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What is it that ails thee?

What means this hot háste?

Jarvie Time! Jarvie Time!

That's the Blué Bell we 're pássing,

The door stands wide open,

The horses' trough 's reády,
The landlady 's famous

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For cold pies and wine;
And the landlady's daughter -
momofil O Járvie, the daughter!

Let thy poór, smoking cattle
Draw breath for a móment;
We'll arrive soon enough,

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THAT mán 's worth millions, but that man 's unworthy;

That worthy man, there, 's scarcely worth a groat;
That man worth millions is a man worth knowing,
Bút he's a mán unworthy of thy friendship;
That worthy man is worthy of thy friendship,
Bút that same worthy man is not worth knowing;

Só, till he 's something worth, it makes small difference
Whether a mán is worthy or unworthy;

And when he 's something worth it makes small difference
Whether a man is worthy or unworthy,

So rarely do the worthy get their due,
And the unworthy get their due so rarely.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 25, 1855.


As long as thou faithfully lóv'st me,
I promise I'll trúly love theé.


And I to love theé will cease néver

Even though thou shouldst cease to love mé.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 30, 1855.

IN this apple 's a core, in that core there's a pippin,
In that píppin a scárcely percéptible gérm,

Which, give it but tíme enough, sháll be a greát tree
With sweet-smelling blossoms and rích, golden fruít,
And wide-spreading branches, beneath which shall sít
On fine summer évenings our children's grandchildren
And talk of their grandfathers' fáthers and say:

"Ah! where are those nów who this tree's pippin sówed?"
And some one among them shall answer and sáy: —
"They 're where we ourselves were on that very dáy
When they sowed this tree's pippin, and where we shall bé
When this tree's apple's pippin shall bé a great treé
With sweet-smelling blossoms and rich, golden fruit,
And our children's grandchildren shall sit in its shade
And say:

"Where are those nów who once sówed this tree's

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 30, 1855.

píppin ?"



"EXPÉRIENCE is a better teacher, friend,

Than lécturer or boók; learn from Experience."
Yés; but Expérience writes in hieroglyphics,
Which to explaín needs lécturer and book.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 25, 1855,


NIGHT séntinéls that seé me creep
Tó my Love while others sleep,
Téll not ón me: what I dó

's no únaccustomed sight to yoú.

Óther reason Sól had nóne,

Márs and Vénus tó tell ón,

Bút that tó his eyes was new

What's mere mátter of course to yoú.

Ón your silence Í relý,

Faithful watchmen óf the sky,

And that you'll let nó one prý,

Let no one prý

"Hist, Love! hist!" - All 's right; good bye.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 7, 1855.

IF thou wouldst please the Gods thou must contrive

To let them knów thou 'st nót the bést side out;
If thou wouldst please mankind thou must not let them
Suspéct thou 'rt óne jot better than thou seem'st.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 12, 1855.

"Einstweilen bis den Bau der Welt

Philosophie zusammenhält,

Erhält sie das Getriebe

Durch Hunger und durch Liebe."

SCHILLER, Die Weltweisen.

So it's hunger and love keep all going
Very well, that's a sécret worth knowing;

But methinks this great world were a ráre show
Without money to make the old máre go.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 31, 1855.

HE's not a wise man thinks much of the past;

A mán that 's wise thinks little of the future;
There is no présent, only past or future,

Therefore a man that 's wise, though always thinking,
Thinks little about présent, past, or future.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 16, 1855.



IF thou 'rt as bad as wé, walk in, we pray;

If bétter

Sir, we wish thee a good day.

CARLSRUHE, Dec. 12, 1855.

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