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A.D. 1556.

Mary. all that come after, to suffer affliction in the like cause; as St. James saith, "Take, my brethren,' ," saith he, "the prophets for an ensample of suffering adversity and of long patience, which spake unto you in the name of the Lord. Behold we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have known what end the Lord made with him, for the Lord is very pitiful and merciful.' Also the Lord trieth us, to let us see our own hearts and thoughts, that no hypocrisy nor ambition deceive us, and that the strong in Christ may pray that he fall not, but endure to the end; and that those that fall through fearful infirmity, might speedily repent and rise again with Peter, and also that the weak ones might bewail their weakness, and cry with David, "Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak. O Lord, heal me, for all my bones are vexed." 2


Of this opening of the heart by persecution, spake holy Simeon to Mary, Christ's mother, when he said, "The sword (that is, the cross of persecution) shall pierce thy soul, that the thoughts of many hearts may be opened.' like as a king that should go to battle, is compelled to look in his coffers what treasure he hath, and also what number and puissance of men and weapons he hath, so that if he himself be unready and unarmed to bicker with his enemy, he surceaseth and taketh truce for a time: even so we, by persecutions, have our hearts opened, that we may look therein to see what faith in Christ we have, and what strength to withstand the enemies, and to bear the cross, that if we be rich in these treasures, we might rejoice, and valiantly go to battle; or if we want these things, we might with all speed cry and call upon him The cross which giveth all good gifts to those that ask them. Item, the cross trieth the trieth the good people from the bad, the faithful from the worldlings and hypocrites, and good peo- also cleanseth and scoureth the faithful hearts from all corruption and filthiness ple from the bad. both of the flesh and the spirit. And even as iron, except it be often scoured,


second note.

will soon wax rusty; so except our sinful hearts and flesh be often scoured with the whetstone of the cross, they will soon corrupt and overgrow with the rust of all filthiness and sin. And therefore it is meet and good for us, as the wise man saith, that "as gold and silver is tried in the fire, so should the hearts of acceptable men be tried in the furnace of adversity." Abide the trial, dear friends, that ye may obtain the crown of life. Fight manfully in this the Lord's cause, that ye may obtain a glorious victory here, and receive a great reward in heaven hereafter.

As ye are called Christians, and would be angry to be called Jews or Turks, so declare your Christianity by following the steps of Christ, whose name ye bear. Suffer with him and for his gospel's sake, rather than to deny him or to defile your faith and conscience with false worshipping of Romish religion.

Take up your cross, my dear hearts, now when it is offered you, and go up with Christ to Jerusalem amongst the bishops, priests, and rulers (if God call you thereto), and they will anon send you to Calvary; from whence (dying in the cause of the gospel, wherein our good preachers and brethren have given their lives), your souls, I warrant you, through Christ Jesus shall ascend to God that gave them, and the body shall come after at the last day; and so shall ye dwell with the Lord for ever in unspeakable joy and bliss. O blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, as Christ's people in this Jewish England now do; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! O my beloved, set your minds on this kingdom where Christ our Head and King is; considering that as the brute beast looketh downwards with the face towards the earth, so man is made contrariwise with his face looking upwards towards the heavens, because his conversation should be in heaven and heavenly things, and not upon the earth and earthly things, as St. Paul saith, "Set your minds on things which are above, where Christ is." 5 And again he saith, "Our conversation is in heaven, from whence we look for our Saviour, who will change our vile bodies, and make them like to his glorious body." Oh the glorious estate that we be called unto! The Lord preserve us harmless to his eternal kingdom through Christ Jesus our Lord; Amen.

The second thing that I note in the foresaid words of Peter, is, that he calleth persecution no strange thing. And truth it is, for which of the prophets were not persecuted with Christ and his apostles, and some of them in the end cruelly killed for the truth's sake? Cain killed Abel, Isaac was persecuted of Ishmael, (1) James iv. (2) Psalm v.

(3) Luke ii. (4) Sirach ii. (5) Col. iii. (6) Phil. iii.



Jacob was hated of Esau, Joseph was prisoned and set in the stocks, the Mary. prophet Isaiah was cut in two with a saw, Jeremiah was stoned, Micaiah was buffeted and fed with bread and water, Elias was sore persecuted, Eleazar and the woman with her seven sons were cruelly killed.' What Christ and the apostles suffered it is well known. So that by many tribulations (as Paul saith) we must enter into the kingdom of heaven. All the holy prophets, Christ, and his apostles, suffered such afflictions-not for evil doing, but for preaching God's word, for rebuking of the world of sin, and for their faith in Jesus Christ.

