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ing mom in that which precedes is not at transition from the partliple to -ve nothing strange. See Waer. ·ĉuwvow] m. ul, ie, soul, innerme st the character of innerness in the wd to the externalism of the astas either gerusotice. Dont

Exxv. 23; Num. xvi. 2. er pleals the singer in the H arade & rmer, the reading of the Ca Fax Tannt take into account, in fiver d er auformity to the character of the mama wa ring to which, on account of the plum se must also speak of kapeut in t regard to this distinction the singl en just placed, and in like m yos is placed, ver. 9. In place of eJAY AUTOús, the Co, d'... of t τα πανω αὐτοὺς ἐπὶ τὰς καρδίας αὐτῶν καὶ τ · εκίας αὐτῶν γράψω αὐτούς.

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Cmp, alrea ly Ex. vi. 7; Lev. ****. - vi 16. — The Hebraizing eira, es

ence resulting from the Euras Hu 10 TKTA, Ver. 10. Comp. Joel? τα οὐ μὴ διδάξωσιν] and then toy chat με 2, 7 Aufl. p. 472; Buttmann, 47: L p. 153), as regards the sense ot be nee-lful that they instr which is stated immediately after solo pe KT.). On the intensity ang ina, 7 Aufl. p. 471 £. — TÒV TOLITHUA n the LXX, Col. Vte, and m the first member röv åče voor wiad] in the Hel rew the .3 X. in most Cod·l: AUTOV] Young and it L 10; LXX. Jer. vi 1

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Ver. 12. The inner ground of this communion with God. and this knowledge of Him. -ör] not: "that" (Michaelis, ad Peirc.), but: for. ἵλεως ἔσομαι ταῖς ἀδικίαις αὐτῶν] Ι will be gracious (D) to their unrighteousnesses, i.e. will forgive and forget the same. ȧdikiai] in the plural, in the N. T. only here, but of frequent occurrence with the LXX. Designation of the alienation from God in its single outbreaks and forms of manifestation. — καὶ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν καὶ τῶν ἀνομιῶν αὐτῶν] LXX. merely: καὶ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν, in accordance with


וּלְחַטָאתָם לֹא אֶזְכָּר־עוֹד :the Hebrew

Ver. 13. The author derives the result from the Scripture testimony, vv. 8–12. — év Tập Xéуew Kawýv] in that He (sc. ἐν λέγειν καινήν] God) saith: a new (covenant). Comp. év T λéyeσ0aɩ, iii. 15, and ἐν τῷ ὑποτάξαι, ii. 8. — πεπαλαίωκεν τὴν πρώτην] He hath made the first old (contrary to linguistic usage, Ebrard: "relatively older "), i.e. has declared it to be out of date, outworn, and no longer serviceable. — πаλαιoûν] a word belonging to a later period of the Greek language, elsewhere ordinarily used in the intransitive sense: "to grow old," and generally in the middle voice (as a little below, and i. 11); is found likewise in the transitive sense, "to make old," in Lam. iii. 4; Job ix. 5. To abolish or render obsolete the word itself does not signify; but rendering obsolete is the natural consequence of pronouncing out of date or outworn. The author accordingly does not directly express notion of abrogation by πежаλaíwkev in this place, a sense, moreover, which, on account of the following waλaιoúμevov, would here be inappropriate,— but leaves the reader to divine it. — τὸ δὲ παλαιούμενον καὶ γηράσκον ἐγγὺς ἀφανισμοῦ] but that which is growing ancient and is becoming infirm with years, is near to disappearing or perishing. ynpάokew] ordinarily said of human beings (to become enfeebled with age, senescere); then, however, also of things, comp. e.g. Xenoph. Ages. xi. 14: ǹ μèv toû σwμatos ἰσχὺς γηράσκει, ἡ δὲ τῆς ψυχῆς ῥώμη . . . ἀγήρατός ἐστιν. The author says sparingly: near to disappearing (comp. Kaтápas èyyús, vi. 8), in that he takes his standpoint at the time of the divine promises just quoted. But if God in the time of Jeremiah already designated the Old Covenant as that which is nigh unto ruin, it was therein necessarily declared by

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implication, that now, after so long a time is passed and the New Covenant has already been in reality brought in, the Old Covenant, as to its essence (if not yet as to its external manifestation), must have been already entirely abrogated, must have entirely lost its force and validity.

