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ation to the point of appearing to be low; but one who by that very deliberation sees unerringly and far ahead. He's sure-footed," they said.

Withal he is said to be possessed of saving sense of humor. In St. Louis he answered heckling questions until they became irrelevant, whereupon he said, "As a boy I liked to listen to the wisdom of the town blacksmith and often brushed the flies from the horses ne was shoeing as I asked him many questions, until one day he said to me, Warren, I would like to answer your questions if you didn't ask so many hat have no sense in them.'

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In my native village in Illinois I eard Lincoln in one of his great replies o Douglas in 1858. Since then I have been a student of Abraham Lincoln. Against all preconception I am compelled to say that the qualities of Waren G. Harding upon which his neighors lay the most stress are the same s the human qualities which the world ascribes to the kindly, honest, air-minded, peace-making, patient, fareeing, often humorous Abraham Lincoln.

Harding is deeply religious. So was incoln, though he belonged to no hurch. "I feel more given to prayerulness that I may have strength to meet he heavy responsibilities that will be aid upon me," was Harding's response o the question if he was not jubilant ver the completeness of his triumph. Like Lincoln, he is a good mixer with nen. "He is the most uncommon comnon man I ever knew," was one of the lescriptions of him I heard. He will play olf with a visiting Senator or prince f finance or industry in an afternoon, nd, like as not, in the evening will say o some carpenter or typesetter, "Jim, what do you say to a game of pool?" He is an uncommon good listener," aid his pastor, Dr. McAfee. That gain is Lincoln.

At the age of eleven he was a prodig ous worker when he had a chance to


make a wage. In that year in the corncutting season the man he worked for told me that he did more than the average man's work and was paid a man's wage.

Not a Sunday passed in the last fifteen years of his mother's exemplary Christian life when he did not visit her, and always with a bunch of her favorite flowers. Of her he said," The best proof I know of the truth of the Christian religion is found in my mother's life." The pastor of the church of which he is a faithful member and trustee, who was stricken early in the summer and has been confined to a sickroom ever since, told me with much

feeling that the Senator had not allowed a week to pass, even in the stress of the active campaign, without paying him a cheering call, sometimes leaving a visiting Senator or campaign manager waiting at the gate while he made it.


As an illustration of his grip on the affections of the common people " who thoroughly know him, it is related that when Scott B. Hayes, son of former President Hayes, came to Marion with some New York friends and learned that Senator Harding, whom they came to see, was not in the town, as he was to speak that afternoon in Columbus, the party engaged a man with a dilapidated

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Ford to take them the distance of fifty miles, a job worth twenty dollars. When they tried to pay the bill, the grizzled


chauffeur said: "Did you men all the way out from New York to hear Warren Harding talk? Well, any men

who come all the way from New York to hear Warren Harding speak can't pay me any money."








N American aviator abroad finds international courtesy somewhat strained when flying in the United States is discussed. The love of the air binds together its devotees, no matter what dialect is spoken, and the airmen's fraternity is stronger, as was evidenced in repeated acts of friendship between enemy fliers during the war, than that formed by the general run of casual alliances.

Yet in England and in France the American aviator discovers lurking behind the fraternal greetings that welcome him a sinister skepticism-an amused incredulousness of his ability and his knowledge concerning the art of flying. If a demonstration of his flying knowledge happily removes this prejudice, he is reluctantly classed as an extraordinary American, or one who has had the good fortune to reach Europe just in time to be saved.

The recent American fiasco, or debacle, attending the competition for the Gordon Bennett Cup at Etampes is precisely a case in point. Our four entries, after attracting the attention of the world to their boastful claims to speed of two hundred miles an hour and over, arrive on the field in splendor. The race is held and won by French airplanes at a speed of less than one hundred and eighty miles per hour, the American machines not even finishing.

In the European aviation journals the American finds that allusions to flying in his own country are accompanied by an editorial sneer, and that even noteworthy performances are mentioned with the silent protest of quotation marks or a question mark. He wonders that this unconcealed scorn vents itself against a nation celebrated

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for its manufacturing industry, for its inventiveness and ingenuity, for its acknowledged prowess in fighting ability and athletics. Can it be true that American aviation is absolutely discredited abroad? He is willing to admit an American reputation for boastfulness which has so far overshot itself that American claims must henceforth be American claims must henceforth be demonstrated before they are accepted as true. But why should flying in America, where flying was born, be ridiculed not only by. the. flying men, but by the public of Europe? What but by the public of Europe? What evil propaganda is responsible for this



Good, better, and best, after all, are but adjectives of comparison. If there were no aviation in Europe, the present status of flying in the United States would receive world-wide wonder and renown. The fact that Europe does disdain recognition of American airplanes simply implies that greater progress has been made there in the design and manufacture of airplanes as a result of the mighty impetus given their production by a united public opinion demanding protection in war.






