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perfeverence feels his happiness every day the more established. Gilpin. § 52. Duties oaving to particular perfons duty of children to parents-refpect and obedience in what the former confiftsin ubat the latter fuccouring a parent -brotherly affection-obedience to lawfounded on the advantages of society. From the two grand principles of" loving our neighbour as ourselves; and of doing to others as we would have them do to us," which regulate our focial intercourfe in general, we proceed to thofe more confined duties which arife from particular relations, connections, and stations in life.

Among thefe, we are first taught, as indeed the order of nature directs, to confider the great duty of children to parents.

| and when he offers a contrary opinion, he will offer it modeftly. Refpect will teach him alfo, not only to put the best colouring upon the infirmities of his parent; but even if thofe infirmities be great, it will foften and fcreen them, as much as poffible, from the public eye.

Obedience goes a step further, and fuppofes a pofitive command. In things unlawful, indeed, the parental authority cannot bind: but this is a cafe that rarely happens. The great danger is on the other fide, that children, through obftinacy or fullennefs, fhould refuse their parents' lawful commands; to the obfervance of all which, however inconvenient to themselves, they are tied by various motives; and above all, by the command of God, who, in his facred denunciations against fin, ranks difobedience to parents among the

They are farther bound, not only to obey the commands of their parents, but to obey them chearfully. He does but half his duty, who does it not from his heart.

The two points to be infifted on, are re-worft *. fpect and obedience. Both thefe fhould naturally fpring from love; to which parents have the highest claim. And indeed parents, in general, behave to their children in a manner both to deferve and to obtain their love.

But if the kindness of the parent be not fuch as to work upon the affections of the child, yet ftill the parent has a title to respect and obedience, on the principle of duty; principle which the voice of nature dicaces; which reafon inculcates; which human laws, and human cuftoms, all join to enforce; and which the word of God ftrictly


The child will fhew respect to his parent, by treating him, at all times, with deference. He will confult his parent's indination, and fhew a readiness, in a thoufand nameless trifles, to conform himself to it. He will never peevishly contradict his parent;

There remains still a third part of filial duty, which peculiarly belongs to children, when grown up. This the catechifm calls fuccouring or adminiftering to the neceffities of the parent; either in the way of managing his affairs, when he is lefs able to manage them himself; or in fupplying his wants, fhould he need affiftance in that way. And this the child fhould do, on the united principles of love, duty, and gratitude. The hypocritical Jew would fometimes evade this duty, by dedicating to facred uses what should have been expended in affifting his parent. Our Saviour tharply rebukes this perverfion of duty; and gives him to understand, that në Rom. i. 39.



pretence of ferving God, can cover the neglect of aflifting a parent. And if no pretence of ferving God can do it, furely every other pretence muft ftill be more unnatural.

Under his head, alfo, we may confider that attention and love, which are due to other relations, efpecially that mutual affection which should fubfift between brothers. The name of brother expreffes the highest degree of tenderness; and is generally used in fcripture, as a term of peculiar endearment, to call men to the practice of focial virtue. It reminds them of every kindness which man can fhew to man. If then we ought to treat all mankind with the affection of brothers, in what light muft they appear, who, being really fuch, are ever at variance with each other; continually doing fpiteful actions, and thewing, upon every occafion, not only a want of brotherly kindness, but even of common regard?

The next part of our duty is "to honour and obey the king, and all that are put in authority under him."

By the "king, and all that are put in authority under him," is meant the various parts of the government we live under, of which the king is the head: and the meaning of the precept is, that we ought to live in dutiful fubmiffion to legal anthority.

Government and fociety are united. We cannot have one without the other; and we fubmit to the inconveniences, for the fake of the advantages.

The end of fociety is mutual fafety and convenience. Without it, even fafety could in no degree be obtained: the good would become a prey to the bad: nay, the very human fpecies to the beafts of the field.

Still lefs could we obtain the conveniences of life, which cannot be had without the la

bour of many. If every man depended upor himself for what he enjoyed, how deftitur would be the fituation of human affairs!

But even fafety and convenience are no the only fruits of fociety. Man, living merel by himself, would be an ignorant unpolithe favage. It is the intercourfe of fociety which cultivates the human mind. One man's know ledge and experience is built upon another's and fo the great edifice of fcience and polishe life is reared,

To enjoy thefe advantages, therefore, me joined in fociety; and hence it became ne ceffary, that government fhould be eftablished Magiftrates were created, laws made, taxe fubmitted to; and every one, instead o righting himself (except in mere felf-defence is enjoined to appeal to the laws he live under, as the beft fecurity of his life and property. Gilpin

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53. Duty to our teachers and instructors— arifing from the great importance of know ledge and religion-and the great neceffit of gaining habits of attention and of virtu in our youth-analogy of youth and man hood to this world and the next.

