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stitution on terms to be prescribed. A sum, equal to 55007., is to be annually appropriated to its support; and gratuitous instruction in the art of design is to be given to the lower orders of mechanics, after morning service on Sundays and holidays. The buildings for this establishment have been erected on the site of what was once a morass in front of the Jaegerhof; and two spacious fields, ornamented with rows of wild chesnuts, have been set apart for the scholars' recreations. It was opened on the 23d of October last.

DORPAT. The number of students, who are attending the courses of this university, amount at present to five hundred and ninety, inclusive of ten military officers, who are employed in the study of astronomy under the celebrated Dr. Struve. The following are the numbers who have matriculated in each respective faculty:

In Divinity

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WILNA. It is generally believed, that the disturbances which have taken place in Lithuania, Volhynia, &c., will occasion the removal of this university to Kiow. M. Nowosilzoff has been appointed its temporary Curator, and a considerable proportion of the professors have been allowed to resign, or have accepted retiring pensions, or have been superseded. M. Pelikan, the former Rector, has been called to take a seat in the Council of State at St. Petersburgh.


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It is mentioned in the Swedish papers of the 8th of November, that Bishop Wallm, his Swedish majesty's grand almoner, and other benevolent inhabitants of Stockholm, have formed an association for the purpose of forming an institution for educating the children of the lowest classes, particularly the destitute, in that capital. The first general meeting was held in October last, and it was then announced, that the interest of a subscribed capital of 150,000 banco-dollars was at the disposal of the society. A resolution was, in consequence, passed for purchasing a large house, and immediately commencing operations.


UNIVERSITY OF CHRISTIANIA (from a private letter).—The Frederician University of Christiania' was first projected in 1811 by our late sovereign, the present King of Denmark. A mathematical school had long existed in this capital, and so far back as the year 1793 a meeting of the townsmen was held, in which its expediency was recognized, and a premium of 200 for the best, and of 100 dollars for the next best essay, on the measures to be pursued towards founding a Norwegian university, was offered. The King of Denmark, however, was the first to give substantial

effect to the national wishes by presenting the infant university with a library of about thirty thousand volumes in all branches of science, endowing it with a capital of 100,000 dollars (10,000l.), and purchasing a beautiful site in the neighbourhood of the town, where it was his intention to erect the domus academica,' museums, library, &c. as well as residences for the professors. But the severing of the connexion between Norway and Denmark in the year 1814 arrested the accomplishment of his design. It has been effected, however, on a different plan since our union with Sweden, and, under our new Constitution, the Storthing have never ceased to pay particular attention to the interests of this university. Being destitute of the funds required for its maintenance, our legislature have voted annual sums to it, varying from 30,000 to 40,000 specie dollars per annum, besides a liberal grant for augmenting the library. The university came into actual activity in the year 1813, when it can scarcely be said to have possessed any auxiliary collections or apparatus whatever. present day, however, they are become deserving of notice; the library contains about 120,000 volumes: it has a museum, which is rich in minerals, and a sufficient collection of instruments and apparatus for the purposes of natural philosophy, astronomy, and chemistry. We are still in want of proper academical buildings, but entertain great hopes that the Storthing will ere long enable us to erect them. Our establishment consists of a chancellor and vice-chancellor, and twenty-four professors in the four faculties, out of each of which one professor is annually chosen dean or president of his faculty. Their numbers are—

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Philosophy, which comprises the classics, mathe-
matics, natural history, chemistry, mineralogy,
history, philosophy, political and rural eco-
nomy, the modern and eastern languages,
astronomy, and metallurgy

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Forming a total of 24

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There are also attached to the university a philological seminary,' a chemical laboratory, and a botanical garden. The senate is composed of the vice-chancellor, deans, and two professors chosen from the faculty of philosophy. Each professor is under an obligation to give public lectures; but he enjoys, at the same time, the privilege of giving private ones. In fact, every student, who has passed his first examination, is required to place himself under one of the professors as his tutor. The salaries of the professors, which are of various classes, are regulated after Norwegian barrels of barley; thus, the senior has 600; the next six in seniority have 450; and the remainder 400 and downwards.

The lecturers do not receive the value of more than 250. Twothirds of the quantity are taken at three specie dollars (about nine shillings) per barrel, and the remaining one-third according to the annual rate of the tithes, which is variable. From this it

is obvious that the professional salaries are but small; and their value is greatly diminished by the dearness of living in Christiania, which is one of the most expensive places in Europe.

During last winter we had five hundred students, and the number of matriculations, since the year 1813, has been nine hundred and eighty-nine.

SCHOOLS. These are of two kinds in Norway; viz.' Elementary' and Latin.' In the former, writing, arithmetic, history, geography, and religious morals are taught; and in the latter, the mathematics, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, with divinity.-W. P.