This is the ordinance of God, my friends, this is the high-way to heaven, by corporal death to eternal life; as Christ saith, "He that heareth my words and believeth in him that sent me, hath eternal life, and shall not come into judgment, but is escaped from death to life."3 Let us never fear death, which is killed by Christ, but believe in him and live for ever, as Paul saith, "There is no damnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.' 914 And again Paul saith, "Death, where is thy sting? Hell, where is thy victory? Thanks be to God which hath given us victory through Jesus Christ."5


Besides this, ye have seen, and daily do see, the blood of your good preachers Example and brethren, which hath been shed in the gospel's cause in this sinful Sodom, of God's this bloody Jerusalem, this unhappy city of London. Let not their blood be forgotten, nor the blood of your good bishop Ridley, who like a shepherd, to your comfort and example, hath given his life for his sheep. Good St. Paul saith, "Remember them that have spoken to you the word of God, and look upon the end of their conversation, and follow their faith."7

The devil ever stirreth up false teachers, as he hath done now over all England, as Peter, Paul, and Jude prophesied it should be, to poison and kill our souls with the false doctrine. And when he faileth of his purpose that way, then moveth he his members to persecute the silly carcases of the saints, because they will not deny nor dissemble their pure faith in our living Christ, and confess a dead bready Christ, and honour the same as Christ, God and man, contrary to God's commandment."

could not

fall down

This is the working of Satan, who, knowing his own just damnation, would When all mankind to be partakers with him of the same: such a mortal hatred beareth Satan he against God and his people. And therefore when this wicked tempter could not bring kill Christ with subtle temptation to fall down and worship him, then he stirred up Christ to his servants the bishops and Pharisees to kill his body, whereby notwithstanding and worthe devil lost his title and interest which he had to man's soul, and man by his ship him, precious passion and death was ransomed from the devil, death, and hell, to im- he set the mortality and life everlasting. And so when Satan thought to have won all in to kill killing of Christ, he lost all. And so shall he do in us, if we abide constant and him. strong in the faith of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ unto the end.10 God grant it for his mercy's sake in Christ. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Amen.

Wherefore, my heartily beloved brethren and sisters, be of good comfort through Jesus Christ, for he that is in us, is stronger than he that is in the world. Therefore draw ye near to God, and he will draw near to you. "Resist the devil, and he will, as James saith, "flee from you." "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." 12 Touch not pitch, lest you be defiled therewith; eat no swine's flesh, for it is against the law: I mean, defile not yourselves either inwardly or outwardly with this false and wicked religion of antichrist; for it is nothing else but pitch, and swine's flesh. Beware of the beast's mark, lest ye drink of the cup of God's wrath.13 If God have given you knowledge and faith, dissemble not therewith. Deny not the known verity before men, lest Christ deny you before his Father. Come away from Babylon, as John biddeth you,1⁄4 and touch no unclean thing, but separate yourselves from the company of the ungodly, as Paul commandeth you.15 Whatsoever you have done amiss heretofore, now repent ye and amend: for with the Lord there is mercy and plenteous redemption."16


The third

The third thing and note which I gather out of the foresaid words of Peter, note.

(1) 2 Mac. vi. vii. (6) John x.

(9) Exod. x.

(13) Rev. xiii, xiv

(2) Acts xiv.

(7) Heb. xiii.

(14) Rev. viii.

(3) John v. (4) Rom. viii. (5) 1 Cor. xv..
(8) 2 Pet. ii. 1 Tim. iv. 2 Tim. iii. Jude.
(10) 1 John v. 2 Cor. x. Matt. iv. (11) James ii,
(15) 2 Cor. vi. (16) Psal. cxxx.

(12) Matt, xvi.


this, that he saith, "Rejoice because ye are partakers of Christ's passion." Our sufferings, my well-beloved, are Christ's sufferings; and that injury that is A.D. done to us for his sake, he reckoneth it to be done to himself, as he said to St. 1556. Paul, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"" Therefore we ought to rejoice in our sufferings, as Paul writeth, which we suffer with Christ and one with another, as Peter saith, and so to fulfil that which is behind of the passions of Christ in our flesh; which Christ hath, by his passion, fully redeemed and saved us in his own person: howbeit his elect must suffer with him and for him unto the world's end, that he may be glorified in them, and they thereby corrected and cleansed from sin in this world, and be made more meet temples for the Holy Ghost, and also obtain a great reward in heaven for their suffering for righteousness' sake, according to his promise.3 And therefore I say, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice." "Let us rejoice in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, whereby the world is crucified to us, and we to it."5

The fourth



And why should we so greatly rejoice in the cross of Christ, which we now suffer? “Because," saith Peter, "when his glory appeareth, we may be merry and glad." And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words above written wherein is set out the reward of suffering, not to be had in this world; but at his coming to judgment, when we shall be raised again. And then shall they that have sown in tears, reap in joy, as Christ saith, "Blessed are they that weep here; for they shall laugh. Blessed are ye when men hate you, and thrust you out of their company, railing on you, and abhorring your name as an evil thing for the Son of man's sake: rejoice ye in that day and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven."

