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On page 498 of your magazine of March 27, 1918, you quote from Rheta Childe Dorr's book on "Inside the Russian Revolution" the remark about the "great American author Miller," of whose works the Czarina of Russia was so fond. At the end

of the article you say: "We leave it to our readers to decide who among the many American writers named Miller is the author so admired."

I do not now remember the source of my information, but as far back as twelve or fifteen years ago it was my understanding that the Presbyterian Board of Publication had a standing order to send to the Czarina of Russia any books published by the Rev. J. R. Miller, D. D., who was editor of the Sunday-school publications of the Presbyterian Church and a Philadelphia pastor. CHARLES B. MITCHELL.



A great many people must be feeling under great obligation to Dr. Abbott for his "Knoll Paper" on "Have Teachers Special Privileges?" in the issue of March 27.

In all the unsatisfactory discussion of this matter that exposition of the question is most clear and convincing. It agrees so completely with what the common people generally feel, I think, when they send their boys and girls away to college.

"The professor should be free, as long as he remains a professor, to teach what he believes to be the truth in his department. But it is the duty of his superior authorities to determine whether they will give the financial and moral support of the university to his teaching.'

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The enunciation of that principle carries conviction, and, furthermore, furnishes a basis for pronounced satisfaction to a great many. W. G. MALLETT.

In an article in The Outlook for April 3 it is said that "No New England college had yet (1860?) learned that the object of education is to enable the pupils to do their own thinking."

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May I enter a caveat" for Brown, the third New England college and seventh pre-Revolutionary college, founded in 1764? The charter itself breathes the free spirit of the twentieth century rather than that of the eighteenth. The preamble speaks of the proposed institution as one "to which the youth may freely resort for Education in the vernacular and learned Languages and in the Liberal Arts and Sciences."

Though started by Morgan Edwards, then pastor of my own church in Philadelphia (the First Baptist Church), and promoted by other Baptists who could easily have made the Corporation consist entirely of Baptists, yet so liberal was the college that it provided that the Episcopalians, the Quakers, and the Congregationalists should be represented perpetually by fourteen of the thirty-six on the Board of Trustees, and four of the twelve Fellows could be " of any or all denominations." Since the Unitarian schism we have always had both orthodox Congregationalists and Unitarian Congregationalists in the Corporation. The President was the only officer of the teaching staff whose theological belief was prescribed. I am now the oldest member of the Corporation both in age and service. Next June I shall complete my forty-fifth

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You at once see what a decided loss there must be in all that "heatingup" before you actually get any heat. The Kelsey loses none of its heat


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It is practically as direct and as quick in results as is the heat from a campfire that you hold your hand over.

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But that isn't all-the warmed air it sends is fresh air. Air full of tonic oxygen. Air automatically mixed with just the right healthful amount of moisture.

Further than that, it is leakless, noiseless, and dustless.

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year of service. Yet in all these many years I have never heard any discussion in the Corporation of a member's religious views except when an election to a vacancy made it necessary.

Again, the charter says: "Into this liberal and Catholic Institution shall never be admitted any religious Tests. But on the contrary [to emphasize this point] all the Members hereof shall forever enjoy full, free, absolute and uninterrupted Liberty of Conscience."

Moreover, in an age when theology entirely dominated teaching and the sciences were looked at askance it was provided "that the public Teaching shall in general respect the Sciences: and that the Sectarian Differences of Opinion shall not make any Part of the public and classical Instruction; Although all religious Controversies may be studied freely, Examined and Explained by the President, Professors and Tutors in a personal, separate and distinct Manner to the youth of any or each Denomination."

This last exemption from the study of sectarian theology-the body of Baptist doctrines, it will be observed, was not exempted from the prohibition-was a wholly novel idea. Harvard and Yale, the only New England colleges then existing, both required the study of Congregational theology of every student. The charter of Brown expressly prohibited such study as a part of the curriculum (see especially Dexter's "Yale Biographies and Annals" and his "Memorials of Eminent Yale

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Men" for the theological requirements of Yale). This broad liberality in providing for non-Baptists on the Corporation, in prohibiting the holding of any sectarian religious views as a qualification or a disability in any members of the Faculty (beyond the general restrictions to Protestants), and in prohibiting sectarian teaching to all students, is an outstanding contribution to liberal Christianity by Brown.

To emphasize also the introduction of the sciences into the curriculum, the very next member elected to the Faculty after the President was Daniel Howell, as Professor of Natural Philosophy, and his immediate successors were Joseph Brown and Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse.