This is the only established air route across America. Each circle represents a landing field that is properly organized. Before any city can be on an air route it must have a landing field "

American communities have never experienced the horrors of bombing raids by the swift and silent airplanes. They are indifferent to the fact that the sole means of beating back these destructive fleets lies in swifter and stronger airplanes. But in London, in Paris, in Brussels, and in Cologne the public needs no enlightenment as to the aircraft's necessity or value. Europe has felt the power of aircraft. America has not.

It is frequently asserted that the war advanced the science of aviation in the world by many years. This is doubt less true so far as the nations which were in peril are concerned. Their progress has been phenomenal. But in China and Japan no helpful improvements have originated. Outside the war area no conspicuous growth in aviation has occurred. America has absorbed some few germs of fruitfulness, but lacks the impetus to progress exacted by vehement demand of the public for self-protection.

The war having ended, commerce now picks up its head and considers the airplane as a a possible vehicle for intercommunication. America may not be interested in wars, but she is interested, intensely so, in com

In Europe a score and more of commercial air lines are operating on sched ules, establishing hitherto undreamed of quickness of intercommunication be tween London, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Lyons, the Riviera, Rome, Athens, and Constantinople. This means less delay between orders and deliveries, saving of interest on bills of exchange, saving of time in business abroad. Swift transportation by airplane brings


reat cities of the world close toether.



The great bugaboo of danger, which as attended the usefulness of flying ince its birth, has received a shock in England since the report for twelve nonths' operations disclosed the fact hat an average of two hundred thouand miles' flying with freight and pasengers involved but one fatal accident. Railways of to-day, after decades of xperiments and improvements, show carcely a better average. And aerial ransportation is yet in its infancy.

It is necessary to consider commerial aviation and war aviation as one nit if we are to progress here in the Jnited States in the building up of our ir industry. For, in short, the trouble ith American aviation is that there is o aviation to speak of in America. his fact is so evident to Europeans, in ontrast with their own activities, that he American aviator abroad soon dis

overs for himself the justice of Europe's kepticism when American performnces are described."


Few landing-fields exist in the United states, few airplanes are flown, few new ypes are produced, few pilots fly. Airlanes are not manufactured, because

here are no orders for them. There are o orders because there are no landingelds and airplanes are too expensive o be risked on forced landings. The icious circle is complete. Each factor oints to the omission of the next ecessary factor. And the result is that American flying is practically dead. There are probably very few actual nemies of aviation in the United tates. The public at large enjoys the pectacle of flying. The public feels nnoyed that we do not get on faster

this business of aviation, and it wants o know why American pilots and manfacturers do not wake up. The pilots nd the aeronautical industry say America lags behind Europe because f the lack of public support for aviaion. And thus another vicious circle 3 found incidental to our stagnation.

Rather than risk individual capital n such hazardous business, the manuacturers of this country have turned heir factories into other lines, filling nly such airplane deliveries as are alled for by the Army and the Navy nd the air mail contracts. If a pilot vishes to pay two or three times as nuch as an airplane is worth, the manuacturers will gladly produce the mahine for him. No other airplanes are vailable, except from the surplus war tock that is now several years old and s unsuitable for his wants at best. European nations have decided that he logical way to encourage aviation to have their governments pay for anding-fields and pay for airplanes


used in carrying mails, used in training
reserve pilots, and used for other gov-
ernment purposes. Landing-fields for
airplanes are as necessary as are har-
bors for ships of the sea. And if air-
planes must be provided in readiness
for the defense of a nation, then the
manufacturers must keep their fac-
tories in commission. Their designs
must be improved to keep abreast with
those of rival nations. And their out-
put is such that a mail-carrying machine
can be instantly transformed into a
bombing or observation machine if the
necessity arises.


Aviation should be subsidized to at
least the same extent as the merchant
marine and in early days the railway
mails were subsidized by the Govern-
ment if the present vicious circles above
mentioned are to be cut. No business
corporation will undertake the opera-

tion of an air line from New York to
Chicago unless the project receives the
support of the National Government.
This support should be forthcoming,

for the line thus established would be useful not only to the public in times of peace, but would be of great value to the Nation in war time.

Something has been the matter with our aviation from the very beginning. And that "matter," in the last analysis, is the public. Congress awaits only the public demand to help American aviation to its feet.

