F BOOKS, MAGAZINES MANUSCRIPTS BOOKS on pedigrees, genealogies, and coats-of-arms. Every Anglo-Saxon and Celtic name. Kindly inquire for particulars. Chi A. O'Connor, 21 Spruce St., New York City. STORIES, poems, plays, etc., are wanted for publication. Submit MSS. or write Literary Bureau, 325, Hannibal, Mo. BOARD AND ROOMS BRIGHT room, private bath. Board op tional. New York suburb. 9,197, Outlook. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVENTIONS wanted. Cash or royalty for ideas. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 217,8t. Louis, Mo. A REFORMED SPELLER QUESTIONED IN HIS OWN TONGUE Amitted The Outlook, in its issue of OctoMONG the college presidents who perber 20, to tell how they were going to vote and to print their reasons was President David Felmley, of Illinois State Normal University. In stating his reasons he used a moderate form of simplified spelling. We are sure he will enjoy the following letter which his statement has evoked from one of our readers: Der Outlok: Of cors I am no skolar, but wat I cant understand is that eny colig president, partikularle one frum normal Ilinoy, shuld sa that Republekan politishuns and thair supportirs, thru partizan politix, kan fors aty per sent uv the reding, thinking, openminded pepl to change thair minds about the leag uv nashuns. - Ma I not ask yu to enlitun me ? Yurs truly, Washington, D. C. JON. S. BEK. EDUCATING WOMEN VOTERS N your issue of August 4 you very kindly gave the Educational Section of the League of Woman Voters a most interestng editorial, and I think I owe it to you o acquaint you with the results attendant pon that editorial. From all over the United States, as far away as Hawaii, we ave received requests for information rearding our work. Although it is now October 21, requests are still coming in for nformation, and up to date we have reeived over five hundred communications egarding it from all sorts of people— ousewives, teachers, public speakers, nd men and women desiring civic in ormation. It should be most gratifying to The Outlook to realize the breadth of its field and ae response that one editorial can evoke. FLORENCE C. WHITNEY, Chairman Educational Section. Bronxville, New York. CHRISTMAS GIFTS COPLEY CRAFT CHRISTMAS CARDS, nd-colored, sent on approval. The line is st known for its distinctive verses. Disunts to those selling among friends.JessieA. CNicol, 18 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. UNIQUE table runners, Japanese crape, for eakfast or luncheon table, with appliqué signs and stitchery. Ideal Christmas gift. plor schemes-yellows, blues, and greens. ate preference. $5 per pair. Address K. eed, 1523 Wayne Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. LADIES' PURE LINEN hand-embroidered ndkerchiefs on white or colored linens ith colored threads interwoven forming the orders. Six different patterns in box for aristmas gift, $6. Order to-day. The Irish nen Company, Davenport, Iowa. HELP WANTED Business Situations RAILWAY traffic inspectors earn from 10 to $200 per month and expenses. Travel desired. Unlimited advancement. No age nit. We train you. Positious furnished under arantee. Write for booklet CM27. Standard usiness Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. WRITE photoplays: $25-$300 paid anyone r suitable ideas. Experience unnecessary; mplete outline free. Producers League, 3, St. Louis. secre ompanions and Domestic Helpers PLACEMENT BUREAU for employer and aployee: housekeepers, matrons, ries, governesses, dietitians, attendants, other's helpers. 51 Trowbridge St., Camidge, Mass. WANTED-Nursery governess or mother's lper to help care for three chldren of six, ur, and three years. References required. rs. Thomas F. Bayard, 9 Red Oak Road, ilmington, Del. WANTED, by English family, English or otch refined lady, not over 27 years, as other's helper and companion in country minutes from New York. Maid kept. Pernal interview necessary. 9,190, Outlook. SOUTH AMERICA A Cruise Tour 70 days-$2200 up WEST INDIES Cruises 23 days under Tropical skies $450 up Tours To the ORIENT CALIFORNIA and FLORIDA Tours Including the best there is to see in South America and the celebrated trip over the Andes. Down the West coast on the luxurious Pacific Line steamer "Ebro "-up the East coast via the Lamport & Holt Line. Seventy days of pleasure on land and sea. An extended program of sightseeing in all the principal cities of South America. January 15th, S. S. Ulua; February 19th, S. S. Toloa, of the Great White Fleet. These new steamers, built for cruising in the tropics, offer the comforts of an ocean liner. Visiting Havana, Santiago, Port Antonio, Kingston, Cristobal, Panama Canal, Port Limon, San Jose and Havana. Honolulu, Japan, Manchuria, North and South China and the Philippine Islands. Sailing from Vancouver January 13; from San Francisco January 24, February 5 and 20, March 16, April 2 and 30, May 28 and June 25; from Seattle March 11. Small parties under personal escort. Write for details. Conducted tours leaving each week from the middle of January throughout the winter to California and Florida. Stopover privilege enabling individuals to return independently or with a later tour. Write for details. