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subjunxit, commentationem isagogicam præmisit Constant. Tischendorf, Theol. Dr. et Prof. Editio Lipsiensis secunda. Lipsia, 1848: pp. 320, 8vo.

Die apostolische Kirche, oder Gemälde der christlichen Kirche zur Zeit der Apostel. Ein histor. Versuch von J. B. Trautmann. Leipzig, C. Tauchnitz. 1848: pp. 460, 8vo.

Novum Testamentum, græce, ad fidem codicis principis Vatic. ed., integram varietatem ætatis apostol., versionis II vel III sæc. codd. Alexandrinorum IV vel V, Græco-Latinor. VI-VIII s. denuo examinatam et XI codd. Orientalium IV-XV s. nec non Slavonicor. XI-XIII s. nunc primum collatam antiquissimum tamquam commentarium cum locis V. T. e cod. Vatic. allatis et cum lexidio grammat. adjecit Ed. de Muralto. (Ed. ma.) Hamburgi, 1848: pp. CXV. & 718.

Saint Athanasé. Histoire de sa vie, de ses écrits et de son influence sur son siècle. Suivie de notices sur saint Antoine et saint Pacôme. Paris. Ad Leclère. 1848: 8vo.

Institutio theologiæ dogmaticæ evangelicæ historico critica. Scrips. Dr.C. Lud.Wilhelm Grimm. Hochhausen, 1848: pp. 518, 8vo.

Ueber den altjüdischen Kalender, zunächst in seiner Beziehung zur neutestamentlichen Geschichte. Eine kronologischkritische Untersuchung. (Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Evangelien-Harmonistik.) Von Johannes von Gumpach. Brüssel, 1848: pp. XIII. & 384, 8vo.

Des Würtembergischen Prälaten Fr. Cph. Oetinger Biblisches Wörterbuch. Neu herausgegeben und mit den nothwendigen Erläuterungen, so wie mit einem Register über die wichtigsten Materien versehen von Dr. Jul. Hamberger, Stuttgart, 1849: XXXII., pp. 540, 8vo.

Grundzüge der Homiletik von Dr. Gust. Baur. Giessen, 1848: pp. 252, 8vo.

Praktische Theologie von Dr. C. Imman. Nitzsch. 2. Bd. 2. Buch: Das kirchliche Verfahren oder die Kunstlehren. 1. Abthlg.: Der Dienst am Wort. Bonn, 1848: p.244, 8vo.

Die Symbolischen Bücher der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche, Deutsch und Lateinisch: Neue sorgfältig durchgesehene Ausgabe, mit den sächsischen VisitationsArtikeln, einem Verzeichnis abweichender Lesarten, historischen Einleitungen und ausführlichen Registern: besorgt von J. T. Müller, Evangelisch-Lutherischem Pfarrer in Immeldorf. Large 8vo.

Τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Εἰρηναίου ἐπισκόπου Λουγδούνου ευρισκόμενα πάν Ta. Sancti Irenæi episcopi Lugdunensis quæ supersunt omnia. Accedit apparatus continens ex iis, quæ ab aliis editoribus aut de Irenæo ipso aut de scriptis ejus sunt disputata, meliora et iteratione haud indigna. Edidit Ado. Stieren. Tom. I., pars I.; Tom. II., pars I. Lipsiæ, 1848: pp. 320 & 528, 8vo.

Dissertatio theolog., Pauli anthropologiam exhibens. Scrips. Dider. Hm. H. Tijssen. Groninge, 1848: pp. XIX. & 377, 8vo.

Die wahre u. falsche Orthodoxie. Eine geschichtl. Darstellung. Von Dr. Cph. Fr. v. Ammon. Leipzig, 1849: pp. XIV. & 322, 8vo.

Codex liturgicus ecclesiæ universæ in epitomen redactus. Curavit Dr. Hm. Adalb. Daniel. Tom. III.: Codex liturgicus ecclesiæ Lutheranæ. Lipsiæ, 1848: pp. 570, 8vo.

Das Evangelium u. die Briefe Johannis, nach ihrem Lehrbegriff dargestellt von Dr. Ado. Hilgenfeld. Halle, 1849: pp. 356. 8vo.

Theolog.-chronolog. Abhandlung über das wahre Geburts- u. Sterbe-Jahr Jesu Christi. Von J. Bapt. Weigel. (2 Thle.) 1. Theoret. Thl. Sulzbach, 1849: pp. 148, 4to.

De symboli apostolici titulo, origine et antiquissimis ecclesiæ temporibus auctoritate diss. theolog., quam scr. Dr. Pet. Meyers, Prof. Treviris, Gall. 1849: pp. 210, 8vo.

Vorlesungen über Schleiermachers Dialektik u. Dogmatik. Von Dr. Geo. Weissenborn. 2. Thl.: Darstellung u. Kritik der Schleiermacherschen Dogmatik. Leipzig, 1849: pp. 406, 8vo.


