Poems: Chiefly Philosophical; in Continuation of My Book and A Half Year's PoemsC.C. Meinhold, 1856 - 292 strán (strany) |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Strana 1
... or work in filligree , Í , on a stool beside your knee , Will tell you tales , read poetry , Or lilt to my guitár an air , Nót that guitar or book ' s my care , Bút to be with you anywhere . If less agreeable the bower , Come , let ' 1 1.
... or work in filligree , Í , on a stool beside your knee , Will tell you tales , read poetry , Or lilt to my guitár an air , Nót that guitar or book ' s my care , Bút to be with you anywhere . If less agreeable the bower , Come , let ' 1 1.
Strana 25
... Télling a friend the story thou ' st just read , " They were a pair of fools or worse , those flies ; Ínstinct's the only guide , the sure safe rule Supplied to every creature by its kind And provident creator ; never lét me , While I ...
... Télling a friend the story thou ' st just read , " They were a pair of fools or worse , those flies ; Ínstinct's the only guide , the sure safe rule Supplied to every creature by its kind And provident creator ; never lét me , While I ...
Strana 27
... Tell me first , " replied the earwig , " Why you ' re néver ín a húrry , Why you always seem as if you Hád a whole life for each joúrney . " Í for my part can't conceive what Pleasure you can take in that pace , Still less that it ...
... Tell me first , " replied the earwig , " Why you ' re néver ín a húrry , Why you always seem as if you Hád a whole life for each joúrney . " Í for my part can't conceive what Pleasure you can take in that pace , Still less that it ...
Strana 31
... . RESTLESS as billows of the sea And agile be thy feet , Firm as a rock thy purpose be , Nor from the right retreat . Walking from ARCO to TENNO in the Italian TYROL , Aug. 24 , 1854 . TRUE FRIENDS . РОЕТ . NEVER tell me there ' 31.
... . RESTLESS as billows of the sea And agile be thy feet , Firm as a rock thy purpose be , Nor from the right retreat . Walking from ARCO to TENNO in the Italian TYROL , Aug. 24 , 1854 . TRUE FRIENDS . РОЕТ . NEVER tell me there ' 31.
Strana 32
... tell me there ' s no such thing as friends , Steády , true , constant , without selfish ends ; Óf my long life ' t has been the happiness To have had some five and twenty , more or less . READER . Aye , to be sure ; friends of the ...
... tell me there ' s no such thing as friends , Steády , true , constant , without selfish ends ; Óf my long life ' t has been the happiness To have had some five and twenty , more or less . READER . Aye , to be sure ; friends of the ...
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Poems Chiefly Philosophical, in Continuation of My Book and a Half Year's Poems James Henry Úplné zobrazenie - 1856 |
Poems Chiefly Philosophical: In Continuation of M My Book and A Half Year's ... James Henry Úplné zobrazenie - 1856 |
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Achen ALBUM áll álways AMPEZZO Ánd ángels April bóth brother búried Bút CARLSRUHE Cóme creáture cried DALKEY IRELAND DALKEY LODGE DRESDEN Dublin EDENVILLE Éven éver évery eyes father Febr fróm German TYROL GIEBELSTADT Gód gráve hand happy hast heard heart heaven Hére Hillo Hów July Júst JUSTINUS KERNER knów lást Lét live lóng look Lord Lord Byron love thee maid máke mán March 12 Mindo móre morning múch néver night nót nów once óne passion poem poet POSSAGNO RATHGAR Rome ROSAMOND round Sept side sigh sing SISTINA sleep smile sorrow súre sweet T. N. COLE téll Thát thén Thére there's thine thing thoú thou rt thought thyself TÜBINGEN Twas Upón verses Walking WEINSBERG WEINSBERG WÜRTTEMBERG Whát wise word WÜRTTEMBERG yét