CONTENTS. [Titles are printed in capital letters, first lines in ordinary type.] I took thee for a rose, thou 'rt but a poppy If I hadn't thee to love I would love something else WRITTEN ON THE MARGIN OF A LEAF OF GOETHE'S FAUST. TO SELINA. Oh, the pink of all mill'ners is sweet Poesy! IN THE HARDTWALD, BESIDE CARLSRUHE, March 12, 1856 "Old father Time, he loves thee so" I dearly love the red, red rose Blessed be the man who first invented chairs! It's not on the insect that creeps cautious forward PUTTING A PENNY INTO A CHILD'S HAND. I walked, in the sun, by the side of a wood The poet must know how to sing. At the kernel to get, thou must first break the shell Never spider span so fine. My Polly is a paladin And now I know thy bones lie here, vain poet One sunny April morning we were sauntering The painting, to live long, must be a poem Which was the better poet of the two "Proud, boastful Man," 'twas thus the herring said "Of the worst of bad things still some use may be made" IN A LADY'S ALBUM. MOSLEM WINE - DRINKER'S CATCH INSCRIPTION FOR SAADI'S TOMB IN SCHIRAZ Because I am nobody, turn not, I beg 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54 TO HOFRATH J. CH. DÖLL, ON OUR LEAVING CARLSRUHE, May 27, 1856 FOR THE BUST OF MONS. GIAMBATTISTA SARTORI CANOVA IN THE ALBUM AT POSSAGNO, August 1856. TO SIGNORA ELISA PAROLINI, ON OUR LEAVING BASSANO. TO DON PIETRO ABATE BONVICINI TO SIGNOR FRANCESCO AMBROSI OF BORGO IN THE VAL SUGANA God bless the light, the best thing God e'er made A little nearer, and a little nearer TO FRAULEIN MINNA GEMMEL OF MARIENWERDER It happened once, in ancient Rome's Arena The sterling gold coin, issued from the mint God 's not the word thou oftenest hear'st in Rome Ás I muttered to myself once am the hare; thou, reader, art the lion Your gift's the payment of a previous debt if you don't know what 's a true friend "Pshaw! the poetic breed 's extinct," said once. Sing ding-a-dong-díng, boys, sing ding-a-dong-ding "True wisdom whát is 't?" Let me think. True wisdom 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 Thou ask'st my counsel in this matter, friend Softly thrill 62 I sing the captain and the pious arms TO LOUISA, ON OUR LEAVING PISTOJA, April, 1858 JOHANNES LEIS, INNKEEPER ON THE BRENNER, Sept. 30, 1856 Can you tell me, my fine little fellow, from what I closed mine eyes and, lo! beside my couch Fear, in the evening born, and nursed all night INSTRUCTIONS FOR A YOUNG POET 63 64 65 65 66 69 70 70 72 73 74 75 75 76 76 "Keep the real Virgil far away," said Dryden 77 78 78 79 80 82 84 85 85 86 87 87 TO SELINA ON THE FIRST OF JANUARY, WITH A JAR OF HONEY They call her Morning Red. She is a damsel In Error's wood there are a thousand paths. We, though a little word of two short letters PROMETHEUS AND 10. "Pearls before swine, which turn again and rénd you!” "How do you know?" 92 93 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 98 98 99 100 101 101 102 102 103 103. 104 104 105 106 107 108 "Lay by your poem nine long years," says Horace INSCRIPTION FOR THE BANK OF IRELAND, FORMERLY THE IRISH PARLIAMENT PHILOSOPHY'S LABOUR LOST. Eternal youth cannot be and was never "Fresh fish from Helicon! who 'll buy? who 'll buy ?" Look circumspect round you before Danger comes THE TWO LOOKING - GLASSES. Like weeds which a gardener throws out on (the dunghill In all things else thou mayst agree. ANNIVERSARY OF MY MOTHER'S DEATH The Don, he has bestrode his steed WIND, WOMAN AND KING. Page 116 117 117 118 118 119 120 Forget the past, fear not the morrow 122 Only God sees the heart. True, of all hearts THE NINE MAIDENS OF CRACOW. Thou didst well, Maro, to decree The art of speaking 's not, to speak the truth MUSIC. 153 154 155 158 159 160 WRITTEN IN SCHOLASTICA'S DENKBUCH, SEEHAUS, ACHENSEE, Oct. 9, 1861 . |