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VER. 1. ἡ πρώτη] Elz. : ἡ πρώτη σκηνή. But the addition σκηνή is condemned as a gloss by the fact of its being wanting in all the uncial mss., in many cursives, in Syr. utr. Basm. Aeth. Arm. It. Vulg., with Gregory Thaumaturgus, Cyril, Chrys. Damasc. Theoph. Photius, al. On the ground, too, of internal evidence it is to be rejected, since, on the one hand, the coherence with viii. 13, and through that with viii. 7 ff., leads to dian as the main idea to be supplemented; and, on the other hand, the expression prn oxnvn, ix. 1, would be made to denote something quite different from that which the same expression denotes in ix. 2. For, while in ver. 2 the outer division of the tabernacle is indicated thereby, in ver. 1 only the first or Old Testament, earthly tabernacle, in opposition to the New Testament, heavenly one, thus something entirely dissimilar, could be intended by this expression. Ver. 2. After äprwv, B, Basmur. add καὶ τὸ χρυσοῦν θυμιατήριον, and in return omit the words χρυσοῦν θυμιατήριον καί, ver. 4. Violent intentional transposition, with a view to the removal of the archaeological difficulty. Instead of aya, Lachm. writes ayia. ȧyiwy, after Α (αγια αγίων) D* E, It. But ἅγια ἁγίων is a mere slip on the part of the copyist, occasioned by ver. 3, and is to be rejected as devoid of sense.-Ver. 5. Xepoußiu] A: Xepoußsiju, B D*** Χερουβίμ] Χερουβείμ, (and so Lachm. Tisch. 7 and 8): Xspoυßsív, D* : Xepoßiv. In the case of the LXX., too, the MSS. are wont equally to vary as regards the final syllable of the word. Instead of the Recepta dins, Griesb. and Scholz have erroneously placed in the text s dóns. The article has against it all the uncial mss. and other witnesses. Ver. 9. In place of the Recepta za öv (D*** E K L, min. It. Copt. Sah. Basm. Syr. utr. Chrys. Theodoret, Theoph.), Lachm. Scholz, Bleek, Tisch. 1, 7, and 8, Delitzsch, Alford have rightly preferred the reading xa' v, in accordance with A B D 8, 17, 23* 27, al., Vulg. Slav. codd. Damasc. Oecum. (comment.). Already approved by Mill, Prolegg. p. 1046, and placed by Griesb. upon the inner margin. The zue' ov, as affording an easier mode of appending to that which precedes, is a later correction of the more difficult and


ill-understood xae' v.-Ver. 10. The Recepta reads: xal δικαιώμασι σαρκός. But και is wanting in A D* * 6, 17, 27, 31, al., with Cyr. (twice) in Syr. Copt. Sahid. Arm. al.; and in place of dizaiμao, A BN, ten cursives, Cyril., and many versions have dizainara, while in D* It. Sahid. there is found dixaiwa. Lachm. Scholz, Bleek, Tisch. 1, 7, and 8, Alford have therefore adopted δικαιώματα σαρκός, which was already approved by Grotius, Mill, Prolegg. p. 1355, and Bengel, and recommended by Griesb. Delitzsch and Reiche likewise give it the preference. This reading is in reality to be regarded as the original one. For it is more easily explicable that ozaúμara should, on account of the foregoing datives, be changed into draw, and joined on to them by means of zaí, than that the xai dixi, if it already existed, should, on account of the closing word επικείμενα, be converted into δικαιώ ματα. Ver. 11. In place of the Recepta v 482261WV, Lachm. and Tisch. 1 read, after B D* It. Syr. utr. (yet the Syr. Philonex. has the Recepta in the margin) Arab. petropol. and some codd. of Chrys. Yoμ. Defended by Ebrard. But the reading is not in keeping with the carefully chosen diction of our author, and its sense: "High Priest of the good things which have arisen," does not commend itself. It is manifestly a transcriber's error, occasioned by the presence of the foregoing rapaуevóμsvos. — Ver. 12. supάusvos] D* (E ?), 27, 44, 80, al., and some Fathers: supóμsvos. Ver. 13. Elz.: sαúpav xai spάywv. With Lachm. Bleek, Tisch. Alford, to be transposed into τράγων καὶ ταύρων, in accordance with the decisive authority of A B D Es, Cyr. Theodoret, Bede, Syr. Copt. Basm. It. Vulg. al. Ver. 14. súparos aluvios] D* N*** many cursives, Copt. Basm. Slav. It. Vulg. al., Chrys. Cyr. Didym. (?) Damasc. al.: veμaros άyíou. Interpretative gloss.

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In place of the Recepta ovvsionov uv, Bengel, Knapp, Lachm. Tisch. 1 and 2, Alford read more suitably, in accordance with A D* K, 44, 47, 67, al., Syr. Copt. Arm. Vulg. ms. al. Athan. Cyr. Chrys. (comment.) Theodoret, Theoph.: ouvidov v. Recommended likewise by Griesb., and already placed in the text in the Edd. Complut. Genev. Plant. To the mere v in the Recepta, Lachm., with A, 21* 31, 66 (in the margin), Copt. Slav. Chrys. (comment.) Macar. Theoph., has added the words xai àλnov. These words are, however, to be deleted. They are a gloss from 1 Thess. i. 9. — Ver. 17. More] D* N* and Isidor. Pelus. iv. 113 (... cürw yàp sûpov xai ἐν παλαιοῖς ἀντιγράφοις) : μὴ τότε. — Ver. 18. Instead of οὐδ' in the Recepta, we have, with Lachm. Bleek, Tisch. 1, 2, and 7, Delitzsch, Alford, to write oud, in accordance with ACDEL,

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