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The wind no longer sings to me,
Nor is there any sound
From the white fringes of the sea
Or spring rain on the ground.

I see the song-bird's swelling throat,
And lift my head to hear
A long-belated silver note

That never meets my ear.

The earth like velvet deeply drowns
All echoes of my tread.

My ghostly friends through ghostly towns
Drift like the formless dead.

Only the changeless pantomime

Of stars in still review

Keeps me in touch with space and time
And worlds that once I knew.

For all the chorus of the earth
Down the unending days

Will bring no tidings of clean mirth :-
I walk through soundless ways.
Wind, sea, birds, and living men:
If you are silent,-be it so!
A voice I shall not hear again
Is the one grief I know.



FRIEND of mine recently met a soldier in khaki on a train, and in the conversation which ensued said: "It is a great thing to be able to go abroad and fight for your country. "Yes," replied the soldier, "and it is also a great thing for you who must stay at home to make and keep it a country worth fighting for."

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My object in this article is to describe a work which for half a century some men and women of faith and courage have been doing to make and keep this a country worth fighting for.

In 1868 General Samuel C. Armstrong, then in charge of Negro refugees from the Civil War, opened, near Old Point Comfort, Virginia, a school for Negroes, with two teachers and fifteen pupils. About eight years after that date I visited this school. It then occupied two brick buildings, one used as a dormitory and assembly hall, the other used for academic purposes. There were also, I think, a few cottages left over from earlier days. Visiting it now, half a century later, I find 140 buildings and 1,100 acres of land, 1,838 pupils, including those who attend a summer school, 2,022 graduates, 7,500 students who have gone out from Hampton after having taken a partial course, and an endowment of $3,000,000. Of these buildings one is a church with a seating capacity of about fifteen hundred; another an auditorium with a seating capacity of about twenty-five hundred-a memorial to Robert C. Ogden which will probably be ready for occupancy on the semicentennial anniversary next fall. These two buildings were erected by contractors. I believe all the others, with the possible exception of one or two cottages, were erected by the students, who have thus demonstrated the efficiency of their industrial education. For they are masons, carpenters, housebuilders, tailors (they make all their own uniforms), and printers (they print all the publications of the school). These are not their only trades. Practical instruction is given in over a dozen different industrial callings. The interest on the endowment is, of course, quite insufficient to meet the expenses of the school, and most of the pupils are unable to make any considerable money contribution to their education. The aim of the school is to do for these boys and girls what the States do for students of a similar grade-give them the tuition; and as most of the parents cannot provide them with board and clothing, the school furnishes them with work which enables them to provide these necessities for themselves. The work of farming, building, and repairing is done by the students, and they are credited with the cash valuation of their labors. It is necessary for the school, in addition to receipts from its endowment and tuition fees, to raise one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars every year by voluntary contributions. These financial campaigns are one of the chief tasks of the directors of this unique institution; and they are also, as I shall presently indicate, one of its chief contributions to the Nation's welfare.

When the school was opened in 1868, the prejudices which

kindled the Civil War still existed, and the passions engendered by that war had not been extinguished. Those prejudices had been intensified and those passions had been kept alive by the four or five tragical years of reconstruction which followed the war. General Armstrong, at the time when the Institute was born, was offered the presidency of Howard University, one of the few institutions of the so-called higher learning for Negroes worthy of the name of university. It was characteristic of him to prefer the more difficult task. The reasons for his choice he expressed in a letter to his mother:

We are ahead and alone; the ground is new; the enterprise is as full of bad possibilities as of good ones-most embarrassing conditions will occur from time to time; all is experiment, but all is hopeful. The success of this will be a guarantee of a dozen more like it in the South. I have to face the fact that a manual labor school has never yet succeeded in the North, but the power prayer and faith is strong-in these we will conquer.


In spite of the fact that no manual training school had succeeded in the North, General Armstrong made Hampton Institute from the beginning an industrial school. There were two fundamental principles underlying his enterprise. The first of those principles was: the object of education is not scholarship-it is preparation for life; and if you are to prepare students for life, you must find where they are and begin with them there. The Negro never had schooling, but he did have an education. He had been brought up in a kind of industrial school. The women had been servants-cooks, housemaids, and nurses. No Northern man can paint the portrait of a Southern Negro mammy or understand the strange and warm affection between that mammy and the white children she nursed and cared for. The men had been farmers and mechanics. They did not know much- the farmers and mechanics of that age had not much technical knowledge, whatever their race-but Negroes did know something about soils and seeds; and they knew how to plow, how to plant, how to gather crops, how to mend harnesses and repair furniture; in short, how to do the ordinary mechanical work of the village and rural life of the South. They were largely its farmers and mechanics.