Wherefore, my dearly beloved, through the hope of this heavenly joy and reward, which he that cannot lie hath promised (which joy is so great that no ear hath heard, no eye hath seen, nor the heart can think, where we shall dwell for ever in the heavenly city, the celestial Jerusalem, in the presence of God the Father, and Jesus Christ our Mediator, as Paul saith, and in the company of innumerable angels, and with the spirits and souls of all faithful and just men), rejoice and be glad. And seeing ye be called to so great glory, see that you make your election and vocation sure by good works, and specially by suffering adversity for the gospel's sake:9 for it is given us of God (saith Paul) not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.10 Continue in prayer, and pray for me that I may end my course with joy. Have brotherly love amongst yourselves, which is a token that ye be Christ's disciples." Edify and comfort one another in the word of the Lord, and the God of peace and love be with you always. Amen.

For your liberality and kindness showed upon the prisoners and afflicted people of God in this time of persecution, the Lord will reward you when he cometh to reward every man according to his deeds, and will not leave a cup of cold water bestowed upon his faithful people unrewarded.12 God make you rich in all grace, that ye always having sufficient, may be rich unto all manner of good works. 13

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you always. Amen.

Your brother now in bonds for the gospel,

Thomas Whittle.

To my loving and faithful Brother John Careless, prisoner in the

King's Bench.

The same faith for the which Abraham was accounted just, and Mary blessed, whereby also all just men live, the Lord God our loving Father increase and stablish in you and me, to the obtaining of eternal life in our alone and sweet Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

I cannot worthily and sufficiently praise God, my heartily beloved brother, for the consolation and joy that I have received by reason of your loving letters, repenting me much that I, being so long so near you, did not enterprise to stir

[blocks in formation]

A. D.


up familiarity and communication between us by writing, to mutual consolation Mary. in Christ. For what is there upon earth wherein to rejoice (where all things are transitory and vain, yea man himself, respecting this life), but, as David saith, "the saints that dwell upon the earth, and such as excel in virtue?" But here now I consider, that if the fellowship, love, and joy, of faithful men and children of God (being as we now be in double bondage, the body within clay walls, and the soul within these frail earthly bodies), be so great and comfortable; how unspeakable will these joys be, when we shall be delivered from all corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, where we shall be present The sotogether continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our Father ciety of presently (whom now we see but in the glass of faith), with his dear Son Christ our Redeemer and Brother, and the blessed company of angels and all faithful saved souls!


Oh the incomparable good things and heavenly treasures laid up for us in heaven by Christ Jesus! For the obtaining whereof, we ought to set light by all temporal grief and transitory afflictions, so much the more, in that our good God is faithful, and will not suffer us to be tempted above our strength; and that namely in the end of our life, when the tree where it falleth lieth still, as the preacher saith,2 when every one "causa sua dormit, et causa sua resurget." God's For else, before the end, he suffereth his sometime to fall, but not finally to saints perish as Peter sank upon the sea, but yet was not drowned; and sinned suffered grievously upon the land through infirmity denying his Master, but yet found times to mercy for the righteous falleth oftentimes. And Christ's holy apostles are fall, but taught to say, "Remitte nobis debita nostra." Yea, "though the righteous fall,' ,, not finally to perish. saith David," he shall not be cast away, for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand." Oh the bottomless mercy of God towards us, miserable sinners! He vouchsafe to plant in my heart true repentance and faith, to the obtaining of remission of all my sins in the mercies of God, and merits of Christ his Son! And thereto I pray you say, "Amen."

O my dearly beloved, it grieveth me to see the spoil and havoc that Saul maketh with the congregation of Christ. But what remedy? This is God's will and ordinance, that his people shall here both be punished in the flesh and tried in their faith; as it is written, "Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of all:" for by a strait path and narrow door must we enter. Whither? Into the joyful kingdom of heaven! Therefore blessed are you and others that suffer persecution for Christ's sake, for the profession of the same. Pray for me and my fellows, good brother, that we may fight a good fight, that we may keep the faith, and end our course with joyful gladness; for now the time of our deliverance is at hand. The Lord guide, defend, and keep us and you and all his people in our journey, that we may safely, through a short death, pass to that long lasting life.

Farewell, my dear and loving brother and fellow-soldier in Christ! farewell, I say in him, who receive our souls in peace when they shall depart from these tabernacles, and grant us a joyful resurrection, and a merry meeting at the last day, and continual dwelling together in his eternal heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Yours with my poor prayer; other pleasure can I do you none,
Thomas Whittle, minister.

To my dear Brethren Master Filles and Cutbert.