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY in every line of household, educational, business, or personal service-domestic workers, teachers, nurses, business or professional assistants, etc., etc.-whether you require help or are seeking a situation, may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article to sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive circular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address Department of Classified Advertising, THE OUTLOOK, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York HELP WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers DIETITIANS, superintendents, cafeteria managers, governesses, matrons, housekeepers, social workers, and secretaries. Miss Richards, Providence, East Side Box 5. Boston, Fridays, 11 to 1, 16 Jackson Hall, Trinity Court. Address Providence. REFINED woman to help dietitian; serve meals, keep some rooms in order. Simple country place. Mrs. Stanley Bright, Read ing, Pa. Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools. Calls coming every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y. WANTED-Experienced English nursery governess to care for little girl six years old at Rochester, N. Y. Best references required. 9,196, Outlook. SITUATIONS WANTED Professional Situations DIRECTOR of CORPORATION COMMUNITY WORK. Prominent and successful rector of Episcopal church desires position as layman. Eminently qualified. 9,182, Outlook. MINISTER, middle-aged, youthful in spirit, with rich pastoral experience, good preaching ability and social tact, who cannot for family reasons take permanent pastorate in his denomination, but is capable of effective service, would act as supply minister for a church for a year or more, or would take financial secretaryship of benevolent society. Has some means, so not over-anxious about salary. Good references from pastors and business men. Did expert survey work for Interchurch Movement. An acceptable speaker at soldiers' camps during war. Has organized community churches. Conservative in theology, but progressive in spirit and methods. 2,000, Outlook. SITUATIONS WANTED Business Situations SECRETARY-stenographer. Experienced, educated young lady desires position in small office. References. 9,186, Outlook. WANTED, by experienced young woman. part time secretarial or executive work. Typist. References. 2,001, Outlook. AMERICAN having banking, commercial, foreign trade, and exchange experience de sires high class connection. Could invest if required. Highest references. 2,006, Outlook. Companions and Domestic Helpers AN experienced, practical nurse desires position as companion. Traveling no objection. References exchanged. Mrs. F. O'H. Croom, Box 23, Atkinson, N. C. LADY, as companion to young or middleaged lady. Take entire charge of housekeep ing, social engagements, and accounts if desired. Highest references. 9,173, Outlook. THOROUGHLY competent woman desires position as companion to party traveling for winter. Excellent references. 9,195, Outlook. POSITION as matron or managing housekeeper. Nine years' experience. Best references. D. D. K., Berwick, Me. POSITION as companion, chaperon in girls' school, or managing housekeeper by woman of refinement. 9,198, Outlook. EXPERIENCED infant's nurse. Baby under six weeks. Country position. Salary $50. Write M. S., 314 West 76th St., New York City. COMPANION-housekeeper with ten years' reference in private family will be at liberty to take similar position January 1. 2,003, Outlook. Teachers and Governesses TUTOR. Young, virile clergyman availa ble as tutor-companion. Excellent tutorial testimonials. 9,194, Outlook. PROFESSOR of English, Western college, would accept suitable place, tutor or companion, during his leave of absence beginning February first. 9,188, Outlook. SITUATIONS WANTED Teachers and Governesses TUTOR-companion. Young man, genial, refined, fond of and popular with boys. Athletic, well educated. Will travel. Highest references. 