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Church has given to my charge; though indeed what is yours cannot be more yours. Use therefore what is your own as you please; I am most ready and will carry out your desires. I profess to be wholly yours;-what a slave ought to be to his master; a pupil to his teacher; a son to his father."

" 1

A similar feeling of loyalty to the pope is expressed by the prelates in a synod held about the same time as the date of the above letter, January, 1272. The pope had requested the clergy to grant a tenth on the property of the Church to help Prince Edward in his successful crusade in the Holy Land. There was a difficulty in finding the money, but the clergy promised to do what they could, because "in this and in all other matters they desired to fulfil the wishes and desires of the lord pope.'

Henry III had now been unwell for some considerable time, and the end came on the 16th of November, 1272. 2 Wilkins, ii. 24.

1 Letters from the Northern Registers, 42.



ABBOTS, English, write to pope about
grievances, 248.
Aberconway, abbot of, 222.
Abingdon abbey, 70: Henry III at, 176;
monks of Winchester seek shelter at,
318; abbot of, ordered to provide
Roman with a benefice, 278; St.
Helen's, dispute about living of, 278;
St. Mary's granted to Aylmer, at
king's demand, 305.

Aid of a fifteenth to be granted by
laity and clergy, on confirmation of
charters, 84; clergy much disturbed
by prospect of, 84.

Albano, cardinal-bishop of, examines
into an English election, 277.
Alban's, St., abbey: visited by K.
John, 23; Otho visits, and publishes
excommunication against Emperor
Frederick, 178; money demanded of,
by papal collectors, 271; dispute with
Abp. Boniface about visitation, 291;
case of, pleaded by John Bull, a monk,
at Lyons, 273; monks of Winchester
seek shelter at, 318; obtains dis-
pensation from severity of observance,
333; forced to give living to pope's
nephew, 325; forced to give money
to Rustand, 357; protests against pro-
viding benefice for Italian cleric, 362.
Alban's, St., abbot of: ordered to declare
Ch. Ch. Canterbury free of interdict,
191; pleads sickness to excuse absence
from Council of Lyons, 229; ordered
by king not to pay papal subsidy, 251:
appeals to pope against demands of
papal collectors, 272; gives king

money, 280; has to give annuity to
Poitevins, 307; opposes Grosseteste's
claim to make visitation, 334.
Albemarle, Baldwin, earl of, 105.
Albert of Parma: papal official in Eng-
land, 324; ordered to put England
under interdict if money is refused,
280; sent to England about Sicily,
349; presses Charles of Anjou to
accept Sicily, 350; renews negotiations
with England about Sicily, 351; to
collect money in England, 388.
Albigenses, 103.

Alcinor, daughter of K. John, marries
Simon de Montfort, 174.
Aldebrandi, Aldebrando, Sienese mer-
chant, 365.

Alexander, Franciscan friar, papal col-
lector in England, 271.

Alexander II, k. of Scotland: betrothed
to Henry III's sister, 45; opposes
visit from Otho, 168; meets Henry
and Otho, 168; denies admission to
Otho, 178; renews peace with Henry,


Alexander IV, pope: accession of, 320;

protects prior of Winchester, 319;
permits Aylmer to defer consecration,
323; upholds Aylmer against barons,
323; consecrates Aylmer, 324; attitude
towards England, 325; makes con-
ditions for grant of Sicily, 353; sug-
gests commutation of Henry's crusad-
ing vow, for Sicily, 354; sends ex-
pedition into Apulia, 356; asks Henry
for military help, 356; tries to get
loan from Richard of Cornwall, 357;

Alexander IV, pope-continued.

urges immediate payment for Sicily,
360; protects Cistercians, 364; listens
to complaints of English prelates,
364; urges Henry to take up Sicily,
365; asks for preference for debts of
Italian merchants, 365; writes to
Rustand about debts, 366; gives
Henry revenues of vacant dignities
and benefices, 366; complains to
Henry about delay in Sicilian business,
367; recalls Rustand, 368; writes to
Henry about state of Church in Eng-
land, 369; urges Henry to be recon-
ciled to prelates, 369; suggests ad-
journment of consideration of English
grievances, 370; warns Henry against
neglecting sentence of excommunica-
tion, 370; suspects Henry's sincerity,
370; orders Rustand to pay off loans in
spite of Henry III, 371; sends Herlot
to settle Sicilian affairs, 371; grants
Henry a tenth for five years, 374;
secures peace between England and
France, 379; confirms English bene-
fice to Italian, 381; justifies action
of Holy See in so doing, 382-385;
justifies impropriations of livings to
religious bodies, 383; bestows Italian's
prebend in St. Paul's on another
Italian, 384; appeals to Prince Ed-
ward to get help against Tartars,
385-386; absolves Henry from oath
to observe Provisions of Oxford, 386;
condemns barons' oaths, and absolves
all, 387; death of, 388.
Alfonso of Castile, nominated king of
the Romans, 394.
Amiens, Mise of, 395.

