DIALOGUES Concerning ELOQUENCE IN GENERAL; And particularly, that Kind which is By the late Archbishop of CAMBRAY. Falfe Eloquence, like the Prismatick Glass, Mr. POPE's Effay on Criticism. Fendon, François, de Lalignac La mothe DIALOGUES Concerning ELOQUENCE IN GENERAL; And particularly, that Kind which is By the late Archbishop of CAMBRAY. WITH HIS LETTER TO THE FRENCH ACADEMY, Concerning AND A Comparison betwixt the ANTIENTS Tranflated from the FRENCH, and illuftrated By LONDON: Printed by T. Wood, for J. WALTHOE, Jun. over-against de are the late Archbishop of CAM BRAY's. Some Apology however may be expected for my Undertaking a Tranflation that deferv'd the finest Pen. All I can say, without the Appearance of Vanity, is, that I was afraid it fhou'd fall into worfe Hands. I have more reason to make fome Excufe for the unufual Liberty I have taken in tranflating the DIALOGUES. 'Tis what I cou'd not avoid. Their Stile is extremely concife; fometimes A 3 |