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At the Gate; The Incomparable



OR what reasons do modern nations place restrictions on those who may seek admission to their shores?

Must each person going out of, or coming into this country secure a passport before doing so? What new passport requirements has Congress laid down since our entrance into the war?

What would be some of the most serious results of uncontrolled immigration?

What are your reasons for approving or disapproving of the Immigration Bill introduced into Congress by Congressman Johnson?

Why don't our immigrants go to the farms? Do you think it would be fair and just to restrict immigration to those who are willing to work on our farms?

Do you think it possible to have a permanent immigration policy? If so, what would its leading features be?

In determining what to do with those waiting to get within our gate, should we consider merely our own interests? What reasons have for you your answer?

If immigrants are disappointed in America, who is to blame? What do you think we ought to do with those immigrants who are thoroughly dissatisfied with America and its institutions?

What reasons have you for agreeing or disagreeing with what Dr. Abbott says in his editorial entitled "At the Gate"?

Define accurately the following expressions: Stereotyped, anarchy, rabbis, proselytes, gullible, business acumen.

Two excellent books to read on this problem are "Democracy and Assimilation," by Julius Drachsler (Macmillan), and "Schooling the Immigrant," by F. V. Thompson (Harpers).

The Drama on Strings

What are puppet shows? Of what value do you consider them?

What does the writer of this editorial mean when he refers to " those mechanical elaborations which American ingenuity bas brought to the aid (or the suffocation) of the legitimate drama "?

What are the essentials of drama?

Tell, with reasons, what dramas you like best.

Do you think Americans lack dramatic imagination? What evidence have you for answering this question as you do?

A very good book to read in connection with this topic is that by Helen H. Joseph entitled "A Book of Marionettes" (B. W. Huebsch, New York).

Democracy in the Home

Is that which Mrs. Place describes on another page democracy? know of any home which is

Do you

These questions and comments are designed not only for the use of current events classes and clubs, debating societies, teachers of history and English, and the like, but also for discussion in the home and for suggestions to any reader who desires to study current affairs as well as to read about them. -THE EDITORS.

managed as the one referred to in this article is managed? If so, compare the results with those given by Mrs. Place.

What is a family budget? Of what value is such a budget?

In your opinion, has the writer of this article given a good definition of the expression "the community"? Do you know of a better one?

Is it easy to determine the limits of individual welfare and general welfare? What fundamental principles should determine the limits?

Are you going to practice in your home the system of management described by Mrs. Place?

A book worth reading in connection with this article is that entitled "Home and Its Management," by M. H. Kittridge (Century).

The Turn in the Tide

What illustrations can you give which tend to prove the fundamental principle which The Outlook on another page expresses in these words, "We advance by a process of approaching the mean through going to extremes "?

The writer of this editorial refers to the Adamson Bill. What are its provisions? Some consider it class legislation. Do you? Was its passage a good thing?

What is meant by the phrase, the labor movement in the United States? What are the aims of this movement? Do you think public sentiment at the present time is against it? Should it be?

Are there any indications that business men are taking advantage of the present situation in industry? If so, are there reasons for believing that they are unwise?

Would or would not America be better off with the open shop?

It would be worth your while to read carefully the following books: "Citizens in Industry," by C. R. Henderson (Appleton); "Economic Principles," by F. A. Fetter (Century); "Mediation, Investigation, and Arbitration in Industrial Disputes," by G. E. Barnett (Appleton); "The Aims of Labor," by Arthur Henderson (Huebsch).

The Farmers' Strike

Do you blame the farmers for refusing to sell their wheat at present market prices?

Would it be good economics to have the Federal Government guarantee farmers at least the cost price of producing wheat and other farm products?

The Outlook sees no reason why it is not just as reasonable for farmers to strike as for bricklayers and printers. Do you agree with the position taken by The Outlook?

farming in this country? What, in your opinion, is the matter with

It would be well, indeed, for American citizens to read "Helping Men Own Farms," by Elwood Mead (Macmillan), and "The Place of Agriculture in Reconstruction," by J. B. Norman (Dutton).

