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Bacon, Middles, new, s. to -s. per cwt.

Sides, new...—s. to —s.

Pork, India, new.... 125s. Od. to ―s.

Mess, new ...72s. 6d. to-s. per barl
Butter, Belfast ....80s. to 82s. per cwt.
Carlow .....76s. to 86s.

Cork ....75s. to 78s.
Limerick ..75s. to 76s.
Waterford..68s. to 76s.
Dublin ....68s. to 78%.

Cheese, Cheshire....54s. to 74s.

Gloucester, Double.. 50s. to 62s.
Gloucester, Single... 48s. to 52s.
Edam .......40s. to 48s.
40s. to 48s.



Hams, Irish.... ....50s. to 60s.




HE LANCET embraces the earliest op.
portunity of announcing, that the next
volume of that Journal, No. I of which will be
published on the 30. March, 1833, will con-
tain the first of an extended series of ORIGI-
PORTRAITS, of the most celebrated Practi-
tioners, Discoverers, and Authors, in the
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The Artist engaged for the accomplishment of this highly interesting and novel undertaking, is a gentleman of distinguished and acknowledged ability.

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This day's supply of Beasts was for the time of year, moderately good: the supply of each A complete series of Lectures on MDICAL kind of small stock but limited. The trade PATHOLOGY, in course of delivery in Paris, was, with each kind of meat, very dull. With by that renowned Pathologist and Physiologist Beef at a depression of full 2d. per stone, with M. ANDRAL, embracing, amongst other imMutton at fully, Veal and Pork at barely Fri-portant subjects, Ten Lectures on INSANITY, day's quotations. &c. &c.

The Beasts appeared to consist of about equal numbers of short horns, and Devonshire (chiefly) oxen and steers, with some cows and heifers; Welch runts and Scots and Norfolk homebreeds,-the two latter breeds principally from Norfolk, with a few from Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire; the three former breeds mostly from Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, and the Western districts; with about 100 Herefords chiefly from the midland districts, as many Sussex beasts, and about as many Town'send cows, with a few Staffords, &c. from sundry quarters.

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Orders by new subscribers should be communicated immediately to Booksellers or Newsmen, in town or country.

EDITED BY MR. WAKLEY, and published every Saturday, at the Lancet Office, 210, Strand.-Price 8d.


New edition, in two thick Vols. 17. Is.
By JAMES STUART, Esq. Second Edition,


A full moiety of the sheep were new Lei- STUART'S THREE YEARS IN NORTH cesters, of the South Downs and white-faced crosses, in the proportion of about one of the former to three of the latter: about a fourth South Downs, and the remaining fourth about equal numbers of Kents, Kentish half-breds, polled (with a few pens of horned) Norfolks, old Leicesters, and old Lincolns, with a few horned and polled Scotch and Welch Sheep, Merinos, horned Dorsets, &c.

Beasts, 2,613; sheep, 16,660; calves, 125; pigs, 160.

[blocks in formation]


Printed for Robert Cadell, Edinburgh ; and Whittaker and Co., London.

"We are happy to be able to congratulate the British public on the appearance of a truly excellent work on North America, by a geatleman who has spent three years in examining the different States, and who, from his station and experience in this country, will be allowed to have possessed advantages for turning his visit to account, which can fall to the lot of few travellers."-" We hardly ever perused a work which seemed to possess stronger claims to sound judgment, and freedom from prejudice of all sorts, than the work of Mr. Stuart."-Morning Chronicle, January 17, 1833.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court: and published by him, at 11, Bolt court, Fleet street.

VOL. 79.-No. 9.]