We made a bad mess of it in the war, and since the war we have made no improvement. Money was voted, and wasted, because the requirements for immediate results were impossible of fulfillment. What is needed now is steady competition among American producers for ever-increasing improvements in airplane performances. And for this output the manufacturers will find a ready market once the necessary landing facilities are established throughout the length and breadth of our country. For the present, both of these problems are distinctly up to the Government for solution. If they are longer neglected, even the poor remnant of the industry still surviving the war will be lost.

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(Author of "Sons and Daughters,'
," "Your Child Today and Tomorrow," etc.)

THE HE heroes of myth and legend would seem to be making way for the heroes f the daily life and the conquerors of eality. One of the marked tendencies in e publication of books for children is the creasing number of biographies suitable or children as young as ten years, or even ounger. The great attention given to the urrent performances of the outstanding ersonalities during the war, as well as a imulated interest in the lives of such rominent men and women, no doubt conibuted to the habit of considering the ves of real people as suitable material for oung folks' mental food. But the tendency in part to be attributed to a better underanding of the child's psychology, for a umber of these books were already to be ad before the war.

Amy Steedman's "When They Were hildren," making a special appeal in that e stories are about children; Mary H. Vard's "The Light Bringers ;" and Ariine Gilbert's "More Than Conquerors," re among the collected biographies for ildren that pointed this tendency before le war. More recent books of value are onsonby's "Rebels and Reformers," and e two series of "The Book of Bravery," ✓ Henry W. Lanier. Of course there have een books of saints and heroes almost as ng as there have been any books for chilren; the noteworthy fact is that the new ographies count on yielding their values ithout the moralizing and preaching that efeated the purpose of the earlier atmpts to interest young people in worthy chievement and character.

One of the developments in books for children that the outbreak of the war stimulated is the wide range of folk and fairy tales of various peoples. Thus there is a new volume of Czechoslovak_fairy tales, another of Spanish, Swiss, Jewish, and

so on.

The tercentenary of the landing of the Pilgrims is marked by two juveniles (one of them "made in England"), "A Mayflower Maid," by E. A. & A. A. Knipe (The Century Company), and "The Young Pilgrims," by Charles Herbert (The Lippincott Company).

There are a number of books in different fields, but the total output of high quality does not come up to last year's. Apparently last year saw the publication of the best that had been held back during the


And "best" books have not been produced in sufficient quantity in the meanwhile. This may account for an apparent disposition to reissue standards in new forms. One of the best recent series of

juvenile classics is that by Rand McNally & Co., eleven volumes of well-made books, including such titles as "Robinson Crusoe," "Tanglewood Tales," "Ivanhoe," “Treasure Island,' and so on. They are attractively illustrated by Milo K. Winter.

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The greatest dearth continues to be of worth-while fiction, especially for girls. The writers seem too often to assume that the only acceptable fiction for children consists of boarding-school pranks or in a concentration of impossible" Boy Scout adventures.



braham Lincoln. Frederick A. Stokes Co,

A valuable addition to the "Heroes of All Time Series." 12.

>ys' Book of Sea Fights. By Chelsea Curtis Fraser. Thomas Y. Crowell Co.

Famous naval battles and biographical sketches of naval roes from Francis Drake to the Great War. Over 14. oad Stripes and Bright Stars. By Carolyn S. Bailey. Pictures by Power O'Malley. Milton Bradley.

Tales of heroism and achievement out of America's delopment. 10-14.

oneers of America. By Albert F. Blaisdell and Francis K. Ball. Little, Brown & Co.

Some twenty episodes and sketches from pioneer life. 8-12. :bels and Reformers. By Arthur and Dorothea Ponsonby. Henry Holt & Co.

Interesting and inspiring stories of the lives of such table figures as Savonarola, Voltaire, Bruno, Thoreau, oyd Garrison. Over 14.

ories of the Saints. By G. Hall. Doubleday, Page & Co.

The better-known Christian saints of the early centuries told for children. 12-15.

ie Book of the Long Trail. By Henry Newbold. Longmans, Green & Co.

Sketches of eight English explorers and travelers. 12and over.

he Child's Book of English Biography. The Child's Book of American Biography. By Mary Stoyell Stimpson. Little, Brown & Co. 8-12.

ttle Heroes of France. By Kathleen Burke. Doubleday, Page & Co.

Twelve stirring incidents of the Great War. 10-14.

he Light Bringers. By Mary H. Wade. Little, Brown & Co. Peary, Clara Barton, Wright Brothers, Julia Ward Howe, arconi, Amundsen.

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A lively tale on the order of the now famous "Peter Rabbit." An unusually attractive book, beautifully illustrated in color.

The Little Brown Bear. By Johnny Gruelle. P. F. Volland Co.

A rarely effective approach to the young child's interest. Unusually and beautifully decorated in color.