General Armstrong began with that fact. He believed that these people needed first domestic science and agricultural and mechanical instruction, and to supply that want he made his mission. From the beginning academic instruction was made subordinate to the making of men and women who could render, in their community and in their age, the kind of service that was needed in that community and in that age.

Abraham Lincoln once said that in every man there is one brain and one pair of hands, and the presumption is that it is the plan of the Almighty that that brain shall control that pair of hands. The object of General Armstrong was to put the intelligence in the brain and create the nerve that would carry the instruction of the brain to the hands. It was his object to make,


not merely skilled workmen, but intelligent workmen. There is a great difference between the two.

From that principle Hampton has never departed, though both its academic and its industrial standards have been gradually raised until it has become the greatest and, I think, the best trade school in the country, if not in the world. The standards have been raised, but the essential principle has not been departed from.

That essential principle has produced and been accompanied by another, that the black man and the white man must live side by side in the same community, and it is essential that they should live as friends and not as enemies.

General Armstrong's prophecy that the school would produce a dozen like it has been more than fulfilled. It has produced more than a dozen. Hampton has been like a hen. It has hatched out a large flock of chicks, of the same blood, the same breed, the same character, as the mother hen. Wherever men and women have gone from Hampton into these other schools they have carried the industrial spirit, the fraternal spirit, and the spirit of service with them. Wherever these schools have been planted, there the Negroes have won the respect of their white neighbors, not by demanding respect, but by deserving it; not at once-it takes time to kill prejudice-but gradually. And with that respect they have won the friendship of their white neighbors. It is sometimes said, "The South knows the Negro." The old South did not know the new Negro, because the new Negro did not exist; and the new Negro and the new South had to become acquainted with one another. They have become acquainted through the Hampton spirit-the spirit of service and of intelligent co-operation.

So Hampton has been a meeting-ground for the races. Black men and white men, Southern men and Northern men, have come together and joined forces in a common enterprise in Hampton. That was not at once. It was the result of a gradual growth; but the growth was such that a few years ago every Southern State-there may have been one or two exceptionssent its State superintendent of white schools to Hampton to study the Hampton school, understand the Hampton spirit, learn the Hampton methods, and carry back what he learned to his work in the Southern schools. A farm-demonstration work which Hampton has carried on by its extension system, which I have no room to describe here, has inspired similar agricultural demonstration work in the white farms, first of Virginia, then of other States. A great Negro organization was formed in 1909, not to clamor for the rights of Negroes, but to promote the interests of the community. This Negro organization created a clean-up day, and that "clean-up day," a product of Hampton, set an example which has been followed not only in Southern States, not only with Negro people, but also in Northern States and with white people. The organization of colored Y. M. C. A.'s throughout the South with the hearty approval of the white Associations, the creation of a college organization in Southern colleges to study the relations of the two races to each other, the growing recognition by Southern churches of their duty to the colored race, the placing of colored and white troops in the same camps, with the approval and on the recommendation of Southern white men-all have been due to that spirit of fellowship which Hampton has done so much to foster. How far these movements have been due directly to the influence of Hampton Institute and its graduates and colonies it is impossible to estimate.

Thus Hampton has been closing one of the rifts in the Nation -the rift between the races. It has also been closing another rift the rift between the sections. General Armstrong said to me once when I expressed to him my regret that so much of his time had to be spent in the North raising money: "I do not regret it. I would like some endowment, but I do not want Hampton to have so large an endowment that it won't have to raise money by asking contributions from the North -a peril which has not yet threatened it-" because," he said, "these campaigns are doing something to make the North understand the South and the white men understand the colored men.'

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For nearly fifty years it has been my business, as an editor of The Outlook, to study the course of current events in America. I do not think that any institution in America has done so much as Hampton has done to interpret the North to

the South and the South to the North, nor any three men as much as General Armstrong and Dr. Frissell, its two principals, and Booker T. Washington, its most eminent graduate.