[Price Is. 2d.

may be felt. In the first place, the House itself is to be spoken of. I have gone down early in the morning, and have taken a hasty measurement of it and my opinion is, that, if the whole of the area were cleared of benches, of the table, of the Speaker's chair, and of everything else, there is not a foot and a half square for each of the six hundred and fiftyeight men to stand upon. The length of a bench does not, I believe, allow to London, 28. Feb., 1833. each man fifteen inches. Last night, THE chief thing that I shall be able when a call of the House brought in to do in this present Register, is to com- rather less than 400 persons, every bench municate to my readers information was crowded; there was a standing which will be necessary for them, with crowd behind and all about the Speaker' regard to the part which they ought to chair, and a crowd of 43 persons, as act in this present state of things: nearly as I could count them, standing which state of things, they will please upon the floor; and leaving, in the to observe, clearly, in my opinion, indi- whole House, only one bare piece of cates that total breaking-up of the sys- floor, about 17 feet by 13. I am satistem, which I have always, for many fied that the 658 members cannot be in years past, foreseen and foretold, as the the House, without close packing upon necessary winding-up of that course of all the benches, without filling all the proceeding which I have always con- little avenues, and without covering the stantly opposed. There is now no man whole of the floor by persons standing to be found who will venture to say upright. To move from your seat to go that he believes that this system can out of the House, no matter for what last eighteen months longer. There- cause, no matter how pressing the nefore let the people be prepared, and let cessity, upon an average, a hundred us have the change a peaceable one, if persons must be disturbed. Moving we possibly can. out of the pit in the midst of a theatre If the whole of the people of Eng-is nothing compared to it. With regard land, or one delegate from every parish to the MOTIVES which have led to in England and Scotland, could come up the continuing in use of a place like and see the inside of the House of Com-this, this is not a proper place for me mons, and observe its goings on for only to speak of those motives, though I one week, he would say, "This thing can perceive them very clearly; and must be changed somehow or another; though I shall not fail to state them at and, if he were to carry home a true de- a proper time and in a proper place; scription, and to speak of it openly in and though my readers will be perfectly his parish, the whole of the island satisfied that the motives cannot be would be of the same opinion at once. those of economy, when we see every To give a description of the scene is petty Minister lodged in a palace, and extremely difficult, but it is neverthe- when we have seen 34,000l. spent upon less necessary; because, without my the carved-work of one single gateway. doing it, my readers cannot judge But while I, for the present, omit to what they themselves ought to do ; describe the very obvious motive, I how they themselves ought to act, in shall not scruple to describe the effects order that their due and lawful influence of persevering in the use of this sort of


hole, which, as my readers pretty generally know, was originally a royal chapel, attached to the palace at Westminster, dedicated to St. Stephen; and it is very curious, that where the high altar stood, there now stands the Speaker's chair.

the Speaker's chair; and, if necessary comes to the table, by the opening which is left at the one end of the horse-shoe or the other. Every member has a little desk fixed before him, in his lodge, as it may be called, for the purpose of locking up papers, or for The effects of this want of room are the purpose of writing on. When the many, and most detrimental to the pro- clock strikes, the Speaker takes the ceedings of this assembly, of which I am chair; he then calls over the names of now a member. The confusion which the member sof the house; and having arises out of it, beggars all description. done this, the house proceeds to The business is retarded by it; the business. All is regularity; all is crowds about the Speaker's chair, while decorum; all seems to say that the private bills are going on; the the business of the persons present everlasting trampling backward and is of great importance; No "Hear, forward on the floor; the interruption hear, hear." No "oh, oh, oh;" No which men give to one another, in" loud laughs" and, while a member spite of their desire to avoid it; the is speaking no member moves from his calls of "order, order," incessantly re-seat, unless upon some pressing neces curring; all these absolutely distract sity; and then he does it, in the most men's minds, and render it impossible silent, and least observed manner that for them to do that which it is their he can possibly adopt. The galleries duty to do, and which they wish to do. for strangers are spacious, and are so The House necessarily thus becomes a contrived that people can sit, and go place for doing little business, and that in and out, without disturbing one anolittle not well. An Englishman would ther. I believe that it never has hapblush, were he to see the House of As-pened, to any one of the assemblies of sembly of one of the states of America, America, that the gallery has been ornot to mention that of the Congress of dered to be closed on any occasion whatthe United States. The state of Con- soever. Then with regard to the taking necticut, the whole of the population of of the divisions: no noise, no hubbub; which consisted, in the year 1810, of no turning of a part of the members out no more than two hundred and sixty-one of the house, and keeping another part thousand nine hundred and forty-two in; no ludicrous telling with wands. persons, has a house for the legislative The clerk has the names of the members essembly to meet in six times as large written in a book in alphabetical order. as that which we meet in. The ar- He begins with A and goes on to Z; rangement of the space is so contrived, calls out the name of the member, who that no member, and no person ever answers "AYE" or "No," and makes crosses the floor, or even steps his foot upon the floor while the Speaker is in his chair. The benches are built in a horse-shoe form; the Speaker's chair occupies the space, which the horseshoe does not fill up, and the clerks of the house are seated at a table before him. Every member comes to his seat from an opening in the out-side part of the horse-shoe. His seat is always the same seat, and he comes to it, and goes from it, without interrupting any Now, why are we not thus accommoother member. If he have anything to dated? When I reflect on what I have present to the Speaker, he goes out and seen in America; when I reflect on the comes round to one or the other side of respectful manner in which the mem