9,191, Outlook. YOUNG MAN, unmarried, desires position in an institution with boys. Experienced teacher both in grade and commercial subjects. Has had experience as assistant superintendent. Can furnish best of references. 9,185, Outlook. TEACHER, college graduate, best pedagogical training, highest references, wide experience, desires to board in her beautiful country home and to teach one or two children requiring individual care. One hour from New York City. 2,002, Outlook. MISCELLANEOUS MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will send things on approval. No samples. References. 309 West 99th St. GRAPHOLOGY. Interesting character study. Complete analysis of handwriting made for $5. 9,063, Outlook. WANTED, in small private school, several resident pupils, ages 5 to 10. Ideal climate. Miss Speer's Primary School, 19 East San Miguel St., Colorado Springs, Col. WANTED-Child. from three months to twelve years, in refined home 85 miles from New York. Every care and advantage given by cultured woman. Reasonable recompense. 9,189, Outlook. ELDERLY gentlewoman, formerly principal of prominent Episcopal girls' school, wishes home either in town or country with refined people. Will pay approximately $50 monthly. 2,004, Outlook. SHAWNEE, Oklahoma, a growing city, a good place to live. Write for information. Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Oklahoma. MARRIED couple, no children, owning unusually attractive suburban home, will consider co-operative housekeeping with refined married couple, Protestants, no small children. 2,005, Outl ok. W.L. Douglas THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 & $10.00 SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES The best known shoes in the world. They are sold in 107 W. L. Douglas stores, direct from the factory to you at only one profit, which guarantees to you the best shoes that can be produced, at the lowest possible cost. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price are stamped on the bottom of all shoes before they leave the factory, which is your protection against unreasonable profits. W. L. Douglas $9.00 and $10.00 shoes are absolutely the best shoe values for the money in this country. They are made of the best and finest leathers that money can buy. They combine quality, style, workmanship and wearing qualities equal to other makes selling at higher prices. They are the leaders in the fashion centers of America. The stamped price is W. L.. Douglas personal guarantee that the shoes are always worth the price paid for them. The prices are the same everywhere; they cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. W. L. Douglas shoes are made by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. W. L. Douglas shoes are for sale by over 9000 shoe dealers besides our own stores. If your local dealer cannot supply you, take no other make. Order direct from factory. Send for booklet telling how to order shoes by mail, postage free. CAUTION.-Insist upon having W.L.Doug las shoes. The name and price is plainly stamped on the sole. Be careful to see that it has not been changed or mutilated. Changes or full og Mo Douglas The very best THIN SKINNED INDIAN RIVER ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT The finest in the State, will be shipped to you direct from the trees, after they get fully ripe, in quantities to suit family needs. Details sent on request. VICTORIA CITRUS GROVES CO. W.L.Douglas Shoe Co., 167 Spark Street, Brockton, Mass. Save your self hours of discomfort Resinol is what you want for your skin trouble -Resinol to stop the itching and burning-Resinol to heal the eruption. Scratching makes it worse, besides being embarrassing and dangerous, but the smooth gentle ingredients of RESINOL OINTMENT often overcome the trouble promptly, even if it is severe and long-established. Bathing the affected part first with RESINOL SOAP hastens the beneficial results. Resinol products at all druggists. BY THE WAY HE toy industry abroad, especially in Germany, which has been the greatest toy country, is essentially a home industry, according to a prominent American toy manufacturer. Here it is a machine industry. "One American concern," he says, "produces six thousand mechanical trains daily, which are stamped out on ninety punch presses. A factory is now planned which will produce a million toy balloons every week. These toys are produced here at a cost which cannot now be duplicated abroad." Mechanical toys from Germany, however, are now appearing in the New York market, some of them of remarkable ingenuity, including a comical tin dognot a dachshund!