Its service in uniting the churches has been not inconsiderable. When Hampton was founded, the Christian Church in America was divided into competing and often conflicting denominations. The day of conflict between the Protestant denominations has passed, but not the day of competition. General Armstrong, the son of a missionary, had the vision of a prophet which enabled him to see that the Christian spirit is stronger than the denominational spirit. At the beginning of his work he was supported by the American Missionary Associationthen an undenominational, now a Congregational body; but he very soon assumed the entire financial responsibility for the school and proceeded to create for it, by systematic campaigning, a body of financial supporters whom Dr. Frissell's organiz ing genius enabled him to develop into a permanent, though constantly changing, constituency. This constituency includes members of all denominations; the teachers and workers at Hampton include persons of the most widely divergent theological opinions; and its pupils, most of whom are professing Christians, or become so before they graduate, represent all the principal denominations among the colored people of the South.

Thus the school is distinctly a Christian school; and it is founded on a definite Christian creed-the oldest creed in the history of the Church, so old indeed that the Church seems to me to have forgotten it. It is substantially this: the grace of God hath appeared unto all men, teaching us that we should live soberly, righteously, godly, hopefully-looking forward to the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Soberly-that is, with power to control ourselves. While I was at Hampton this spring a fire started in the roof of the Whittier School building, occupied by day scholars of junior grades. The girls were at luncheon in an upper room. One of them saw smoke and flame in the roof above. She did not cry, "Fire! fire!" She walked over to the teacher and whispered to her that the house was on fire. The teacher called three boys to her and sent them to the principal, and they did not run down the stairs crying, "Fire!" but went quietly to the principal and whispered the news to her. All the children marched out of the building in order. Hampton is imparting to its pupils the power of self-control.

Righteously-that is, according to the Golden Rule. Last year a Southern gentleman took me to see the house which Hampton graduates had built for his residence. The plans had been made and the specifications drawn up by a white architect. The gentleman told me that it was very hard to get the architect to superintend the work while it was going on. The architect told him that the boys knew as much as he knew about building and that they did not need to be watched. Hampton has taught to its pupils the quality of righteousness.

Godliness-that is, the spirit of reverence for God. I have attended St. Peter's at Rome, St. Paul's at London, Notre Dame at Paris, Holy Trinity under Phillips Brooks at Boston, and I have never heard a service that stirred my heart more with reverence than the services that I attended on three Sunday nights this spring in Hampton Institute. Hampton Institute is imparting to her pupils the spirit of godliness.

Every morning at half-past six I heard the cheery voices of the boys as they went from their early breakfast to their classes. Half an hour later I looked on the bright faces of the girls as they went to their classes. Hope was in the cheery voices of the boys and the bright faces of the girls whose ancestors had very little hope.

In Cleveland Hall, the meeting-place of the students, hangs a flag with two hundred and one stars upon it. Hampton has taught and is teaching her boys and girls the fundamental creed of Christendom: how to live soberly, righteously, godly, hopefully and patriotically.

I have been acquainted with Hampton Institute during the fifty years of its growing life, and have been able, perhaps better than those who are working in it, to see the influence which it has exerted upon the Nation. And I believe that it has done more for the Nation's unity and the Nation's welfare than is realized either by those who have carried on the work or those who have been the direct recipients of its beneficial influence. Hampton Institute, April, 1918.





Based on The Outlook of May 8, 1918


Each week an Outline Study of Current History based on the preceding number of The Outlook will be printed for the benefit of current events classes, debating clubs, teachers of history and of English, and the like, and for use in the home and by such individual readers as may desire suggestions in the serious study of current history.-THE EDITORS.

Those who are using the weekly outline should not attempt to cover the whole of an outline in any one lesson or study. Assign for one lesson selected questions, one or two propositions for discussion, and only such words as are found in the material assigned. Or distribute selected questions among different members of the class or group and have them report their findings to all when assembled. Then have all discuss the questions together.]