My dear and well-beloved brethren in Christ, master Filles and Cutbert, I wish you all welfare of soul and body. Welfare to the soul, is repentance of sin, faithful affiance in Christ Jesus, and a godly life. Welfare to the body, is of soul the health of the same, with all necessary things for this body-life. The soul and body of man is immortal, and therefore ought to be well kept, lest immortality to joy should turn to immortality of sorrow. As for the body, be it never so well kept and much made of, yet shortly by nature will it perish and decay: but those that are ingrafted and incorporated into Christ by true faith, feeling the motion of God's Holy Spirit as a pledge of their election and inheritance, exciting and stirring them not only to seek heavenly things, but also to hate vice, and embrace virtue, will not only do these things, but also, if need require, will (2) Eccles. xi.

(1) Psalm xvi.


mass is to

for sin.

Mary. gladly take up their cross and follow their Captain, their King, and their Saviour Jesus Christ' (as his poor afflicted church of England now doth), against A.D. that false and antichristian doctrine and religion now used, and specially that blasphemous mass, wherein Christ's supper and holy ordinance is altogether No sacri- perverted and abused, contrary to his institution and to Paul's proceedings: fice of the so that that which they have in their mass, is neither sacrament of Christ, nor be made yet sacrifice for sin, as the priests falsely pretend. It is a sacrament, that is, as St. Augustine saith, a visible sign of invisible grace, when it is ministered to the communicants according to Christ's example, and as it was of late years in this realm. And as for sacrifice, there is none to be made now for sin: "for Christ with one sacrifice hath perfected for ever those that are sanctified." Beware of false religion, and men's vain traditions, and serve God with reverence and godly fear according to the doctrine of his gospel, whereto cleave ye that ye may be blessed, though of wicked men ye be hated and accursed.* Rather drink of the cup of Christ with his church, than of the cup of that rosecoloured whore of Babylon, which is full of abominations. Rather strive ye to go to heaven by the path which is strait to flesh and blood, with the little flock, than to go in the wide way, following the enticements of the world and the flesh, which lead to damnation.

To be strong against Satan,


Like as Christ suffered in the flesh, saith St. Peter, so arm ye yourselves with
the same mind: for Christ suffered for us, leaving us example to follow his
footsteps. Blessed are they that suffer for his sake; great is their reward in
heaven. "He that overcometh," saith St. John, "shall eat of the tree of life:
he shall have a crown of life, and not to be hurt of the second death; he shall
be clothed with white array, and not to be put out of the book of life:" "
I will confess his name," saith Christ "before my Father and before his angels,
and he shall be a pillar in the house of God, and sit with me on my seat."
And thus I bid you farewell, mine own brethren and dear fellows in Christ:
whose grace and peace be alway with you. Amen.

This world I do forsake; to Christ I me betake;
And, for his gospel's sake, patiently death I take.
My body to the dust now to return it must;

My soul, I know full well, with my God it shall dwell.


Thomas Whittle.

Another Letter written to a certain godly Woman.

O my dear and loving sister in Christ! be not dismayed in this storm of persecution: for Paul calleth the gospel the word of the cross, because it is never truly taught, but the cross and cruel persecution immediately and necessarily do follow the same; and therefore it is a manifest token of God's truth, and hath been here and is still abroad; and that is the cause of the rage and cruelty of Satan against Christ and his members, which must be corrected for their sins in this world: their faith must be tried, that after trial and patient suffering the faithful may receive the crown of glory. Fear not therefore, my well-beloved! but proceed in the knowledge and fear of God, and he will keep you from all evil. Call upon his holy name, and he will strengthen you and and not to assist you in all your ways: and if it please him to lay his cross upon you for fear per- his gospel's sake, refuse it not, neither shake it off by unlawful means, lest you should (as God forbid) find a more grievous cross and torment of conscience, if you should dissemble and deny the known verity, than is any persecution or death of body. O how happy are they that suffer persecution for righteousness sake! Their reward is great in heaven. The momentary afflictions of this the Lord life are not worthy of the glory that shall be showed upon us. O remember for perse- the godly women of the Old Testament and New, which lived in God's service and fear, and therefore are now in bliss and commended for ever: and namely Judith, Esther, Abigail, the mother of the seven sons, Mary, Elizabeth, Susanna, Lydia, and Phoebe, and others. Set their examples before your eyes, and fear nothing, for Satan is conquered by our Saviour Christ; sin is put to flight, and the gate of immortality and eternal life is set wide open: God grant we may enter therein through the door Jesus Christ. Amen! Thomas Whittle.



not to. forsake


(1) Matt. xxvi. Mark xiv. Luke xxii.
(4) Luke xi.
(5) Rev. xviii.

(2) 2 Cor. xi.

(6) 1 Pet. iii. iv.

(3) Heb. IX. X. (7) Rev. ii. iii.

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