Among its students also Brown lived up to its promises of freedom of conscience. At a time when the Jews were often "baited," the Corporation, on September 6, 1770, voted "that the children of Jews may be admitted to this Institution, and entirely enjoy the freedom of their religion without any constraint or imposition whatever." In 1774 the Seventh-Day Baptists were exempted from the law requiring attendance at church on Sunday. The Quakers also were exempted from the regulation which prohibited students from wearing their hats within the college walls.

With such examples in charter, laws, and customs, could there have been any greater encouragement to "the pupils to do their own thinking"?

As a student in residence, as undergrad

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Tea Cloths, 36x36 inches, 45x45 inches, and 54x54 inches. $8.50 to 47.50 each. Tea Napkins, $17.50 to 42.50 dozen.

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Library Table Covers. Ecru Embroidery. $20.00 to 25.00 each.

Refectory Table Covers, 54x90 inches, and 54x108 inches. $35.00, 40.00, 47.50, 57.50 to 90.00 each.

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Freedom and Teaching (Continued) uate from 1855-60, I can bear testimony that "to do our own thinking "" was the constant exhortation of such men as Wayland, Lincoln, Harkness, Chace, Gammell, Hill, and others, and as a member of the Corporation I have the best of reasons to believe that the remarkably liberal spirit of 1764 still pervades both Faculty and students. W. W. KEEN.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



When Johnny comes marching home again,he may have to ride in the ambulance. The Surgeon-General, the Red Cross, and other agencies are preparing to take care of Johnny if he does come that way. The Federal Board for Vocational Training has recently reported to the Senate and asked for $10,000,000 for its work.

In rehabilitating our crippled soldiers curative treatment will first be given. Next each subject will be fitted out with those wonderful new artificial legs, or arms, or fingers, which enable their possessors to accomplish such remarkable things. Then, if an injured man cannot follow his pre-war calling, he will be re-educated, fitted for something he can do. And, finally, he will be given a job.

And there is the crucial point in the entire plan-the job. What can a cripple do in industry, and who will employ him?

Those are questions that must be answered before Johnny comes home. And that means that American business and industry must be combed to find the answer. But who is going to do the combing?

The Pennsylvania State Department of Labor and Industry, with a spirit as fine as that of ancient Isaiah's, has answered, "Here am I. Send me." And has led the way for other commonwealths. For it has already begun a systematic canvass of the State's employers.



Two questionnaires have been sent out. The first asks Pennsylvania employers to indicate the number and kinds of positions in their plants where crippled men be advantageously employed. Thirty-eight types of disability are specified in this questionnaire, covering practically every conceivable type of disfigurement. The answers to this questionnaire will provide the Pennsylvania authorities with a complete card index of the State's industries, showing how crippled men can be successfully employed. The second questionnaire requests employers to indicate positions in their plants now held by disabled workers. That will provide a practical census of the disabled at work in the State.

The letter explaining the questionnaire and the questionnaire itself are printed on one form, which can be easily handled. When returned, these forms can be filed as a card index. They will be classified by the State Bureau of Employment, which will thus be in position immediately to place any rehabilitated cripple seeking work.

As Samson secured honey from the carcass of the lion after his struggle with the beast, so we shall derive many benefits from the awful war we are now engaged in. Not the least of these benefits will be the altered situation of the cripple. Never again will crippling entail relegation to the scrapheap. And just as the Johnny who dies to save democracy shall not have lived in vain, so the man who comes home in.the ambulance will have served all cripples for the time.

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Our Boys

Their Tremendous Potentialities

A vital serious subject especially just now, this message to 16, 17 and 18 year old boys and their parents:


On a delightfully located and extensive farm in Marblehead, Mass., twenty miles from Boston-fifty carefully selected boys will be received and taught farm life and work in connection with nature study. The course includes elementary military training, and all forms of healthful outdoor work and sports.


N this wonderful farm, owned and developed by the A. E. Little Co., Manufacturers of Sorosis Shoes, everything is provided for the moral, mental and physical development of boys.

Boys who spend the summer on Sorosis Military Farm will return. to their homes in the Fall realizing the fondest ideal of parentsrounded out into junior menvital, strong, ambitious-with a foundation built into body and character which will give them

power and success through life. Marblehead is one of the old and quaint New England towns, full of historic interest-and just at this time a Summer spent there will touch a patriotic chord in a boy's nature.

Sanitary and hygienic conditions. are perfect at Sorosis Military Farms, the boys living in houses or tents as they prefer. Not a case of illness was reported last year among the many boys there.

Full information and terms may be had by addressing Capt. Harry A. Dame, Supt.



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