A. Topic: Holland's Danger; A Reply
which is a Confession.
Reference: Pages 54, 56.

1. State in three or four sentences Holland's danger as outlined by The Outlook. 2. Prove the following statements: "Holland's situation has been trying in the extreme." "What such a guarantee [from Germany to Holland] amounts to is known to all who remember how many times Germany has broken her pledged word to smaller nations." 3. Treitschke once said: "It is an indispensable duty of German policy to regain the mouths of that [the Rhine] river." Do you believe that Germany has sinister designs on Holland? 4. Is Germany's dealing with Holland characteristically German? Discuss. 5. Who is Prince Lichnowsky? What revelations did he make? How has Germany treated the Prince recently? 6. From the facts given in Lichnowsky's story discuss Austria's relation to Germany. 7. We are told that "there is evidence in plenty" that "Austria is becoming increasingly sick" of her relation to Germany. Give some of this evidence. If this is so, why does not Austria free herself entirely from Germany? 8. One writer says that "lying, stealing, and murder are ingrained in the German character." Give not less than fifteen evidences in proof of this statement. 9. What, in your opinion, is the only way to beat such a Thing as Germany is? 10. One of the very best books revealing the German character is "The Nemesis of Docility," by Edmond Holmes (Dutton). B. Topic: American Soldiers in France. Reference: Pages 60-62. Questions:

1. Give no less than six ideals and characteristics of American soldiers as set forth by Mr. Rogers. 2. What factors and institutions in America, in your opinion, have done most in creating these ideals and characteristics? Discuss. 3. What do our boys in France believe the real object of this war is? Are there any other objects as important? 4. What, according to Mr. Rogers, are the qualifications for a successful Y. M. C. A. worker in France? Is there an abundance of Americans possessing these qualifications? If not, who and what are responsible? 5. Restate the leading points made by Mr. Rogers in this article. 6. If you want to know about some of the real experiences of the soldiers on the Western Front, read "The Soul of the Sol

dier," by Thomas Tiplady (Revell), and "Over There," by Captain Knyvett (Scribners).


A. Topic: Bernard Baruch.
Reference: Pages 64-66.

1. Describe the functions of the War Industries Board. Is there any other war board or council more important than this one? Tell why or why not. 2. For what reasons was Mr. Baruch's appointment to this Board considered 66 a complimentary one"? Are there many such appointments in this country? Give reasons why such appointments should or should not be allowed. 3. Explain why Mr. Price believes that the very reasons why some objected to Mr. Baruch's original appointment are reasons why he makes an excellent man for the place. 4. Tell what you think of America as a place for developing efficient administrators. 5. Do you think Americans are in the habit of appreciating valuable public men while they are serving the public? Discuss and illustrate. 6. Read an excellent book of biography, "Famous Living Americans," by numerous writers (Charles Webb & Co., Greencastle, Indiana). Read also" Alexander Hamilton," by F. S. Oliver (Putnams), and "George Washington," by J. S. Harrison (Putnams). B. Topic: The Vigilantes. Reference: Pages 67-69. Questions:

1. Who are the Vigilantes? Whence the name? 2. Explain the reasons why and how the Vigilantes were organized. 3. Discuss their purposes and methods of work. 4. What is the fundamental belief of the Vigilantes? Discuss it. 5. Discuss the function of newspaper and magazine writers and editors. 6. Tell of the scope of the work of the Vigilantes. What have they actually done? 7. Formulate several propositions for discussion suggested by this article. Be able to discuss them.

III-PROPOSITIONS FOR DISCUSSION (These propositions are suggested directly or indirectly by the subject-matter of The Outlook, but not discussed in it.)

1. Germany is a land of official liars. 2. History shows that only speculators have been great men. 3. Writing is to the nation what conversation is to the individual.


(All of the following words and expressions are found in The Outlook for May 8, 1918. Both before and after looking them up in the dictionary or elsewhere, give their meaning in your own words. The figures in parentheses refer to pages on which the words may be found.)

Involutions (54); poilu, nationality, country (60); appraise, connotes, priorities, Scylla, Charybdis (65); bombastic, flaccid, insouciance (67); per se, Vigilantes, propaganda, innuendo (68).

A booklet suggesting methods of using the Weekly Outline of Current History will be sent on application

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How to Reducel Your Weight

You CAN do it in a dignified, simple way in the privacy of your Tom and surprise yo r family and friends.

I KNOW you can, because I've reduce 35,000 women from 20 to

85 lbs., and what I have done for S many I can do for you.