We are next enjoined "to fubmit our felves to all our governors, teachers, fpiritua paftors, and mafters." Here another fpecie of government is pointed out. The laws of fociety are meant to govern our riper years the inftructions of our teachers, fpiritual paf tors, and mafters, are meant to guide our youth.

By our teachers, fpiritual paftors, and mafters," are meant, all thofe who have the care of our education, and of our inftruction in religion; whom we are to obey, and liften to, with humility and attention, as the means of our advantement in knowledge and


religion. The inftructions we receive from there are unquestionably fubject to our own judgment in future life; for by his own judgment every man muft ftand or fall. But, during our youth, it is highly proper for us pay a dutiful fubmiffion to their inftructions, as we cannot yet be fuppofed to have any judgment of our own. At that early age it fhould be our endeavour to acquare knowledge; and afterwards unprejuaced to form our r opinions.


attention to thefe two


of rude nature.

it more in their power. A vacant mind is exactly that houfe mentioned in the gospel, which the devil found empty. In he entered; and taking with him feven other spirits more wicked than himself, they took poffeffion. It is an undoubted truth, that one vice indulged, introduces others; and that each fucceeding vice becomes more depraved.-If, then, the mind must be employed, what can fill up its vacuities more rationally than the acquifition of knowledge? Let us therefore thank God for the opportunities he hath afforded us; and not turn into a curfe thofe means of leifure which might become fo great a bleffing.

The duty which young people owe to their inftruétors, cannot be fhewn better, than in the effect which the inftructions they receive have upon them. They would do well, therefore, to confider the advantages of an early things, both of great importance, knowledge and religion. The great ufe of knowledge in all its various branches (to which the learned languages are generally confidered as an introduction), to free the mind from the prejudices of and to give it jufter and more enanged conceptions than are the mere growth Experience of others to your own. By reading, you add the It is the provement of the mind chiefly, that makes * difference between man and man, and ves one man a real fuperiority over another. Befides, the mind maft be employed. The er orders of men have their attention chengroffed by thofe employments in which the neceffities of life engage them: and happy that they have. Labour stands in the room of education, and fills up thofe racies of mind, which, in a ftare of idlewould be engroffed by vice. And if hey, who have more leiture, do not fubftitute hathing in the room of this, their minds will become the prey of vice; and the tfb, as they have the means to indulge

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But, however neceffary to us knowledge may be, religion, we know, is infinitely more fo. The one adorns a man, and gives him,` it is true, fuperiority and rank in life: but the other is abfolutely effential to his happinefs.

In the midst of youth, health, and abundance, the world is apt to appear a very gay and pleafing fcene; it engages our defires; and in a degree fatisfies them alfo. But it is wifdom to confider, that a time will come, when youth, health, and fortune, will all fail us; and if difappointment and vexation do not four our tafte for pleasure, at least ficknefs and infirmitics will deftroy it. In thefe gloomy feafons, and above all, at the approach of death, what will become of us without religion? When this world fails, where fhall we fly, if we expect no refuge in another? Without holy hope in God, and refignation to his will, and truft in him for deliverance, what is there that can fecure us against the evils of life?

The great utility, therefore, of knowledge and religion being thus apparent, it is highly incumbent upon us to pay a ftudious at

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tention to them in our youth. If we do not, it is more than probable that we shall never do it: that we fhall grow old in ignorance, by neglecting the one; and old in vice by neglecting the other.

of his youth, has little chance of being broug back to a fenfe of religion. In a comm courfe of things it can rarely happen. Son calamity muft roufe him. He muft awakened by a ftorm, or fleep for ever.How much better is it then to make that ea to us, which we know is beft! And to for thofe habits now, which hereafter we tha with we had formed!

