All round a hedge upshoots, and shows When will the hundred summers die, As all were ordered, ages since. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY. Year after year unto her feet, She lying on her couch alone, Across the purple coverlet, The maiden's jet-black hair has grown, On either side her tranced form The silk star-broidered coverlid Unto her limbs itself doth mould Languidly ever; and, amid Her full black ringlets downward rolled, Glows forth each softly-shadowed arm With bracelets of the diamond bright: Her constant beauty doth inform Stillness with love, and day with light. She sleeps: her breathings are not heard THE ARRIVAL. All precious things, discovered late, The bodies and the bones of those He comes, scarce knowing what he seeks : He breaks the hedge: he enters there : The color flies into his cheeks: He trusts to light on something fair; For all his life the charm did talk More close and close his footsteps wind; The magic music in his heart Beats quick and quicker, till he find The quiet chamber far apart. His spirit flutters like a lark, He stoops - to kiss her - on his knee. "Love, if thy tresses be so dark, How dark those hidden eyes must be !" THE REVIVAL. A touch, a kiss! the charm was snapt. There rose a noise of striking clocks, And feet that ran, and doors that clapt, And barking dogs, and crowing cocks; A fuller light illumined all, A breeze through all the garden swept, A sudden hubbub shook the hall, And sixty feet the fountain leapt. The hedge broke in, the banner blew, The fire shot up, the martin flew, The parrot screamed, the peacock squalled, The maid and page renewed their strife, The palace banged, and buzzed and clackt, And all the long-pent stream of life Dashed downward in a cataract. And last of all the king awoke, And in his chair himself upreared, And yawned, and rubbed his face, and spoke, "By holy rood, a royal beard! How say you? we have slept, my lords. My beard has grown into my lap." The barons swore, with many words, 'T was but an after-dinner's nap. "Pardy," returned the king, "but still |