the mark against his name accordingly.
He then adds them up, and the Speaker
declares the majority and minority,
which thus stand recorded in the books
of the house; and, I believe, it is the
invariable rule not only in the Congress,
but in all the state governments, that if
any member propose, and another mem-
ber second, a motion, that the
NO ES be printed and published, it is



bers of these assemblies treat their] that circumstance alone? Why do we Speaker; on their implicit obedience to live in this hubbub; why are we exhim, when it is necessary for him to posed to all these inconveniences; why exert his authority; in the sober, the are 658 of us crammed into a space serious, the tranquil manner in which that allows to each of us no more than every thing is done, even in the midst a foot-and-a-half square, while, at the of the most angry discussions, and the same time, each of the servants of the most bitter party animosities; I cannot King, whom we pay, has a palace to look at the present scenes in the House live in; and more unoccupied space in of Commons, without astonishment, to that palace than the little hole into say nothing of the shame, which that which we are all crammed, to make the scene never fails to excite in my mind. laws by which this great kingdom is It is impossible for our Speaker to act governed? A MOTIVE there must be with dignity, if he would. From his for this: that motive will occur to talents, his manner, his person and alto- the minds of a very great part of my gether, he is as much calculated to readers; but that motive I do NOT be surrounded with dignified appear-think it proper to describe in this place, ance as any man can be; but, if my That the motive is not to spare the readers could see him in his chair, with purses of this heavily burdened people, two or three at a time poking forward who can doubt, when they look at the to whisper him and teaze him about something or another; and that, too, in the midst of a debate; carrying bits of paper to him, with a pen and some ink in it, for him to write something; pulling him from side to side; if they could see this, they would certainly admire his patient endurance of it, but they would certainly blush for their country, if they had ever seen the manner in which the members treat the Speaker of a little house of assembly in America, where a member would no more think of going up to the chair of the Speaker during the sitting of the House, unless in a formal manner, in the discharge of some legislative function, than he would think of shooting that Speaker through the head. Another thing is, that, in those assemblies, when two or more members rise together, in order to speak, the Speaker having called upon the one that first catches his eye, calls upon the next, as soon as that speaker has done; a rule perfectly reasonable; because otherwise, either from inten- are let into a dining-room at a public tion, or from accident, a member very well qualified to state something very important, might never be allowed to speak at all.