Anagni, Stephen of, papal collector,

Andrew, foreign prior of Winchester,

opposes Wm. de Raleigh, 210.
Andrews, St., abp. of: at Council of

Lyons, 229; ordered by Pope to col-
lect money for Henry III, 299.
Anjou, Charles, duke of: brother of St.

Louis IX, 256; thought of, as king
of Sicily, 347; pressed to accept
crown of Sicily, 350.
Apulia, expedition into, 356.
Aquablanca, bp. of Hereford, borrows
in pope's name, 364.

Archdeacons, duties of, defined, 173.
Arden, Philip: agent in Rome for Bp.
Nevile, 122; describes his agency in
Rome to oppose Canterbury election,

Arlotencio, Herlot's nephew, provided
with English benefice, 381.

Armagh, abp. of, at Council of Lyons,

Arthur, prince, murder of, 25.
Articles of Complaint drawn up at
Canterbury, 373-

Arundel, earl of, appeal against St.

Edmund, upheld at Rome, 174.
Asaph, St., disputed election to See of,


Asten, John, papal chaplain, granted a
London prebend, 278.

Augustine's, St., Canterbury: resists
St. Edmund, 153; privileges of, con-
firmed by Gregory IX, 154.
Augustinian Order, 70.
Aylmer de Valence: See of Winchester
for, 302; descent of, 302 note; re-
marks of Matth. Paris on election of,
to See of Winchester, 304; Henry's
infatuation for, 305; receives papal
confirmation to election to Win-
chester, 306; returns to England,
enters Winchester, 307; urges bishops
to grant Henry money, 308; opposes
king's wishes, 309; personal dispute
with Henry, 311; dispute with Abp.
Boniface about jurisdiction, 311;
waits on king to obtain freedom of
elections, 314; quarrels with Win-
chester monks 17; appoints his
own prior to Winchester, 318; com-
plaint against to pope by barons, 320;
barons oppose his return to England,
322; consecrated bishop; death of,

324; debts left behind to be collected,

Bacon: Robert, Dominican, 136; Roger,

on Grosseteste, 341.

Baldwin, earl of Albemarle, 105.
Baptism, instructions about, 59.
Bardney, abbot of: dispute with Grosse-

teste, 205.

Barons: meet at Stamford, 10; demands

of, drawn up, 10; pope sends brief
to, 19; complaints against to pope
by K. John, 20; excommunicated by
pope, 20-21, 22; disregard pope's
excommunication, 22; appealed to
by pope to submit to Henry III, 30;
side with Louis of France; excom-
municated by Gualo, 30; oath of to
Louis of France condemned by pope,
31; take oath to restore castles to
Henry, 53; submit to pope's orders
about castles, 78; agree to extra tax
to meet king's needs, 109; insist on
removal of foreigners, 136; ask pope
to consider grievances, 247; complain
to Henry about broken promises,
274; complain to pope about Aylmer,
320; send deputies to Rome against
Aylmer, 321; refuse obligations at-
tached to crown of Sicily, 361; ap-
peal to pope against foreigners in
England, 378; ask pope for a legate,
380; refuse to accept award of Mise
of Amiens, 396.

Basset, Philip, justiciar, presides over
parliament, 391.

Bath: abbey, tax on, 366; bp. of, goes
to Curia, to appeal against Rustand,

Battle, abbot of, complains about taxes
to king, 185.

Beatrix, duchess of Anjou, 256.
Beaulieu, Abbey: Henry wishes to re-

move K. John's body to, 119.
Beauvais, dean of, agent for Abp. Boni-
face in Curia, 261; obtains further
concessions for Abp. Boniface, 262.

Bedford: archdeacon of, spokesman of
clergy meeting, 95; Castle, 79; siege
of, 80.
Benedictine order: legislation about
rule of, in synod of London, 173;
mitigation of rule of, 171, 333; Otho
presides over chapter of, 177; papal
legislation for, 177, 332; in France,
obtains dispensation from severity of
observance, 334.

Benefices, objection to grant of, to
foreigners, in France, 236.

