PHILOSOPHUS AND PHILARGYRUS. PHILOSOPHUS. TREASURES of únsunned gold! PHILARGYRUS. Where? whére? Oh, whére? Show me the pláce; I'll díg and with thee sháre. PHILOSOPHUS. Here, read this book; Gods, that the precious prize Should lié till nów unspied by mortal eyes! PHILARGYRUS. No word of it hére; in vain through all the book, PHILOSOPHUS. Why, it's in every page and every line; PHILARGYRUS. I don't like riddles and still less like jokes. PHILOSOPHUS. My mine of góld you take then for a hoax; Between a mine of gold, real difference, Ánd the high lesson this book's leáves unfold: CARLSRUHE, Jan. 27, 1856. CICERO. How good must be the author of all goodness! CESAR. And Óh, how green the sówer óf all gráss! CARLSRUHE, Jan. 19, 1856. TRUTH. THERE is no trúth but móral truth, th' accordance Go tó! go tó! then, thoú that seék'st essential, To each age, séx and circumstance and station. Thing and expréssion; and that judgment 's truth By which, and which alone, he estimates, The truth or falsehood of his neighbour's judgment. Go, reader, then, and to thy moral truth And when men talk to thee of truth essential Away in the pursuit, here or there or yonder, From that day forward want a pleasant pástime, CARLSRUHE, Febr. 5, 1856. TO MY LOST ONE. * As long as I had thee, thou dearly loved flower, Ah! then came the cold frozen winter and stórm. CARLSRUHE, Jan. 14, 1856. *See page 181 of this volume and DIRGE FOR THE XIII. DEC. MDCCCLII. in MY BOOK. CORRIGENDA. Page 14. Page 98. Line 7 from bottom, instead of delirium read Delirium Page 118. Page 149. Last line, after that and after advancement supply comma. Page 173. Page 197. Line 3 from bottom, dele comma. Line 2 from top, after sún and after séts supply comma. Dresden, printed by C. C. MEINHOLD AND SONS. |