LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. 219. "Golden cadences of poesy." Act IV. 2. 186. "Set a mark of reprobation." From a note by Pope on The Peter Lombard. Petrus Lombardus (d. 1164), “Magister Titian. See note referring to p. 104. Raphael. Raphael Santi (b. Urbino, 1483, d. Rome, 1520). Signior Junio. Editors now read “Senior-junior.” MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Garrick. See note referring to p. 171. Mrs Jordan. See note referring to p. 209. AS YOU LIKE IT. 228. "Felt them knowingly." Cymbeline, III. 3. 46. 229. 231. Zimmerman. Johann Zimmermann (1728-1795), physician THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. 237. The Honeymoon. A comedy by John Tobin (1770- "The man that lays his hand upon a woman, 238. Sancho Panza. Don Quixote's squire. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. 239. "The heights of moral argument." 66 "The height of Sublimely good." A reminiscence of Pope's "sublimely bad." 240. Schlegel. See note referring to p. 2. "There is some soul of goodness." Hen. V., IV. I. 4. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. 244. Commanded to shew the knight in love. A reference to the tradition recorded by Rowe that the play was written at the command of Elizabeth who desired to see Falstaff in love. 245. V. I. 210. "Some faint sparks etc." A free rendering of Hamlet, Doll Tearsheet. 2 Hen. IV., II. 2. Mrs Quickly's account. 2 Hen. IV., II. I. IOI. THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. 247. Plautus. Shakespeare seems to have gone to Plautus at first hand. The earliest published translation of the Menaechmi was in 1594, but a MS. translation by William Warner had before then been in circulation. (Lee's Life of Shakespeare, p. 54.) DOUBTFUL PLAYS. 250. Schlegel. See note referring to p. 2. Capell. Edward Capell (1713-1781) published an edition of Shakespeare in 1768. His posthumously published Commentary appeared in 1783. Titus Andronicus. In his lifetime this play was claimed for Shakespeare. Ravenscroft in his edition of 1678 asserted that Shakespeare only added "some master-touches." Internal evidence favours the authorship of Kyd. (Lee's Life of Shakespeare, p. 65.) Heminge and Condell. Co-editors of the first folio of Shakespeare, 1623. John Heming (d. 1630) was himself an actor and is said to have been the original Falstaff. Henry Condell (d. 1627) was also an actor and joint proprietor of the Globe and Blackfriars theatres. Shakespeare bequeathed to him a mourning ring. George Meres. Francis Meres (1565-1647), a divine and schoolmaster, famous for the eulogy of Shakespeare which he inserted in his Palladis Tamia, 1598. It was Meres who spoke of Shakespeare's "sugred sonnets." 251. As early as the year 1584. 1586 is now considered the more likely year of Shakespeare's arrival in London. 252. Steevens. George Steevens (1736-1800), the learned Shakespearean editor and commentator. His edition of the plays (1773) was superior to any of its predecessors in regard to the knowledge it displayed of Elizabethan dramatic literature. All his life he was engaged in literary controversies, and his freakishness earned him the title of "the Puck of Commentators." It was Edmund Malone, and not Steevens, who was responsible for the supplementary volumes mentioned by Schlegel. Locrine. This play was included in the third folio, but is ascribed to George Peele by modern editors. It first appeared in 1595 as "newly set foorth, overseene and corrected by W.S." Pericles. This play was not included in Shakespeare's works until 1664. It is accepted that the play was a collaboration and that Shakespeare contributed Acts III., part of IV., and V. The case for Shakespeare's collaboration is strengthened by the resemblance of certain passages to The Tempest. Gower. John Gower (1325?-1408), Chaucer's "Moral Gower." He told the story of Pericles in his Confessio Amantis under the title of Apollonius of Tyre. The London Prodigal. Printed in 1605 with Shakespeare's name on the title page. It has been proved that the publishers of the time habitually used Shakespeare's name and initials to father worthless plays and poems. Lessing. See note referring to p. 3. The Puritan. Printed in 1601 with the initials "W. S." For Hazlitt's comment on the opinion of Schlegel's "literary friend," see p. 254. 253. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Licensed 1602 and printed 1613 with initials "W. S." Sir John Oldcastle. Printed with Shakespeare's full name in 1600. The play was the work of Munday, Drayton and others. A Yorkshire Tragedy. Printed with Shakespeare's full name in 1608. The story had been handled the previous year by George Wilkins in The Miseries of Enforced Marriage. Wilkins is thought to have been Shakespeare's collaborator in Timon and Pericles. The Merry Devil of Edmonton. Published anonymously in 1608 and not attributed to Shakespeare until 1653. The Accusation of Paris. Peele's Arraignment of Paris, 1581. The Birth of Merlin. A play by William Rowley, printed in 1662 as "written by William Shakespeare and William Rowley." Edward the Third. A play in the style of Marlowe published in 1596. It contains a line which appeared later in Shakespeare's Sonnets. The Fair Emma and Mucedorus. The latter play has been attributed to Lodge. Arden of Feversham. Published in 1592. Many critics, including Mr Swinburne, see Shakespeare's hand in the play. The topic-the story of a brutal murder which took place in 1552-is out of harmony with Shakespeare's range of subjects. Valentine and Orson. An early and very popular French romance. Valentine and Orson were the twin sons of Alexander, Emperor of Constantinople, and were born in a forest near Orleans. The story of the lives of Mucedorus and Amadine has nothing in common with it. Lope de Vega. The celebrated Spanish dramatist and poet (1562-1635). Three years before his death he stated his plays to be fifteen hundred in number. 254. Lilly. John Lyly (1554 ?-1606), the poet and dramatist, author of Euphues. Marlow. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), the greatest of Shakespeare's forerunners. Heywood. John Heywood (1497 ?-1580?), writer of interludes and ballads. POEMS AND SONNETS. 257. "As broad and casing etc." From Macbeth, III. 4. 23 (with "general" and "casing" transposed). 66 66 Cooped and cabined in." An allusion to Macbeth, III. 4. 24. 258. 'Glancing from heaven to earth." Mid. Night's Dream, V. I. 13. 259. "And their heads are hung." Mid. Night's Dream, iv. I. 117. 260. The Passionate Pilgrim. A stolen anthology published by William Jaggard in 1559 containing two sonnets and some poems by Shakespeare. The Lover's Complaint. First printed by Thomas Thorpe in his pirated edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1609. The authorship is still an open question. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M. A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. A |