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tators in Sunday gowns, and clean linen, who will not fail to attend fo tempting a fhow; then if thou haft not loft all feeling both mental and corporeal, thou canst not doubt but that fo much valour on one fide, and fo much beauty on the other, will certainly produce much mutual affection, and that this will as infallibly be the cause of much procreation, and in a great measure repair the loffes occafioned by our migrations to America, and the depredations of gin. If it be objected, that to balance this, many lives will be loft by the inftitution of these forces, by the accidental discharge of their firelocks, or the too valiant ufe of their fwords in drunken quarrels; I anfwer, these accidents may sometimes happen; but, as on the most moderate computation, every one in these corps will probably beget three children before he kills one man, it cannot fail to increase the number of our people. Though this good effect of this truly national scheme has not, that I know of, been obferved by any author, who has undertaken to recommend it to the public, yet it has not escaped the quick-fighted eyes of our fagacious legislature, who, on this very account, have this year voted a large fum to the Foundling Hospital, and propose to increase it still further as foon as these national forces begin to act in the fervice of their country.

This feffions the parliament voted a much greater fum to the Foundling Hofpital, than had ever been before thought on.



LASTLY, That it may be carried into execution without any expence to the public, and this by a method fo extremely obvious, that it is surprising the wisdom of Parliament has not discovered it. The method I mean is no more than this: that as every man who attends on the days of exercise, and continues fober, is by the prefent bill to receive fixpence, I would have it further enacted, that every one who is drunk on those days, should pay the said sum of fixpence, to be applied towards the support of this national force, a very small penalty, fure, for fo great a neglect of duty where the safety of his country is at stake. Now whoever has been present at a fair, a feffions, a horse-race, an affizes, a cricket-match, or a vifitation, or any other numerous meeting in the country, must know, that on the most enlarged computation, the number of fober cannot exceed the proportion of one in ten of those who are drunk; and there is no reason that I know of to fuppofe that the majority will be lefs on this occafion. If fo, the public, we fee, will receive nine times the fum every day that it will be required to pay, and confequently the remaining eight parts will amply fupply these forces with arms, ammunition, cloaths, and, accoutrements. But if this fhould not be found quite fufficient, confidering how frequently they will probably be loft, a fmall matter laid on oaths, many of which they will readily learn from the inftructions of their ferjeants, would easily


fupply all deficiences; and if the landed officersTM of these corps would fubmit to the fame penalties, it would much increase the fund: but as these gentlemen, who are to receive nothing for being fober, may think it hard to pay fixpence for being drunk, I would by no means infist on their being included, efpecially as I doubt not but the fum thus raised will be fufficient to defray all expences, and totally to indemnify the public revenues.

THE objections made to this fcheme are fo fri volous and abfurd, that they are by no means worthy of obfervation; but of one or two I will juft take notice. It is afferted, that gentlemen of eftates in the country, will never submit to the duty of officers without pay; but whoever confi ders how ready thefe gentlemen are, on all occasi fions, to execute the offices of juftices of the peace, commiffioners of taxes, and turnpikes; how earnest to spend half their time, and all their estates, to acquire feats, and to attend their duty in Parlia ment, from whence no poffible advantage can ac→ crue, must be satisfied that this is but an unjust fufpicion, founded on no reason, and inconsistent with the true zeal which they have ever fhewn in the cause of their country.

It is also apprehended, that many of these gentlemen, by indolence, corpulency, age, or gout, will be rendered incapable of fighting; but the very reverse of this is certainly true, because these

very infirmities will make it impoffible for them to run away.

AND now having demonftrated the truth of every one of my propofitions beyond the power of all minifterial fcribblers to difprove, I fhall conclude, by recommending this neceffary scheme to the protection of all true lovers of their country, earneftly wishing, that nothing may prevent it from being put in execution as foon as poffible: then, O Britain, O my country, will I congratulate thee on the confummation of thy profperity, and the happy period of all thy calamities. Long have thy true patriots wished to fee thee engaged fingly in a war with France, which, from thy natural fuperiority, must always be attended with glory and success: long haft thou groaned under the oppreffions of mercenary allies abroad, and rapacious minifters at home but at laft the time, the happy time is arrived, when our wishes are all fulfilled, and our misfortunes wiped away; when we are in full poffeffion of fuch a glorious war, without any allies, or any adminiftration at all.

-quod optanti nemo promittere Divum Auderet, volvenda Dies en attulit ultro!

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