Obrázky na stránke

Betrothed maiden sings.

WELCOME! wélcome! wélcome!
Prétty cléft-tailed swallow,
Twittering át my window
Júst before the sunrise.

Where hast been all winter,
Prétty cleft-tailed swallow,
Ín what pleasant warm lands
Fár beyond the deep sea?

Tell me hást thou seén him,
Mý hardhearted truélove,

Who last aútumn léft me
Ánd took shipping southward;

Fór the south took shipping
Ánd alóne here left me
Tó watch fór him álways
Ánd look álways southward.

Yés yes, thou hast seen him, Bring'st good tidings of him: That he 's wéll and happy; That he 's homeward cóming;

Élse, my pretty swallow,

Thou wouldst not so gaily

Twitter at my window

Júst before the sunrise,

Bút wouldst go and hide thee

Sádly in some córner

With the moping ówlet
Ánd ill-bóding raven.

Yés he 's coming homeward,
Prétty cléft-tailed swallow,

Tell me the whole stóry,

Twitter, twitter, twitter.

Walking from BAILLEUL to EBBLINGHEM, DEP. DU NORD (FRANCE); Nov. 19, 1854.

EAT your oats, my póny;
'Tis your master brings them,
Feeds you with his own hand,
Loves to hear your whinny.

Outside it's a roúgh night,
Rainy, cóld, and blowing;
Hére you 're snúg and cozy,
Tó your knees in frésh straw.

With old háy your ráck 's filled,
Eát and sleep till morning,
Thén I'll bring you móre oats

Pleasant dreams, my póny.

TOURNAY (BELGIUM); Nov. 15, 1854.

Emigrant sings.

Nór a day from heaven comes

Bút I think a dózen times
Óf those I've behind me
Léft in my old country,

Óf my father, móther,
Óf my sisters, brothers,
Óf my aúnts and coúsins,
Wondering how they áll are;

But of theẻ, my Nanny,
Eách day Í but once think,
For thou 'rt ábsent néver

From my mind one móment.

ST. OMER, PAS DE CALAIS (FRANCE); Nov. 20, 1854.


BLESSINGS on my baby,

Gód presérve and love it,
From all danger keep it,
Wáking, sleeping, álways.

Don't make it a greát man,
Grácious Gód, I pray thee;
Greátness is uncertain,
Óf itself down túmbles.

[blocks in formation]

"LAWLESS róbber, bloody cút-throat,"

Said the soldier to the brigand,
"I shall see thee hanged I hope yet,
Wére it bút as an example

Thát slow-foóted justice sometimes
Óvertákes the málefáctor."

“Licensed róbber, wholesale cut-throat,”
Said the brigand to the sóldier,
"I shall see thee shót I hópe yet,
Wére it bút as an example

Thát one-sided justice sometimes
Ís by áccidént impartial."


To my gray beard.

Ír's a bárgain, gray beard,

Signed and sealed and públished, Thoú and Í the opposite

High contracting párties.

Thoú on thý part, gray beard,

Únderták'st to cover

Ánd, as far as may be,

Híde from view the fúrrows

Tíme has on my súnk cheeks
Ánd about my lips ploughed,
And before my toothless

Shrúnk gums háng a thíck veil.

Thou shalt further, gray beard,

Áll the livelong winter

With thy friendly múffle

Shield my throát and lánk jaws,

Máking mé feel warmer

Thán if round my néck tied

Cómfortér of lamb's wool

Ór chinchilla tippet.

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