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"HAVING spoken of Mr POWELL as sometimes raising himself applause from the ill taste of an audience; I must do him the justice to own, that he is excellently formed for a tragedian, and, when he pleases, deserves the admiration of the best judges; as I doubt not but he will in The Conquest of Mexico, which is acted for his own benefit to-morrow night."


NO. 41. TUESDAY, APRIL 17. 1711.

Tu non inventa reperta es.

So found, is worse than lost.

OVID. MET. i. 654.



COMPASSION for the gentleman who writes the following letter should not prevail upon me to fall upon the fair sex, if it were not that I find they are frequently fairer than they ought to be. Such impostors are not to be tolerated in civil society: and I think his misfortune ought to be made public, as a warning for other men always to examine into what they admire.

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"SUPPOSING you to be a person of general knowledge, I make my application to you on a very particular occasion. I have a great mind to be rid of my wife, and hope, when you consider my case, you will be of opinion I have very just pretensions to a divorce. I am a mere man of the town, and have very little improvement but what I have got from plays. I remember in The Silent Woman, the learned Dr CUTBERT, or Dr OTTER, I forget which, makes one of the causes of separation to be error persona, when a man marries a woman, and finds her not to be the same woman whom he intended to marry, but another. If that be law, it is, I presume, exactly my case. For you are to know,

Mr SPECTATOR, that there are women who do not let their husbands see their faces till they are married.

"Not to keep you in suspense, I mean plainly that part of the sex who paint. They are some of them so exquisitely skilful this way, that give them but a tolerable pair of eyes to set up with, and they will make bosom, lips, cheeks, and eyebrows by their own industry. As for my dear, never man was so enamoured as I was of her fair forehead, neck, and arms, as well as the bright jet of her hair; but, to my great astonishment, I find they were all the effect of art: her skin is so tarnished with this practice, that when she first wakes in a morning, she scarce seems young enough to be the mother of her whom I carried to bed the night before. I shall take the liberty to part with her by the first opportunity, unless her father will make her portion suitable to her real, not her assumed, countenance. This I thought fit to let him and her know by your means.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient humble servant."

I CANNOT tell what the law or the parents of the lady will do for this injured gentleman, but must allow he has very much justice on his side. I have indeed very long observed this evil, and distinguished those of our women who wear their own, from those in borrowed complexions, by the Picts and the British. There does not need any great discernment to judge which are which. The British have a lively animated aspect; the Picts, though never so beautiful, have dead uninformed countenances. The muscles of a real face sometimes swell with soft passion, suda den surprise, and are flushed with agreeable confusions, according as the objects before them, or the ideas presented to them, affect their imagination. But the Picts behold all things with the same air, whether they are joyful or sad; the same fixed insensibility appears upon all occasions. A Pict, though she takes all that pains to invite the approach of lovers, is obliged to keep them at a certain distance; a sigh in a languishing lover, if fetched too near her, would dissolve a feature; and a kiss, snatched by a forward one, might transfer the complexion of the mistress to the admirer. It is hard to speak of these false fair ones without saying something uncomplaisant; but I would only recommend to thiem to consider how they like coming into a room new painted: they may assure themselves, the near approach of a lady who uses this practice is much more offensive.

WILL HONEYCOMB told us one day an adventure he once had with a Pict. This lady had wit, as well as beauty, at will; and made it her business to gain hearts, for no other reason but to rally the torments of her lovers. She would make great advances to ensnare men, but without any manner of scruple break off when there was no provocation. Her ill-nature and vanity made my friend very easily proof against the charms of her wit and conversation; but her beauteous form, instead of being blemished by her falsehood and inconstancy, every day increased upon him, and she had new attractions every time he saw her. When she observed WILL irrevocably her slave, she began to use him as such, and, after many steps towards such a cruelty, she at last utterly banished him. The unhappy lover strove in vain, by servile epistles, to revoke his doom; till at length he was forced to the last refuge, a round sum of money to her maid. This corrupt attendant placed him early in the morning behind the hangings in her mistress's dressing room. He stood very conveniently to observe, without being seen. Pict begins the face she designed to wear that day; and I have heard him protest she had worked a full half-hour before he knew her to be the same woman. As soon as he saw the dawn of that complexion for which he had so long languished, he thought fit to break from his con cealment, repeating that of CoWLEY:

Th' adorning thee with so much art,
Is but a barb'rous skill;
'Tis like the pois'ning of a dart,
Too apt before to kill.