Now, why are we not accommodated in this way? Why are we squeezed into so small a space that it is absolutely impossible that there should be calm and regular discussion even from

MILLIONS which have been expended on palaces within these very few years; when they look at the pullings down, and the buildings up, and the pullings down again, before the thing built has been used; when they see all manner of conveniences, even extending to eastern luxury, tables, bureaus, eastern chairs, sofas, all sorts of things, provided in the most expensive style, for even clerks in the offices, to use or to loll about upon; When they see these, and reflect that they are paid for out of the public money, and see us crammed into this little hole, squeezing one another, treading upon each other's toes, running about to get a seat; going to the hole at seven o'clock in the mornings, as I do, to stick a bit of paper with my name on it, on a bench, to indicate that I mean to sit there for that day; and then see us routed out of those places again, after a division has taken place, and see us running and scrambling for a seat, in just the same manner as people do when they

dinner at the Crown and Anchor or elsewhere; when the people see all this; when they see their representatives treated thus, and reflect, at the same time, on the sofas of the clerks in the offices, they must know that there is a MOTIVE for it; and, though they may be unacquainted with the motive, I much question if they will come to a determination that

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from making applications to occupy any part of our time, or demand any part of our cares. How different must it be with a very large portion of the members! They do not attend; or, at least, they frequently do not; not, I am persuaded, so much from the want of inclination as from the real want of ability to attend. If the House were constructed, and if the regulations were such as those in America, which I have mentioned above, almost every man would be present on almost every day. If you miss the moment, you have no seat; and some men must have a seat, or they must go away.

that motive is likely to be the promotion | hundred yards of my seat in the House; of their interests. I can come away, and return, with Owing, in some measure, to this very little inconvenience; my habits merely local circumstance, it has been are such as to keep me always in good found impossible to adhere to the an-health: I never dine out: I know cient usages of Parliament. The busi-nothing of feasting of any sort; I have ness cannot get on in this state of nothing to annoy me: I have a great cramped-up confusion. Since I wrote pleasure in performing my duty: I the last paragraph, I have been in the have sensible constituents: I have a House of Commons (this being Thurs- colleague who is as punctual as the day, the 28. of February); and, while clock; and, which is a very great petition after petition was being read, thing, the perfect confidence which our spoken on, and being brought up; while constituents have in us prevents them the Speaker was putting question after question, and deciding on the majorities on those questions, I actually counted at one time eleven gentlemen standing in a crowd on one side of his chair, and seven on the other side, standing each with a pen and bit of paper in his hand, watching the moment when the forms of proceeding would allow him to sit down, in order to get him to sign the paper, to authorise them to bring their friends in, and place them under the gallery in the House. It is a state of rest to him, when a long debate begins. It is impossible, in such a state of things, that there can be anything like calm deliberation. The crowding, the squeez- Again I say there must be a MOTIVE ing, the mutual annoyance that mem-for this: and the evil is to be cured bers give to each other; the disagree-only by a general application of the ableness of the situation altogether is so people in the regular mode of petitiongreat, and especially the difficulty of ing, each petition containing, in removing out of the House without giv-spectful words, a prayer that their repreing a sort of a general disturbance; sentatives may be better accommodated; these are all so great, that many gen- and that, too, with as little delay as tlemen can hardly venture to take their possible. There needs no new building. seats. To take your seat in that House, The building which was made for a and to sit as constantly as you ought to King's palace, at the west end of St. do, requires, in the present state of James's-park, is just the thing. One things, not only perfect health, but side for the Lords, and the other for great bodily strength; and it is not the Commons. There are coachalways that the wisest heads are placed house, stables, waiting-rooms, and upnn the shoulders of the strongest bo- rooms enough for committees, for dies. I know pretty well what a regi-half the legislatures in the world. I ment of soldiers is and I never saw mentioned this to a member of the one, the private men of which would House of Commons the spring before have been able to undergo a regular last. He was decidedly of opinion and constant attendance in that House, that it was a proper proposition to be constructed as it now is, and annoy-made; but, upon inquiry, he found that ing as every man's situation is. For my it was still intended that it should be a own part, I find very little inconve- royal palace. Now, if that were the nience, compared with what others King's fancy, there is St. James's palace, must experience. I live within four which, with a very little alteration,

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