BRITISH. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.-Bachelors' Commencement, Jan. 21. MODERATORS.-Francis Martin, M.A., Trin.; James Bowstead, M.A., Corpus. EXAMINERS.-James Challis, M.A., Trin.; William Henry Hanson, M.A. Caius. WRANGLERS.-Heath, Trin.; Laing, Joh.; Cotterill, Joh; West, Trin.; Hamilton, Trin.; Russell, Caius; Cookson, Pet.; Shorting, Pet.; Bromby, Joh.; Rowlands, Qu.; Hawtrey, Trin.; Simpson, Sid.; Eyres, Caius; Webster, Trin. ; Chapman, Jes.; Ottley, Caius; "Nind, Pet.; Davidson, Chr.; Milne, Joh.; Hoare, Trin.; Evans, Caius; Pinckney, Trin.; Hodgson, Sid.; Browne, Emm.; Ray, Pet.; Potts, Trin.; Power, Clare; West, Pet.; Cotesworth, Pet.; Francis, Joh.; Lloyd, Emm.; Considine, Joh.; Mandell, Cath.; Alford, Trin.; George, Joh. SENIOR OPTIMES.--Grove, Pemb.; Daniel, Joh.; Maddison, Jes.; Lushington, Trin.; Fych, Qu.; Shurt, Chr.; Crawford, Caius; Williams, Trin.; Borton, Caius; Thompson, Trin.; Holmes, Emm.; Bridgeman, Pet.; Venables, Jes.; Brade, Joh.; Golding, Qu.; Bland, æq., Trin: Grant, æq., Qu.; Allen, Trin.; Forster, æq., Cath.; Martin, æq., Qu.; Ebden, Tr. H.; Tottenham, Trin.; Hurnard, Corpus; Martin, Joh.; Ludlam, Pet.; Scott, Trin.; Wright, Joh.; Hailstone, æq., Trin.; Hurst, æq., Pemb.; Skally, Chr.; Porter, Caius; Bowstead, Joh.; Bell, æq., Corpus; Radcliffe, æq., Joh.; Shadwell, Joh. ; Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Trin.; Wilkinson, Chr.; Adams, Caius; Spencer, Chr. JUNIOR OPTIMES. --Broadhurst, Magd.; Fitzherbert, Qu.; Hayworth, Qu.; Morrison, Trin.; Dickinson, Trin.; Gallichan, Joh.; Cottom, Cath.; Chapman, Corpus; Dobson, Trin.; Gibbs, Qu.; Wills, Qu.; Thompson, Corpus; Christie, Trin.; Brown, Magd.; Skirrow, Trin.; Upcher, Trin.; Beadon, Joh.; Clarke, æq., Joh.; Richardson, æq., Trin.; Panting, Joh.; Read, æq., Magd.; Wray, æq., Joh.; Chapman, Trin.; Shilleto, Trin. Feb. 3.-Dr. Smith's annual prizes of 25l. each, to the two best proficients in mathematics and natural philosophy among the Commencing Bachelors of Arts, were on Friday last adjudged to Douglas Denon Heath, of Trinity College, and Samuel Laing, of St. John's College, the first and second wranglers. CLASSICAL TRIPOS.-Examiners-Robert Wilson Evans, M.A., Trinity College; Benjamin Hall Kennedy, M.A., St. John's College; John Frederick Isaacson, M.A., St. John's College; Connop Thirlwall, M.A., Trinity. First Class-Ds. Lushington, Trin.; Shilleto, Trin.; Dobson, Trin.; Thompson, Trin.; Venables, Jes.; Wray, Joh.; Broadhurst, Magd.; Alford, Trin.; Heath, Trin.; Grey, Hon. J., Trin.; Forster, Cath.; Ludlam, Pet. Second Class-Ds. Fitzherbert, Qu.; Brade, Joh.; Bromby, Joh.; Martin, Joh.; Panting, Joh.; Chapman, Trin.; Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Hon. W. C., Trin.; Borton, Caius. Third Class-Ds. Power, Clare; Browne, Emm.; Hodgson, Sid.; Considine, Joh.; Bowstead, Joh.; Christie, Trin.; Grove, Pemb.; Fysh, Qu. At a congregation on March 7, the following grace passed the Senate. That the vice-chancellor be authorized to communicate the thanks of the Senate to Mr. Whewell, for his liberal offer to present to the university his collections of minerals, a collection of treatises on mineralogy, and the sum of 100l., on the condition that the university provide a suitable room for the reception of the minerals.' On the same day the syndicate appointed to inquire, 'Whether any, and what alterations can be made with advantage in the mode of examination of candidates for mathematical honours,' have made the following report to the Senate : 'It appears desirable to increase the duration of the examination. 'There are at present four days of examination in mathematics; on each of the two former, the examination occupies 71⁄2 hours, whilst on each of the two latter, it occupies only four hours. It is recommended, that in future there be five days of examination in mathematics, commencing on the Thursday preceding the first Monday in Lent Term, and that the time of examination each day be 5 hours. 'By this arrangement 41⁄2 hours will be added to the whole time of examination; and it is recommended, that four of these additional hours be appropriated to the answering of questions from books, and the remaining half-hour to the solution of problems, according to the plan subjoined. 'It is further recommended, that the candidates be arranged in four classes determined, as at present, by the public exercises in the schools; but that during the first four days of the examination, the same questions be proposed to all the classes. 'That, as at present, the examination on the first day extend only to such parts of pure Mathematics and Natural Philosophy as do not require the methods of the differential calculus. 'That on the second and third days, the questions from books include, in addition to the above subjects, the parts of Natural Philosophy somewhat more advanced, and the simpler applications of the calculus. That on the fourth day, the examinations extend to subjects of greater difficulty; care, however, being taken, that there be some questions suitable for the lower classes. 'That on the fifth day, the classes be arranged for examination according to the plan subjoined. 'That the questions proposed to all the classes on this day be fixed upon by the moderators and examiners in common; but that the duty of examining the answers to these questions be apportioned amongst the moderators and examiners according to the plan. 'That, as recommended by a former syndicate, "there be not contained in any paper more questions than students, well-prepared, have been generally found able to answer within the time allowed for that paper." That the result of the examination be published in the Senatehouse, on the morning of the following Friday, at eight o'clock; but if it should happen that the relative merits of any of the candidates are not then determined to the satisfaction of the moderators and examiners, that such candidates be re-examined on that day. 'That this mode of examination commence in January, 1833.' PLAN OF EXAMINATION. First, second, third, and fourth classes. 4. Monday 1 to 4 ...Pure Math. and Nat. Phil. ...Sen. and Jun. Examiners. