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In Memory of "Barry Cornwall"
A. Č. Swinburne 3413
In Memory of Walter Savage

.A. C. Swinburne 3391
.D. M. M. Craik 1551
Thomas Hastings 3558

In Our Boat.
In Sorrow..
In the Children's Hospital

Alfred Tennyson 278
"In the Cool of the Evening'

Alfred Noyes 1276
"In the Cross of Christ I Glory"
John Bowring 3552
In the Dark. .:George Arnold 3276
"In the Dark, in the Dew"

Mary N. Prescott 630
"In the Days of Old.... Peacock 473
In the Fall o' Year, T. S. Jones, Jr. 1103
In the Highlands..R. L.Stevenson 1627
In the Hospital, M. W. Howiand 3249
In the Twilight...J. R. Lowell 432
Inchcape Rock, The....Southey 1571
Incident of the French Camp

Robert Browning 2382
Inclusions.. .E. B. Browning 852
Incognita.. ....Austin Dobson 1719
Indian Burying-ground, The

Philip Freneau 3226
Indian Names.. L. H. Sigourney 2473
Indian Summer.. .Dickinson 1329
Beaumont 784
Richard Realf 2758

Indifferent, The.

William Blake


Infant Joy..
Ingle-side, The. Hew Ainslee 3041
Ingrateful Beauty Threatened

Inner Light, The

Thomas Carew 788

F. W. H. Myers 3484
Inner Vision, The... Wordsworth 2906
Inscription in a Hermitage

Thomas Warton 1594
Inspiration, "If with light head
erect I sing"...H. D. Thoreau 2821
Inspiration, "Life of Ages, richly
poured" Samuel Johnson 2833
Integer Vitæ, "Integer vitæ
scelerisque purus". Horace 3578
Integer Vitæ, "The man of life

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Jabberwocky. Lewis Carroll 1991
Jack and Jill.
Unknown 37
Jack and Joan, Thomas Campion 737
Jack Frost. Gabriel Setoun 143
Jackdaw, The...William Cowper 1492
Jackdaw of Rheims, The, Barham 2073
.Leigh Hunt 2865
Jam-pot, The.. Rudyard Kipling 1871
Jane and Eliza. ...Ann Taylor 103
Jane Smith.... Rudyard Kipling 1858
Janette's Hair. .C. G. Halpine 1084
Jeanie Morrison Motherwell 935
"Jenny Kissed Me".. Leigh Hunt 661
"Jenny wi' the Airn Teeth"
Alexander Anderson
Jerry an' Me.. Hiram Rich 1185
"Jerusalem the Golden," Massey 3445
T. E. Brown 867
Jessie, the Flower o' Dunblane
Robert Tannahill 526
.Field 207


Jest 'fore Christmas.
'Jesus, Lover of My Soul"
Charles Wesley 3541
Jesus the Carpenter... Liddell 3518
Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle
John Hay 3139
Jock of Hazeldean... Walter Scott 756
"Jog on, Jog on". ..Shakespeare 2838
John Anderson.... Robert Burns 1190
'John Anderson, My Jo"

Jolly Good Ale and Old," Still 1922
Jolly Jack.....W. M. Thackeray 1779
Jolly Old Pedagogue, The

upright". Thomas Campion 2780
C. G. Blanden 3332
Inter Sodales.. .W. E. Henley 1918 John Barleycorn... Robert Burns 1932
Interlude, An, A. C. Swinburne 830 John Burns of Gettysburg, Harte 2440
Into the Twilight...W. B. Yeats 2745 John Grumlie......Cunningham 2050
Into the World and Out...Piatt 25
W. E. Henley 3280
Invitation, An. Unknown 1918
Io Victis.
W. W. Story 2803
Ireland, "Ireland, oh Ireland!
center of my longings," Gwynne 2194
Ireland, Thy sorrow, and the

sorrow of the sea"....Johnson 2181
Irish Astronomy, C. G. Halpine 1898
Irish Love-Song, An....Johnson 715
Irish Lullaby, An...A. P. Graves 84
Irish Molly O.. Unknown 919
Irish Wife, The..T. D'A. McGee 1173
Irishman and the Lady, The

William Maginn 1896
Isle of the Long Ago, The, Taylor 399
Isles of Greece, The.. Lord Byron 2519
.E. A. Poe 2898
"It Cannot Be"...D. B. Sickles 3466
"It is a Beautious Evening, Calm
and Free".
Wordsworth 1274

