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Mr. Brown of Haddington, by which they hope to be enabled to supply the children, and the increasing reading portion of the populous villages in that vicinity, with books of a useful, interesting, and religious nature. From the itinerating character of this plan, the committee urge how much it is adapted to the operations of the Newcastle Sunday School Union, (an institution which has in connexion with it 128 schools, 13,397 scholars, and 2,489 gratuitous teachers.) The conductors of the various village Sunday schools would be accredited library agents; while the visitors of the union, (who regularly visit the schools three times in the year,) by becoming inspectors, would thus be a guarantee that the libraries were serving all the useful ends and purposes for which they were designed.

WARWICK AND LEAMINGTON MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. At the annual general meeting, held Jan. 3, 1832, the report of the committee stated, that a considerable decrease in the number of members had taken place within the last year, which they ascribe to the political excitement which has existed, and which has prevented a regular succession of lectures; but they express a strong confidence in the improvement of their affairs, and announce the accession of Dr. Conolly, late Professor in the London University, to the society, who, with others, has undertaken to deliver lectures, which, in future, will be delivered once a fortnight.

UXBRIDGE NATIONAL FREE SCHOOLS. - The committee in their annual report for 1831, state that 'the school has maintained its usual number of scholars, there being at present 193 names on the books, of whom about 160 attend regularly. The number of those who are able to read the Holy Scriptures is about 136, the rest are learning to spell: 80 can write on paper, and upwards of 140 have attained a knowledge (varying of course in degree) of the fundamental rules of arithmetic.' After urging the beneficial effects of the education supplied, impressing upon parents the necessity of affording a good example to their children, and replying to some of the objections that have been raised to a little knowledge, the report concludes by stating that 'from information laid before the committee, it appears that out of 53 boys who have left the school during the past year, 49 have received excellent characters from their employers.'

BANGOR NATIONAL SCHOOLS. - There are three national schools within the parish of Bangor, namely, Bangor, Vaynol, and Pentir. By a return recently issued, it appears that since 1812, when they were first established, there have been 1333 children admitted, of whom 324 are yet remaining in the different schools, and it is added, that of those who have left, being upwards of a thousand, 'nine only are known to have acted immorally, and three of these at least have given evident proofs of contrition.' The correspondent to whom we are obliged for this return, also states, that in the counties * See Quarterly Journal of Education, No. II. p. 409.

of Carmarthen and Anglesea, there are three endowed grammar schools; about forty national schools, to which the payment with each child is a penny, or twopence a week; a Sunday school in most of the parishes; an infant school in the town of Bangor; and some night schools for adults. The means for supporting the above establishments are chiefly voluntary contributions; and it is estimated that about 6000 children are instructed by them. There are also many other small private schools, generally kept by very incompetent persons.

LEEDS MANUFACTORIES. In several of the large manufactories of Leeds, a plan has been recently adopted of establishing on the premises schools for the education of the children of those connected with the establishment. In the manufactory of Messrs. Marshall and Co. one hundred and twenty boys and seventy girls are receiving instruction as day-scholars, in rooms purposely erected on their premises; and an extension of the accommodation is in progress, in order to meet an increase of scholars, and improve their classification: the parents of the children contribute a moderate sum towards the expenses of this establishment. In the manufactories of Messrs. Hirst and Co. and of Messrs. Hinde and Co., masters are provided by the firms, who instruct the children who are employed both morning and afternoon, for which purpose stated intervals are allowed by the employers. These examples are likely to be followed; and cannot fail to be attended with beneficial effects.



GLASGOW SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. - There are fifteen Sabbath-School Associations in Glasgow and its suburbs. At the annual general meeting, held in June, 1831, reports were given of the state of twelve of these associations. These twelve associations reported on their lists 199 schools, attended by 8130 children; eight of them are provided with libraries. The books are generally distributed among the schools in divisions, containing from twenty to thirty volumes in each, and are exchanged once a year. teachers of each school usually take in and give out the books once a fortnight; making, in many instances, the distribution of them a mark of distinction among the children. Several of the remaining associations, it is understood, are also provided with libraries, distributed and employed in a similar manner. These libraries are supported by funds raised by contributions; and, with one exception, in which the children using the books pay one halfpenny a fortnight, their use is entirely gratuitous. The books are selected by committees, appointed by the several associations, and are uniformly of a thoroughly religious character.


DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. - Dr. Whately, the Archbishop of Dublin, has founded a professorship of political economy in the above university. The professor to be selected from graduates of Oxford, Cambridge, or Dublin,


Aargau, provision for education at, 199.
Ackermann's Juvenile Forget-Me-Not,
notice of, 133, 139.
Alabama, (U. S.) examination in geo-
graphy at the university of, 375.
Almanacs, English, notice of, 152.
American poetry, specimens of, 341-2.
Arrian, notice of the account of Ceylon
by, 353.