EYNARD, the well-known phil-hellenic philanthropist, in enumerating the enlightened acts which distinguished the presidency of the late Count Capo d'Istrias, speaks of his exertions to ameliorate the mental condition of his fellow-countrymen in the highest terms; and, in reference to these exertions, observes, that he founded a great many schools for mutual instruction, established one hundred and fourteen seminaries in the Peloponnesus alone, a military academy at Nauplia, a grammar school at Poros, an orphan asylum containing above five hundred children, two normal schools, and an extensive Greek printing-house in Egina: on which little island, we are told, there are above fifteen hundred pupils. He was likewise the founder of a public library, supported by private donations, a female seminary, a museum of antiquities, and an experimental farm at Thyrintos, or Tiryns.



THERE is probably no part of the world, not even England itself, where so much patriotism and such love of industry exist as among the Chinese; these, indeed, are their distinguishing virtues. the other hand, the Chinese are chargeable with libertinism, too ardent a desire of gain, mendacity, and baseness. *** I have known but very few Chinese who could not read and write; in this respect they leave the English, French, and even the Germans, behind them; and yet, with all this, they do not, like the ignorant of our own hemisphere, betray the brazenfacedness, or assume the frivolous, sneering, downright tone of unblushing self-sufficiency. It is notorious that the Chinese language was, in its primitive state, hieroglyphical, and is now become monosyllabic; its ideographic characters give it many advantages over other tongues; and it required a race possessed of the fineness of ear which distinguishes the people of China, to form a language composed of three hundred and thirty syllables; these syllables being distributed into a host of


words, which derive six different acceptations from their six different accentuations, and stand in so delicate a relation to each other, that they can never be mastered but by those who have resided in the country itself. The last return of the number of Christians in China cannot fail of being a topic of deep interest. They amount to 64,327; the priesthood consists of forty Chinese and fourteen Europeans; they have thirty-six boys' and fifty-eight girls' schools, and a small seminary in the College of St. Joseph, at Macao, besides a school kept by the venerable Abbé Lamiot, in that town. This is the individual, by whom four Chinese lads were sent to Paris, in the year 1829, for the purpose of studying divinity. At Poulo-Pinang there is likewise a Chinese college under the management of some French ecclesiastics; and there are two bishops in the south of China, if their religious fervour has not, by this time, cost them their heads. The English have an Anglo-Chinese college at Malacca, where some young Chinese are bringing up in the Calvinistic faith. Among the founders of this institution are two Chinese philologists of distinguished merit, Dr. Milne, and especially Dr. Morrison, the author of a comprehensive Chinese and English Dictionary.-From notes during a recent residence in, and tour through, China, by L. D. de Rienzi.


With re

OXFORD.-In our last Number, it was stated, in a note, p. 225, that members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, of a certain standing, are allowed to take books out of the University libraries. We are sorry to say that, with respect to Oxford, this statement is incorrect. No persons, we are informed, are allowed to take books out of the Bodleian or Radcliffe Libraries. spect to the college libraries, the regulations vary in different colleges. In some, the students have the right, under certain restrictions, of using the library-books in their own rooms; and we believe, in all, or nearly all, the colleges, students can obtain permission to take out books from their college library.

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Buckler, W.,


Dean, R. N., Christ Church.
Drummond, H., Balliol.

Harris, Hon. G. F., Christ Ch.
Herbert, Hon. S., Oriel.
Lees, J. F., Brazen-nose.
Mott, J., Christ Church.
Nicholl, J. R., Exeter.
Parsons, D., Oriel.
Penson, J. P., Worcester.

Pryor, R. V., Balliol.

Scott, G. H., Exeter.

Stephens, H. L., Oriel.

Thistlethwaite, T., Christ Church.

Warren, R. P., Exeter.

Wilcocks, Ed. J., Lincoln.


Ellis, F., Merton.
Muckalt, J., Queen's.
Whyte, J., Oriel.

The number of students who have passed their examinations without obtaining honours, is seventy-three.

The first Hebrew scholarship, on the foundation of Mrs. Kennicott, has been lately awarded to Benjamin Harrison, Esq., B.A., student of Christ Church.

A curious and very valuable present of a set of the volumes on the Antiquities of Mexico has lately been presented to this University by Lord Kingsborough, of Exeter College.

The Rev. J. Keble, M.A., of Oriel College, is elected Professor of Poetry, in the room of the Rev. H. H. Milman.

The Rev. E. Cardwell, B.A., Professor of Ancient History, is appointed Principal of St. Alban's Hall, in the room of Dr. Whately, now Archbishop of Dublin.

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