Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of long curled .locks of the same colour, which fell down on each side of his face, contributed to form such a countenance as limners love to paint and ladies... Waverley Novels ... - Strana 113podľa Walter Scott - 1841Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1816 - Počet stránok 354
...of a Grecian Statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which fell...each side of his face, contributed to form such a couatenance as limners love to paint and ladies to look upon. The severity of his character, as well... | |
 | 1817 - Počet stránok 590
...profusion of long curled locks of the snme colour, which fell down on each side of his lace, contributed Ui form such a countenance as limners love to paint and...enemies were compelled to admit, lay concealed 'under an exteiior which seemed adapted to the court or the saloon rather than to the field. The same gentleness... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1820 - Počet stránok 370
...mnstachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of loug curled locks of the same colour, which felt down on each side of his face, contributed to limners love to paint and ladies to look upon. her, in a tone «f voice o' that bappy modulaiiou which could alike melt in he low tones of interesting... | |
 | 1828 - Počet stránok 740
...of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light brown,¿ joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which fell...his face, contributed to form such a countenance as lirnners. love to paint and ladies to look upon.” Now, the person in this gallery is quite the reverse... | |
 | 1828 - Počet stránok 724
...of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which limners love to paint and ladies to look upon." Now, the person in this gallery is quite the reverse of all this, except that he has beautiful eyes,... | |
 | Edmund Lodge - 1835 - Počet stránok 286
...of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mus tachios of light brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which fell...contributed to form such a countenance as limners like to paint, and ladies to look upon. The severity of his character, as well as the higher attributes... | |
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1835 - Počet stránok 386
...of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light-brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which fell down on each aide of his face, contributed to form such a countenance as limners love to paint, and ladies to look... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1836 - Počet stránok 686
...of a Grecian statue, and slightly shaded by small mustachios of light-brown, joined to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which well as the higher attributes of undaunted and enterprizing valour which even his enemies were compelled to admit, lay concealed under an exterior... | |
 | John Burke - 1836 - Počet stránok 766
...reinforce the troops in Scotland, replied, " It is needless : the war DIED with DUNDEE." to a profusion of long curled locks of the same colour, which fell...contributed to form such a countenance as limners like to paint, and ladies to look upon. The severity of his character, as well as the higher attributes... | |
 | Johann Sporschil - 1838 - Počet stránok 510
...bounded over the glowing embers, aiid disturbed them in their passage. b) im erjofylenben ©tplej ;. S3. The severity of his character, as well as the , higher...attributes of undaunted and enterprising valour which ever his enemies лгеге compelled to admit, lay concealed under an exterior which seemed adapted... | |
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