The Pict stood before him in the utmost confusion, with the prettiest smirk imaginable on the finished side of her face, pale as ashes on the other. HONEYCOMB seized all her gallipots and washes, and carried off his handkerchief full of brushes, scraps of Spanish wool, and


phials of unguents. The lady went into the country; the lover was cured.

It is certain no faith ought to be kept with cheats; and an oath made to a Pict is of itself void. I would therefore exhort all the British ladies to single them out; nor do I know any but LINDAMIRA who should be exempt from discovery; for her own complexion is so delicate, that she ought to be allowed the covering of it with paint, as a punishment for choosing to be the worst piece of art extant, instead of the master-piece of Nature. As for my part, who have no expectations from women, and consider them only as they are part of the species, I do not half so much fear offending a beauty as a woman of sense; I shall therefore produce several faces which have been in public these many years and never appeared. It will be a very pretty entertainment in the playhouse (when I have abolished this custom) to see so many ladies, when they first lay it down, incog. in their own faces.

In the mean time, as a pattern for improving their charms, let the sex study the agreeable STATIRA. Her features are enlivened with the cheerfulness of her mind, and good humour gives an alacrity to her eyes. She is graceful without affecting an air, and unconcerned without appearing careless. Her having no manner of art in her mind, makes her want none in her person.

How like is this lady, and how unlike is a Pict, to that description Dr DONNE gives of his mistress?

Her pure and eloquent blood
Spoke in her cheeks, and so distinctly wrought,
That one would almost say her body thought.


A YOUNG gentlewoman, of about nineteen years of age (bred in the family of a person of quality, lately deceased), who paints the finest flesh-colour, wants a place, and is to be heard of at the house of Mynheer GROTESQUE, a Dutch painter in Barbican.

N. B. She is also well skilled in the drapery-part, and puts on hoods, and mixes ribands, so as to suit the coours of the face with great art and success.


NO. 42.-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. 1711.


Garganum mugire putes nemus, aut mare Tuscum;
Tanto cum strepitu ludi spectantur, et artes,
Divitiæque perigrinæ; quibus oblitus actor
Cum stetit in scena, concurrit dextera leva.
Dixit adhuc aliquid? Nil sane. Quid placet ergo?
Lana Tarentino violas imitato veneno.

HOR. 2. EP. i. 202


Loud as the wolves, on Orca's stormy steep,
Howl to the roarings of the northern deep:
Such is the shout, the long applauding note,
At QUIN's high plume, or OLDFIELD'S petticoat;
Or when from court a birth-day suit bestow'd,
Sinks the lost actor in the tawdry load.
BOOTH enters hark! the universal peal!--
But has he spoken? - Not a syllable. -
What shook the stage, and made the people stare?-
CATO's long wig, flow'r'd gown, and lacquer'd chair. POPE.


ARISTOTLE has observed that ordinary writers in tragedy endeavour to raise terror and pity in their audience, not by proper sentiments and expressions, but by the dresses and decorations of the stage. There is some. thing of this kind very ridiculous in the English theatre. When the author has a mind to terrify us, it thunders; when he would make us melancholy, the stage is darkened. But among all our tragic artifices, I am the most offended at those which are made use of to inspire us with magnificent ideas of the persons that speak. The ordinary method of making an hero, is to clap a huge plume of feathers upon his head, which rises so very high, that there is often a greater length from his chin to the top of his head than to the sole of his foot. One would believe that we thought a great man and a tall man the same thing. This very much embarrasses the actor, who is forced to hold his neck extremely stiff and

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