Y No joy no pleasure from succeses past, 70 EPISTLES. invade, The trophy'd Arches, ftory'd Halls And haunt their slumbers in the pompous Shade. his Timid & therefge teachering to Alas! not dazled with their Noontide ray, drunkenness of pride Lefs pleafing far than Virtue's very Tears: "Go wallow Harpies, and Great * * From dirt and fea-weed as proud Venice rofe, Mark by what wretched steps their Glory grows, One Equal course FACSIMILE quarto edition of Pope's Works 1735, with MS alterations by Pope, of two pages of the Essay on Man, Book IV, prepared for the including a character of Marlb This Volume is Dedicated ΤΟ P. F. WILLERT, Esq., M.A., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD, IN TOKEN OF A LONG FRIENDSHIP CONFIRMED BY MANY COMMON ASSOCIATIONS, TASTES, AND SYMPATHIES. 939566 |