THE NATION'S INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS (Continued from page 769)

as the total distances covered by the com bined electric railways of the country.

According to figures compiled by Gorernmental agencies, there are approxi mately 650 short-line railways in the United States. These are roads not ex ceeding one hundred miles in length Their extent is 16,000 miles. Four hundred and seventeen are less than twenty-five miles in length, and even more interest ing is the fact that about 160 are less than ten miles in length.

The investment represented by this mileage of railway construction and maintenance is greatly in excess of what truck installation would cost. That short-line operation has been a heavy millstone around the neck of the railways is an open secret. Eventually, it has been predicted, short lines will place their freight and passenger business on a paying basis by converting their roundhouses and shops into garages, scrapping their rails, and transforming their roadbeds into moden motor-truck highways.

When the great road-building programme now formulating is finally launched, moter trucks will play an important rôle in building the very highways which they later will traverse as industry's beasts of burden. Of thirty thousand motor cars and trucks already serving the various departments of the forty-eight State governments in the United States, twenty-three thousand are used in carrying out the programmes of the various States for improving their highways.

The State Road Commission of Utah, for example, rents trucks from its fleet of seven to counties in the State for use in road-building work.. Depreciation of trucks made to is fixed at so much per day and rental is cover depreciation only. The counties also stand the cost of repairs, oil, and gasoline during the time the trucks are in their service.

The case of Utah is typical. Motor trucks help first to build the roads, then they will help make them profitable.



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То No test the general intelligence of high school students twenty questions were asked by Mr. E. D. Martin. As quoted in his book "The Behavior of Crowds" some of the questions were: "What is the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States? What is a dicotyledon? Does the name Darwin mean anything to you? Have you ever heard of William James? What is the significance of the battle of Tours? Who was Thomas Jefferson?" There were twenty questions. The average grade in the answers given was 44.6. Probably many older persons would pass up "the questions as to dicotyledons and the battle of Tours.

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In commenting on family life in hotels, the author of "American Towns and People" gives this quotation from Henry James illustrative of a personal experience with the typical enfant terrible:

There are long corridors defended by gusts of hot air. Down the middle swoops a pale little girl on roller skates. "Get out of my way!" she shrieks as she passes. She has ribbons on her hair and frills on her dress. She makes the tour of the vast hotel.

"Once you begin to see that a little child may lead you," the author concludes, "you are its hopeless and infatuated slave "-this especially in the environment of a great hotel, where the child knows how to make the most of its privileges. But it is to be hoped that since Henry James wrote the passage quoted better manners have invaded the hotel corridor.

"The Constituent Assembly set up a more outrageous tyranny than any that the Louies had dreamed of.' Is this the correct plural of Louis?" a reader asks. This appears to be a case in which a choice must be made between euphony and would grammatical form. "The Louises be correct if we follow the analogy of "the Herculeses," "the Natchezes," approved by some grammarians. The pronunciation, however, of "Louis is "Looey," and in the sentence cited this sound has been pluralized as it would be uttered in reading. If the sentence is to be read aloud, "the Louies interprets the sound desired; if logic is to be followed, the "Louises" is to be preferred.

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"The Irish are not the only people who make metaphorical bulls,' a subscriber writes. "A Missouri woman in our neighborhood said of a certain man with whom her husband had had a difference of opinion: He's the biggest snake in the grass that ever stood on two legs."

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for the next five minutes. But he did not hiccough again. He was all right the next day, and when the squaw came in to his store he presented her with a big chunk of dried beef as a grateful tribute to her medical skill!"

Theatrical critics who indulge in "destructive" criticism sometimes receive unfavorable comments from the destroyed. A dramatic journal publishes an illustration to this effect from a vaudeville team:

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To the Editor: In a recent issue of of the guys on your paper who signs himselfsaw fit to try and pick our act to pieces. We don't know who this fellow is and, what's more, don't care, bnt we want to let you know he is taking your money under false pretension.

