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the LORD commandeth in Exodus: THOU SHALT OFFER BURNT OFFERINGS ON MINE ALTAR. 16 Since from the heart words, set on fire of charity, ought to proceed. Holocaust is derived from holos, whole, and cauma, a burning: therein signifying a thing wholly burnt. On this Altar we must rightly offer, and we must rightly divide. We offer rightly when we bring any good thought to perfection. But we do not rightly divide if we do it not discreetly. For a man often thinketh to do good, and doeth ill and sometimes with one hand he doeth good, and with the other ill; and thus himself buildeth, and himself knocketh down. But we then rightly divide when the good which we do we attribute, not to ourselves, but to GOD Alone.

8. It behoveth also man to have a table, whence he may take the bread of the Word of God. By the table we understand Holy Scripture, concerning which the Psalm, THOU PREPAREST A TABLE BEFORE ME IN THE PRESENCE OF MINE ENEMIES. 17 That is, Thou hast given me Scripture against the temptations of the devil. This table then we must have, that is, must lay up in our minds, that thence we may take the Word of God. Of the deficiency of this bread saith Jeremiah: THE LITTLE ONES SOUGHT BREAD, AND THERE WAS NONE TO BREAK IT UNTO THEM. 18 It behoveth man likewise to have a candlestick, that he may shine with good works.

9. A candlestick that giveth light without is a good work, which by its good example inflameth others. Of which it is said, No MAN LIGHTETH A CANDLE AND PUTTETH IT UNDER A BUSHEL, BUT IN A CANDLESTICK. This candle, according to the Word of the LORD, is a good

16 EXODUS ix, 2.

17 PSALM Xxiii, (Dominus regit me,) 5.

18 JEREMIAH xvi, 7.

19 S. MATTHEW V 15.



intention of which He saith Himself, THINE EYE IS A LIGHT. But the eye is the intention. Therefore we ought not to put the candle under a bushel, but in a candlestick. Because, if we have a good intention, we ought not to hide it but to manifest our good deeds to others, for a light and an example.


10. Man must also have an Ark. Now arca is derived from arcendo: discipline, therefore, and regular life may be called the Ark; by which crimes are driven away (arcentur) from us. Now in the Ark were the Rod, the Tables, and the Manna: because in the regular life there must be the Rod of Correction, that the flesh may be chastised; and the Table of Love, that GOD may be loved. For in the Tables of the Law were written the commands which pertain to the Love of GOD. Therein must also be the manna of Divine Sweetness: that we may TASTE AND SEE HOW GRACIOUS THE LORD IS: FOR IT IS GOOD TO HAVE TO DO WITH HIM. According to that proverb of the prudent woman, SHE TASTED AND SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. 22 Therefore, that we may be the Temple of GOD, let us have in ourselves an Altar of Oblation, lest we appear empty in His Presence, according to that saying, THOU SHALT NOT APPEAR EMPTY BEFORE THE PRESENCE OF THY GOD 23: let us have a table for refection lest we faint, through hunger, in the way: as saith the Evangelist, IF I SEND THEM AWAY EMPTY, THEY WILL FAINT IN THE WAY1⁄44: a candlestick by good works that we be not idle, as he saith in Ecclesiasticus, IDLENESS HATH TAUGHT MUCH MISCHIEF: 25 let us have an Ark, that we be not as sons of Belial, that is, undisciplined, and without the yoke:

20 S. MATTHEW vi, 22.

21 PSALM XXXiv, (Benedicam Dominum,) 8.

22 PROV. xxxi, 18. Marg. reading.

24 S. MARK viii, 3.

23 EXODUS xxiii, 15. 25 ECCLESIASTICUS XXii, 2.


for discipline is necessary, as the Psalmist teacheth, saying, BE INSTRUCTED, LEST HE BE ANGRY. Concerning which, and other ornaments, we shall speak in the following chapter.

11. He buildeth this Altar who adorneth his heart with true humility and other virtues. Whence Gregory: He who gathereth together virtues without humility, is as he who scattereth dust to the wind. For by the Altar he understandeth our heart, as it shall be said when we treat of the Dedication of the Altar: it is in the middle of the body, as the Altar is in the middle of the church.

