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Alabama, check to pig-iron boom, 67-Arizona lottery ve-
toed, 284-Andover heresy trial, Prof. Smyth's argu-
ment, 44, 45, missionaries rejected by A. B. C. F. M.,
439, Prof. Smyth dismissed, 519, 520-Prof. Atwater
on oleomargarine and dairy protection, 377-Edward
Atkinson on the Inter-State Commerce Act, 320, on the
fraction of profit in manufacture, 376-Am. Board of
Foreign Missions reëmploys Missionary Hume, 133-
Allen immigrants under contract to be excluded,
210-Anarchists' picnic at Weehawken, 500.
Boston safeguard against tricky ballots, 2-Beverly bill
vetoed by Gov. Ames, 438-Baltimore Reform League
enforces Registration Law, 260-Baltimore and Ohio
Sully-Garrett deal, 218-Gen. B. F. Butler on the re-
turn of rebel flags, 519-Secretary Bayard resists
Pelletier claim, 131, 132, embarrassed by alien con-
tract act, 240, view of American merchants residing
abroad, 330, breaks up consular abuse in Morocco, 354,
releases British sealers, 479-J. C. Bayles made Presi.
dent New York Board of Health, 240-W. C. P. Breck-
inridge on the new South, 439-H. W. Beecher de-
ceased, 199-J. G. Blaine, renomination not favored
by Wharton Barker, 217, nor by St. Louis Globe-
Democrat, 239, nor other Western papers, 259, 375,
396, repudiated by Henry George, 437, embarrassment
as a European tourist, 521-Dr. Burchard in Ap-
pleton's Cyclopædia, 260-Benj. Butterworth on free
trade with Canada, 437, Bartholdi Association and
the Central Railroad receivers, 88-Battle-flags to be
returned to Confederates by the Philadelphia Brigade,
519-Business improvement, 3.

Connecticut, Gov. Lounsbury not asked to reappoint

Prof. Hadley, 217-California, revival of Know-

nothingism, 261-President Cleveland signs Mexican

War Pension Bill, 153, vetoes private pension bills,

107, 175, applauded by Republican' press, 131, vetoes

Texas Seed Bill, 153, and Portsmouth Government

Building Bill, 175, and River and Harbor Bill, 197,

heads off non-limitation Arrears of Pension Bill, 197,

appoints Inter-State Commerce Commission, 239, ap-
proves act excluding aliens under contract, 240, re-
election favored by Democratic press, 259, noininates
O.S. Straus to Turkey, 260, letter to American Fisheries
Union, 306, on the case of a homesteader, 375, ap-
proves civil-service promotion rules, 395, speech at
dedication of Garfield monument, 417, cuts down in-
ternal revenue collectorships, 487, appoints E. H. La-
combe United States Circuit Judge, and A. H. Dill
United States Marshal, 459-Speaker Carlisle on State
rights, 217, on reduction of the revenue, 375-Gen.
Wm. Curtis on the attitude of the Mugwumps, 437-
Wm. E. Chandler elected United States Senator, 499—
Joseph Cook weighs on Boston Advertiser, 285—Conk-
ling on the retrograde Republican party, 376-Cut-

ting of El Paso to try lecturing, E43-Chicago, Tri-
bune on Inter-State Commerce Bill, 1, Mayoralty
rescued from Carter, Harrison & Co., 283, Union League
Club to harmonize employer and employee, 500-Cin-
cinnati rescued from Democratic gang, 283, Fidelity
National Bank failure, 541-Cleveland goes Demo-
cratic, 305-Chinese fraudulent impersonations at
San Francisco, 480, Chinese nurses and body-servants
may come into United States, 198-Court of Claims to
help settle indebtedness to Government, 395, 396-
Comptroller, bill for appeals from, 2, ruling as to claims
against Congressmen,65-Central Railroad of New Jer-
sey and the Bartholdi Association, 88-Coal-heavers'
strike, 43, mandamus to the French line, 65, Superin-
tendent Quinn's aims, 87, duty of employers to resist,
attempt to blow up Guyandotte, 88, strike ended, 132
-Civil-service promotion rules, 395-Color line at
South breaking down, 459-Church union not helped
by New York Presbytery, 330-Celtic-Britannic col-
lision, 439-Confederate battle-flags returned, 519,

Congress, XLIXth, 2d session: Stanford on the Inter-

State Commerce Bill (Senate). 23-Anti-Mormon Bill

passed; bill to increase U. S. Judges in N. Y. passed

(House), 43-Bill to pension dependent soldiers passed;

debate on proposed Naval Board of Council (House),

44-Electoral Count Bill passed (both houses), Mexican

War Pension Bill (House), 65-Fisheries Retaliation

Bill passed (Senate), 87-Debate on Treasury surplus,

reasons for rejecting Matthews, bill to remove pen-

sion limitations killed (Senate), 107-Trade-Dollar

Bill passed, Belmont Fisheries Retaliation Bill

(House), 131-Trade-Dollar Bill passed (Senate); Pen-

sions Committee reports back vetoed Dependent Pen-

sion Bill (House), 153-Naval Defence bills passed (Se-

nate), 153-President's Pension Bill veto sustained

(House), 175-State of Constitutional Amendment to

change date of President's inauguration; Arbitra-

tion Bill passed (ooth houses), 176-Tenure of Office

Act repealed (both houses); Trotter confirmed as D.