A Hindu clerk, as reported in the "Journal" of the American Medical Association, wrote to his English employer requesting an increase of salary, as follows: "Things are dear and so dear that I cannot suffice my life in such a small sum of Rs 160 so kindly assure me sir to give me an increase in order to bring my wife; you are well aware that single life is not better, therefore take me into your hand and make me free from mental anxiety and pass me increase of pay for double life.'

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"Treat the other fellow rough," says the "Rural New Yorker" in what might be called free prose, "and you help to make a tough. Treat the other fellow right and he'll soon forget to fight."

From a selected list of answers to school examination questions a subscriber culls these as "classics that may be worth reprinting:"

Four animals belonging to the cat family are the father cat, the mother cat, and two little kittens.

A blizzard is the inside of a hen.

A mountain pass is a pass given by the railroad to its employees so that they can spend their vacation in the mountains.

When the British got up in the morning and saw the Americans on the opposite hill they threw up their breakfasts [breast works].

Weapons of the Indians: Bow, arrow, tomahawk, and war-hoop.

A curious incident in connection with the printing of a pamphlet recently occurred in England, according to the Lon"American don correspondent of the Printer." In the pamphlet the author referred to a prominent labor leader as an "old humbug." "When sent to the press the machine minders refused to print it unless the objectionable phrase was deleted," says the correspondent; "this the author refused to sanction, declining to allow the printers to censor his publication." The outcome of the controversy is not stated.

The "Dramatic Mirror" has this on the Greek political situation, under the head "As the Greeks Sing It:"

Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling Constantine;
He's not lost, nor gone forever,
Is my darling Constantine.

Not all city landlords object to families with children. A newspaper paragraph that in a Western city a landlord ansays nounces that "whenever a child is born in one of his houses the rent for that month will be returned to the tenant."


Advertising Rates: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, Live Stock and Poultry, sixty cents per agate line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. In calculating space required for an advertisement, count an average of six words to the line unless display type is desired. "Want" advertisements, under the various headings," Board and Rooms," "Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address, for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertisement is set in capital letters without additional charge. Other words may be set in capitals, if desired, at double rates. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered. Special headings appropriate to the department may be arranged for on application.

Orders and copy for Classified Advertisements must be received with remittance ten days before the date on which it is intended the advertisement shall first appear. Address: ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, THE OUTLOOK 381 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY

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Hotels and Resorts



Hamilton Hotel

"The Queen of Winter Resorts " The largest and finest hotel on the Islands-and of fireproof construction; modern in equipment and operation. Golf, tennis, boating, riding, driving, dancing, fishing, bathing in the sea, glass enclosed sun parlor 200 feet long. Grill. 400 outside rooms-250 with connecting bath. Open Dec. 20. -Hamilton Hotel Company, Ltd.Management of J. A. SHERRARD N. Y. Office, 425 5th Ave., Spur Travel Bureau. (Booklet.) Cable address" Hotel Bermuda "


If You Are Tired or Need a Change you cannot find a more comfortable place in New England than


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Moderate prices. Golf-Tennis Under KNOTT Management GEO. H. WARTMAN, Manager Telephone Richmond Hill 3892

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"MODERN" DUPLICATOR.-A bus getter. $2.25 up. 50 to 75 copies from pa pencil, typewriter. No glue or gelatine 40,000 firms use it. From dealers or en days' trial from us. You need one. Wr for free booklet BL. Durkin, Reeves & Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.


PLAYS for amateurs; Monologs, minste jokes and sketches; ideas for all kinds of ente tainments. Send for free catalog. Dramat Pub. Co., 542 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.