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. In a convocation held March 14, H. H. Wilson, Esq. was elected Professor of Sanscrit, on the foundation of Col. Boden. UNDER GRADUATES. Oxford, 24th March, 1832. LONDON UNIVERSITY. -The annual general meeting of proprietors was held at the University, on Feb. 29th, when the report of the council was brought up and read. It stated, that the capital had increased by three shares since the 1st of January, 1831, and now amounted to 164,852l., of which 2,3771. were donations. There were actually received 157,9487. The total expenditure to the 31st of December last was 157,398l. The balance in favour of the university, including arrears on instalments, with the cash in hand, and deducting debts, which amounted to 795l., was 6,658l. Considerable reduction in the expenditure had been effected during the last year, and a hope was expressed that it would be reduced from 5,200l. to the annual sum of 3,500l., which would very little exceed the income that, judging from the two first years, night be anticipated for the future. The report then stated, that the council had recommended 2001. to be paid as compensation to Professor Pattison; that the number of students at present attending was 386, of whom 226 attend the medical classes; that the elementary school contains 80 pupils, and promised to be a useful institution; that Mr. Malden, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, had been appointed professor of Greek-Mr. White, B.A., of the same college, Professor of Mathematics-and the Rev. Dr. Ritchie, Professor of Natural Philosophy. That a Professorship of Morbid Anatomy was founded, and that to it Dr. Carswell had been appointed. In conclusion, the attention of the proprietors was drawn to a new plan for the management of the University, which had been tried with success, but which, for its permanent adoption, required a modification of parts of the deed of settlement. The report was approved of, and ordered to be printed for circulation among the proprietors. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, London, Jan. 13th. - Mr. Baily announced from the chair, that he had received a communication from Professor Schumacher, stating that his majesty the King of Denmark, who enters with a lively and personal interest into every subject connected with the promotion of science, had founded a gold medal, of the value of twenty ducats, to be given to the first discoverer of a comet, not of known revolution, nor visible to the naked eye, subject to the following conditions: viz. 1. The medal is to be given to any person who may first discover a telescopic comet (that is, not visible to the naked eye), and not of known revolution. If any doubt should arise, as to what class it belongs, the decision is to be left to Professor Schumacher. 2. The discoverer must send notice to Professor Schumacher by the first post after the discovery, and fix the time of the discovery as well as he can, in order to enable Professor Schumacher to decide between several discoverers, and fix the absolute time of the first discovery, with regard to the longitude of the place, when the comet shall have been seen by more than one person on the same night. 3. This notice must contain the best possible determination of the position of the comet, and the direction of its course, if this can be ascertained from the observations of one night. 4. If the first night's observations are not sufficient to determine the direction of its course, the discoverer must, as soon as he gets a second observation, communicate it to Professor Schumacher. 5. Professor Schumacher is to decide whether a discovery is to be considered as established or not. 6. The medal is to be adjudged six months after the discovery. 7. All astronomers out of Europe may therefore enter into competition for the medal, if the above mentioned notice come to the hands of Professor Schumacher within six months after the discovery; but after that time, no claim can be allowed, nor any medal given. SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. This Society has just commenced the publication of a weekly periodical, entitled the 'Penny Magazine.' Its object is to distribute really useful knowledge in a popular and attractive form, among those who cannot afford to spend either much time or money, on the improvement of themselves and their children. DURHAM COLLEGE.-Arrangements are making with all possible celerity for opening the new College at Durham in October. Two of the Professorships are already on the point of being filled up, and for the mathematical one, there are several candidates. Among others are the Rev. Dr. Bland, rector of Lilley, Herts, and formerly tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge; Mr. Whitley, of the same college; and the Rev. J. Carr, head master of Durham Grammar School, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. DURHAM INFANT SCHOOLS. - On Jan. 12, the anniversary meeting of the subscribers to the Durham Infant School Society was held, at which it was stated that, from its first establishment in 1825, 800 children had been received and instructed. The children, at present in the three schools of this society, were examined, and their state and progress declared to be highly satisfactory. It is also added, that the desire for education among the poorer classes has been much strengthened by this institution, and the attendance of children at other and more advanced schools, has in consequence been very considerably augmented. NEWCASTLE.-On Wednesday, Jan. 24, Mr. J. Wilson, agent to the London Sunday School Union at Newcastle upon Tyne, delivered a lecture in that town 'on the modern improvements in the methods of teaching the art of reading, and communicating religious knowledge.' The chief points of the lecture connected with the first branch of the subject were a classified alphabet, according to the shapes of the letters, and the naming of the letters according to the sounds they have when combined with other letters. The utility of the proposed method was exemplified by experiments on several boys from one of the Sunday schools in the town. The Committee of the Newcastle upon Tyne Sunday School Union are endeavouring to raise a subscription, in order to establish Village and Sunday School Itinerating Libraries, on the plan detailed by |