That very law which moulds a tear,* The World. HORATIAN PHILOSOPHY. FROM scenes of tumult noise and strife, * The law of gravitation. Quit idle hope and fond desire, And cease to gaze where fools admire : With scorn the crowd prophane behold Enslav'd by sordid thirst of gold, Nor scorn to bend at such a shrine, While priest of Phœbus and the nine. Nor would I shun the student's toil, But feed my lamp with Grecian oil; Sometimes thro' stoic walks sublime, Up the rough steep of virtue climb; From philosophic heights look down, Nor heed if fortune smile or frown; In wisdom's mantle closely furl'd, Defy the tempest of the world; And scorning all that's not our own, Place every good in mind alone. Then, sliding to an easier plan, Put off the God, to be the man; Resolve the offer'd sweets to prove Of social bowls, gay sports, and love; Give forward life its childish toy, Nor blush to feel, or to enjoy. Yet ever, as by humour led, Each path of life in turn I tread, Still to my first great maxim true, On moderation fix my view; Let her with tempering sway preside O'er pleasure's cup and learning's pride; And by her sage decrees o'er-rule The dogmas of each sturdy school. Opinion thus may various play, Dr. Aikin. ODE TO HEALTH. Be thou my guest, fair daughter of the skies, An humble suppliant at thy shrine I'm laid, My drooping heart asks thy enliv'ning hand. Content I'd dwell on yon bleak mountain's side, Depriv'd of thee the splendour of a throne, No harmony in sounds, no sweets in spring, Come then, gay goddess, leave thy bright abode, I'll ask no treasures of this earthly globe, Westminster Magazine. ODE TO A LADY. CLEAR that cruel doubting brow! -I'll call on mighty Jove To witness this eternal vow; "O leave the god to soft repose, By honour'd beauty's gentle power; By those dear tempting lips, I cry'd; Bryant Edwards. THE CAPTIVE KING. i DEAD is the dream of life that calm'd my care, SONG. Adieu thou partner of my woes, Where spectred silence reigns around; No more these walls my grief shall hear, Forbear, my love, these drops to shed, |