| 1776 - Počet stránok 476
...strange vagaries fell. As they would dance ; yet for a dance they seem'd Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps For joy of offer'd peace : but I suppose,...should compel them to a quick result. To whom thus Belidl in like gamesome mood : 620 Leader, the terms we sent were terms of weight, Of hard contents,... | |
 | John Milton - 1795 - Počet stránok 282
...strange vagaries fell, As they would dance ; yet for a dance they seem'd Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps For joy of offer'd peace : but I suppose,...were heard, We should compel them to a quick result. Towhomthus Belialinlike gamesomemood. 62* Leader, the terms we sent were terms of weight, Of hard contents,... | |
 | John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - Počet stránok 608
...would dance; yet for a dance they seem'd Somewhat extravagant, and wild, perhaps For joy of offer' d peace. But I suppose, If our proposals once again...terms of weight, Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home. Such as we might perceive amus'd them all, And stumbled many ; who receives them right,... | |
 | John Milton - 1800 - Počet stránok 300
...yet for a dance they seem'ii Somewhat extravagant, aaii wild, perhaps Fur joy of offcr'd peacei hut 1 suppose, If our proposals once again were heard, We...should compel them to a quick result. To whom thus Bi-li.il, in like gamesome moodi Leader, the terms we sent were terms of weight, Of hatd contents,... | |
 | John Milton - 1801 - Počet stránok 396
...vagaries fell, As they would dance ; yet for a dance they seem'd 615 Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps For joy of offer'd peace : but I suppose,...result. To whom thus Belial in like gamesome mood. 628 Leader, the terms we sent were terms of weight, Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home,... | |
 | John Walker - 1801 - Počet stránok 422
...they seem'd Somewhat extravagant and wild : perhaps For joy of offer'd peace; but I suppose, If pur proposals once again were heard, We should compel them to a quick result. Milton's Paradise Lost, b. vi. v. 609. This passage, as Mr. Addison observes, is nothing but a string... | |
 | 1803 - Počet stránok 372
...would dance : yet for a dance they seem'd Somewhat extravagant, and wild : perhaps For joy of offerM peace : but I suppose If our proposals once again...terms of -weight. Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home j Such as we might perceive amus'd them all. And stumbled many : who receives them right,... | |
 | 1803 - Počet stránok 412
...Somewhat extravagant, and wild; perhaps For joy of offer'd peace ; but I suppose We should compel them ta a quick result." , - , ' To whom thus Belial in like...terms of weight, Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home j Such as we might perceive amus'd them all, And stumbled many : who receives them right,... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1804 - Počet stránok 578
...strange vagaries fell, As they would dance ; yet for a dance they seem'd Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps For joy of offer'd peace; but I suppose If...terms of weight, Of hard contents, and full of force urg'd home, Such as we might perceive amus'd them all, And stumbled many ; who receives them right,... | |
 | John Milton - 1807 - Počet stránok 514
...strange vagaries fell, As they would dance ; yet for a dance they seemM Somewhat extravagant and wild, perhaps For joy of offer'd peace : but I suppose,...heard, , . We should compel them to a quick result. 619 To whom thus Belial in like gamesome mood: Leader, the terms we sent were terms of weight, Of hard... | |
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