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Mahomet, directly contrary to what is delivered by Moses, and the Disciples of Jesus. To instance in one Example out of many. All the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus entirely agree in this Testimony, that Jesus died upon the Cross, returned to Life upon the third Day, and was seen of many: On the contrary, Mahomet says, (a) that Jesus was privately taken up into Heaven, and that a certain Resemblance of him was fixed to the Cross; and consequently Jesus was not dead, but the Eyes of the Jews were deceived. This Objection cannot be evaded, unless Mahomet will say, as indeed he does, (b) that the Books both of Moses, and of the Disciples of Jesus, have not continued as they were, but are corrupted; but this Fiction we have already confuted in the third Book. Certainly, if any one should say, that the Alcoran is corrupted, the Mahometans would deny it, and say, that was a sufficient Answer to a Thing which was not proved. But they cannot easily bring such Arguments for the Uncorruptness of their Book, as we bring for ours, viz. that Copies of them were immediately dispersed all over the World; and that not like the Alcoran in one Language only; and were faithfully preserved, by so many Sects, who differed so much in other Things. The Mahometans persuade themselves, that in the xvith Chapter of St. John, which speaks of sending the Comforter, there was something written of Mahomet, which the Christians have put out: But here we may ask them; do they suppose this Alteration of the Scripture to have been made after the coming of Mahomet, or before? It is plainly impossible to have been done after the coming of Mahomet, because at that Time there were extant

(a) That Jesus was privately taken up into Heaven, &c.] Azoara XI.

(b) That the Books both of Moses, &c.] Azoara IX.


all over the World, very many Copies, not only Greek, but Syriac, Arabic, and in Places distant from Arabia, Ethiopic and Latin, of more Versions than one. Before the coming of Mahomet, there was no Reason for such a Change; for nobody could know what Mahomet would teach: Further, if the Doctrine of Mahomet had nothing in it contrary to the Doctrine of Jesus, the Christians would as easily have received his Books, as they did the Books of Moses and the Hebrew Prophets. Let us suppose on each Side, that there was nothing written either of the Doctrine of Jesus, or of that of Mahomet: Equity will tell us, that that is to be esteemed the Doctrine of Jesus, in which all Christians agree; and that the Doctrine of Mahomet, in which all Mahometans agree.


From comparing Mahomet with Christ. LET us now compare the Adjuncts and Circumstances of each Doctrine together, that we may see which is to be preferred to the other: And first let us examine their Authors. Mahomet

himself confessed (a) that Jesus was the Messiah, promised in the Law and the Prophets; he is called by Mahomet himself (b) the Word, (c) Mind, (d) and Wisdom of God; he is also said

(a) That Jesus was the Messiah, &c.] Azoara XXIX.

(b) The Word, &c.] Azoara V. and XI. and in the Book of Mahomet's Doctrine: Enthymius Zigabenus, in his Disputations against the Saracens, says, that Jesus is called by Mahomet, "the Word and Spirit of God."

(c) Mind, &c.] Azoara IV. XI. XXIX. and in the forementioned Book.

(d) And Wisdom, &c.] In the forecited Places,


by him, (a) to have had no Father among Men. Mahomet is acknowledged, by his own Disciples, (b) to have been begotten according to the common Course of Nature. Jesus led an innocent Life; against which no Objection can be made. Mahomet (c) was a long Time a Robber, (d) and always effeminate. (e) Jesus was taken up into Heaven, by the Confession of Mahomet; but Mahomet rentains in the Grave. And now can any one doubt which to follow?


And the Works of each of them.

LET us now proceed to the Works of each of them. (f) Jesus gave sight to the Blind, made the Lame to walk, and recovered the Sick; nay, as Mahomet confesses, he restored the Dead to Life: Mahomet says, (g) that he himself was not sent with Miracles, but with Arms; however, there were some afterwards, who ascribed Miracles to

(a) To have had no Father amongst Men, &c.] Azoara XXXI. (b) To have been begotten, &c.] See the Book of Mahomet's Generation.