-that throws back somersaults. "Life's" understanding of feminine business methods: Lady (at bank teller's window)" I wish to open an account with you." Teller-" All right, madam. How much do you want to deposit"? Lady-"Why, nothing. I want to draw out fifty dollars.” Latin quotations used in a charge to a jury are criticised by an Indiana judge. He says, as reported in the New York "Times:" The first objection addressed to this instruc tion is that the court should not have used Latin in its charge to the jury. We concur in that criticism. The presumption is that jurors do not understand Latin, and there is no justi fication for the use of Latin in instructions. The Latin words, phrases, and sentences used in our law books have no place in the court's charge to the jury. Their meaning can be expressed with as much force and elegance in English, and a just pride in the accurate use of our National tongue would facilitate the administration of justice. TOU Another story told in the above-menned book illustrates the difficulties that et some clerical visitors. Mr. Money led on an unregenerate cobbler who was The minister asked the sick man if would like his visitor to read to him. Ah,' he said in a vcice full of scorn, 'I 't want any of that child's stuff. What ants to know about is this here Waineght murder.'" The visitor felt it necesy to give the man a severe calling down his ribaldry. "To my intense astonishit," the author says, "this hard old man utterly frightened, and said in tones alarm, Come, none of that, now; don't i put anything on me!' He thought that as trying to put a curse on him!" In one of the serious paragraphs in the sing book just quoted from the author ses on an "infallible" cure for hicghs. "Laugh as much as you like," he , "but try it the next time you are in grasp of hiccups. Take a tumbler and it about half full of water, put your to the opposite side of the rim to what ordinarily would in drinking, tilt the Is away from you instead of towards and so sip the water. That is all, but will want nothing more. e following answers from examinapapers, which a subscriber sends, that words correctly pronounced by acher may easily become "topsyies" in a pupil's ear: The equator is a menagerie lion passround the earth." In India a man out of one cask can't y a woman out of another cask." A vacuum is a large empty place e the Pope lives." Trailing art beauties are small flowers." -The clouds are a heavy midst which up into the air." The trailing arbutus has a beautiful r." Coil [the question was on coal] is e from a substance something like We All Pray "Thy Kingdom Come" DO WE MEAN IT? The Witness Committee is dedicated to the Will You Help Us Morally and Financially in this Effort? The Witness Committee "We guard our throats against germ Any druggist will tell you how widely Formamint is recommended by throat specialists, physicians and dentists. "We first became acquainted with Formamint when our doctor, several years ago, prescribed it for an epidemic of sore throat. You know how it runs through a family. "We like Formamint because it relieves so quickly and is so much more convenient than gargles and sprays, especially for the children who hate such remedies. "Then you remember the 'flu' epidemic. "Formamint must be really antiseptic, be- our family down as Formamint enthusiasts." Formamint GERM-FIGHTING THROAT TABLETS Formamint is our trade mark. It identifies our product. BAUER CHEMICAL CO. INC., NEW YORK NEW-SKIN For Cuts and Scrapes A neglected cut may lead to infection. Safety first calls for the prompt Besides being an antiseptic It protects the wound while 15c and 30c. At all druggists NEWSKIN COMPANY London "Never Neglect a Break in the Skin" FIRST FARM MORTGAGES resident AND REAL ESTATE BONDS Suspenders for comfort Every pair guaranteed MADE AT SHIRLEY MASSACHUSETTS Netting 6%, 62% and 7% Note how interested Wall Street is in agriculture, During the 37 years we have been in business, not one of our clients has ever lost a dollar. Write for our descriptive pamphlet "S" and list of offerings. E. J. Lander & Co. ESTABLISHED 1883 Grand Forks, antiseptic and germicide remarkably effective for Checking sore throat in its incipient stage. Reducing the swelling and taking out the soreness. Cleansing the mouth and arresting infection. Extensively used and highly recommended by dentists. It leaves the mouth cool and clean. $1.25 a bottle at most draggists or postpaid. Send 10c for liberal Trial bottle. W. F. YOUNG, Inc. 443 Temple Street, Springfield, Mass. Absorbine.J North Dakota THE ANTISEPTIC LINIMENT |