Arrowsmith, J. P., Art of Instructing the
Deaf and Dumb, 209.

Association for Discountenancing Vice,
(Ireland,) account of the, 250-efforts
of, for promoting education, ib.-books
distributed by, 251.

Athens, errors of Goldsmith respecting,


Austria, state of education in, 174-sta-
tistics respecting education in, 372.
Austrian Government, exertions of the,
in favour of education in its Italian
dominions, 275.

Baden, education placed under the super-

Boston, (U. S.) discourses and lectures
delivered before the Convention of
Teachers in, 50.

Boulter, Lord Primate, efforts of, for con-
verting the Papists of Ireland, 239.
Bourdon's Algebra, notice of, 278.
British and Foreign School Society, re-
sult of the inquiries of the, as to the
education of persons tried by the late
special commissions, 188.

Bullar's Selections from the British
Poets, notice of, 344.
Butler's Geography, review of, 141-Mo-
dern Geography, 142-Ancient Geo-
graphy, 145.

Butter's Etymological Spelling-book, re-
view of, 160.

Caballero, plan of study drawn up by,
for the Universities of Spain, 228.
Cambridge University, introduction of
the notation of the differential calculus
at, account of, 276-intelligence re-
specting, 378.

vision of the state in, 175-statistics | Capo d'Istrias, exertions of, to promote
of the universities of, 366.

Bangor National Schools, account of,


Baptist Society, for promoting the Gospel
in Ireland, notice of the, 255.
Barlow's Mathematical Tables, review of,
158-use of to schoolmasters, 159.
Basle, provision for education at, 198-
state of the university of, 200.
Bavaria, provision for education in, 175.
Belgic National Schools, present state of,


Berlin, annual report of the university of,
175-declaration of, with regard to the
cholera morbus, 176-statistics of, 368.
Bern, academy of, 200.

Blind, asylum for the, at Berlin, notice
of, 368.

Bologna, University of, 22-female pro-
fessors at, 23-number of students at,
ib. library of, ib. closing of, 172.

Bonn, University of, account of the, 210
-situation of the, 221-government
of the, 222-method of admitting to
the degree of Doctor in, 223-private
and public lectures at the, 224-library
of the, 226-statistics of, 369.
JAN.-APRIL, 1832.

education in Greece, 180.
Carter, Mr., notice of his Lecture on the
Study of Geography, 53.
Castledermot charter-school, treatment of
the scholars at, 246.

Catholic cantons of Switzerland, state of
education in, 194.

Ceylon, importance of the possession of,
to Great Britain, 349-ancient re-
mains in, 351-ancient commerce of,
352-settlement of the first Mahome-
dans in, 355.

Chank Fishery of Ceylon, nature of the,

Charkow, university of, 32.
Charter-schools of Ireland, state of the,
at different periods, 239-ineffectual
attempts at conversion by, 240-ех-
penses of supporting the, 241, 243.
China, state of Christianity in, 181.
Chinese, general diffusion of education
among the, 180.

Cholera Morbus, declaration of the rector
of the University of Berlin concerning
the, 176.

Christiania, account of the University of,

2 C

Durham infant-schools, number of chil-
dren in, 382.

Edgeworth, Mr., statement of, respecting
the charter-schools of Ireland, 244.
Elgin marbles, observation of A. Schlegel
respecting the, 90.
Enfield's Speaker, notice of, 339.
English literature, attention paid to, in
Germany, 225.

Erlangen, statement respecting the reve-
nues of the University of, 366.
Eton system of instruction, adaptation of,
at Harrow, 1.
Etymological Spelling-Book, review of,

Euclid, preparation for, used in a Pesta-
lozzian school, review of, 129.
Ewing's Principles of Elocution, notice of,


Christmas Box, review of, 133, 140.
Cicero, value of the correspondence of,


Cinnamon, cultivation of, in Ceylon, 358.
Classical Languages, remarks on the
study of, 261.

Clonmel Charter-school, treatment of the
scholars at, 246.

Colburn, Mr., notice of his Lecture on the
Teaching of Arithmetic, 57.
Coleridge's Introduction to the Study of
the Greek Classic Poets, 74.
Comet, King of Denmark's medal for
the discovery of a new, 381.
Connaught, returns of the Sunday-schools
in, 257.

Copenhagen Veterinary School, returns
from the, 371.
Copleston, Dr., opinion of, respecting
Homer, 85.

Cosmas, account given by, of the trade of
Ceylon in the year 550, 352.
Criticism, state of, in Germany, 219.
Crombie's Gymnasium, review of, 312.

Daly, Rev. Mr., evidence of, respecting
the Irish Foundling Hospital, 249.
Danish High Schools, number of pupils
in, 371.

Deaf and Dumb, on the methods em-
ployed for the instruction of the, 203,
et seq.