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George Arnold 1688
Journey Onwards, The... Moore 3162
Jovial Beggar, The...
Unknown 155
Joy-Month.. .D. A. Wasson 1533
Joyful Wisdom, The....Patmore 2813
Joys of the Road, The..Carman 1646
Juggling Jerry..George Meredith 3114
Jumblies, The.. Edward Lear 1982
June, "I gazed upon the glorious
W. C. Bryant 3243

June, "Over his keys the musing

.J. R. Lowell 1323
June, "When the bubble moon is
H. S. Morris 1325
"Just as I Am"..Charlotte Elliott 3550
"Just for To-day"...Wilberforce 3558
"Justine, You Love Me Not"
1. G. Saxe 833

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Joseph Ashby-Sterry
Kings, The.. ...L. I. Guiney 2807
King's Ballad, The, Joyce Kilmer 1095
King's Highway, The, "All in

the golden weather, forth let
us ride today," J. S. McGroarty 1637
King's Highway, The, "I'll wake
and watch this autumn night"

Kinmont Willie..
Kiss, The..

H. W. Preston 3429

Unknown 2601
Ben Jonson


J. F. Waller




Kissing's no Sin.
Kitty Neil.
Kitty of Coleraine....Unknown 729
Kubla Khan.

A. C. Benson 1443
.Frederic Manning 1338
.S. T. Coleridge 2974
..John Payne 2732


La Belle Dame sans Merci, Keats 985
La Grisette. O. W. Holmes 889
Labor and Love.. Edmund Gosse 2786
Lachrimæ Musarum..... Watson 3425
Lad that is Gone, A..Stevenson 420
K. L. Bates 1763
Ladies of St. James's, The, Dobson 1713
Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament

Unknown 1019

Lady Clara Vere de Vere

Alfred Tennyson 813
Lady Clare....Alfred Tennyson 2637
Lady Mary.. Henry Alford 3323
Lady of Shalott, The.. Tennyson 3002
Lady Poverty, The, "I met her

on the Umbrian Hills," Fischer 2801
Lady Poverty, The, "The Lady
Poverty was fair". .Meynell 2801
Lady's "Yes," The.... Browning 610
Laird o' Cockpen, The

Nairne-Ferrier 2045
Lake Isle of Innisfree, The, Yeats 1588
John Milton 2957
Lamb, The......William Blake 46
Lament, A...Chidiock Tichborne 381

"Land Which
Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers
F. D. Hemans 2315
Langley Lane.. Robert Buchanan 3177
"Langsyne, when Life was Bon-
.Alexander Anderson 429
Larrie O'Dee.... W. W. Fink 1895
Lass o' Gowrie, The.....Nairne 743
Lass of Lochroyan, The Unknown 2556
Lass of Richmond Hill, The


James Upton 594
Last Buccaneer, The, "Oh, Eng-
land is a pleasant place for
them that's rich and high"
Charles Kingsley 1584
Last Buccaneer, The, "The
winds were yelling, the waves

were swelling," T. B. Macaulay 1585
Last Camp-fire, The, S. M. Hall 3257
Last Hour, The...Ethel Clifford 1257
Last Hunt, The...W. R. Thayer 2713
Last Invocation, The, Whitman 3274
Last Leaf, The....O. W. Holmes 1683
Last Lines.
.Emily Brontë 3266
Last Memory, The.. .Symons 908
Last Night.. George Darley 934
Last Redoubt, The. .Austin 2457
Last Ride Together, The

Robert Browning 857
Last Sonnet.
John Keats 3269
Last Verses.
Motherwell 3276
Last Word, The, "Creep into thy
narrow bed" Matthew Arnold 2802
Last Word, The, "When I have
folded up this tent," Knowles 653
"Late Lark Twitters from the
Quiet Skies, A," W. E. Henley 3281
Late Leaves. W. S. Landor 386
Late Wisdom. .George Crabbe 383
Lauriger Horatius, "Laurel-

crowned Horatius"..Symonds 2776
Lauriger Horatius, "Lauriger
Unknown 3581
Laus Infantium.. William Canton 241
Laus Mortis. ...F. L. Knowles 3267
Laus Veneris.. ..L. C. Moulton 893
Lay of Ancient Rome.... Ybarra 1976
Lay of the Levite, The..Aytoun 1955
Leadsman's Song, The, Unknown 1586
L'Eau Dormante..T. B. Aldrich 713
Leave-Taking, A.. Swinburne 623
Leetla Boy, Da...
T. A. Daly 292
Left Behind.....Elizabeth Akers 1002


