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Your Committee take as their motto, part of the creed of that indefatigable promoter of Sunday Schools, the Rev. Mr. Charles, of Bala, viz. “ Never to give up their design.” They presume this will meet your decided approbation, and that they shall have the benefit of your prayers for the success of their labours.

The friends of this society will doubtless learn, with pleasure, that through the activity of our Wesleyan brethren, a new Sunday School has been opened at Low Layton, under the patronage of this Union, at the trifling sum of nine shillings, from its funds, for the purchase of books; there are already twenty-six children; and two teachers have engaged in it, besides those who went first from London. There is every prospect of this School going on well.

It has given your committee no small degree of pleasure to hear of the increasing activity of the teachers belonging to many Schools in the district. A noble spirit of justifiable emulation begins to appear. New plans have been adopted for the preservation of order, which greatly assists the teachers in the discharge of their duty. And your committee warmly recommend the truly systematic plan acted upon in the largest School in this district-that of " Friars Mount," a School which furnishes a pattern well worthy of the imitation of all Sunday Schools.

Your committee annex a statement of the Schools forming this Union, in which there were 7769 children at Midsummer last, and there is every reason to hope that this number is increasing, and will, by united exertions, in a few years, be more than doubled. And that the teachers having put their hands to the plough, will all be induced to increase their efforts while there are any children to be found who are destitute of instruction. There have been several Adult Schools recently formed, the particulars of which cannot yet be reported.

The funds of this Society at the present time amount to about £55, which will not be, by any means adequate to carry into effect the present intentions of your committee; but it is hoped that there are many friends of this Union who will favour the District Secretaries with their subscriptions of 4s. per annum and upwards, so that your committee may not be obliged to abandon any of its designs of opening new Schools for want of pecuniary support.

By means of this Union the state of the district is known for the first time, a proper spirit of emulation has been excited, by which it is believed every School will be enlarged and very materially benefited; different sub-committees are

now active in obtaining information and secking places to open new Schools where they are most wanted.

Books also for the use of Schools have been published and sold at prime cost; so that spelling books may now be had by all the Schools connected with this Union, at 4s. 6d. per hundred, and Dr. Watts's Divine Songs, together with Dr. Doddridge's Principles in one book, at ls. 4d. per


During the past quarter your committee have held their regular meetings, at which the true spirit of union evidently prevailed, and the various members of the committee have been actively employed in thoroughly investigating the state of the district, the result of such investigation warrants us to say that the want of Sunday Schools is still very great.

The populous neighbourhoods of St. Catherine's, East Smithfield, Shadwell Market, Limehouse, Stepney, and Globe Fields, are nearly in a barren state, and many other parts are but little cultivated.

There remains much to be done, and it is hoped that our meeting this evening will communicate new energy to our exertions, while it will cause us to glorify him who has bought us with a price, whose we are, and whom we serve.

Being assured that we shall be made to rejoice in our labours, while we go forth bearing precious seed, and with fervent supplications to the Father of Spirits we cease not to exclaim: Let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children;" and "Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea the work of our hands establish thou


Schools forming the East London Auxiliary Sunday School Union.-Year 1814.

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It was pleasing to hear that instances of usefulness in the Schools were continually occurring. The following being considered worthy of notice were related by different friends who addressed the Meeting.

A minister of the gospel, who was formerly a teacher in one of our Sunday Schools, when passing through the streets of Dover was accosted by a young woman, who expressed great pleasure in seeing him again, and told him that she had received such serious impressions while in the Sunday School, of which he had been a teacher, as caused her to love the Bible, and that since she had been in the country, she had persuaded her father and mother to attend divine worship with her constantly on the sabbath days.

A boy, about fourteen years of age, who on coming into the School did not know all the letters of the alphabet, and being employed on week days in working hard at a manufactory, was able, by the instructions received on Sundays to read the Bible in a twelvemonth. He told his teacher that at first coming into the School, he thought the children were not received into the Sunday School so much to teach them to read as to make them religious. This thought had often since caused him great grief. He is now called a Methodist in the manufactory where he works. He does not however mind that, as he finds all his happiness in religion, and takes great delight in reading the Bible.

Another boy, who while in the Sunday School, was very careless and obstinate, grieving his teachers and appearing bent on evil. But after leaving the School, the hand of God brought him very low by a violent fever. During this affliction the instructions received came fresh to his mind, and were rendered of the greatest service to him. He has been ill three months, and during that time has read his Bible so frequently that he knows considerable parts of it by heart.

The mother of this boy attended a quarterly exhortation given to the parents by one of the teachers, at which she was so seriously impressed, that great hopes are entertained of her having received essential benefit. When her children came into the Sunday School, she could not read, but since she has attended the exhortation, by her perseverance and the assistance of her children, she has learned to read the Bible for herself.

A parent on offering himself to join a church, attributed the means of his conversion to the fervent prayers of his child who had died, and who was taught in a Sunday School. The child during his illness was in the constant practice of praying aloud every night before he went to sleep. He asked his father one

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night to go to prayer, the father referred it back to the son, who continued urging it on his parent, the child however went to prayer, and though in a very weak state, he prayed so earnestly for his father, that it made such a deep impression on his mind as he believed never could be effaced.

A lad, the son of a pious father, by his bad behaviour, rendered himself so obnoxious to the teachers, that they were under the disagreeable necessity of expelling him from the School. For two years they heard nothing of him. But after that period one sabbath day he was seen by the secretary near the School. The next sabbath he approached neares, and appeared desirous of speaking to the secretary, but retired.

On the third sabbath however he ventured to address him,* and with many tears lamented his undutiful behaviour, and the trouble he had occasioned the teachers. He said, with much emotion, he hoped God had changed his heart and given him a new one, and that desirous of giving himself up to the Lord, he had rendered all the assistance in his power to the new School in Globe Fields as a teacher for the last eighteen months.

Another boy, under the most serious convictions, opened his mind to his parents. His father, alarmed for his own soul, was led to inquire; and, under a divine influence, to find that salvation he so needed. Rejoicing in the love of Jesus, his gratitude soon appeared. He raised a Sunday School, which is connected with this Union, comprising now near 220 children, and which continues in a very flourishing state.

Another boy, who had continually behaved so bad that he was about to be expelled. The teachers, however, having very seriously talked to him upon the subject, he was suffered to continue under a promise of better conduct. This had such an effect upon him, as to produce reformation. He is now a most active and useful monitor.

A blind boy having heard his brothers repeat hymns and catechism, and on this account taking great delight in going to the Sunday School, expressed an earnest desire to go with them. After much hesitation on the part of the teachers, the boy was admitted, with a hope of spiritual good. He contrived to learn hymns, &c. by paying a boy one black ticket for teaching him as much as he should receive two for; and, by these means, he stored his mind with numbers of hymns, and many chapters from the Bible. Upon his being removed from the School to the Asylum for the Indigent Blind, he was very unwilling to leave the Sunday School, until he heard that a person came constantly to the Asylum, who would read the

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