C. Recorder of Deeds, 197-Canada Retaliation Bill

passed (both houses), 198.

Davis, Jefferson, advises Union, 418-Senator Dawes re-
elected, 65, speech at Boston Republican banquet, 329
-Judge Noah Davis retires, 3-C. A. Dana imposed on
as to civil-service requirements, 25.

Evarts, Senator, and the bill for N. Y. Circuit Court judge,

153-Senator Edmunds on the next Presidency, 217-

Everest oil conspiracy case, 418-East St. Louis car-

ried by citizens' ticket, 305-Elections, spring, 305.

Florida, first colored State fair, 239-Field Code at Al-

bany again, 155, 283-Edgar Fawcett's play damned

in Boston, 331-Federal judges of long Democratic

appointment, 285-Fresh fish defined by Treasury, 24

Fish trade with Canada, amount of, 87-Farming im-

migration to U. S., 437.

Gail Hamilton alias Arthur Richmond, 330-Garfield

statue in Washington, 417-Gov. Green's New Jersey

demagogy, 307-Henry George should form a church,

43, drops land and attacks Catholicism, 109, admits

failure of Knights, 218, Anti-Poverty Society, 396, 418,

437, 460, 500, passing the hat, 542, confidant of the

Creator, 418, repudiates Blaine, 437-Cardinal Gib-

bons on the Knights, 218, 261-Jay Gould's Kansas

Pacific swindle, 438, 479-Gold and the fall in prices,

397-Gambling in futures, 520.

Hoadly, ex-Governor, on courts and railroads in Ohio, 1-

T. W. Higginson on normal-school education, 25-

Rev. Dr. Hall on the excuse for newspaper degrada-

tion, 67-Missionary Hume and the American Board,

133-C. P. Huntington's faith in Mr. Franchot, 375-

A. S. Hewitt's Labor letter suppressed at a Demo-

cratic dinner, 175, speech to locomotive firemen, 418.

efforts for honest local government, 521-Geo. F.

Hoar favors Trotter's confirmation, 197, speech at

Boston Republican Club, 329, 330, on the party of

moral purity, 459-Prof. A. T. Hadley dropped from

Conn. Labor Bureau, 217-Gov. David Hill's appoint-

ments hung up in Senate, 283, 460, rejects Tom

Platt's Quarantine deal, 460, last vetoes, 543-Pres1-

dent Hyde of Bowdoin opposes intercollegiate sports,

331-Sarah Howe's swindle revived, 330-Haverhill

(Mass,) industries affected by labor tyranny, 198-

Hopkinsville (Ky.) Confederate monument, 438-

High-license in N. Y., liquor-dealers protest, 155, bill

passed, 259, 283.

Illinois Labor Bureau on convict labor, 353, 354, liquor

tax law, 397-Illinois Central's cost of locomotive ser-

vice, 438-Senator Ingalls on the failure of negro suf-

frage, 459-Inter-State Commerce Bill, Gov. Hoadly

and Chicago Tribune on, 1, Senator Stanford on, 23,

puts an end to deadheads, 132, Commissioners ap-

pointed, 239, Blaine press silenced, 260, Judge Deady's

decision, 306, effect of law on wool traffic, raisins,

sugar, passes to R. R. employees, and salesmen, on

rate-cutting, on ticket commissions, 329, on New Eng-

land agriculture, on inter-State protection, 353-In-

ternal-revenue reduction, whiskey vs. tobacco, 499-

Irish coercion denounced by State legislatures, 285,

by Northern press that denounced secession, 307,

Irish-American anti-Jubilee rowdyism, 543.

Jacksonville, Fla., election, 305.
Kentucky, Democratic Convention endorses Cleveland,
rejects civil-service reform, 395-Knights of Labor
not friendly to arbitration, 176, support from Cardi-
nal Gibbons, 218, 261, and Manning, 376, disturbance
among silversmiths, 480, bricklayers, 542, boycotting
the carpet weavers' assembly, 480, revolution in Dis-
trict Assembly 49, 542-Knee-breeches vs. trousers, 67.
Louisiana will maintain her own levees, 284, prohibition
movement, 353-Abraham Lincoln on rotation in of-
fice, 3-Gen. Logan not smirched like Blaine, 138-
Henry Cabot Lodge as the gentleman in politics, 260-
J. L. Laughton on gold supply and fall in prices, 397-
Lorillard tobacco strike, 66-Labor's right to be pro-
tected from assessments, 88, Central Labor Union's
destructive programme, 177, Hanley proposed for
Commissioner of Labor Statistics, 284, performance
for 'longshoremen strikers unemployed, 284, Labor
bills in N. Y. Legislature, 396, mixed accounts of Dis-
trict Assembly No. 49, 500-Louisville Courier-Jour-
nal on discrimination against silver, 66-Lumber
trade with Canada vs. fisheries, 397-Literary log-
rolling, 25-Labor Day, 66.

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