The Boyd Smith Mother Goose. G. P. Putnam's Sons. An uunusually attractive edition. Numerous illustrations in Boyd Smith's best vein.

Winkle, Twinkle and Lollypop. By Nina Wilcox and
Norman Jacobsen. P. F. Volland Co.
An amusingly told story of adventure. An attractive
little volume.


A Chinese Wonder Book. By Norman Hinsdale Pitman. E. P. Dutton & Co.

Colored illustrations by a Chinese artist; curious Oriental charm and humor. Very attractive. 8-12. Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories. By Gerald Friedlander. E. P. Dutton & Co.

A small volume of interesting characteristic short stories. Valuable addition to racial folklore, 10-14.

Swiss Fairy Tales. [By William E. Griffis. Thomas Y. Crowell Co.

Twenty-five stories dealing with the fairies, elves, goblins, and frost giants of the Alps. An interesting addition to the rapidly growing fairy tales of various nations. 8-12. Tales of Folk and Fairies. Written and illustrated by Katherine Pyle. Little, Brown & Co.

Fairy tales from the Old World across the seas-from Scotland, Scandinavia, Russia, Persia, and Arabia. Exceptionally well told. 8-12.

Tales of Enchantment from Spain. By Elsie Spicer Cells. Harcourt, Brace & Howe.

Fifteen fairy tales from Spanish sources characteristically illustrated. 8-12.

The Jewish Fairy Book. By Gerald Friedlander. Frederick A. Stokes Co.

Simple and genuine tales of adventure, heroic quests for wisdom, fascinating legends selected from the wealth of folklore belonging to this ancient people. 10-14.

The Shoemaker's Apron. A Second Book of Czechoslovak Fairy Tales. Retold in English by Parker Fillmore. Illustrations and decorations by Jan Matulka. Harcourt, Brace & Howe.

A collection of twenty characteristic stories. Very effectively illustrated. 8-12.

Wonder Tales of the World. By Constance Armfield. Harcourt, Brace & Howe.

Seventeen unhackneyed and pleasantly told folk and fairy tales from❜as many countries. 8-12.


A Child's Garden of Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Rand McNally & Co.

Attractive Edition. 8-12.

For Days and Days. By Annette Wynue. Frederick A. Stokes Co.

Verses arranged for the months of the year. Will appeal to the sentiment and imagination of children. 8-12.

The Courtship of Miles Standish. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Houghton Mifflin Co.

Charming illustrations by N. C. Wyeth make this au unusually attractive volume. 10-14.


A Staircase of Stories. G. P. Putnam's Sons.

A good family book containing sixty-four tales graded according to their appeal to children of from four to fourteen years. Chosen by Louey Chisholm and Amy Steedman. 31 plates in color, 41 drawings in black and white. 8-12, 10-14.

Boy Stories. By Rudyard Kipling. Rand McNally & Co. Two ballads and over twenty stories selected from Kipling's best. Illustrated in color. 10-14.

Hans Brinker. By Mary Mapes Dodge. Rand McNally & Co.

New junior library of favorites.

Ivanhoe. By Sir Walter Scott. David McKay Co.
Handsomely illustrated. Gift edition. Over 14.

Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator. By A. Fred Collins.
Frederick A. Stokes Co.

Thrilling adventures in which the wireless plays a prominent rôle. 12-16.

Kenilworth. By Sir Walter Scott. David McKay Co.
Handsomely illustrated gift edition. Over 14.
Kidnapped. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Rand McNally
& Co.

Overland for Gold. By Frank H. Cheley. The Abingdon

The thrill of the overland trail in search of gold. 12-14. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. From the Little White Bird. By J. M. Barrie. Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 10-14. Pinocchio. By C. Collodi. J. B. Lippincott Co.

Attractive gift edition. Illustrations and marginal decorations by Maria L. Kirk. 8-12.

Paul and the Printing Press. By Sara Ware Bassett. Little, Brown & Co.

An interesting story of a modern high-school boy's experience, with considerable information on the history of printing. 12-16.

The Cart of Many Colors. By Nannine La Villa Miklejohn. E. P. Dutton & Co.

Adventures in Italy during the war, with hints at past history. 10-14.

The Cockpit of Santiago Key. By David S. Greenberg. Boni & Liveright.

Life and adventure in Porto Rico, with high idealism sustained above the crude and sordid pictures. Over 14. The Children's Story Garden. Collected by a Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends J. B. Lippincott Co.

A collection of unusual stories varied in scope and full of ethical significance. 8-12.

The Young Russian Corporal. By Paul Iogolevitch. Harper & Brothers.

Adventures in the war of a boy who managed to get into the army at twelve years; written by himself. 12-16.

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