For improvement in knowledge, youth is certainly the fitteft feafon. The mind is then ready to receive any impreffion. It is free from all that care and attention which, in riper age, the affairs of life bring with There are, who would restrain youth fro them. The memory too is then stronger and imbibing any religious principles, till the better able to acquire the rudiments of know- can judge for themselves; left they fhoul ledge; and as the mind is then void of ideas, imbibe prejudice for truth. But why fhou it is more fuited to thofe parts of learning not the fame caution be used in fcience alfo which are converfant in words. Befides, and the minds of youth left void of all im there is fometimes in youth a modefty and preffions? The experiment, I fear, in bot ductility which, in advanced years, if thofe cafes would be dangerous. If the mind we years efpecially have been left a prey to ig- left uncultivated during fo long a perio norance, becoine felf-fufficiency and preju- though nothing elfe fhould find entrance dice; and these effectually bar up all the vice certainly would: and it would make th inlets to knowledge.-But, above all, un- larger fhoots, as the foil would be vacant. lefs habits of attention and application are boy had better receive knowledge and religio early gained, we fhall fcarce acquire them mixed with error, than none at all. For whe afterwards.-The inconfiderate youth fel- the mind is fet a thinking, it may deposit i dom reflects upon this; nor knows his lofs, prejudices by degrees, and get right at laft till he knows alfo that it cannot be re-but in a state of stagnation it will infallibl trieved. become foul.

Nor is youth more the feafon to acquire knowledge, than to form religious habits. It is a great point to get habit on the fide of virtue. It will make every thing smooth and eafy. The earlieft principles are generally the moft lafting; and thofe of a religious caft are feldom wholly loft. Though the temptations of the world may, now and then, draw the well-principled youth afide; yet his principles being continually at war with his practice, there is hope, that in the end the better part may overcome the worse, and bring on a reformation. Whereas, he who has suffered hab ts of vice to get poffeffion

To conclude, our youth bears the fam proportion to our more advanced life, as thi world does to the next. In this life we mu form and cultivate those habits of virtue which muft qualify us for a better state. I we neglect them here, and contract habit of an oppofite kind, instead of gaining tha exalted itate which is promised to our im provement, we fhall of course fink into tha ftate which is adapted to the habits we hav formed.

Exactly thus is youth introductory to man hood; to which it is, properly fpeaking, state of preparation. During this feafon, w

mut qualify ourselves for the parts we are thereafter. In manhood, we bear the fruit which has in youth been planted. If we have fauntered away our youth, we muft expect to be ignorant men. If indolence and attention have taken an early poffeffion of , they will probably encrease as we advance in life, and make us a burden to ourfelves, and ufelefs to fociety. If, again, we fuffer ourfelves to be misled by vicious inclinations, they will daily get new ftrength, and end in diffolute lives. But if we cultivate our minds in our youth, attain habits of attention and induftry, of virtue and fobriety, we shall and curfelves well prepared to act our future pats in life; and what above all things ought to be our care, by gaining this command over erfelves, we fhall be more able, as we get forward in the world, to refift every new tetaptation, as it arises.


is always becoming, and tends to keep youth within the bounds of modefty.

To others, respect is due from those par. ticular stations which arife from fociety and government. Fear God, fays the text; and it adds, "honour the king."

It is due alfo from many other fituations in life. Employments, honours, and even wealth, will exact it; and all may justly exact it, in proper degree.


But it may here perhaps be enquired, why God fhould permit this latter diftinction among men? That fome fhould have more authority than others, we can easily fee, is abfolutely neceffary in government; but among men, who are all born equal, why should the goods of life be diftributed in fo unequal a proportion?

To this enquiry, it may be answered, that, in the first place, we fee nothing in this, but what is common in all the works of God. A gradation is every where obfervable. Beauenjoined" to order our-ty, ftrength, swiftness, and other qualities, are fire lowly and reverently to all our bet-varied through the creation in numberlefs degrees. In the fame manner likewise are varied

§ 54. Behaviour to Superiors.

We are next


By our betters are meant they who are in the gifts of fortune, as they are called. Why afperior flation of life to our own; and by therefore fhould one man's being richer than ordering ourselves lowly and reverently another, furprize us more than his being refpect which is due to their station. wards them," is meant paying them that ftronger than another, or more prudent? Though we can but very inadequately trace The two the wifdom of God in his works, yet very kinds of perfons, to whom our refpect is wife reafons appear for this variety in the da-thofe who have a natural claim to it: gifts of fortune. It seems neceffary, both in and thofe who have an acquired one; that is, a civil and in a moral light. aclaim arifing from fome particular fituation |

in life.

In a civil light, it is the neceffary accompaniment of various employments, on which

Among the firft are all our fuperior re- depend all the advantages of fociety. Like arions; not only parents, but all other rela- the ftones of a regular building, fome muft have a natural claim to our refpect.-There fupport, and others be fupported; fome will s who are in a line above us. All these range higher, and fome lower; fome muft a refpect alfo due from youth to age, which form the ftrength of the building, and others

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