Legend of Heinz von Stein, The
C. G. Leland 1960
Legend of the Northland. . Cary 135
L'Envoi, "When Earth's last
picture is painted, and the
tubes are twisted and dried"
Rudyard Kipling 3284
L'Envoi, "Where are the loves
that we loved before," Cather 3217
Leonidas.. ..George Croly 2273
Les Amours. Charles Cotton 803
Lesson of the Water-Mill, The
Sarah Doudney 2797

Lessons from the Gorse


E. B. Browning 1438
"Let Dogs Delight to Bark and
Isaac Watts
"Let Me Enjoy," Thomas Hardy 2733
"Let the Toast Pass"..Sheridan 1931
Letter of Advice, A...
Praed 1739
Letters, The. .Alfred Tennyson 1143
.D. M. M. Craik 1174
Letty's Globe.
C. T. Turner 253
Lie, The..
Walter Raleigh 3235
Lied, "Ins stille Land".. Seewis 3582
Life, "I made a posy, while the

day ran by"...George Herbert 2798
Life, "Life! I know not what thou
.A. L. Barbauld 3271
Life, "We are born; we laugh; we
B. W. Procter 2746
Life, "When I consider Life and
its few years" L. W. Reese
Life in a Love.. Robert Browning
Life-Lesson, A. ...J. W. Riley
"Life on the Ocean Wave, A
Epes Sargent
Light of Other Days, The, Moore
Light Shining out of Darkness

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Little Gentleman, The, Unknown
Little Ghost, The. Tynan 288
Little Ghosts, The, T. Jones, Jr. 418
Little Giffen. .F. O. Ticknor 2248
Little Gustava.. Celia Thaxter 146
Little Hands... Laurence Binyon
Little Orphant Annie. Riley 161
Little Parable, A, A. R. Aldrich 3248
Little Red Lark, The.. .Graves 687
Little Things. J. F. Curney




"Little While I Fain would Lin-
ger Yet, A"
.P. H. Hayne 875
Little White Lily..
Little Wild Baby, M. T. Janvier 1017
"Little Work, A"...du Maurier 2779
Living Waters, Caroline Spencer 3511
Lobster and the Maid, The

F. E. Weatherly 2003
Lochaber no More, Allan Ramsay 920
Walter Scott 754
Locksley Hall.. Alfred Tennyson 3097
Long, Long Ago, "Old friend of
mine, you were dear to my
Gerald Massey 2860
Long, Long Ago, "Tell me the
tales which to me were so dear"
T. H. Bayly 848
"Long Time a Child," Coleridge 388
Long White Seam, The, Ingelow 1567
Matthew Arnold 947




Lord Lovel.


Lord Randal.

William Cowper 3546
Light Woman, A. Browning 1011
"Like a Laverock in the Lift"
Jean Ingelow 1166
Alfred Tennyson 612
Lincoln, the Man of the People
Edwin Markham 3405
Lines, "In the merry hay-time

we raked side by side," Paul 1074
Lines, "Love within the lover's

breast........George Meredith 1119
Lines Composed a Few Miles

Above Tintern Abbey, on Re-
visiting the Banks of the Wye,
During a Tour, July 13, 1798

William Wordsworth 2478
Lines on The Mermaid Tavern
John Keats 1921
Lines to an Indian Air, Shelley 676
Lines Written in Early Spring

William Wordsworth 1292
Lion and the Cub, The....Gay 1784
Lion and the Mouse, The, Taylor 112
Lips and Eyes... Middleton 656
Little Alabama Coon.. Starr 88
Little and Great, Charles Mackay 2793
Little Beach-Bird, The....Dana 1474
Little Bell....Thomas Westwood 247
Little Billee...W. M. Thackeray 2072
Little Black Boy, The..... Blake 148
Little Bo-Peep.. ..Unknown 37
Little Boy Blue...Eugene Field 284
Little Breeches.. John Hay 3141

