Without, no baneful blast invade, Then may some happier hand than mine, DRY those tears! like melted ore, Fast dropping on my heart they fall: Think, think no more of me; no more The mem'ry of past scenes recall. On a wild sea of passion tost, I split upon the fatal shelf; i . Friendship and love at once are lost, And now I wish to lose myself. Lionel and Clarissa. SONG TO THE NIGHTINGALE. On cease thy song, sweet Philomel! Ah no! sweet bird! thy strains prolong, Sweet melody the mind inspires, Sweet Philomel! prolong thy strain, And hither charın my absent swain, Monthly Review. BALLAD. DARK was the night, the children slept, "Why does he tarry thus?" she cried, "Alas! what pains dó I endure! Heavens grant this taper be his guide, And lead rim safe across the moor." At length his well known voice she hears; "He comes, my terror to remove! My William comes to dry my tears:" And down she flies to meet her love. William all pale and bloody stood; Coleman. LINES FOUND IN A BOWER FACING THE SOUTH. SOFT cherub of the southern breeze, Oh! thou, whose fond embrace to meet, Thou, at whose call the light fays start, Soft cherub of the southern breeze, Oh! if aright I tune the reed, And if aright, with anxious zeal, My willing hands this bow'r have made, Still let this bow'r thine influence feel, And be its gloom thy fav'rite shade! For thee, of all the cherub train, Of all that skim along the main, Of all that slumber'd in the grove, Or playful urge the gossamer's flight, Or down the vale or streamlet move, With whisper soft and pinion light. I court thee, thro' the glinım'ring air, I court thee, when at noon reclin'd, I watch the murmuring insect throng I court thee, when the flow'rets close, And, when beneath the moon's pale beam, |