Don't reduce by drugs or diet alone. You'll look old if you do. You should have work adapted to your condition.

No woman need carry one pound of excess fat. It is so simple to weigh what you should, and you enjoy the process. My cheerful letters and your scales keep you enthused.

I build your vitality, strengthen your heart and teach you how to stand, walk and breathe correctly,

as I reduce you. Don't endure fat when it is so easy to reduce. If you send me your height and weight I'll tell you just what you should weigh. No charge and I'll send you an illustrated booklet FREE, showing you how to stand correctly. Write me. I will respect your confidence.

Susanna Cocroft

Dept. 8, 624 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago


in every line of household, educational, business, or personal service-domestic workers, teachers, nurses, business or professional assistants, etc., etc.-whether you require help or are seeking a situation, may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article to sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive circular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address Department of Classified Advertising THE OUTLOOK

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Believing that the advance of business is a subject of vital interest and importance, The Outlook will present under the above heading frequent discussions of subjects of industrial and commercial interest. The department will include paragraphs of timely interest and articles of educational value dealing with the industrial upbuilding of the Nation. Comment and suggestions are invited.


FACTORY SANITATION ERHAPS the greatest industrial problem which American manufacturers have to face during the war period is the labor problem. The entire world is facing a great economic adjust ment. The relations of capital and labor are rapidly changing, and labor is demanding more and getting more than ever before in the world's industrial history. With the tremendous rise in the scale have come wage a higher standard of living and a widespread demand for better working conditions. Employers are rapidly meeting these changed conditions, and are learning to appreciate the necessity of providing comfortable and sanitary surroundings for their employees. With the present scarcity of labor the workingman is in the happy position of being able to pick and choose, and he naturally demands the best obtainable working conditions. The wisest and most far-sighted employers realize the value of keeping their skilled workmen at almost any cost. They aim, first, to keep their work

hand, quick judgment, and a reserve of muscular and nervous energy. Sound economic principles demand that proper lighting, ventilation, and sanitary equipment be provided to keep the labor equipment up to the highest standard.

In the construction of modern factories careful attention is given to proper lighting and ventilation. A leading construction "An abundance of daylight engineer says:

is now an accepted essential in factories. In fact, any added expense that may be necessary, within reasonable limits, to secure a full measure of natural light will be justified. Well-lighted workrooms unquestionably make for good health, relieve eye-strain, tone up a working corps to insure a better product with less effort, and reduce the hazard of accidents."

Most of the successful concerns of the present day manufacture their products in what may be called "window-walled buildings." In such buildings almost the entire outside walls are composed of strips of narrow steel bars, filled in with panes of factory ribbed or wire glass. Such windows may extend from a low curtain wall, two or three feet from the floor, to the ceiling lines; for the higher the window space, the better the lighting in the center of the building. Of course the big reason for the window-walled factory lies in the fact that the broad glass area gives a maximum supply of daylight, and thus promotes ideal working conditions. These window sections can be opened to any extent desired, thus securing ventilation adapted to the weather conditions.

The illustration shows how adequate daylight is obtained in the plant of the Electric Autolite Company, Toledo, Ohio.



men happy and contented; and, second, to
keep them in sound mental, moral, and
physical well-being.

The quality of artificial light and its distribution must also be considered.. A diffused white light, approaching as nearly as possible the soft yet effective light of day, is the effect to be sought. In the present age of artificial light, when night is turned into day, very few have perfect eyesight, and abuse of the eyes in trying lights is one of the chief contributing causes. Workmen with poor eyesight are a detriment to any business. In order to get the best results, particularly where close measurements and exact work are being turned out, the qual ity of the light and its distribution cannot be too carefully considered.

Men and equipment are the two essentials of successful manufacture. Wellequipped plants have a great variety of tools and machinery especially designed for the work which is to be accomplished. Such tools and machines are watched with the greatest care and kept in the highest state of efficiency. Advanced superintendents are now beginning to realize that the workmen are just as important as the equipment, and everything that will keep them in top-notch condition is provided. A skilled workman, like the trained athlete, to be at his best and do the best work must have a clean body, bright eye, clear mind, steady

Another most important point to be considered in a modern factory is the proper number and distribution of sanitary appli

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