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War-Impelled Migration

MERICAN immigration authorities tell us that some hundreds of thousands of Polish Jews and millions of Italians have definitely planned to come to America just as soon as transportation facilities will permit. Similar statistics are true in regard to other foreign countries. What questions do these facts raise in your mind?

The Outlook, in its editorial on immigration, found elsewhere in this issue, speaks of "dealing with immigration at its source. "In what respects would this help solve our immigration problem? Would such a policy be fairer to prospective immigrants than our present system?

Some employers are saying that no other checks than those already effected should be placed upon the coming of foreigners to our country. Among other things, it is said that some employers want to see in the immediate future scores of thousands of men and women in this country begging for jobs, on the ground that wage-earners need this experience to teach them their place in our present economic order. Tell,. with reasons, what think of the opinions of such employers. Are they thinking soundly from the economic point of view?


Do, or do you not, agree with the opinion expressed by some that immigration from any country should be limited to a certain percentage of those already admitted? What are your reasons?

What also, with reasons, is your opinion of the proposal made by Representative Albert Johnson as stated in this editorial?

President-elect Harding believes that "only the immigrant who can be assimilated and thoroughly imbued with the American spirit" should be allowed admission to our shores. If so, how could we determine who such would be?

What is Canada's immigration policy?

The Outlook thinks we have much to learn from it. Do you?

Why have we not a thorough and consistent immigration policy? Can you outline such a policy? Is the lack of it indicative of the way in which a democracy handles vital and human problems?

Here are some valuable books on the immigration question:

"Schooling of the Immigrant," by F. B. Thompson (Harpers); "Immigration and Americanization," by G. Davis (Ginn & Co.); "Our Foreigners," by S. P. Orth (Yale Univ. Press); "The Immigrant and the Community," by Grace Abbott (Century); "Americanization," by W. Talbot (H. W. Wilson).

The Green Hyphen

Can you make clear why "Irish sentiment in the United States has manifested itself in an emphatically un-American way"?

Is Sinn Fein a religion or a fanaticism? If it is neither of these, what is it?

What was the "Citizen Genet" incident in American history? Wherein does the

1 These questions and comments are designed not ouly for the use of current events classes, and clubs, debating societies, teachers of history and English. and the like, but also for discussion in the home and for suggestion to any reader who desires to study current affairs as well as to read about them. -THE EDITORS.

position of Eamon de Valera, "President
of the Irish Republic," differ from that of
"Citizen Genet"?

How might the Federal Government
curb the activities of De Valera? Should it?
Can you explain how one might be a
friend of Ireland and at the same time
not be a vilifier of England?

What is your opinion of reprisals?

and England come together in an attempt
Why don't the moderate men in Ireland
to break the Irish deadlock?

. What is the Irish Home Rule Bill now

passing through its last stages in the House
of Lords? Is it a fair proposal? Which,
in your opinion, show the better attitude
in reference to the Irish question, the
British or the Irish?

In the present state of affairs in Ireland
is there anything else for Great Britain to
do but make murder odious and unsafe?

fessional propagandists, fatherland, op-
Define accurately the following: Pro-
probrious, epithet, Sinn Feiners, mass,

Shall We Scrap the Treaty?

What, with reasons, is your opinion of the two possible courses which The Outlook says are now open as to the Treaty of Versailles?

Has The Outlook answered its own question, Shall we scrap the Treaty? If you think it has, can you express that answer in three or four sentences?

If you do not like the answer which The Outlook has given to its own question, how would you answer the question?

Is there evidence that "the United States is as devoted as ever to the principles for which the Nation really fought "?

Define and explain: Lodge reservations, promulgate, intrinsically, automatically, the law of nations, international anarchy.

In his book entitled "The American

World Policies" (Doran) David Jayne
Hill discusses what, in his opinion, the wise
course and sure ground for America to
take as to the Peace Treaty should be. He
also tells us what the Senate really fought
for and why. Have you read this book?

Some other books worth while reading

in connection with this topic are
Peace in the Making," by H. W. Harris
(Dutton); "From Upton to the Meuse,"
by W. Kerr Rainsford (Appleton); "The
Doughboy in France," by Edward Hun-
gerford (Macmillan).

Who Were the Pilgrim Fathers?

Read in connection with the editorial by
Dr. Abbott on the Pilgrim Fathers the arti-

cles by Mr. Abrams and Mr. Perrin, which

are found on another page in this issue.

For what reasons is it a good thing that

the entire Anglo-Saxon people are cele-
brating this fall the landing of the Pilgrims?
What reasons can you give why French
men, Germans, Irishmen, and all other
nationalities represented here in America
should join in celebrating the tercentenary
of the landing of the Pilgrims?

From reading the editorial and the arti-
cles, what do you learn about the manners,
customs, habits, and beliefs of the Pilgrims?



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