MESSRS. LANE & SCOTT will shortly publish the new collection of Hymns, prepared for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The work, as prepared by the able Committee appointed by the General Conference, has undergone a thorough revision from the Book Committee, the Editors, and the Bishops. We hazard little in saying, that it will be the best and most complete collection of congregational hymns ever published.

interest. It will be carried through the press as rapidly as possible.

They have also in preparation, " The Minister for the Times," by REV. C. ADAMS. 1 vol. 12mo. :-" Christian Effort," or facts and incidents designed to illustrate and enforce the duty of individual labour for the salvation of souls, by Sarah Baker, 1 vol., 12mo. :-Also the following Sunday-school volumes, viz., Curiosities of Animal Life: Court of Persia: The Atmosphere: Crusades, Eng. reprint: Zwingle, the Swiss Reformer: Reminiscences of the West India Islands: Dwellers on the Holy Hill: Cortes, or, the Discovery of Mexico: Written Pictures: Be Diligent: Work to Do: Warnings to Youth: Scotch Blacksmith: The Minister's Study.

Messrs. Lane & Scott are also preparing for publication, "Methodism in America, with the Personal Narrative of the Author, during a Tour through a Part of the United States and Canada,” by JAMES Dixon, D. D. Even if considered simply as a book of travels, this book will be one of unprecedented

Classical and Miscellaneous.


We have examined with some care " Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, embracing all the Tenses used by the Greek Writers, with Reference to the Passages in which they are found," by Rev. WILLIAM VEITCH. (Edinburgh, 1848: 8vo., pp. 316.) Its chief peculiarities are, 1. Giving the later and prose forms as fully as the poetic: 2. Giving authority for every part as far as possible: 3. The simple forms are given, wherever they exist, instead of the compounds. The work is well condensed and fitted for practical


An octavo volume of 424 pages has been written by G. C. Lewis, Esq., on the “Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion," (London: J. W. Parker, 1849,) in which one or two good thoughts are to be found. The work shows extensive and various reading, and Mr. Lewis is a very easy and natural writer; but his prolixity is intolerable. The table of contents is capital; and by reading it one can get much more for his labour than by reading the book itself.

Sir J. F. W. Herschel has completed his new treatise of Astronomy, (for such it is, rather than a new edition of the old one,) and we now have it before us in a portly 8vo., entitled, “ Outlines of Astronomy." (London: Longmans, 1849: pp. 661.) It still retains its character as a work of explanation, but the part relating to the lunar and planetary perturbations has been re-written upon a far more matured and comprehensive plan; and the subjects of sidereal and nebular astronomy are brought up to the present state of science in those departments. The work will be indispensable to all students of astronomy. We understand that Messrs. Lea and Blanchard will shortly reprint it.

A Parallel Grammar of the Greek and Latin languages has lately been issued in Germany, entitled, "Parallel Grammatik der Griechischen und Lateinischen Sprache," von Dr. V. C. F. Rost, Dr. F. Kritz, and Dr. F. Berger: (Göttingen, 1844 & 1848: 2 vols. 8vo.) The Greek Grammar (which was published in 1844) is Rost's exclusively; the Latin is the joint work of Drs. Kritz and Berger, of whom the latter prepared the etymology, the former the syntax. The parallelism is carried on, not merely in the general outline, (as by Kühner,) but also in the detail of each subject, and even in the language of the rules and statements, as far as possible. The third declension of nouns is

divided according to the formation of the nominative from the stem, and the rules of gender are constructed accordingly. The verbs are also divided according to the characteristic, into pure, mute, and liquid verbs, --not by conjugations, first, second, third, &c. The arrangement of the syntax is admirable.

We are glad to see that an edition of Johnson's great "Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena” is now in course of publication in a smaller (4to.) form, at a reduced price. It will be completed in twelve parts, at 3s. 6d. each: (Blackwood, Edinburgh.) There is also announced a "New and Comprehensive Atlas of Physical Geography," constructed by A. PETERMANN, F. R. G. S; with a General View of the Physical Phenomena of the Globe, by the Rev. T. MILNER, M. A. To be completed in six parts, (4to.,) at 2s. 6d. each: (Orr & Co., London.)

The third and last volume of Forbiger's "Handbuch der Alten Geographie, aus den Quellen bearbeitet," has appeared. It contains "Europa," in 1180 pp., 8vo.

The second fasciculus of the third volume of the "Corpus Inscriptionum Græcorum," edited from Boeckh's materials by Franzius, contains (part xxix.) Egyptian Inscriptions, (part xxx.) Ethiopian, (part xxxi.) Cyrenaic, and (part xxxii.) Inscriptions from Sicily, Malta, Lipara, and Sardinia (fol., pp. 397, Berlin, 1848.)

