The Spectator, Zväzok 1J. Duncan, 1791 |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Výsledky 1 - 5 z 52.
Strana 21
... English writers , in their way of thinking and expressing themselves , resemble those authors much more than the modern Italians pre- tend to do . And as for the poet himself , from whom the dreams of this opera are taken , I must ...
... English writers , in their way of thinking and expressing themselves , resemble those authors much more than the modern Italians pre- tend to do . And as for the poet himself , from whom the dreams of this opera are taken , I must ...
Strana 42
... English unadvisedly marched a great . distance from the shore into the country , and were inter- cepted by the natives , who slew the greatest number of them . Our adventurer efcaped , among others , by flying into a forest . Upon his ...
... English unadvisedly marched a great . distance from the shore into the country , and were inter- cepted by the natives , who slew the greatest number of them . Our adventurer efcaped , among others , by flying into a forest . Upon his ...
Strana 43
... English territories , began seriously to reflect upon his loss of time , and to weigh with himself how many days inte rest of his money he had lost during his stay with YARI- co . This thought made the young man very pensive and careful ...
... English territories , began seriously to reflect upon his loss of time , and to weigh with himself how many days inte rest of his money he had lost during his stay with YARI- co . This thought made the young man very pensive and careful ...
Strana 51
... English tragedy appear with that action , which is capable of giving a dignity to the forced thoughts , cold conceits , and unnatural ex- pressions , of an Italian opera ? In the mean time , I have related this combat of the lion , to ...
... English tragedy appear with that action , which is capable of giving a dignity to the forced thoughts , cold conceits , and unnatural ex- pressions , of an Italian opera ? In the mean time , I have related this combat of the lion , to ...
Strana 66
... AN ITALIAN OPERA ON AN ENGLISH STAGE , Ir is my design , in this paper , to deliver down to po- sterity a faithful account of the Italian opera , and of C 2 1 the gradual progress which it has made 66 NO . 18 . THE SPECTATOR .
... AN ITALIAN OPERA ON AN ENGLISH STAGE , Ir is my design , in this paper , to deliver down to po- sterity a faithful account of the Italian opera , and of C 2 1 the gradual progress which it has made 66 NO . 18 . THE SPECTATOR .
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acquaintance acrostics ADDISON admiration agreeable anagram ancient appear APRIL 13 APRIL 26 ARISTOTLE audience beautiful behaviour BEN JOHNSON body called club coffee-house conversation dance delight discourse dress DRYDEN endeavour English entertainment Ephesian matron eyes face fair sex false wit favour genius gentleman give hand heard heart hero HONEYCOMB honour HUDIBRAS humble servant humour innocent Italian kind King lady laugh learned letter likewise lion live look lover mankind manner means mind mistress nature nerally never night observed occasion opera OVID paper particular passion person PHARAMOND Pict play pleased poem poet PORUS PRENESTE prince racter reader reason rhymes ridiculous ROSCOMMON scenes sense shew speak SPECTATOR stage talk tell thing thou thought tion told town tragedy turn verse VIRG VIRGIL virtue whole woman women words writing young