But if thou wilt in darkness lurk, VERSES. GENTLE mother chide no longer, Have you on the same occasion, Had you seen the lovely stranger, And lov'd him more than Mira did. English Chronicle. FIELDS OF FONTENAY. FAREWELL fields of Fontenay, Anonymous. DAMON AND SILVIA. SAYS Damon to his sprightly girl An higher boon thy Silvia craves, With Damon not content to live, English Chronicle. DAMON AND CHLOE. DAMON. CHLOE, I vow sincerely All to be vow'd by man, I'll love you dearly, dearly, As long as love I can. CHLOE. You men when most you're kind, And to love's feast we find, A tedious fast succeed. But this I vow sincerely, That should it so befall; English Chronicle. HOPE. THE Sweet deceiver hope destroys, By airy visions, real joys; Each future scene by her array'd In brightness, makes the present fade; Through gloomy winter's reign we mourn Universal Magazine. THE YEAR. January. Lo! my fair the morning lazy, Peeps abroad from yonder hill; Phœbus rises red and hazy, Frost has stopp'd the village mill. February. All around looks sad and dreary; March. Rise the winds, and rocks the cottage, Thaws the roof and wets the path; Dorcas cooks the sav'ry pottage, Smokes the cake upon the hearth. April. Sunshine intermits with ardour, Shades fly swiftly o'er the fields ; Show'rs revive the drooping verdure, May. Pearly beams the eye of morning, Hawthorn ev'ry hedge adorning, Pluck the flow'r but spare the nest. June. School-boys in the brooks disporting, While the nymphs and swains are courting, July. Maids with each a guardian lover, |