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and derives it from a root apú (5), "to be united, joined" (otherwise JENSEN, Z.A., VIII, 85, note 1: borrowed from Sumerian šú-tab, compare tappû from Sumer. tab). I am able to add to these corresponding words a third, viz., the Ethiopic 4:, sûtûf, "socius, consort," thta:, "societatem inire," which belong to the oldest stock of Ethiopic words. Therefore, the word must have been carried in very ancient times by Arab tradesmen from Babylonia to the eastern and southern Arabs, from whom it passed to the Ethiopians.

b. Another old borrowing from Babylonia seems to me the well-known Arabic word for "colour," "form," "exterior habit,"

, laun; it comes from the Babylonian word lânu, “form,” "appearance," "shape," "statue," which latter itself is borrowed from the Sumerian alan (Neo-Sumerian alam), "statue," "image."

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In the other Semitic languages lânu, has no correspondents, which is the best confirmation of its character as a borrowed word.


§ 12a. In several Babylonian texts of the oldest period we find a town-ki, e.g., in an inscription of Ur-Ghanna, published by E. DE SARZEC ("Revue d'Assyr.," II, 4. p. 147), col. 37: mu-rù, "the town A-idinna he has built." Since a-idinna ("water for the desert") is explained by the Assyrian lexicographical tablets with the Semitic word nâdu, "leather bag" (Heb. 7), I read the name of this town, which reminds us of the name of Sippar, Ud-kib-nun-Idinna (WARD, "Hebraica," II, 85, LEHMANN, "Samas-sum-ukin" II, 38), simply Nâdu, the Heb. 73 of Gen. iv, 16, "Cain dwelt in the land of Nod, in the east of (or better before) Eden (Idinna !)" I think it not impossible too, that the writing of Agadi (Akkad), ||

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, is only a later A-ga-di(-ki), which resembles.

A-idinna-ki or Nâdu of

the south Babylonian inscriptions. Indeed, Agadi was nearly the

same as Sippar (the one Sippar of Anunit and the other Sippar of the Sun-god).

b. In Gen. iv, 17, we read the name of another town, Khanôk, as built by Cain for his son Khanôk (" and he builded a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Khanok "). If I am right in reading the name E, (the old ideograph of Ninu'a) as Ghanna-ki,* it seems very plausible to identify this name with the name of the Biblical town in Gen. iv, 17.



In my Paper on the Karian and Lydian inscriptions, which was published in the Proceedings for January 8, 1895, I stated that I had been unable to revise my copy of the text I discovered three years ago north of Silsilis, the boulder upon which it was scratched having been utilised for the support of a telegraph-post. Last winter, however, I found that the post had been moved to another piece of rock, and though the bed of stones in which it had been planted had done some injury to the Karian text underneath them, it was still very legible in the morning light. Accordingly I now give a facsimile of it, which corrects my first copy in one or two points. The alphabet employed in the inscription is not the usual Karian one, but some local variety of it, of which we have no other example. On that account I refrain from giving a transliteration of it.


* ==], (“house,”) with inscribed (= gan), as phonetic indicator ; GUDEA,

Cyl. A, 4. 4, we read

of the goddess

E- -na, i.e., gan-na. A later form of the name (Istar of Niniveh) is ✈ EY, i.e., ghul-la.




Le Musée égyptien du Louvre possède (Salle civile, vitrine I) une coudée royale de 525 millimètres portant les désignations hiéroglyphiques de ses différentes parties, avec les seize subdivisions du doigt. Ce petit monument a plusieurs fois attiré l'attention des savants, et la partie métrologique en a été publiée notamment par M. C. Rodenbach dans un mémoire spécial sur la coudée (Bruxelles, 1883). Les autres légendes concernant le personnage à qui elle appartenait sont inédites. Les voici :

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"Le porte-chasse-mouches du roi à (sa) droite, scribe royal, intendant du trésor du maître de la terre, Maia. Il dit: O prophètes,

prêtres, Kher-heb de ce temple! Les dieux de votre ville écouteront* toutes vos prières, vous transmettrez vos dignités après la vieillesse accomplie selon que vous proclamerez mon nom en me traitant comme un favori de son maître, porte-chasse-mouches du roi à (sa) droite, compagnon des jambes du maître de la terre, qui ne s'est éloigné du Pharaon en aucun lieu où il est allé, apparaissant derrière le groupe des Smer† pour entendre ce qui sort de la bouche du roi, (cela étant-) par la grandeur de la bienveillance du roi pour la personne du royal scribe, ami de la Vérité, intendant du trésor du maître de la terre, Maia dont la parole est vérité."

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pour qu'il accorde que mon existence soit prospère pour servir sa personne, que mon nom soit affermi dans l'intérieur de sa demeure, (cela) pour la personne du grand favori du Pharaon qui marche sur les pas du roi et comble les désirs§ de ceux de l'intérieur de son palais, le royal scribe, intendant du trésor du maître de la terre, Maia."

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depuis longtemps signalé par M. Erman (Neuaegypt. grammatik, p. 215).

† Litteralement derrière les Smer réunis. Cette lacune cache l'invocation à un dieu.

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Members having duplicate copies, will confer a favour by presenting them to the Society.

ALKER, E., Die Chronologie der Bucher der Könige und Paralipomenon im Einklang mit der Chronologie der Aegypter, Assyrer, Babylonier und Meder. AMÉLINEAU, Histoire du Patriarche Copte Isaac.

Contes de l'Égypte Chrétienne.

La Morale Egyptienne quinze siècles avant notre ère. AMIAUD, La Légende Syriaque de Saint Alexis, l'homme de Dieu.

A., AND L. MECHINEAU, Tableau Comparé des Écritures Babyloniennes et Assyriennes.

Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. 2 parts. BAETHGEN, Beitrage zur Semitischen Religiongeshichte. Der Gott Israels und die Götter der Heiden.

BLASS, A. F., Eudoxi ars Astronomica qualis in Charta Aegyptiaca superest. BOTTA, Monuments de Ninive. 5 vcls., folio. 1847-1850.

BRUGSCH-BEY, Geographische Inschriften Altaegyptische Denkmaeler. Vols. I-III (Brugsch).

Recueil de Monuments Égyptiens, copiés sur lieux et publiés par

H. Brugsch et J. Dümichen. (4 vols., and the text by Dümichen of vols. 3 and 4.)

BUDINGER, M., De Colonarium quarundam Phoeniciarum primordiis cum Hebraeorum exodo conjunctis.

BURCKHARDT, Eastern Travels.

CASSEL, PAULUS, Zophnet Paneach Aegyptische Deutungen.
CHABAS, Mélanges Egyptologiques. Séries I, III. 1862-1873.

DÜMICHEN, Historische Inschriften, &c., Ist series, 1867.

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Études Égyptologiques. 13 vols., complete to 1880.

GAYET, E., Stèles de la XII dynastie au Musée du Louvre.
GOLÉNISCHEFF, Die Metternichstele. Folio, 1877.

Vingt-quatre Tablettes Cappadociennes de la Collection de.

HAUPT, Die Sumerischen Familiengesetze.

HESS, Der Gnostische Papyrus von London.

"Dibbarra" Epic.

HOMMEL, Dr., Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. 1892.
JASTROW, M., A Fragment of the Babylonian
JENSEN, Die Kosmologie der Babylonier.

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