Unknown 2609
Unknown 2577

Lord Ullin's Daughter, Campbell 2629
Loss of the Birkenhead, The

F. H. Doyle 2405
Lost but Found, Horatius Bonar 3507
Lost Chord, A.....A. A. Procter 3190
Lost Colors, The..E. S. P. Ward 2397
Lost Leader, The. Browning 1768
Lost Light.
.Elizabeth Akers 990
Lost Love. :Andrew Lang 829
Lost Mistress, The.... Browning 826
Lost Sheep, The, E. C. Clephane 3506
Lotos-Eaters, The... .Tennyson 2992
"Loudoun's Bonnie Woods and
Braes" Robert Tannahill
Love, "All thoughts, all pas-
sions, all delights"...Coleridge 1139
Love, "Love bade me welcome;
yet my soul drew back"


George Herbert 3472

Love Among the Ruins

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Robert Browning 1120
Love and Age.. T. L. Peacock 762
Love and Death, "Alas! that
men must see
Deland 3346
Love and Death, "In the wild
autumn weather, when the rain
was on the sea... Mulholland 1076
Love and Life, "All my past life

is mine no more," John Wilmot 589
Love and Life, "Give me a
fillet, Love,' quoth I"

J. M. Lippman 904
Love at Sea....A. C. Swinburne 1125
"Love Came Back at Fall o'
..L. W. Reese 996

Index of Titles

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Lullaby, A, "Upcn my lap my
sovereign sits". Rowlands
Lullaby, "Rockaby, lullaby, bees
in the clover". .J. G. Holland
Lullaby, "Sweet and low, sweet
and low" Alfred Tennyson
"Lullaby, O Lullaby," Bennett
Lullaby of an Infant Chief, Scott 78
John Milton 3297
"Lydia is Gone this Many a
.L. W. Reese 1098
Lyke-Wake Dirge, A..Unknown 2548
Lyric, A, "There's nae lark loves
the lift, my dear".. Swinburne 624
Lyric, "You would have under-
stood me, had you waited"
Ernest Dowson 1092


Mabel, in New Hampshire, Fields 765
Madonna Mia, A. C. Swinburne 547
Madrigal, "My Love in her attire
doth show her wit".. Unknown 504
Mæsia's Song from "Farewell to
Robert Greene 2839
Magic Mirror, The, H. M. Alden 2741
Mahogany Tree, The, Thackeray 1940
"Maid of Athens, ere we Part"
Lord Bryon 931
Maid of Neidpath, The....Scott 1031
Maiden and the Lily, The, Fraser 1812
Maiden Eyes.
Gerald Griffin 6c9
Maidenhood, H. W. Longfellow 313
Maiden's Idea of a Husband, A
Henry Carey 696
Maid's Lament, The.....Landor 1049
Maine Trail, A, G. H. McGiffert 1633
Make Believe.. Alice Cary 665
Maltworm's Madrigal, The
Austin Dobson 1947
.Henry Vaughan 355
Man and the Ascidian. .Lang 1827
Man in the Moon, The....Riley 160
Man with the Hoe, The

Edwin Markham 2893
Man With the Hoe, a Reply, The
J. V. Cheney 2895
Mandalay.. Rudyard Kipling 2532
Mannahatta.....Walt Whitman 2474
Man's Mortality, Simon Wastell 3193
March, "Blossom on the plum"
Nora Hopper 1307
March, "Slayer of winter, art
thou here again" . Morris 1306
Marching Along, Robert Browning 2211
Marco Bozzaris.
Halleck 2386
Margaret and Dora....Campbell 526
Margaret to Dolcino...Kingsley 1181
Marian... .George Meredith 544
Marian Drury.. Bliss Carman 978
Mariana.... Alfred Tennyson 853
Mariner's Dream, The, Dimond 1569
Maritæ Suæ....William Philpot 1059
Marlow Madrigal, A

Ashby-Sterry 2501
Marquis of Carabas, The, Brough 1775
Marriage and the Care o't

Robert Lochore 722
Marriage Charm, A, Nora Hopper 1165
Married Lover, The.... Patmore 1178
Marseillaise, La, "Allons, enfants

de la Patrie"..Rouget de Lisle 3586


Marseillaise, The, "Ye sons of
freedom, wake to glory," after
Rouget de Lisle 2199
Marshes of Glynn, The, Lanier 1382
Mary Beaton's Song from

"Chastelard," A. C. Swinburne 1126
Mary Morison..... Robert Burns 671
Mary Queen of Scots....Turner 3412
Maryland Battalion, The, Palmer 2362
Maryland Yellow-throat, The