Business Situations RAILWAY traffic inspectors earn t $110 to $200 per month and expenses. Tr

CAROLINA HOTEL now open if desired. Unlimited advancement. Noe


Delightful weather like late Fall in
New England

For Reservations or Information address:
General Office, Pinehurst, North Carolina, or
LEONARD TUFTS, 282 Congress St., Boston

limit. We train you. Positions furnished unde guarantee. Write for booklet CM27, Standart Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N.I.

WRITE photoplays: $25-$300 paid an for suitable ideas. Experience unnece complete outline free. Producers Leg 438, St. Louis.

Companions and Domestic Helpen DIETITIANS, superintendents, cafete managers, governesses, matrons, b keepers, social workers, and secrease Miss Richards, Providence, East Side Bo Boston, Fridays, 11 to 1, 16 Jackson Ba Trinity Court. Address Providence.

PLACEMENT BUREAU for empye and employee: housekeepers, matrons ernesses, secretaries, dietitians, attends mother's helpers. 51 Trowbridge St., Ca

CHILDREN'S DRESSES MOTHERS desiring hand-made and handembroidered dresses for their little girls six months to six years of age buy the "Mary Moore" dresses. They are exclusive in design, reasonable in price, best in material and workmanship. Write for sketches. The Irish Linen Company, Retail Dept., Davenport, Iowa.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for pol and private schools. Calls coming everyday Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Aga Albany, N. Y.

TEACHERS WANTED, men and wom for all departments of colleges and schoo Immediate and future vacancies. The late state Teachers' Agency, 717 Macheca Bu ing, New Orleans, La.

EMERGENCY vacancies in colleges universities.American College Bureau, Walte Agnew (Ex-president Hedding College, West 119th St., New York.


Business Situations

COLLEGE GRADUATE (biologist) and trained private secretary wishes position in Orient, China preferred. Experience: fir years teaching; three years business. Wi travel as social secretary. Christian, Amer can lady under 30. Adaptable to surround ings. 9,323, Outlook.

LADY, degrees B.S. and B.D., present en ployment secretary-stenographer to execu tive in manufacturing plant, desires position religious work preferred. 9,324, Outlook.

SECRETARY, at present and for several years with well-known corporation lawyer in Philadelphia, some experience in assisting with literary work, wishes similar employ ment for winter in South or California. Can qualify as social secretary also. Congenial work and surroundings considered in con nection with compensation. 9,328, Outlook. Companions and Domestic Helpers

CANADIAN LADY desires position as MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER or NURS ING COMPANION, or any position of trust experienced, capable, no objection to travel ing. Excellent references. 9,300, Outlook.

REFINED French woman, speaks English perfectly, desires position as chaperon to one or two young girls going abroad next sum mer. Excellent references. 9,318, Outlook.

YOUNG refined Swedish lady wishes posi tion as companion or mother's helper in

distinguished family. 9.321, Outlook.

NURSE, trained, going to California Jan uary, would take charge of patient on trip. 9,322, Outlook.

DIETITIAN desires position in cafeteria. housekeeper in club, or matron in private school. Capable taking entire charge. 9,32, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses ENGLISH or stenographic teaching posi tion desired by lady, university graduate. 9,325, Outlook.

YOUNG Swiss lady of fine education desires position as governess. Teach music, French. Italian, and German. Apply E. V. B., 2 Mohawk Ave., Scotia, N. Y.

FRENCH teacher, distinguée, lady, would give lessons in payment for board. References exchanged. 9,319, Outlook.


MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will send things on approval. No sampies. References. 309 West 99th St.

GRAPHOLOGY. Interesting character study. Complete analysis of handwriting. made for $5. 9,249, Outlook.

SHAWNEE, Oklahoma. Center of a great farming country. Write for free agricultural booklet. Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Okla WILL take children under seven to live with my own. Mother's best care. Inquiries fully answered. 4 Franklin Court, Gardes City, Long Island.

COUNTRY home for mentally deficient children with experienced teacher. Cheerful harmonious companionship and care. 9,3 Outlook.

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