(c) Was a long Time a Robber, &c.] See Mahomet's Chronicon, translated out of Arabic. See a Dispute betwixt a Saracen and a Christian, published by Peter, Abbot of Clugny.

(d) And always effeminate, &c.] Azoara XLII. XLIII. LXXV. and LXXVI. See the forementioned Disputation. (e) Jesus was taken up into Heaven, &c.] Azoara XI.

(f) Jesus gate Sight to the Blind, &c.] Azoara V. XII.

(g) That he himself was not sent with Miracles, &c.]. Azoara HI. XIV. XVII. XXX. LXXXI. Concerning this Matter, see the Life of Mahomet, published in English, by the learned Dr. Prideaux, P. 30. where he shews at large, that the false Prophet dared not boast of any Miracles. Le Clerc.

him but what were they? None but such as might easily be the Effects of human Art? as that of the Dove flying to his Ear; or such as had no Witnesses, as that of the Camel's speaking to him by Night; or else such as are confuted by their own Absurdity; (a) as that of a great Piece of the Moon falling into his Sleeve, and sent back again by him, to make the Planet round. Who is there that will not say, but that in a doubtful Cause, we are to stick to that Law, which has on its Side the most certain Testimony of the Divine Approbation? Let us also examine them, who first embraced each of these Law's.


And of those who first embraced each of these Religions.

THEY, who embraced the Law of Christ, were Men who feared God, and led innocent Lives; and it is not reasonable that God should suffer such Persons to be deceived with cunning Words, or with a Shew of Miracles. (b) But they who first embraced

(a) As that of a great Piece of the Moon, &c.] Azoara, LXIV. See this Fable more at large, in the Chapter Ceramuz, in Cantacuzenus's Oration against Mahomet, Sect. 23.

(b) But they who first embraced Mahometanism, &c.] This the Word Saracen shews, which signifies Robber. See Scali ger's Emendation of the Times, Book III. Chap. of the Arabian Period. The first Followers of Mahomet were indeed truly Robbers; but the Arabian Word, to which Scaliger refers, signifies to steal privately, not to rob; nor is it credible that they would take upon themselves such an infamous Name; not to mention that this was more ancient than Mahomet, for we find it in Ptolemy and Philostorgius; wherefore I rather follow the Opinion of those who deduce the Name of Saracen from the Word pr Schark, which signifies Eastern, whence comes up Sharkiin, Saracens, or People dwelling in the East, as the Arabians are called in Scripture. About which see EdT ward


embraced Mahometanism, were Robbers, and Men void of Humanity and Piety.


And of the Methods by which each Law was propagated.

NEXT let us see the Methods by which each Religion was propagated. As for the Christian Religion, we have already said several Times, that its Increase was owing to the Miracles not only of Christ, but of his Disciples and their Successors; and also to their patiently enduring of Hardships and Torments. But the Teachers of Mahometanism did not Work any Miracles, did not endure any grievous Troubles, nor any severe Kinds of Death for that Profession. (a) But that Religion follows where Arms lead the Way, it is the Companion of Arms; (b) nor do its Teachers. bring any other Arguments for it, but the Success of War, and the Greatness of its Power; than which nothing is more fallacious. They themselves condemn the Pagan Rites, and yet we know how great the Victories of the Persians, Macedonians, and Romans were, and how far their Enemies extended themselves. Neither was the Event of War always prosperous to the Mahometans; (c) there are remarkable Slaughters which they have received

ward Pocock on the Specimen of the History of the Arabians in the Beginning. Le Clerc..

(a) But that Religion follows where Arms lead the Way, &c.] Azoara, X. XVIII. XXVI.

(b) Nor do its Teachers bring any other Arguments, &c.] Azoaru, XXXIII, XLVII.

(c) There are remarkable Slaughters, &c.] And greater since the Time of Grotius. For they were driven, after many


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