Henry Van Dyke 1495
Mary's Lamb
Unknown 38
Masquerade.. Olive Custance 2742
Master, The.. ..E. A. Robinson 3406
Masters, The.. .Laurence Hope 2805
Master's Touch, The..... Bonar 3471
Match, A......A. C. Swinburne 619
Mater Dolorosa.
Barnes 287


Matin Song, "Pack, clouds, away,
and welcome, day"..Heywood 670
Matin Song, "Rise, Lady Mis-
tress, rise"....Nathaniel Field
Maud Muller.....J. G. Whittier 885
Maureen... John Todhunter 625
May, "Come walk with me along
this willowed lane," Cornwell 1318
May, "May! queen of blossoms

Edward Hovell-Thurlow 1317
May Burden, A..... Thompson 1314
May Margaret, T. J. H. Marzials IIII
May-Music. .....R. A. Taylor 1116
Mayflower, The..E. W. Ellsworth 2317
Meadows in Spring, The




Edward Fitzgerald 1304
Means to Attain a Happy Life,
Henry Howard 2839
Meddlesome Matty..Ann Taylor 104
Mediocrity in Love Rejected
Thomas Carew
"Meet we no Angels, Pansie❞
Thomas Ashe
Meeting, "My Damon was the
first to wake"...George Crabbe
Meeting, "They made the cham-
ber sweet with flowers and
leaves".. .Christina Rossetti 1223
Meeting at Night..... Browning 1123
John Fletcher 3151
Memorabilia... Robert Browning 3423
Memorial Verses, Matthew Arnold 3436
Memories. Arthur Stringer 1099
Memory, Marina's gone, and
now sit I".
William Browne 911
Memory, A, "The Night walked
down the sky"..F. L. Knowles 1118
Memory of the Dead, The


J.K. Ingram 2190
Men Behind the Guns, The

J. J. Rooney 2225
Men of Old, The.. R. M. Milnes 2808
Mendicants, The.. Bliss Carman 1644
Message, The, "Send home my
long-strayed eyes to me
John Donne
Message, The, "Ye little birds

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that sit and sing" ...Heywood 576
Messmates.. Henry Newbolt 1583
Metrical Feet....S. T. Coleridge 2925
Middle Age.. .R. C. Lehmann
"Midges Dance aboon the Burn,
Mid-rapture.. .D. G. Rossetti 1220


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Miracle of the Dawn, The

Madison Cawein 1268
Misadventures at Margate

R. H. Barham 2052
Miss Nancy's Gown.......Cocke 1730
Missive, The..... Edmund Gosse 644
Mr. Molony's Account of the
W. M. Thackeray 1902
Mr. Nobody
Unknown 152
Mistletoe Bough, The.... Bayly 2648
Mrs. Judge Jenkins.. Bret Harte 1882
Mrs. Smith..F. Locker-Lampson 1675
Mitherless Bairn, The.....Thom 269
"Moan, Moan, Ye Dying Gales'

Henry Neele 3153
Modern Beauty.. Arthur Symons 984
Modern Hiawatha, The Unknown 1884
Modern Love, Stanzas I, II, III,
XLIX, L.. George Meredith 1228
Modest Wit, A...Selleck Osborn 1777
Moggy and Me..
Mon-goos, The.
Moods, The.

James Hogg 1193

.E. M. Thomas 1445
Oliver Herford 2015
.C. F. Hoffman 2403

.F. S. Davis 2918


"Moon, so Round and Yellow"
Matthias Barr
Moral in Sevres, A......Howells 1735
Matthew Arnold 3170
More Limericks

Rudyard Kipling, et al. 2021
E. C. Stedman 2332
Morning....William D'Avenant 669
Morning-glory, The, "Was it
worth while to paint so fair"
F. E. Coates 1446
Morning-glory, The, "We
wreathed about our darling's
Maria Lowell 298
Mors et Vita. Samuel Waddington 3210
Morte D'Arthur..... .Tennyson 2995
Mortifying Mistake, A..... Pratt 158
Mosquito Triolet, A...Anderson 2017
Moss-rose, The... Henry Newbolt 3322
Most High Love Ernest Dowson 899
Mother and Poet.... Browning 3327
Mother England. .E. M. Thomas 2158
Mother Goose's Melodies

Unknown 29

Robert Tannahill 1606 "Mother, Home, Heaven"

W. G. Brown 3046

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