Berenger, Raymund V, death of, 256.
Berger, Elie, editor of registers of In-

nocent IV, 327; notices Muratori's
inventory of papal archives, 348 note.
Berkshire, rectors, of, interviewed by
Otho about papal taxation, 186.
Bern, Adam de, pleads case of St. Al-
han's at Lyons, 273.

Bernardini, Bonaventure, merchant of
Siena, 388.

Bigod, Hugh, ordered to give up castles,

Bigod, Roger, represents Henry at
Council of Lyons, 230.

Bingeham, Robert de, elected bp. of
Salisbury, 120.

Birinus, St., translation of relics of,

Bishops: regulations for, 60; and reli-
gious houses, 64; duties of, defined,
173; resist "procurations," 178; re-
fuse demand in pope's name for
money, 184; protest against stop
being put to pluralities, 197; urge
emperor not to interfere with papal
election, 200; write to pope about
English grievances, 249; unwilling
to make collection of first fruits for
See of Canterbury, 260; urged by
pope to help forward crusade, 285;
of Cant. prov. combine against
Abp. Boniface, 294; meet at Dun-
stable to concert measures against
Abp. Boniface, 297; seek papal con-
firmation of sentence of excommuni-

cation, 317; refuse obligation at-
tached to crown of Sicily, 361; agree
to find money for Sicilian business,
373; meet at Merton to discuss Sicil-
ian business, 378; ordered by pope
to deliver money to Ottoboni, 405;
Scotch, summoned to council by Otto-
boni, 415.

Blanche, queen, mother of St. Louis

Blomerie, John de, abbot of Abingdon,

in trouble about a benefice, 279.
Blund, John le: chosen abp. of Canter-

bury, 139; election set aside, 139.
Blundevil, Ralph, E. of Chester forbids
payment of papal tax in his territory,

Blyth: Convocation of York at, 308;
tournament at, becomes a battle, 166.
Bologna, money lenders of, 354.
Bonaccursi, Raynerio, Sienese merchant,
365, 388.

Bonaventure, St., offered See of York,

Boniface of Savoy: Henry wants him to

be abp. of Cant., 191; Henry writes
to pope in favour of, 191; elected to
Canterbury, 194; election confirmed
by pope, 209; arrival of in England,
216; goes to Lyons, 223; consecrated
by pope, 227, 258; urged by Grosse-
teste to correct abuses, 255; obtains
privileges from pope, 258; suspends
bishops for refusing to collect money
for him, 260; asks pope for help to-
wards his debts, 261; orders Grosse-
teste to give benefice to son of duke
of Burgundy, 276-277; gets leave from
pope to grant benefices in suffragan
Sees, 281; enthroned at Canterbury,
282; friction with suffragan bishops,
289; makes visitations and demands
money, 290; disputes with St. Paul's,
London, 290; disputes with St. Bar-
tholomew's, Smithfield, 291; disputes
with St. Alban's, 291; goes to Lyons to
support visitation disputes, 294; per-

suades canons of St. Bartholomew's
to withdraw complaints, 295; pope
decides against, on appeal about
visitations, 295; tries to influence
pope in his favour on visitation dis-
putes, 296; Cardinal Hugo appointed
to investigate his debts, 297; returns
to England, 311; excommunicates
brawlers, 312-313; summons prelates
to Canterbury, 373; directed by pope
to support Henry against barons, 392.
Bonsignori, Rolando, Roman merchant,

Boulogne: Ottoboni at, 403; papal
legate at, 397, 398.

Bouquer, William, king's agent in Rome,


Bourges archbp. of, at Council of, 99;
Council of, 98.

Boxley, abbot of, deputed to settle dis-

pute between St. Edmund and Can-
terbury about revenues, 148.
Braibroc, Henry de, imprisoned, 79.
Breauté, Falkes de: had care of royal
castles, 74; summoned to Dunstable,
79; rebellion of, 79; pope intervenes
in behalf of, 80, 104; besieged by
king, 80; Otho's mission suspected to
be to intercede for, 90; and King
John, 105; William de, hanged by
Henry III, 80.

Bristol: council at, presided over by

Gualo, 30; royal Christmas at, 32.
Buckden: Grosseteste taken ill at, 340.
Bull, John, monk of St. Alban's, pleads

cause of, at Lyons, 273.

Burgh, Hubert de: justiciar, 45, 74; and
bp. of Winchester, relations between,
45, and note; ordered by Pandulph to
meet Llewellyn at Worcester, 47;
meets Pandulph at Windsor, 47;
ordered by Pandulph to release sheriff
of York, 48; seeks decision of Rome
in marriage case, 69; discontent of
nobles with, 75; writes to the pope,
76; king relies on his help, 76; draws
picture of misery of nation, 84;

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