Degerando on the education of the deaf
and dumb, 205.

Deleau, M., method of, for the cure of
deafness, 218.

De l'Epée, Abbé, exertions of, in the edu-
cation of the deaf and dumb, 206-
system of teaching, 207-defects of the
system, 208.

Deschamps, Abbé, system of, for instruct-
ing the deaf and dumb, 205.
Digamma, remarks on the, 89.
Diocesan Schools in Ireland, act of Eli-
zabeth for establishing, 238-returns
from, in 1831, ib.

Dobree's Adversaria, notice of, 303.
Donnegan's Greek and English Lexicon,
review of, 92.

Dorian Invasion of Greece, remarks on,

Dorpat, University of, 31-exertions of,
in favour of the Lettonian and Estho-
nian peasantry, ib. number of students
at, 32-statistics of, 178-precautions
against the cholera in the, 370.

Exeter infant-school, report of the, 186.

Fancy and imagination, distinction be-
tween, 80.
Fellenberg, Mr., institutions of, 198.
Fitzpatrick, Sir J., evidence of, respecting
the charter-schools of Ireland, 241.
Foundation boys at Harrow, 3.
Foundling Hospital, Dublin, account of
the, 248.

Fourcroy, M., reports of, displaying the
low state of popular education in France
under Napoleon, 275.

France, increase of elementary instruction
in, 169.

Freiberg, statistics of the University of,


French language, difficulty of teaching
to the deaf and dumb, 214.
Fribourg, College of, 201.

Geneva, provision for education at, 199-
academy of, 200.

Geography, review of school-books on,


German Universities, pecuniary grants to,

Germany, calculation respecting the Uni-
versities of, 173-state and nature of
criticism in, 219.

Ghent University, proposed transference
of to Brussels, 171.
Glasgow Sunday-schools, returns of, 384.
Goldsmith's History of Greece, review of,
285-abridgment of, 286.
Göttingen, details respecting the Uni-
versity of, 174.
Greece, state of education in, 372.
Greek Classic Poets, review of Coleridge's
Introduction to the Study of the, 74.
of in the kingdom of Lombardy, 19-

Dumesnil upon synonyms, notice of, 313.
Dunbar and Barker's Greek and English
Lexicon, review of, 92.
Dunbar, state of education at, 187.
Durham College, prospectus of, 185- Gymnasia and lyceums, establishments

arrangements respecting, 382.

[blocks in formation]

Halle, notice of the University of, 368.
Hall's, Mrs., Juvenile Forget-me-Not, re-
view of, 133, 140.

Harrow School, system of instruction at,
1, et seq. school days and hours, 1-
roll-calls on holidays, 2-establishment
of masters, ib. terms of the school, 3
--number of scholars at, ib.-business
of the sixth form, 4-text-books used
at, 5, 6-Scholarships, and examina-
tions for, 7-business of the lower
forms, 8, 9, 10-discipline, 11-school
library, 12-prizes, ib. speech-days,
13-examination paper, 13-17.

Heeren's, Prof., memoir on the ancient
commerce between Europe and Asia,

[blocks in formation]

Herefordshire Bible Society, result of
their inquiries respecting the education
of that county, 188.

Hermann, opinion of, respecting the study
of Homer's works, 78.

Herodotus, Dobree's proposed corrections

of, considered, 304, &c.
Herschel's Preliminary Discourse on the
Study of Natural Philosophy, notice
of, 70.

Hesse-Darmstadt, improvements among
the Jewish inhabitants of, 365.
Homer, review of Coleridge's Introduc-
tion to the Study of the Works of, 74
-era and country of, remarks on, 83.
Homeric dialects, remarks on the, 87.
Hoogeveen's Greek Lexicon, notice of,


[blocks in formation]

Irish Society, for diffusing the Scriptures
in Irish, 256.

Italian education, regulations for, 270.
Italy, general view of the state of educa-
tion in, 17.

Itinerating libraries, increase of, 188.
Jena, new regulations in the University
of, 364.

Jewish school at Paris, account of, 361.
Johnson, Mr. notice of his lecture on
linear drawing, 56.

Johnston, Sir Alexander, notice of the
researches of, in the island of Ceylon,

Johnstone's Specimens of the Poets of
Great Britain, notice of, 344.
Justinian, declaration of the code of, re-
specting the deaf and dumb, 204.
Juvenile Annuals for 1832, review of,
133-general objections to the reading
of, 134.

Juvenile Cyclopædia, review of, 345.

Kasan, University of, 32.
Kildare Place Society, objects of the, 252
-returns of schools and scholars con-
nected with the, ib.-money granted to
the, 253.

King's College, opening of, 183.
Kley, Rev. M., new system of elementary
instruction of, 168.

Knox's Description of Ceylon, notice of,


[blocks in formation]
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