The following are announced as recently published, or in press, in London :

Form and Sound; can their Beauty be dependent on the same Physical Laws? A Critical Inquiry, dedicated to the President, Council, and Members of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, by THOMAS PURDIE, 8vo.: -The Science of those Proportions by which the Human Head and Countenance, as represented in Works of ancient Greek Art, are distinguished from those of ordinary nature, by D. R. HAY, F. R. S. E., royal 4to., 25 plates:-China and the Chinese; their Religion, Character, Customs, and Manufactures: the evils arising from the Opium Trade, with a Glance at our Religious, Moral, Political, and Commercial Intercourse with the Country. 2 vols., 8vo.:Notes and Lectures upon Shakspeare, and some of the old Poets and Dramatists, with other literary Remains of S. T. Coleridge; edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge, 2 vols., fcp. 8vo.:-A Delectus in Anglo-Saxon, intended as a first-class book in the language, by the

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Rev. W. BARNES, 12mo. :- A History of the French Revolution of 1848, by Alphonse de Lamartine, (to form the June volume of Bohn's Standard Library:)—A Second Visit to the United States of North America, by Sir Charles Lyell, F. R. S. :-A Naval Biographical Dictionary, with Authentic Details of the Services of every Living Officer in Her Majesty's Navy, from the rank of Admiral of the Fleet to that of Lieutenant, inclusive, by W. R. O'Byrne, Esq.:-Life of John Calvin; compiled from authentic sources, and particularly from his Correspondence, by THOMAS H. DYER :-A History of Scotland during the First Half of the


Eighteenth Century, by J. HILL Burton, Author of "Life and Correspondence of David Hume:"-Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, including their CorreWarburton, spondence, by ELIOT WARBURton, Esq., Author of "The Crescent and the Cross," 3 vols. :-Memorials of the Civil War, from the Unpublished Papers of the Fairfax Family; edited from the Original MSS. by ROBERT BELL, Esq., Author of the "Life of Canning," 2 vols. 8vo. :-An Expedition to Discover the Sources of the White Nile, by FREDERICK WERNE; from the German, by CHARLES WM. O'REILLY, 2 vols., post



MESSRS. HARPERS are engaged upon a number of very valuable works, the titles of which may be seen in their copious advertisement at the end of this number, to which we invite the special attention of our readers. Phillips and Sampson, Boston, propose to publish a new edition of Hume's History of England, in eight volumes, to match their edition of Macaulay's History.

Messrs. Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia, are preparing for publication :

Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering," by Prof. JULIUS WEISBACH, translated and edited by Prof. GORDON, of Glasgow; first American edition with Additions, by Prof. WALTER R. JOHNSON: Vol. II., large 8vo., with 350 wood engravings, (nearly ready):-" Memoir of the Life of William Wirt," by JOHN P. KENNEDY, Esq., with a Portrait; in two handsome 8vo. volumes, (nearly ready):-" Outlines of Astronomy," by Sir JOHN F. W. in one handsome 8vo. volume, HERSCHEL; with six plates and numerous wood-cuts.

plement to the Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America:-Lindley's Theory of Horticulture, edited by Downing:-Downing's Country Houses; or, New Designs for Rural Cottages, Farm-Houses, and Villas, with Interiors and Furniture:-Half-Hours with the Best Authors, vol. 3:-R. Cary Long's Art and Science of Architecture; a Manual for Amateurs and Students:-Rev. JOSEPH P. with THOMPSON'S Memoir of David Hale; Selections from his Writings, Moral and Religious, with a fine portrait.

G. P. Putnam's announcement of new works comprises the following:

IRVING'S WORKS:-The next volume will be Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography; incorporating the essential facts and features of those by Prior and Forster, and enriched from other incidental sources: a finer edition will also be issued uniform with the Illustrated SketchBook, adding the Illustrations of Forster's Work beautifully engraved on wood. This volume will be followed by Mohammed and his Successors; the Conquest of Grenada; the Alhambra; the Spanish Legends: Knickerbocker's History of New-York, with Illustrations by Darley, uniform with the Illustrated Sketch-Book, is in preparation. Also, the Crayon Reading-Book; comprising Selections from the various writings of Washington Irving, prepared for the use of schools: 12mo:-The Temples and Tombs of Egypt, as illustrative of Scripture History, by FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D. D., LL. D., with EngravJohn Wiley, New-York, will shortly re- ings from the Works of Champollion, Rosellini, Wilkinson, &c.: 1 vol. 8vo., uniform publish the new work by JOHN RUSKIN, the "Oxford Graduate," Author of "Modern with Layard's Nineveh:-Roman Liberty; Painters," viz., "The Seven Lamps of Ar- a History by SAMUEL ELLIOT, Esq.; 2 vols. chitecture," with fourteen Etchings by the 8vo., with twelve line Engravings:-The Practical Elocutionist, in Colleges, AcadeAuthor; in 1 vol. 12mo., uniform with "Modern Painters:" also, A. J. Downing's Sup- mies, and High Schools, by Prof. Hows. ** The religious intelligence is unavoidably omitted for want of room.

Messrs. Gould, Kendall, & Lincoln, Boston, have in press the Second Part of " Principles of Zoology," by Louis Agassiz and F. A. Gould; 1 vol. 12mo., with numerous Illustrations :-Agassiz's "Tour to Lake Superior," with the Scientific Tour by L. Agassiz, the Narrative of the Excursion by E. Cabot, Esq.; 1 vol., 8vo., illustrated :— also four new volumes from Chambers' Miscellany.

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