12. Concerning which Altar the LORD commandeth in Leviticus: THE FIRE SHALL ALWAYS BE BURNING UPON MINE ALTAR. 27 The fire is charity. The Altar is a clean heart. The fire shall always burn on the Altar, because charity should always burn in our hearts. Whence Solomon in the Canticles: MANY WATERS CANNOT EXTINGUISH CHARITY: 28 for that which ever burneth cannot be extinguished. Do thou, therefore, as the Prophet commandeth, keep holy day and a solemn assembly, even to the horns of the Altar: because the rest of thy thoughts will keep holy day. Concerning this the Apostle sheweth UNTO US A MORE EXCELLENT WAY. 29 He calleth Charity a more excellent way, because she is above all virtues: and whoever possesseth her possesseth all virtues. This is the short word that the LORD speaketh over the earth: which is so short that it only saith, HAVE CHARITY, AND DO WHATSOEVER THOU WILT. FOR FROM THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS HANG ALL THE LAW AND THE PRO

[blocks in formation]

13. Or by the Altar we understand the soul of every

26 PSALM ii, (Quare fremuerunt,) 12.

28 CANTICLES viii, 7.

27 LEVITICUS vi, 9.

29 1 CORINTH. xii, 31.

30 S. MATTHEW Xxii, 40.

man, which is by the LORD built up of various living stones, which are various and different virtues.


14. Furthermore, the white cloths wherewith the Altar is covered signify the Flesh of the SAVIOUR, that is, His Humanity because it was made white with many toils: as also the Flesh of CHRIST born of earth, that is, of MARY, which attained through many tribulations to the glory of the Resurrection, and the purity and joy of immortality. [Concerning which the SON exulteth, saying to the FATHER, THOU HAST GIRDED Me with gladnESS, AND EXALTED ME ON EVERY SIDE. 31 When, therefore, the Altar is covered, it signifieth the joining of the soul to an immortal and incorruptible body.32] Again, the Altar is covered with white and clean cloths, because the pure heart is adorned with good works. Whence the Apocalypse; AND PUT ON WHITE GARMENTS, THAT THE SHAME OF THY NAKEDNESS DO NOT APPEAR. 33 And Solomon: LET THY GARMENTS BE ALWAYS WHITE, 34 that is, let thy works be clean. [But it little profiteth him that approacheth to the Altar to have high dignity, and a life sunk low in sins. Whence Benedict: It is a monstrous thing, exalted faith, and abandoned life. The highest step and the lowest state, is mighty authority joined with instability of soul.35] The silken coverings placed over the Altar are the ornaments of divers virtues wherewith the soul is adorned. The hanging wherewith the Altar is beautified setteth forth the Saints, as below shall be said. [The beginning and the end of the Mass take place at the right side of the Altar: the middle portion at the left as shall be said when we treat of the changes of the Priest. The ancients

31 PSALM lxxi, (Juste, DOMINE,) 21.

32 This passage does not appear in the Edition of Durandus published at Venice, in 1609.

33 APOCALYPSE iii, 18.


35 This passage also is not found in the Venetian edition.

made their Altars concave; as it is written in Ezekiel, that in the Altar of GOD was a trench. And this, according to Gregory, lest the wind should scatter the sacrifices laid upon it. Also he saith in Ezekiel that the inner part of the Altar was bent downwards in all its circumference.36]

15. But the steps to the Altar [spiritually set forth the Apostles and Martyrs of CHRIST, who for His love poured out their blood. The Bride in the Canticles of Love calleth it a purple ascent. Also, the fifteen virtues are set forth by them: which were also typified by the fifteen steps by which they went up to the Temple of Solomon : 37] and by the Prophet in fifteen Psalms of degrees, therein setting forth that he is blessed who maketh ascents in his heart. This was the ladder that Jacob beheld: AND HIS TOP REACHED TO THE HEAVENS. By these steps the ascent of virtues is sufficiently made manifest, by which we go up to the Altar, that is, to CHRIST: according to that saying of the Psalmist, THEY GO FROM VIRTUE TO VIRTUE. 38 And Job, I WILL SEEK HIM THROUGH ALL MY STEPS. Yet it is said in Exodus, NEITHER SHALT THOU GO UP BY STEPS TO MY ALTAR, THAT THY NAKEDNESS BE NOT DISCOVERED THEREON. 39 For perhaps the ancients did not as yet use trowsers. In the Council of Toledo, it is decreed that the Priest, who for the sake of grief at the misfortune of another, strippeth the Altar or any image of its garments, [or girdeth himself with a mourning vest, or with thorns, 40] or extinguisheth the lights of the church, shall be deposed. But if his church be undeservedly spoiled, he is allowed to do this for grief: or, according

36 This passage also is not found in the Venetian edition. 37 This passage also is not found in the Venetian edition. 39 EXODUS Xx, 26.

38 PSALM lxxxiv, (Quam dilecta,) 7.

40 This passage also is not found in the Venetian edition.


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